Agent Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 This bot features several Renegade-X plugins. The nature of this bot is modular in design, so you can easily swap specific features in and out as you please. As such, feel free to post your own additions, as well as feedback. Major features include an IRC bot and a Renegade X RCON bot. TeamSpeak support may be added at a later date, as well as possibly a number of other mediums for easy and convenient server administration. For now, the primary means of using this bot is still by using IRC. Please note that you should secure your administrator channels to prevent public display of IP addresses. Most configuration files are in the Configs folder. The minimal configuration to get the bot to run as intended will be setting up an IRC connection (3 examples are given) in IRC.Core.ini, and setting up RenX server connections in RenX.Core.ini. You can set which plugins to load in Config.ini (in the same folder as the .exe, not in the Configs folder). Latest Release Change log: Spoiler 1.1.0 * Added PackagedBuild CMake target * Remove Jupiter::ArrayList * Refactor effort to remove Jupiter string usage started * Improve GitHub actions usage; both Ubuntu & Windows packages are now built and published as artifacts on every commit * Readded RenX.Relay (previously removed in 1.0.1) per bug fixes & addressed language considerations * Fixed various bugs and stability issues with RenX.Relay * Misc bug fixes and improvements -- Previous Release Notes -- 1.0.1 Removed RenX.Relay plugin 1.0 * RenX.Relay plugin * Various chat logs and commands added (i.e: admin messages, admin warnings, etc) * New commands: nmode, smode, cancelvote, tchatban, mute (in-game) * Can now see when bans expire in bsearch * Various behavioral and crash fixes * Replaced project files with CMake * Compilation fixed on Linux as part of CMake refactor * OpenSSL binaries are no longer included in Windows binary releases. Windows users should download OpenSSL using winget, chocolatey, another package manager of your choice, [ShiningLight](, or by whatever other means preferred. 0.18.1 Added some missing command permissions settings to IRC.Core.ini IRC.Core.ini now rehashes correctly Fixed a bug involving 1-line text files 0.18 THIS RELEASE REQUIRES FULL RECONFIGURATION OF THE BOT, AND DELETION OF EXISTING DATABASES. This extreme of an update is unlikely to happen again in the foreseeable future. Now ISC licensed Added full RenX RCON v4 support - Added full Unicode escape sequencing; data is stored as UTF-8 - Added HWID banning - Level GUIDs are now tracked Added non-blocking RDNS support for resolving player addresses Player RDNS bans are fully supported Added kick/ban exemptions Added plugins: - HTTPServer; used by other plugins (such as RenX.Ladder.Web) - IRC.Core; initializes IRC connections - RenX.AlwaysRecord; starts demo recordings at match start - RenX.Ladder - RenX.Ladder.All-Time - RenX.Ladder.Yearly - RenX.Ladder.Monthly - RenX.Ladder.Weekly - RenX.Ladder.Daily - RenX.Ladder.Web; generates web pages on request to display ladder data - RenX.MinPlayers; regulates bot count to maintain a minimum number of players + bots - RenX.ServerList; pages suffixed with ".jsp" strictly for consistency: -- servers.jsp; JSON/Launcher output -- server.jsp; JSON/Launcher server-specific extended data) -- browser.jsp; Custom format/Game -- servers_long.jsp; JSON/Human Removed plugins: - RenX.Stats (unused/unfinished/obsolete) - RenX.DNS (obsolete) Added commands: - MineBan (IRC & Game) - AddBan (IRC) - AddExemption (IRC) - GameInfo (IRC) Changed commands: - Gameover now accepts parameters "now", "if empty", "empty", "stop"/"cancel", - Removed "sync" Added basic game commands (i.e: !ts, !irc, !web) Added handling & IRC logs for "SpeedHack;" and "Overmine;" warnings Game commands can be disabled by setting negative access level All INI files are now up to date Numerous bug fixes, optimizations, updates, and improvements 0.17 Accidentally skipped this version number! 