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He did enjoy that options menu then ;).

Overall I found his criticism on the game fair. Not everything in the game is polished but you can't deny the effort TA have thrown in.

I can also tell he has been playing on marathon games a lot. Other wise he wouldn't have said that about the games dragging out.

I thought that too, I guess he hasn't experienced 8+ hour games of Under or Field on Renegade. Apart from that I found it a pretty good review.

I can also tell he has been playing on marathon games a lot. Other wise he wouldn't have said that about the games dragging out.

Marathon is how it should be played :)

His praises are fair, aswel as his criticism. IMO he has always been the best LP and critic on youtube. The video already has over 80k views wich is also good

Yeah i mostly share his views on games and so its great to see him do videos like this both for valuable feedback and for increase in the population of the community.

The C4 on the silo was great. :P

I almost died on myself when he did that, but i understand him because it do make sense to blow up the console in the sense that's what you do, maybe they should add a console with something that make sense to repair or just change the name in general of it.

He did enjoy that options menu then ;).

So many sliders, music and FOV sliders...

TotalBiscuit take a look at Renegade-X

Didn't that idiot think the new Thief was good?

Did you even watch it? Disagreement on one game != stupidity. He did a pretty fair job by Renegade X.
TotalBiscuit take a look at Renegade-X

Didn't that idiot think the new Thief was good?

I got the impression he just really wanted to like it because we haven't had a Thief game in awhile; he did note that there are obvious short comings in the game and some people would be disappointed with it.


i think its fair also ... except for some critics he has for things he does not understand yet ;)

like you have to wait for the owner to get in he apc b4 you can enter it

or the arcade style guns in an arcade shooter

but over all a fair review of the current beta

i think its fair also ... except for some critics he has for things he does not understand yet ;)

like you have to wait for the owner to get in he apc b4 you can enter it

or the arcade style guns in an arcade shooter

but over all a fair review of the current beta

For the former at least, he actually says correctly that you cannot enter a vehicle until either the owner gets in or the hijack timer expires. Says it here

i think its fair also ... except for some critics he has for things he does not understand yet ;)

like you have to wait for the owner to get in he apc b4 you can enter it

or the arcade style guns in an arcade shooter

but over all a fair review of the current beta

For the former at least, he actually says correctly that you cannot enter a vehicle until either the owner gets in or the hijack timer expires. Says it here

but he also claims that it is useless ... he says something like "whats the point of an apc if you can not get in"

so he makes it look like the apc is useless ...

again, over all he did a decent review

i think its fair also ... except for some critics he has for things he does not understand yet ;)

like you have to wait for the owner to get in he apc b4 you can enter it

or the arcade style guns in an arcade shooter

but over all a fair review of the current beta

For the former at least, he actually says correctly that you cannot enter a vehicle until either the owner gets in or the hijack timer expires. Says it here

but he also claims that it is useless ... he says something like "whats the point of an apc if you can not get in"

so he makes it look like the apc is useless ...

again, over all he did a decent review

Well you could allow people to enter the APC without being allowed to drive it when it spawns.

TotalBiscuit take a look at Renegade-X

Didn't that idiot think the new Thief was good?

Right, because someone liked something you didn't hes a idiot?

No, but TB in general has skewed views on games.

Here's his general formula:

Is the game free? It's a gem. No matter how bad it is, it's a free game and that makes it good. List all flaws, but make sure to be positive. Unless the game is utter shit like Big Rigs or something of the sort, TB won't say it's a bad game.

Of course, Renegade is a good game, but I bet you my guts he hates every bit of it. I just know him too well, he's like fish out of water in a game like Renegade (admittedly, most new people are, but not all of them hate the core mechanics nearly as much).

Is the game an indie game? Try to be positive as much as you can, but use price tag/game design quality ratio. TB is actually a decent indie game reviewer for this reason. If the ratio is too bad, the game is bad - he doesn't try to hide his feelings nearly as much as with free games. Nothing unusual here, he doesn't want to make indie gamers cry, that is of no benefit for him.

Is the game popular? Get extremely picky, try to be against general consensus. Bring up what nobody has brought up before and show it as a shining example of why everybody is a flaming idiot except you. Get a ton of "free minded" people to watch and like your video, because "free minded" people want to be different from those "sheep" liking/disliking games that are good/bad, "according to them."

I actually like that TB exists because he does do a good job stirring the pot, but if you want someone to tell you whether a game actually is or isn't worth getting, multiple better options come to mind.


I actually like that TB exists because he does do a good job stirring the pot, but if you want someone to tell you whether a game actually is or isn't worth getting, multiple better options come to mind.

Agree entirely, he himself has stated he does not review games but just gives first impressions, no one should use his work as a review. As par your other points he does come off as completely hipster sometimes; that being said It makes sense to me to judge actually free games, indie games, and large budget titles differently. Don't you expect a lot more innovation and polish on a game you paid $60 for or some ungodly amount? He basically creates publicity for a game weather it be bad or good. In our case that publicity is good! :)

I can also tell he has been playing on marathon games a lot. Other wise he wouldn't have said that about the games dragging out.

I thought that too, I guess he hasn't experienced 8+ hour games of Under or Field on Renegade. Apart from that I found it a pretty good review.

Try 12 hours, lol. Remember playing one on Jelly Marathon until the server ultimately decided to crap out and reset itself.


Is the game free? It's a gem. No matter how bad it is, it's a free game and that makes it good. List all flaws, but make sure to be positive. Unless the game is utter shit like Big Rigs or something of the sort, TB won't say it's a bad game.

Of course, Renegade is a good game, but I bet you my guts he hates every bit of it. I just know him too well, he's like fish out of water in a game like Renegade (admittedly, most new people are, but not all of them hate the core mechanics nearly as much).

Are you implying Renegade X is a crappy free game and that Renegade is much better? :mad:

I disagree with you on that.


No but at this point I can outright say without implying anything that you can't read.

I've never mentioned my personal views on the game. Just pointing out that one should not take TB as a credible source.

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