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This bot features several Renegade-X plugins. The nature of this bot is modular in design, so you can easily swap specific features in and out as you please. As such, feel free to post your own additions, as well as feedback.

Major features include an IRC bot and a Renegade X RCON bot. TeamSpeak support may be added at a later date, as well as possibly a number of other mediums for easy and convenient server administration. For now, the primary means of using this bot is still by using IRC.

Please note that you should secure your administrator channels to prevent public display of IP addresses.

Most configuration files are in the Configs folder. The minimal configuration to get the bot to run as intended will be setting up an IRC connection (3 examples are given) in IRC.Core.ini, and setting up RenX server connections in RenX.Core.ini. You can set which plugins to load in Config.ini (in the same folder as the .exe, not in the Configs folder).

Latest Release

Change log:

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  • Like 1

Yes there is a lot of crashing, takes many tried to open and being showing game log in IRC. currently crashes trying any command. As for sorting, I would like to see myself colors for GAME: PLAYER: ADMIN: ect...

Keep up the good work :) I very much appreciate this!


Special characters need to be escaped. For example, I have a friend with a pipe "|" in his nick in IRC, and whenever he does !msg, the game cuts it off. This can probably be exploited with really bad consequences.

  TomatoSlayer said:
Never mind. Forgot to update Config.ini with the new namespace.

Edited my "Update!" to mention this. :P

  LaserOfFury said:
Nice update, Great bot!! good work!! Really organized now, love it!

Thanks! :)

  TomatoSlayer said:
Special characters need to be escaped. For example, I have a friend with a pipe "|" in his nick in IRC, and whenever he does !msg, the game cuts it off. This can probably be exploited with really bad consequences.

I see what you're talking about. I'll see if there isn't a way to transmit that character with some degree of safety; if not I'll just replace it with a / or something. Other characters don't appear to have the same effect, however.

  • 3 weeks later...

Updated! Note: This update will NOT function on Open Beta 1 servers; this is an update for Open Beta 2.

Also note that there have been significant changes to the configuration file that require you to modify any existing configs. This mostly (if not entirely) applies to the [RenX] section being changed, and several other sections being added.


The bot will part channels when their type is configured as negative. The default config sets the default type to -1. You can change this by removing the line "Channel.Type=-1" under [Default], but RenX still will not report to those channels.

If you need help configuring, I can help ye with that.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Agent said:
The bot will part channels when their type is configured as negative. The default config sets the default type to -1. You can change this by removing the line "Channel.Type=-1" under [Default], but RenX still will not report to those channels.

If you need help configuring, I can help ye with that.

I have the channel set to 2, but the default seems to override it when I add the channel key. It works fine when I remove the key.


Ah, I see. What's probably happening is the bot's just storing the entire string (including the password) as the channel. I'll look into this more and actually fix it tomorrow, though.


I get MSVCP120.DLL is missing even though I've installed the x64 version for Windows Server 2012.

if I download the DLL and place it in the directory, I get the application was unable to start properly (0x000007b). Click ok to close the application.

Any ideas?

Thank you


Hi Team,

That seems to have fixed that problem, however now I'm getting RCON: Conn1 invalid Password. then dropped auth timeout however the password in the batch file and UDKGame admin password are what is in the bot configuration?



The ports were definitely correct, I must have deleted a character or bracket or something because I started with a fresh config and its all working now :)

What's the easiest way to set it as the admin channel has a password to join? :)

I tried doing a raw join, but it quits the channel


I still need to fix a bug involving passworded channels actually, but in the mean time something like this should work:

Configure the admin channel as normal.

Add something like this line to the same section: RawData.1=JOIN #Channel PASSWORD

Edit: When I get around to fixing this, you'll be able to just add the password after the channel name (i.e: Channel.1=#adminChannel superSecurePassword ).

Edit 2: This is fixed for the next update.

  • 3 weeks later...


This build should also be compatible with the upcoming RenX patch.

New plugin: RenX.Medals -- Players are given recommendations for destroying buildings, having the most vehicle kills, and having the most kills.

New file: Translations.ini -- Allows you to override preset translations or specify ones that aren't already translated.


Hi Team,

Is anyone else having issues where the bot seems to disconnect (or possibly lag out) and then not come back? (Version 0.6.1, i only just updated)

Also insignificant but !version still reports 0.7 not 0.7.1

Thanks :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I got this error in the server:

Rx: RCON Conn15 connected

Rx: RCON Conn15 authenticated

Rx: RCON Conn15 subscribed

Rx: RCON Conn15 disconnected

Rx: RCON Conn16 connected

Rx: RCON Conn16 invaild password

Rx: RCON Conn16 dropped (Auth Timeout)

  • 3 months later...

Updated! Some bug fixes and feature additions.

Personal update:

I haven't been able to dedicate nearly as much time to maintaining this as I had previously due to my father having a stroke; a huge part of my schedule has been carved out to help take care of his needs, as well as manage a business that suddenly got thrown at me while he was incapable of speaking and bedridden. He's faring far better now, and since I'm no longer busy 24/7 (I actually have time to sleep now! :D), I plan to put some time back into this project again.

  • 3 weeks later...

Just wanted to thank you for your effort and wish you the best with your dad. Can't believe nobody even took the effort to react here. So that's why I decided to register...

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks, I appreciate the reply! :)

Also: Updated (See change log in first post for details)! I was going to upload this a couple days ago, but actually reset my local copy by accident by about a month and had to redo a fair bit of what I had changed.

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