0.16 Added "RenX.Ladder" and "RenX.MinPlayers" plugins Player proximity placements/disarms are now tracked. Map rotation is now tracked Added "rotation" command "setmap" now uses the map rotation Fixed a bug in RenX.Medals RenX.Medals now rewards MVPs General code improvements 0.15.1 Added parsing and logging for Radio chat. Added some translations (TS_ namespace). Fixed a bug where OnPlayerDelete wasn't called when players were deleted on server disconnect (this broke RenX.Medals). Server connections without a configured hostname or port are not disconnected on Rehash anymore. Some other stuff 0.15 IRCPrefix is now prepended to all IRC output messages (if defined) Added IRC/Game commands: "Kill", "Disarm", "DisarmC4", "DisarmBeacon" updateClientList() is now called on a configurable interval (default: 2500 milliseconds) Added parsing for "map" command response. Corrected "DonateFormat" key name. adminType is now set to an empty string if the type "None" is returned in the client list. Fixed some parsing in BanDatabase. Fixed name buffer not getting flushed before use. Players are now rechecked for ban matches on an ID change. Fixed a minor bug in the "mods" game command. UUID revamp (removed config option) Added RenX.NicknameUUID plugin. Added RenX.HybridUUID plugin. Added "PlayerTable" IRC command Added safety check to "addmod" IRC command Added RenX.Listen plugin. IRCPrefix is now parsed for tags. Added Server tags: {SERVERHOST}, {SERVERPORT}, {SOCKHOST}, {SOCKPORT}, {SERVERPREFIX} Added configuration options "PrintToConsole", "FilePrefix", "ConsolePrefix", NewDayFormat" to RenX.ExtraLogging Added another search mechanism for DelIRCCommand. Added parsing for "serverinfo" command response. "serverinfo" is now sent on connect. Moved HostChat logging from command interpretnation to "HostSay;" CHAT log. Added logging for events: RenX_OnTSVehicleCrate, RenX_OnRAVehicleCrate, RenX_OnMapStart Added reasons to kicks and bans. Added reason to BanDatabase entries (old databases are automatically updated). Added BuildingInfo tracking. Added BuildingInfo tags: {BNAME}, {BRNAME}, {BHEALTH}, {BMHEALTH}, {BHP}, {BHBAR}, {BCOLOR}, {BTEAMS}, {BTEAML} Added "BuildingInfo" IRC Command. Removed default access requirements for "PlayerInfo" IRC Command. Added server pinging/timeouts. Added GenericCommand implementation, and swapped many non-RenX IRC commands to GenericCommand. Updated to Visual Studio 2015 RC 0.14.1 Removed all Beta 1/2/3 code Fixed kick/ban bots Added missing spaces around "vs" in default kill message Removed old debug line 0.14 Added RCONv3 (Beta 4) support: * Added additional weapon translations * Added some projectile translations * Added Silo translation * Replaced RenX::getTeam() with 2 different getTeam() functions * Removed RenX::sanitizeString() for C-style Strings. * Added events: OnDisarm, OnExplode, OnCharacterPurchase, OnItemPurchase, OnWeaponPurchase, OnRefillPurchase, OnVehiclePurchase, OnVehicleSpawn, OnSpawn, OnBotJoin, OnVehicleCrate, OnDeathCrate, OnMoneyCrate, OnCharacterCrate, OnSpyCrate, OnRefillCrate, OnDonate, OnDemoRecordStop * Added functions to RenX::Server: isSeamless(), gameover(), setMap(), loadMutator(), unloadMutator(), cancelVote(), swapTeams(), recordDemo(), mute(), unmute(). Replaced RenX::Server::changeTeam() parameter "options" with "resetCredits". * Server profile added for Open Beta 4. * Updated plugins according to above changes Added commands: GameOver, SetMap, Mute, UnMute Fixed some bugs. eXtendedRCON and RCONv2 (Beta 2/3) support is deprecated, and will be removed in a later release. 0.13 Added eXtendedRCON support. "Team" and "Team2" commands added (Requires eXtendedRCON). "Refund" command added (Requires eXtendedRCON). "PlayerInfo" command is now configurable. "rrcon" console command added. Numerous eXtendedRCON logging events added. Added tags system to RenX.Core. See [RenX.Tags] in the example config. Removed previous message tag implementations; now uses more secure tags system. Crash/bug fixes. 