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I propose the notion that we ignore the opinions of anyone who has not played the original game.

I'm serious =P. Former players who are coming back for the updated graphics and gameplay can contribute plenty on what parts of the the old game needed fixing/balancing, and what was so magical about the original game that absolutely needs to stay. They know what Renegade is supposed to be like, as well as what could be improved.

Newcomers while welcomed to grow the community do not contribute imo, they have no reference except for Battlefield or COD, and that's exactly what we want to avoid, to keep Renegade Renegade and not another clone. They should just shut up and learn the game first before whining about the boink and stuff.


While i do agree on that the "Why is this not bf4" whining is annoying, and alot of people complains before they have got used to the gameplay of Ren-x, I still think theese post are bad for the community and the game overall.

People might sit with real issues and will be afraid of speaking up about it, + it makes the community feel very hostile, and it would be a shame if it ends up with us chasing away new potential renegade fans.

We just have to trust that the Devs wont fall in the "generic try to please all" trap, and are able to seee trough all the BS to the real issues at hand.


I've seen more than a few hostile responses to people making suggestions for the game. While I personally also find some of them (or even a lot of them) to be against the spirit of Renegade, it's both a good thing and is important to see what people are thinking.

Unfortunately this is a beta and there's stuff that needs work. And sometimes it's okay to just tell people that this might not be the game for them if they're wanting to change core aspects of it. Every game doesn't have to be for every person. Hopefully though, more than a few will stick it out and learn the mechanics and then genuinely enjoy it and stick around and add to the community as a whole.


People seem to forget the gameplay is almost 12 years old. Wich it's supposed to be.

Keep in mind, most people don't even know of the original Renegade, let alone play it.


It is not because the "gameplay is old", it is because the Original ren was made back when games were made to please a certain group of people, not desperatly try make every halfwit content.

I think there is a rason retrogaming has become so popular the last couple of years, that is because poeple is starting to realize that grenade jumping trough lava all the way to school IS where true gameplay has its heart.

It is not because the "gameplay is old", it is because the Original ren was made back when games were made to please a certain group of people, not desperatly try make every halfwit content.

I think there is a rason retrogaming has become so popular the last couple of years, that is because poeple is starting to realize that grenade jumping trough lava all the way to school IS where true gameplay has its heart.

I'm with you on this one.

As for the new players, well, we're the vets of Renegade, we know the game inside and out, and we love it just the way it is. Of course we will feel insulted when people propose changes. But this is Renegade-x, it's done in the hope of renewing the community, of expanding the community. Instead of being harsh, and brash, let's all turn to guiding n00bs to the true beauty that is the Renegade RTS, and boink them while doing it!

It is not because the "gameplay is old", it is because the Original ren was made back when games were made to please a certain group of people, not desperatly try make every halfwit content.

I think there is a rason retrogaming has become so popular the last couple of years, that is because poeple is starting to realize that grenade jumping trough lava all the way to school IS where true gameplay has its heart.

I'm with you on this one.

As for the new players, well, we're the vets of Renegade, we know the game inside and out, and we love it just the way it is. Of course we will feel insulted when people propose changes. But this is Renegade-x, it's done in the hope of renewing the community, of expanding the community. Instead of being harsh, and brash, let's all turn to guiding n00bs to the true beauty that is the Renegade RTS, and boink them while doing it!

We will bring them to enlightenment!


Newcomers while welcomed to grow the community do not contribute imo, they have no reference except for Battlefield or COD, and that's exactly what we want to avoid, to keep Renegade Renegade and not another clone. They should just shut up and learn the game first before whining about the boink and stuff.

Umm..uhhum..excuse me...

You see,if you are not a renegade vet,that doesnt automaticly mean that you started FPS gaming with COD4 in 2007 and you wouldnt know shit about proper FPS gaming,some of us come from games like quake,tribes,unreal,section 8,sw battlefront,natural selection and so on.

I am a new comer to renegade(although I did play the original just A LITTLE bit),but that doesnt make me yet another brainwashed modern generation "tactical" player that cant handle anything harder than COD/BF.

While I do agree with you that whiny new players should quit complaining about core elements of the game with exploring them properly,elements like highish TTK and mobility,purchase system,heroes and so on,just because they suck at it,I think it is EXTREMELY unfair to put all new players under the same category and ignore them completely,that's how you make sure the game will never improve and grow.

Personaly I already have several really big gripes with the game,but even though none of the core renegade elements are noting new to me(I am not new to base building and deffending in FPS games,nor to money system and hero units,nor to high TTK gunplay,nor to the C&C universe)I think I would need atleast 50 hours of gameplay time before I can make a reasonable critique to the core gameplay design decisions.

And at the end of the day I take renegade x for what it is and I respect it for it and that is a true sequel of the original,even if it may not be exactly what I might be looking for.

I think that aslong as the new players realise that,aslong as their respectful of the game's veteran community and aslong as they critique is backed up by some gameplay experience and logic,rather than "why is this not another easy mode shooter like COD/BF?!",aslong as that is the case,than new players feedback shouldn't be ignored and should even be valued.

