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I'm a old Ren Vet and love the way this game has turned out, a true labour of love.

Anyway about mines.

Was playing GDI on walls and mined our base tunnel with 5 in the middle of the tunnel. About a minute later I see 3 nod run out of the tunnel towards our Bar.

So I'm thinking

Mines dont work like old Ren because they would of killed someone as its just too narrow in that tunnel to get past without setting them off.

And yes the mines were still there, I checked after the rush.

Anyone confirm this ?


What I bet happened is that they took turns taking damage from the mines on one side of the tunnel. Also when I play with buddies I'll take the damage of mines one by one while they repair me. which is fater than disarming them with regular engi.

What I bet happened is that they took turns taking damage from the mines on one side of the tunnel. Also when I play with buddies I'll take the damage of mines one by one while they repair me. which is fater than disarming them with regular engi.

it used to be that the mines were pretty much insta kill, if they went off, but that was changed

What I bet happened is that they took turns taking damage from the mines on one side of the tunnel. Also when I play with buddies I'll take the damage of mines one by one while they repair me. which is fater than disarming them with regular engi.

5 mines laid, 5 mines still there after they got passed.

So no the did not buddy a mine or 2 each


Their detection range, from just my memory of playing the original, is noticeably smaller in Renegade X. But I think they also do more damage... and dead bodies don't set them off like they did in the original.

  • Totem Arts Staff

From what I can tell, you can't jump over them, and their detection range seems roughly the same. The only difference I've noticed with mines, though not the mines themselves, is that there's no walk button in Ren-X. No walk button means you can't set off like 5 mines and still live.

As for all of your mines still being there... err, random bug? I'm pretty sure I've seen somebody run over my mines once without setting them off.


Mines in Renegade X have a much smaller trigger radius but deal has it's damage significantly increased. I'd rather have it the other way around because i now have to mine every tunnel with 'multiple layers' in order to prevent people from running past them without blowing up.


The radius was modeled after rens radius. It should be about the same. If not pls help us by providing footage showing the difference.

  • Totem Arts Staff
You can walk with Alt, actually.

You've officially change my life =D

Also, I see no difference in the detect radius. I feel like the tunnel entrance on Walls actually does seem slightly bigger on RenX than Ren. It's not much, but it seems just enough to be significant.


Make sure to mine the corners too on Walls, as people can walk on the rocks at the side and get inside the base that way too. Not just via the middle or the tunnel below it. They're the corners where in the Renegade version of the map you can do a three man wall hop to get inside the base. The rocks on the side have invisible ramps allowing you to get in the base at the location in the corner.

Make sure to mine the corners too on Walls, as people can walk on the rocks at the side and get inside the base that way too. Not just via the middle or the tunnel below it. They're the corners where in the Renegade version of the map you can do a three man wall hop to get inside the base. The rocks on the side have invisible ramps allowing you to get in the base at the location in the corner.

That's only for the GDI side though (meaning NOD has the advantage), and GDI are unable to do it on the NOD side.

Is there any reason that only NOD are able to take advantage of this? Or was it an accident to begin with? Personally I don't mind if it's kept in, provided the map is fixed to allow GDI this same advantage.

Make sure to mine the corners too on Walls, as people can walk on the rocks at the side and get inside the base that way too. Not just via the middle or the tunnel below it. They're the corners where in the Renegade version of the map you can do a three man wall hop to get inside the base. The rocks on the side have invisible ramps allowing you to get in the base at the location in the corner.

That's only for the GDI side though (meaning NOD has the advantage), and GDI are unable to do it on the NOD side.

Is there any reason that only NOD are able to take advantage of this? Or was it an accident to begin with? Personally I don't mind if it's kept in, provided the map is fixed to allow GDI this same advantage.

This is a mapbug and will be fixed in the upcomming patch.


Personally, I think everyone should be allowed to lay, say, 3 mines each. The way it's set up now means people will use up other peoples mines when setting their own, whever they know it or not, and more often it's probably not.


Lets do some testing.

A mine does 80 damage + burn (one mine did 89 total damage).

4 mines will leave a sakura at 41 health.

5 mines will safely kill absolutely any characters.

Posted (edited)

3 mines kill basic infantry so 4 should be enough now, except for $1000 characters. The trigger radius is about 50% lower than in Renegade but the damage is about 1.5 times higher and you can't hug the wall to take almost no damage from Proxy mines, unlike in Renegade.

Has anyone tried mining above the doors btw? I was playing around with writing a plugin for the Dragonade server side mod system for Renegade and I wrote a simple mod which lowers the vertical (Z-height) trigger range of Proximity mines, and this fixed mining above doors because the mines no longer trigger. I wonder if in Renegade X the mines still trigger if you mine above the door.

Edited by Guest

Could it be you get less damage when sprinting in? I've had it numerous times now where I just sprinted in a door, going left straight ahead and surviving with 20'ish HP.


They are programmed to do much less damage when you trigger them without beeing directly in its line of sight by hugging the wall. Just like in ren. Did nobody try this yet or why is nobody talking about that ? They also do less damage when you trigger them from further away, so walking into them is better then running into them.


Walls are about 3 three times as thick as in Renegade and the Proximity mine radius is a lot smaller. You can place mines in the middle of a door just fine without them all blowing up at once or people exploiting the wall to take less damage.