0.12 RenX.Logging output formats are now fully configurable. Added Plugins: "RenX.IRCJoin", "RenX.ModSystem", "RenX.Warn" Added configurable tags to RenX.Announcements ({DATE}, {TIME}, {RULES}). Admin "granted" event now properly logged. Fixed bug preventing join messages from being displayed. Fixed bug causing RenX.Medals to delete medals. Bot no longer messages itself or non-logging channels on modrequest. Some bug fixes/optimizations regarding INI files. Various minor bug fixes/safety checks. Added local ban system to RenX.Core; Please see new settings for servers. Added IRC Commands: Auth, ForceAuth, DeAuth, TempBan, UnBan, BanSearch, ATM, Add, Del, ModList, Warn, Pardon Added Game Commands: ForceAuth, Kick, Ban, TempBan, ATM, AddBots, KillBots, PhaseBots, Warn, Pardon 0.11 "SteamFormat" per-server configuration option added to determine how Steam IDs are formatted for strings. "NeverSay" per-server configuration option added to force the bot to private message all players instead of using "say". "RenX.Greetings" plugin added. Added proper private message usage. Added parsing for EVAPrivateSay. Added "pmsg" command ("page" and "ppage" are valid aliases). Added "showjoin" game command in RenX.SetJoin. Reconnect routine is now more reliable. Added link to player's steam profile to "steam" IRC command. "steam" IRC command no longer outputs duplicate responses. Player part/join spam surrounding a map change is no longer sent to IRC for Open Beta 3. "modrequest" game command now tells players how many staff members were notified. Jupiter: Fixed off-by-one user access bug. Jupiter: Fixed wildcard parsing bug. 0.10.1 Fixed kick bug. Added some missing translations. Spam blocker exemption for administrators/moderators in RenX.Medals. 0.10 Source now available on GitHub. Added per-server setting "UUIDMode" to toggle between using steamIDs and nicknames where possible. Added RenX.DNS plugin. RenX.Medals is now relatively decent. Fixed a crash dealing with RCON data spread across multiple packets. For a source changelog, refer to the commit history on GitHub. 0.9 Null characters are now properly read from INI files. String manipulation optimized. -source- Fixed many bugs. Added files: String_Type_Imp.h, String.h, String_Imp.h, Readable_String.h, Readable_String_Imp.h, Reference_String.h, Reference_String_Imp.h Many functions added to String classes. Jupiter headers are now in the "Jupiter" directory when including, to prevent file name collisions. Many functions moved into appropriate namespaces. Many return types and function parameters have changed from various String classes to ReadableString. Data parsing (IRC, RCON, etc.) optimized such that data is no longer repeatedly and unnecessarily copied. 0.8.1 Fixed a bug in avformat functions returning incorrect offsets. This also fixes a bug causing the bot not to join more than 1 channel. 0.8 Added STARTTLS support. USER/NICK data is now send AFTER Capability negotiation is completed. Connection order is now: Socket connect -> STARTTLS -> Capability negotiation -> Registration -> Wait for RPL_ISUPPORT -> Finished (OnConnect). Fixed a safety check in !modrequest. Fixed several channel-related bugs. Added support for old RPL_BOUNCE token when given prior to registration. Added support for extremely old IRCds that don't send RPL_ISUPPORT. -source- Removed preceeding 0s in IRC_Numerics.h to prevent accidental octal interpretation. Added move constructors to Socket, SecureSocket, TCPSocket, and SecureTCPSocket. Disabled copy constructor for Socket class and derivatives. Changed some internals about how channels are actually stored. Changed many functions to return StringType instead of C-Style strings. Added "steam" IRC command to fetch a player's Steam ID or statistical information. 0.7.1 Added [shortTeamName] and [LongTeamName] sections to Translations.ini. (Happy now, Goku? ;v) Added [TeamColor] section to Translations.ini Replaced many hard-coded GDI/Nod names and colors to fetch the translated names. 0.7 Added plugin "RenX.Medals". Fixed some bugs involving IRC auto-reconnect. Added RPL_BOUNCE (aka: JumpServer) 010 numeric support. Improved RenX reconnect mechanism (Added "ReconnectDelay" configuration option). Added IRC SASL support (Added server configuration options: "SASL.Account" and "SASL.Password"). Added "addbots" and "killbots" IRC commands. Added RenX.SetJoin plugin. RenX.Logging public channel logging options added. Fixed a bug in the Rehash IRC command, causing failure when no file was specified. IRC "rehash" command no longer takes any parameters, and does a global rehash instead of a server-local rehash. Preset and win type translations can now be specified