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More than 125k Downloads and mostly positive critics and feedback by the so called specialized press and bloggers :cool:

Congratulations TotemArts!

Keep up the good work, follow your way ...

and bring us a new patch asap :P

Thank you


Wow 125k downloads already? My Red Alert 1 patch has about 200,000 downloads and it has been out for 18 months already!

You can really tell by the online player count just how popular the game is and how well the developers handled this first release and publicity campaign.


Even at launch there were never over 1000 concurrent players.

I don't believe download numbers accurately portray interest in the game. Not saying they're flubbed, but anyone could download this game and not play it, or just play it for 10 minutes and decide they hate it.

You have to look at things like Facebook likes and number of members who register on the forums. Those are better indicators of a game's actual fanbase.

200 players, I'll chock that up to this being a beta with some game-ruining bugs.

Upon actual release and possibly Steam or Origin release there should be numbers similar to Renegade at its prime, and I'd be perfectly happy with that.


it do show interest, not more ...

it shows that this game did clearly got some attention ...

it shows how many people at least tried it ...

it sure does not show how many actual players there are ...

it does not show how many people like the game

and still think 125k (counted) downloads are still very good for just 10 days!


i wonder how many people got the not having directx installed error and gave up lol. i stopped playing as well. uninstalled. i currently dont play any fps games but will probably jump on titanfall bandwagon. thatll no doubt last only a few days as well


Pretty sure the amount of downloads vs average amount of people playing speaks leaps and bounds about it being released wayyyyy too early.


Beta ... they needed feedback ... I believe they could not have waited too much longer ... and the Birthday was a perfect day to release

people will come and check it again


If their intent is an eventual Steam release then I don't think this beta release will hurt the game in the long run, as long as they fix the bugs and add in some nice quality of life features before then. It will absolutely get attention again if it's released on Steam. I have an official thread on NeoGAF with thousands of views which I'll be updating with each patch and release. And if it's a polished game by then, more people will stay. Everyone I've talked to who quit spoke highly of the concept but that it was the bugs that turned them off.

Even at launch there were never over 1000 concurrent players.

I don't believe download numbers accurately portray interest in the game. Not saying they're flubbed, but anyone could download this game and not play it, or just play it for 10 minutes and decide they hate it.

You have to look at things like Facebook likes and number of members who register on the forums. Those are better indicators of a game's actual fanbase.

200 players, I'll chock that up to this being a beta with some game-ruining bugs.

Upon actual release and possibly Steam or Origin release there should be numbers similar to Renegade at its prime, and I'd be perfectly happy with that.


At any given time, it's safe to assume that there are ≥ 200 players dispersed in the list of servers, give or take. Of course, today would be the exception due to the fact that it has dropped to about 150... In any case, I see Ren-X developing similar to the DayZ ARMA modification that turned standalone. Renegade-X is too significant for companies like PC Gamer Magazine not to report on. DayZ has a six page interview in the April 2014 PCG, among many others in previous editions. The Totem Arts team has a functioning build and solid architecture to improve upon and correct, not to mention the solid publicity that has already been generated. As Valor noted in the post above, once the game hits Origin / Steam (down on may hands and knees praying for the fucking latter) it will be smooth sailing. Really looking forward to the patch, gentlemen!

If their intent is an eventual Steam release then I don't think this beta release will hurt the game in the long run, as long as they fix the bugs and add in some nice quality of life features before then. It will absolutely get attention again if it's released on Steam. I have an official thread on NeoGAF with thousands of views which I'll be updating with each patch and release. And if it's a polished game by then, more people will stay. Everyone I've talked to who quit spoke highly of the concept but that it was the bugs that turned them off.

Exactly this. My friends, who didn't play C&C Renegade, actually loved playing Renegade X with me. But it was just small things, the lack of polish, that drove them to shrug and say, "oh it's fun, but not enough maps and too many small bugs."

Fair enough - I'm a big C&C Renegade fan, so I'm still playing. I hope to get them to come back as the patches keep coming.


and again, those numbers just show the interest and the PR success ... nothing more and nothing less

i think after the next patch a lot will come back to try ... and a significant amount will leave again but keep an eye on the project ...

i think renegade-x has a good future with a maybe small/medium, but decent, playerbase


There's 88 players on right now, still a lot of players. Stop being so negative and stop blaming the developers for everything.


Unfortunately his number was correct. If it wasn't right, it was too high. All during friday night the population never seemed to hit anywhere near a 100 (total, not just NA). Had trouble finding a full NA server, actually. I mostly played yesterday with EU folks. Its quite sad.

Basically if Jelly decides to go play old Renegade, Renegade X NA = dead.

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