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Thanks, I appreciate the reply! :)

Also: Updated (See change log in first post for details)! I was going to upload this a couple days ago, but actually reset my local copy by accident by about a month and had to redo a fair bit of what I had changed.

Someone's taking notes :rolleyes:

  • 3 weeks later...

Updated! There's now a local ban system built into RenX.Core which can be disabled in the config; RCON bans can also be disabled via config. A bot-side moderator system is also provided through RenX.ModSystem, and access levels/aliases can be adjusted in RenXGameCommands.ini.

Sorry to hear about ur dad, glad he's on the mend tho.

Also, thanks for the bot :D

Yeah, he's back on his regular treatments now and seems to be responding well. :)

Thanks, I appreciate the reply! :)

Also: Updated (See change log in first post for details)! I was going to upload this a couple days ago, but actually reset my local copy by accident by about a month and had to redo a fair bit of what I had changed.

Someone's taking notes :rolleyes:

lol someone is asking what i want, and with that you adding ingame irc join announces, !addbots n !killbots could be construed as the same thing good sir.


Still both of you keep up the good work :D

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Any ideas when the rec system will be fixed? Doesn't save properly after map over and often reverts back to the previous score.

Edit: could probably fix it by making it update the database when a rec gets given instead of on map over.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

1) Make sure "RenX.ModSystem" is listed in the plugins in Config.ini

2) If you're using the IRC feature on this bot, it's easiest to just add mods via !add (i.e: !add 3 user).

2a) The "add" command is far from perfect, but essentially the digit is the group number in the group list, and the user is the name of someone in-game. If I get time, I may later change this to be "add ", or something.

3) Here's an example Mod entry below, which would automatically be generated by the aforementioned command, but you can also add manually:


The section name is the UUID; if you're using the RenX.NicknameUUID, for example, it would be the nickname of the user (they would then have to use that nickname to have moderator privledges).

3a) If you modify Mods.ini while the bot is running, you must use the "rehash" command or restart the bot for changes to take effect.

4) If you want your moderators to automatically identify when using Steam, make sure the following line is still at its default value (true) up top.



Thank you

I have now entered in the Mods.ini and restarts offered.






so if I ingame! help me make ert says Acces level 0

I, however, do not use IRC.

what am I doing wrong yet?


Updated! Add RenX.Ladder to the plugins list to enable a server-specific ladder. The ladder is currently only interacted with by chat commands; a web interface should be coming before too long.

Updated! Add RenX.Ladder to the plugins list to enable a server-specific ladder. The ladder is currently only interacted with by chat commands; a web interface should be coming before too long.

Steam only? needs a non steam option.

  • 10 months later...

After an absurdly long time: Updated!

This bot supports both RCON v3 (current version), as well as RCON v4 (upcoming support). RCON v3 support will be removed at a later date, after the patch.

When updating, I would recommend just deleting your current installation of the bot entirely and re-configuring from scratch.

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Hi Agent, 

Awesome Bot, i'm using it on my server and its great!.

One problem im having trouble with is getting the Renx.ladder.web to work. I have the httpserver plugin and all the ladder plugins, including renxladder.web setup to load via the config file (and confirmed loaded via the console output). I have setup the options in the httpserver.ini file and the renx.ladder.web.ini. Taking a look with netstat, it doesnt seem that the bot is actually creating a port for the httpserver to listen on.

Is there anything im missing with this?
What are the plugins that are needed to be loaded to make this work.
What config changes need to be made?
Is there any other diag that i can look at to find out whats going on?


Thanks in advance.



I've just done the round on trying different options:
I've tried:
BindAddress: blank,, (specific ip)
BindPort: 80, 81, ports below 1024, ports above 1024
Process: starting with forced elevated privileges and without.
Plugins: Just HTTPServer + RenX.Ladder.Web, HTTPServer + RenX.Ladder + RenX.Ladder.Web, HTTPServer + All Ladder Plugins, Variations of previous attemps with and without other plugins. 

Im assuming its a bug at this point.


I'm probably going to actually remove RenX.Ladder.Web at some point; I just need to change the underlying database structure is all.

In the meantime, here is the config for RenX.Ladder.Web that the official leaderboard uses:


; File: RenX.Ladder.Web

; Name of the leaderboard table page (Default: )

; Name of the search table page (Default: search)

; Name of the profile page (Default: profile)

; Path for the pages to be reached at (Default: /)

; Name of the file that is prepended before every page

; Name of the file that is appended to every page

; Name of the file that defines the profile page layout

; Name of the file that is prepended to leaderboard tables

; Name of the file that is appended to leaderboard tables

; Number of entries to display per table page

; Minimum number of input characters on the search page

; Defines the layout of the leaderboard table rows
EntryTableRow=<tr><td class="data-col-a">{RANK}</td><td class="data-col-b"><a href="profile?id={STEAM}&database={OBJECT}">{NAME}</a></td><td class="data-col-a">{SCORE}</td><td class="data-col-b">{SPM}</td><td class="data-col-a">{GAMES}</td><td class="data-col-b">{WINS}</td><td class="data-col-a">{LOSSES}</td><td class="data-col-b">{WLR}</td></tr>

; Defines the layout of the 'previous' button on profiles
EntryProfilePrevious=<form class="profile-previous"><input type="hidden" name="database" value="{OBJECT}"/><input type="hidden" name="id" value="{WEAPON}"/><input class="profile-previous-submit" type="submit" value="&#x21A9 Previous" /></form>

; Defines the layout of the 'next' button on profiles
EntryProfileNext=<form class="profile-next"><input type="hidden" name="database" value="{OBJECT}"/><input type="hidden" name="id" value="{VSTEAM}"/><input class="profile-next-submit" type="submit" value="Next &#x21AA" /></form>


And attached are the files in the html directory.