in Translations.ini. Added "hmsg" IRC command. Fixed a typo in [RenX.ExcessiveHeadshots] -- default value for KillDeathRatio changed from 0.5 to 5.0. -source- No longer export/import template classes -- warning 4251 is now disabled (Got frustrated with annoying linker errors resulting from conflicting linkage and missing functions). Jupiter::IRC::Client::readConfigValue return type changed to CStringS. Replaced str in CString_Type with base and curr. Added shiftRight() and shiftLeft() to CString_Type. Value returned by INIFile::remove is now unsigned. Jupiter::INIFile::get-type functions now support an optional 3rd parameter to define a default return value. Player beacon placement count is now tracked. Added files: Base64.h, Rehash.h, IRC_Numerics.h. Added Jupiter::IRC::Client::User and Jupiter::IRC::Client::Channel::User classes. Many functions in Jupiter::IRC::Client now return User classes instead of user nicknames. Numerous class functions have now been properly labeled as const. Jupiter::INIFile::Section and Jupiter::INIFile::Section::KeyValuePair classes added. Added file "InvalidIndex.h" Added kick() and ban() functions to RenX::Server. 0.6.1 Fixed a player data parsing bug when the player was not on any specific team. Linked in a newer version of OpenSSL - fixes OpenSSL "heartbleed" security bug. Fixed a bug involving channel passwords while having auto-parting enabled. Fixed a bug in the "kills" command's output. Added "modrequest" in-game command. -source- Jupiter::IRC::Client::Channel now uses int instead of short. Several types changed to unsigned. 0.6 Added RenX.Announcements plugin. Added RenX.Announcements section to configuration file. Fixed a seemingly-random crash on !kick, !kickban, and log messages. -source- Fixed a bug in Jupiter::CString_Loose::getWord. Fixed a bug in Jupiter::CString_Loose::avformat. Added files (Jupiter): File.h, Timer.h Added classes (Jupiter): Jupiter::File, Jupiter::Timer 0.5.2 Added RenX.ExtraLogging plugin, which dumps all raw text from RCON to both the console and a file (Disabled by default). Added translations for KillZDamageType (Kill Zone) and A130 damage types. Fixed a bug in Jupiter::CString_Loose that caused seemingly random crashes. Added "Rules" configuration option. Please refer to the new example configuration file. Added "rules" in-game command; added "rules", "showrules", and "setrules" IRC commands. Added "version" IRC command. -Source- RenX_OnRaw added to RenX::Plugin - passes every line from the RCON buffer to plugins. Added get(size_t) to Jupiter::String_Type and moved operator [] to Jupiter::String_Type. Added static gotoWord() and getWord() to CString_Strict and CString_Loose; non-static versions now forward. 0.5.1 Fixed multiple outputs for various commands when using multiple servers. 0.5 Updated for Open Beta 1.1 (RCON v2). Log output moved to separate plugin. (RenX.Logging) Log output made far cleaner and finalized. Fixed a bug involving variable digit length player IDs. Fixed extra newlines in the log output. Admin channels added for output of verbose and potentially sensitive information. AdminChanType configuration option added for RenX servers. ClientAddress configuration option added for servers and RenX. "playerinfo" command now outputs kills, deaths, vehicle kills, and building kills. Increased CTCP compliance (CTCP ERRMSG now echoes back input). "reconnect" command now works. "kick" and "kickban" commands added. (If they weren't already) "mute" and "unmute" commands added, but do not appear to function. "playerinfo" command is now far more verbose, and only outputs IP addresses for access level 2 (%) users and up. "players" command now looks cleaner, and includes bot counts next to player counts. In-game chat command system added. "help" game command added. IRCPrefix configuration option added. This option prefixes log messages from a server with the value specified. CommandPrefix configuration option added. This sets the command prefix for in-game chat commands. Bots are now prefixed with a brown in IRC output. Configuration for RenX plugin changed to this: Fixed an exploit involving pipe characters in the "kick" and "kickban" commands. Statistics-driven anti-cheat plugin "RenX.ExcessiveHeadshots" added. IRC