I propose the notion that we ignore the opinions of anyone who has not played the original game.

I'm serious =P. Former players who are coming back for the updated graphics and gameplay can contribute plenty on what parts of the the old game needed fixing/balancing, and what was so magical about the original game that absolutely needs to stay. They know what Renegade is supposed to be like, as well as what could be improved.

Newcomers while welcomed to grow the community do not contribute imo, they have no reference except for Battlefield or COD, and that's exactly what we want to avoid, to keep Renegade Renegade and not another clone. They should just shut up and learn the game first before whining about the boink and stuff.

Sure enough, the ones who want the game more like some crappy hand holding MMS should and probably will be looked over. On the other hand; old or new, if the point they raise is with reason, it would be silly to ignore them.


I just tone out the people who don't understand the gameplay, and so think it is flawed. Either they stay to play long enough to actually get it, or they leave back to their uncreative simplistic modern fps game. One can only hope to devs are doing the same, and not taking the criticism or suggestions of complete newcomers after a few hours of play.

Posted (edited)

...we were all new once.

Yeah but I didn't go posting about "you need to change this now" when I was new to a game. I gave it a chance and understood the game before forming a complete opinion or posting criticism about something I barely understood myself.

I wish that some people had the same generosity is all, I guess. Judging a book by its cover can make you miss a great story.

Edited by Guest
  • Former Developers

We respect the critiques from everyone, both new and old, and a lot of the times the vets can let the nostalgia factor keep them from seeing certain issues, but at the same time we know what to respect about what makes the game fluid. Everyone is welcome to express themselves, and legitimate/constructive criticism is always appreciated. If we tailor the game to just the vets, then we cant expect it to grow.

Then why is so cod so popular


Maybe because in it's own way, it's a good game?

That is painful to read. The cookie cutter method for making CoD games makes me sick. Renegade X really is a breath of fresh air for me and PC gaming.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

I've never played any CoD game after the first MW. But that was good and very polished. I understand that they're only rehashing it right now, but you can't complain about the shooting mechanics all that much I think, it's very polished at least.


Because they listen to the vets on how to improve the game for each new release.

I play cod competitively as well. They understand that the competitive players understand the game and its developments better than the newcomers or little kids can...

I'm just saying...a lot of the "suggestions" I've seen from new people are ridiculous and would ruin the game. I just hope the devs realize and understand that the vets understand the game's core elements to their entirety. The newcomers are basing their suggestions on several hours of playing. I'm not saying that they should be ignored, but they don't yet understand that making an edit to the game like they are suggesting, impacts way more than just that one edit. Every edit has great impacts. Vets understand that better.


Some of these posts just reek of elitism. "I played Renegade for X years, this game is too complex for you, go back to COD"

How do you expect this community to grow if there's a bunch of people being assholes to them? They may not understand the game, and it may be a completely new experience for them. I think it's kind of funny to instantly call out anyone who doesn't like the game as a COD fan, like its a boogeyman trying to change your game. At least try to explain how the game is balanced and why their suggestions don't fit in the style of the game.

The developers obviously care very much about the game feeling like Renegade, I don't see them making such drastic changes to bend towards a more modern shooter experience, so there's no need to jump down their throats.

I've never played any CoD game after the first MW. But that was good and very polished. I understand that they're only rehashing it right now, but you can't complain about the shooting mechanics all that much I think, it's very polished at least.

I think the main reason is because there is an eternal war between gamers that just want to have fun and gamers that are willing to sacrifice some fun for more realism. Not that the latter is always bad; realism can have its own fun factor by increasing immersion.

Also because some game mechanics are copy/pasted in so many bloody games that it literally gives me nausea when I play a new game that features them (yes cover-based shooting, Im talking about you).

For the OP, Id say just ignore the suggestions you dont approve of. If I read every thread on this forum, Id never be able to do anything else (including playing the game).

Some of these posts just reek of elitism. "I played Renegade for X years, this game is too complex for you, go back to COD"

How do you expect this community to grow if there's a bunch of people being assholes to them? They may not understand the game, and it may be a completely new experience for them. I think it's kind of funny to instantly call out anyone who doesn't like the game as a COD fan, like its a boogeyman trying to change your game. At least try to explain how the game is balanced and why their suggestions don't fit in the style of the game.

The developers obviously care very much about the game feeling like Renegade, I don't see them making such drastic changes to bend towards a more modern shooter experience, so there's no need to jump down their throats.


I bought Renegade when it came out (and I was like 8 or 9 years old), but I completely agree with the above post. I know what you mean, people playing this game for the first time are obviously going to have some (potentially absurd) ideas of how things should be, because as we know the original Renegade was quite unlike most other games, and RenegadeX isn't much different.

However, we can't just tell them to fuck off and die because their opinions are wrong. (which is of course, contrary to the definition of the word "opinion") I'd actually like to see the oldies mix with some new people, not just a rehash of the (occasionally quite confrontational) Renegade community.

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