HTTPServer is bound to on port 80.

ForceDefault is set to true on RenX.Ladder.All-Time.

The plugins loaded: IRC.Core CoreCommands PluginManager ExtraCommands RenX.Core RenX.Commands RenX.Logging RenX.ModSystem RenX.Listen RenX.Ladder HTTPServer RenX.Ladder.Web RenX.Ladder.All-Time RenX.Ladder.Yearly RenX.Ladder.Monthly RenX.Ladder.Weekly RenX.Ladder.Daily RenX.ServerList


Hope this helps,



  • Like 1

Thanks a bunch for info @agent . I didn't have the html files, and I suppose it wouldn't of worked without them. Also the plugin info was great as well.

Unfortunately it still doesn't work :(. The bot.exe just doesn't open a port to listen on :(. But your info does help me confirm that its either a problem with my server or the bot code. I've been trying different things with the server to no avail, so my next step is going to be to recreate my server setup on another pc and see how that goes. If that doesn't work, ill start playing with the bot code and see what I can find.


Yep, its loading. Heres the output from the command:

<ShrewdXBot> There are 25 plugins loaded:
<ShrewdXBot> IRC.Core
<ShrewdXBot> CoreCommands
<ShrewdXBot> PluginManager
<ShrewdXBot> ExtraCommands
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Core
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Commands
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Logging
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Medals
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.IRCJoin
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Announcements
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Greetings
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.MinPlayers
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.ModSystem
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.SetJoin
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Warn
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Listen
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder
<ShrewdXBot> HTTPServer
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.Web
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.All-Time
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.Daily
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.Monthly
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.Weekly
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.Yearly
<ShrewdXBot> RenX.ServerList


Heres the ports list opened by the bot:

Bot.exe 3440 TCP Renegade-Svr 21337 Renegade-Svr 0 LISTENING          
Bot.exe 3440 TCP renegade-svr.edtn.local 51144 v-162-248-88-129.unman-vds.premium-chicago.nfoservers.com 6667 ESTABLISHED 5 616        
Bot.exe 3440 TCP Renegade-Svr 51146 localhost 7777 ESTABLISHED 42 1,230 461 13,056      


Heres the ini files:

====== HTTPServer.ini =====
; File: HTTPServer.ini

; BindAddress=String (Default:
; BindPort=Integer (Default: 80)

===== RenX.Ladder =====
; File: RenX.Ladder
; Settings:
; OnlyPure=Bool (Default: false; when true, only "pure" games should count)
; MaxLadderCommandPartNameOutpuit=Integer (Default: 5; how many partial matches to show in "ladder" command)
===== RenX.Ladder.Web =====
; File: RenX.Ladder.Web
; Name of the leaderboard table page (Default: )
; Name of the search table page (Default: search)
; Name of the profile page (Default: profile)
; Path for the pages to be reached at (Default: /)
; Name of the file that is prepended before every page
; Name of the file that is appended to every page
; Name of the file that defines the profile page layout
; Name of the file that is prepended to leaderboard tables
; Name of the file that is appended to leaderboard tables
; Number of entries to display per table page
; Minimum number of input characters on the search page
; Defines the layout of the leaderboard table rows
EntryTableRow=<tr><td class="data-col-a">{RANK}</td><td class="data-col-b"><a href="profile?id={STEAM}&database={OBJECT}">{NAME}</a></td><td class="data-col-a">{SCORE}</td><td class="data-col-b">{SPM}</td><td class="data-col-a">{GAMES}</td><td class="data-col-b">{WINS}</td><td class="data-col-a">{LOSSES}</td><td class="data-col-b">{WLR}</td><td class="data-col-a">{KILLS}</td><td class="data-col-b">{DEATHS}</td><td class="data-col-a">{KDR}</td></tr>
; Defines the layout of the 'previous' button on profiles
EntryProfilePrevious=<form class="profile-previous"><input type="hidden" name="database" value="{OBJECT}"/><input type="hidden" name="id" value="{WEAPON}"/><input class="profile-previous-submit" type="submit" value="&#x21A9 Previous" /></form>
; Defines the layout of the 'next' button on profiles
EntryProfileNext=<form class="profile-next"><input type="hidden" name="database" value="{OBJECT}"/><input type="hidden" name="id" value="{VSTEAM}"/><input class="profile-next-submit" type="submit" value="Next &#x21AA" /></form>

I actually just made a discovery

I tried running the bot on a different computer, by copying the whole folder (configs included). The port opened, but on port 80, it ignored the port specified in the httserver.ini. I then tried changing the bind ip to the adapters ip, and its still binding to

It looks like the httpserver.ini file is being ignored, and on my renegade server port 80 is already in use, which is why it wasn't opening up the port.


Oh you're right. I need to move some old code from HTTPServerPlugin's constructor to its 'initialize' function, since 'config' isn't initialized until after the constructor has already been called. Whoops!

  • Like 1

Yeah ive just been going though the code myself. Just trying to get it to compile atm, which is being fun one windows.

I've worked out that I need the Jupiter project aswell to compile the Jupiter bot, since the Jupiter folder is empty in the source zip (since git doesn't parse folder mappings), and I need a windows openssl for windows. The first one was an old 9.8.8 version which didn't support the new tls functions, and the current windows package doesn't support the old sslv3 functions :S. 


I can give you an experimental build, but some of the documentation may be incorrect. I was doing a lot of refactoring on the bot and had actually taken a bit of a break from it to work on the launcher, plus other things.

  • Like 1

I found another bug. When using !setmap, it seems to ignore shorter/exact names of maps, and chooses the longer name map. For example:

When these 2 maps are in the rotation:


!setmap CNC-Field, will choose CNC-Field_Flying


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