client "AutoReconnect" configuration option removed. Use "MaxReconnectAttempts" instead. Fixed a potential glitch where an A10 could potentially cause an extra client in the player list. -Source- Jupiter Files added: CString.h, String_Type.h, CString_Imp.h. Jupiter::String_Type abstract type added in String_Type.h Jupiter::CString_Type abstract type added in CString.h Jupiter::CString_Strict, Jupiter::CString_Loose classes added. Typedefs added: Jupiter::CStringL (Jupiter::CString_Loose), Jupiter::CStringS (Jupiter::CString_Strict), Jupiter::CString (Jupiter::CStringL), Jupiter::WCStringL (Jupiter::CString_Loose), Jupiter::WCStringS (Jupiter::CString_Strict), Jupiter::WCString (Jupiter::WCStringL). Many functions added to Functions.h, including C++ functions. RenX::Player renamed to RenX::PlayerInfo and moved to RenX_PlayerInfo.h RenX::Plugin modified heavily. Plugin class and related functions moved to Jupiter namespace, and now use Jupiter::IRC::Client instead of IRC_Bot. Added OnNumeric() event to IRC::Client and Plugins. Jupiter::Socket::connectToHost now has optional 3rd parameter "clientAddress". Player kill count is now tracked. (PlayerInfo::kills) Player head-shot kill count is not tracked. ((PlayerInfo::headshots) Player death count is now tracked. (PlayerInfo::deaths) Player suicide count is now tracked. (PlayerInfo::suicides) Player building kill count is now tracked. (PlayerInfo::buildingKills) Player secondary defense structure kill count is now tracked. (PlayerInfo::defenceKills) Player Vehicle kill count is now tracked. (PlayerInfo::vehicleKills) Player wins are now tracked. (PlayerInfo::wins) Player loses are now tracked. (PlayerInfo::loses) Player administrator-type is now tracked (PlayerInfo::adminType) Indicator added for if a player is or is not a bot. RenX::WinType enumerated type added. RenX::TeamType enumerated type added. RenX::OjbectType enumerated type added. RenX::Server moved to RenX_Server.h Jupiter::IRC::Client::setAutoReconnect behavior changed: Now takes integer value and sets maximum reconnect attempts. Large amounts of header documentation added. Other stuff that I forgot to list. 0.4.1 Exploit involving pipe character '|' resolved - inputs are sanitized by replacing with '/'. 0.4 SSL Client Certificate Support Fixed a crash when non-compliant (Janus) servers send channel MODE data without ever sending JOIN. Fixed a bug where users would not be renamed properly after changing their nickname on InspIRCD. Player information is now stored. Commands added: players, playerinfo, reconnect Fancier channel output. Made Jupiter::DLList useful. Added RenX namespace. Class "RenX" renamed "RenX::Core". RenX::Plugin class added in RenX_Plugin.h. RenX.h renamed to RenX_Core.h. Added RenX.h for imports/exports. Added RenX_Functions.h - Moved several functions to here. Commands moved into a plugin named RenX.Commands. 0.3.1 Fixed bizarre memory related crashes. Fixed a file not found compilation error (corrected include directories). 0.3 Initial release. 1 Quote
Agent Posted February 27, 2014 Author Posted February 27, 2014 Fixed. There should be a crash-related update to this before too long, also. Quote
triattack Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 i got it working for the sg server maybe i'll look into adding a bit more sorting for the log part so it is easier to setup admin and public chanenls Quote
LaserOfFury Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 Yes there is a lot of crashing, takes many tried to open and being showing game log in IRC. currently crashes trying any command. As for sorting, I would like to see myself colors for GAME: PLAYER: ADMIN: ect... Keep up the good work I very much appreciate this! Quote
Agent Posted February 28, 2014 Author Posted February 28, 2014 The crashes should be fixed; it took a while to reproduce them. Please post any problems. Quote
Agent Posted March 1, 2014 Author Posted March 1, 2014 (edited) Updated! Update requirements: Replace "RenX" in the plugins with "RenX.Core" and "RenX.Commands. Edited March 2, 2014 by Guest Quote
TomatoSlayer Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 Never mind. Forgot to update Config.ini with the new namespace. Quote