Walls are about 3 three times as thick as in Renegade and the Proximity mine radius is a lot smaller. You can place mines in the middle of a door just fine without them all blowing up at once or people exploiting the wall to take less damage.

They do explode while hugging the wall, but their trigger radius has decreased (i've done some testing and it's only slightly smaller then in C&C Renegade, yet that small diffrence makes a big impact though).

Also, iran, i have tried mining the top of the door before. They will explode. But placing them has become a lot more difficult, because sometimes they don't stick into the wall, but the top of your mines sometimes stick to the top edge of the door like if it hovers in the air.


Had the Noddies maybe deployed their own mines after they defused 2 or 3 of yours?

For the side of GDI, the best mining issue is:

* If you have got $350, buy a Hotty imemdiately!! You are faster with 2 Hotties.

* Deploy 9 mines into tunnels, DONT use the left and right wing but only that one way

* Deploy the rest of the mines at the base entrance


Once your base is mined as I mentioned above, no SBH is able to enter your base. You don't have to take a look on your whole base but only on 2 spots which are next to each other, too!! One or 2 Hotties should insta control these mines, well, that is your job or you lose. One Havok could defend the tunnels, so only 1 Hotty might be enough to control all 30 mines.

Nod could mine their structures on Walls since GDI doesn't have SBHs...

Now, IMO, the Mines' damage is nicely increased in RenX. They do great damage to vehicles, not like in the original Renegade. An APC was able to clear out all enemy mines and SBHs had a free entry. Here, such an APC will be destroyed, especially if a MED Tank or a cheap MRLS keeps an eye out.

About your issue again, a screenshot would be appreciated, so I could tell if they were able to jump around a corner without triggering mines, or if they fooled you with their own mines.

They are programmed to do much less damage when you trigger them without beeing directly in its line of sight by hugging the wall. Just like in ren. Did nobody try this yet or why is nobody talking about that ? They also do less damage when you trigger them from further away, so walking into them is better then running into them.

That doesn't work like renegade, then. Triggering them from any distance, so long as they explode, will do the same amount of damage no matter how far you are from the mine. The only exception is with the collision of a wall.

Make sure to mine the corners too on Walls, as people can walk on the rocks at the side and get inside the base that way too. Not just via the middle or the tunnel below it. They're the corners where in the Renegade version of the map you can do a three man wall hop to get inside the base. The rocks on the side have invisible ramps allowing you to get in the base at the location in the corner.

That's only for the GDI side though (meaning NOD has the advantage), and GDI are unable to do it on the NOD side.

Is there any reason that only NOD are able to take advantage of this? Or was it an accident to begin with? Personally I don't mind if it's kept in, provided the map is fixed to allow GDI this same advantage.

I like the idea that infantry can do it. I hate how it isn't obvious, how Nod can do it only to GDI's base, and how it seems like the devs somehow didn't find it out.

So either make it an obvious rock outcrop which can be transversed and is somewhat obvious, or make the flat invisible wall vertically block it. Right now, the invisible wall forms an obvious and smooth ramp on the sides of the GDI Walls Base, even when the rock looks nothing like the invisible wall.

They are programmed to do much less damage when you trigger them without beeing directly in its line of sight by hugging the wall. Just like in ren. Did nobody try this yet or why is nobody talking about that ? They also do less damage when you trigger them from further away, so walking into them is better then running into them.

That doesn't work like renegade, then. Triggering them from any distance, so long as they explode, will do the same amount of damage no matter how far you are from the mine. The only exception is with the collision of a wall.

No that isent true. I just tested it again to make sure that its still working and it does. Mines do significantly less damage when you trigger them from further away. But theres one thing you probably didnt take into account yet: You really have to approach them carefully as they only check for enemys arround them every 0.4 secs. That way to really take as little damage as possible you have to walk towards them while also stopping from time to time. And mines will do two types of damage: Direct line of sight damage (30 damage points) and radius/splash damage (based on distance to the mine). If you trigger them within the radius without a direct line of sight from them to your player you will only receive the radius damage (so 30 damage less).


HaTe was talking about how mines function in Renegade. In Renegade the mines "check for enemies" every server frame, every 16.66 ms on a 60 SFPS server.


^ I'm saying that if how you (rype) explained it works is the way it works in Renegade X, then it isn't the same as it works in Renegade; as you said it was.

Mines do the same damage no matter the distance, as long as you set it off - in Renegade. Whether you are 3 meters or land on top of it, it's going to do almost the exact same damage (landing on top of it can actually do a tad bit less, as the complete splash damage is not entirely calculated in this case).


Ah ok sry i misunderstood you then. I thought they also did less damage in ren based on the radius as that seams more logical. Well ya so it is different in Ren-X then. Not really on purpose but it might be a bit more realistic then the mines always doing the same damage no matter what the radius. And this might be balanced by the fact that mines do a bit more base damage in general in Ren-X and more burn damage i think. But ya its hard to say i guess what is better than the other.


Mines in RenX do 60-85 damage depending on whether you are sprinting into them or slowly edge into their radius. Also mines in RenX seem to do less damage if stacked ontop of each other. Dunno if it's because proxies trigger nearby proxies as well or if it's just a quirk, but a SBH can easily survive 5 stacked proxies, though they'll be on the brink of death and un-stealthed. 4 stacked mines will leave a SBH with enough HP to stealth, while 4 mines spread out will either kill a SBH or wound them enough to unstealth.

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