LaserOfFury Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 Nice update, Great bot!! good work!! Really organized now, love it! Quote
TomatoSlayer Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 Special characters need to be escaped. For example, I have a friend with a pipe "|" in his nick in IRC, and whenever he does !msg, the game cuts it off. This can probably be exploited with really bad consequences. Quote
Agent Posted March 2, 2014 Author Posted March 2, 2014 Never mind. Forgot to update Config.ini with the new namespace. Edited my "Update!" to mention this. Nice update, Great bot!! good work!! Really organized now, love it! Thanks! Special characters need to be escaped. For example, I have a friend with a pipe "|" in his nick in IRC, and whenever he does !msg, the game cuts it off. This can probably be exploited with really bad consequences. I see what you're talking about. I'll see if there isn't a way to transmit that character with some degree of safety; if not I'll just replace it with a / or something. Other characters don't appear to have the same effect, however. Quote
Agent Posted March 2, 2014 Author Posted March 2, 2014 Updated; inputs are currently sanitized by replacing the pipe character '|' with a slash '/'. Quote
Agent Posted March 21, 2014 Author Posted March 21, 2014 Updated! Note: This update will NOT function on Open Beta 1 servers; this is an update for Open Beta 2. Also note that there have been significant changes to the configuration file that require you to modify any existing configs. This mostly (if not entirely) applies to the [RenX] section being changed, and several other sections being added. Quote
Agent Posted March 22, 2014 Author Posted March 22, 2014 RenX.Commands updated; minor bug fixed. Quote
Agent Posted March 25, 2014 Author Posted March 25, 2014 Updated! Mostly a series of minor fixes/additions. Quote
TomatoSlayer Posted March 29, 2014 Posted March 29, 2014 The bot parts channels with a key, saying "Auto-Parting Enabled" when it isn't. Quote
Agent Posted March 29, 2014 Author Posted March 29, 2014 The bot will part channels when their type is configured as negative. The default config sets the default type to -1. You can change this by removing the line "Channel.Type=-1" under [Default], but RenX still will not report to those channels. If you need help configuring, I can help ye with that. Quote
TomatoSlayer Posted April 8, 2014 Posted April 8, 2014 The bot will part channels when their type is configured as negative. The default config sets the default type to -1. You can change this by removing the line "Channel.Type=-1" under [Default], but RenX still will not report to those channels.If you need help configuring, I can help ye with that. I have the channel set to 2, but the default seems to override it when I add the channel key. It works fine when I remove the key. Quote
Agent Posted April 8, 2014 Author Posted April 8, 2014 Ah, I see. What's probably happening is the bot's just storing the entire string (including the password) as the channel. I'll look into this more and actually fix it tomorrow, though. Quote
PyRoAcIdK Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I get MSVCP120.DLL is missing even though I've installed the x64 version for Windows Server 2012. if I download the DLL and place it in the directory, I get the application was unable to start properly (0x000007b). Click ok to close the application. Any ideas? Thank you Quote
Goku Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 These are the runtime files i put in the dir and it works fine for me. Http:// Hope that helps! Quote
Agent Posted April 13, 2014 Author Posted April 13, 2014 The bot's compiled for x86, so try using that version of the VS 2013 runtime packages. Quote
PyRoAcIdK Posted April 14, 2014 Posted April 14, 2014 Hi Team, That seems to have fixed that problem, however now I'm getting RCON: Conn1 invalid Password. then dropped auth timeout however the password in the batch file and UDKGame admin password are what is in the bot configuration? Thanks Quote
TomatoSlayer Posted April 14, 2014 Posted April 14, 2014 I think the command line (batch) password overrides the one in the server config; check to see if the case matches the one in the bot config. Quote
PyRoAcIdK Posted April 14, 2014 Posted April 14, 2014 They are all the same which is strange, and I have tested the password works as the admin password in game Quote
PyRoAcIdK Posted April 14, 2014 Posted April 14, 2014 The ports were definitely correct, I must have deleted a character or bracket or something because I started with a fresh config and its all working now What's the easiest way to set it as the admin channel has a password to join? I tried doing a raw join, but it quits the channel Quote
Agent Posted April 14, 2014 Author Posted April 14, 2014 I still need to fix a bug involving passworded channels actually, but in the mean time something like this should work: Configure the admin channel as normal. Add something like this line to the same section: RawData.1=JOIN #Channel PASSWORD Edit: When I get around to fixing this, you'll be able to just add the password after the channel name (i.e: Channel.1=#adminChannel superSecurePassword ). Edit 2: This is fixed for the next update. Quote
PyRoAcIdK Posted April 14, 2014 Posted April 14, 2014 Sweet thanks can also use !join #renegade-admin Quote
PyRoAcIdK Posted April 18, 2014 Posted April 18, 2014 Hi Agent, Is there anyway that you can make an option so team chat is in admin only? Someone can see what the other team is doing if they are in the channel as well. Thanks Quote
Agent Posted April 19, 2014 Author Posted April 19, 2014 Sure -- I'll make it an option for the logging plugin. Quote
Agent Posted May 5, 2014 Author Posted May 5, 2014 Updated! This build should also be compatible with the upcoming RenX patch. New plugin: RenX.Medals -- Players are given recommendations for destroying buildings, having the most vehicle kills, and having the most kills. New file: Translations.ini -- Allows you to override preset translations or specify ones that aren't already translated. Quote
Agent Posted May 5, 2014 Author Posted May 5, 2014 Updated (again)! Very minor update that only affects translations. Quote
Goku Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Added [shortTeamName] and [LongTeamName] sections to Translations.ini. (Happy now, Goku? ;v) maybe... Quote
Glacious Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Don't worry I have learnt from experience that there is no pleasing Goku Also love the idea of the Medals/Recommendations as did love that on the original Renegade. Quote
PyRoAcIdK Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 Hi Team, Is anyone else having issues where the bot seems to disconnect (or possibly lag out) and then not come back? (Version 0.6.1, i only just updated) Also insignificant but !version still reports 0.7 not 0.7.1 Thanks Quote
Agent Posted May 7, 2014 Author Posted May 7, 2014 Yeah, !version reports the Jupiter.dll version. What exactly do you mean though by disconnect/lag out? Where can I watch this? Quote
Agent Posted May 17, 2014 Author Posted May 17, 2014 Updated! This includes a bug-related crash fix. Quote
SODPaddy Posted May 18, 2014 Posted May 18, 2014 I got this error in the server: Rx: RCON Conn15 connected Rx: RCON Conn15 authenticated Rx: RCON Conn15 subscribed Rx: RCON Conn15 disconnected Rx: RCON Conn16 connected Rx: RCON Conn16 invaild password Rx: RCON Conn16 dropped (Auth Timeout) Quote
Agent Posted May 23, 2014 Author Posted May 23, 2014 Updated! Bug fix. Also, I'm guessing you're not encountering that issue anymore since it looks like you've got the bot running? Quote
Agent Posted September 8, 2014 Author Posted September 8, 2014 Updated! Some bug fixes and feature additions. Personal update: I haven't been able to dedicate nearly as much time to maintaining this as I had previously due to my father having a stroke; a huge part of my schedule has been carved out to help take care of his needs, as well as manage a business that suddenly got thrown at me while he was incapable of speaking and bedridden. He's faring far better now, and since I'm no longer busy 24/7 (I actually have time to sleep now! ), I plan to put some time back into this project again. Quote
Ryz Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 Just wanted to thank you for your effort and wish you the best with your dad. Can't believe nobody even took the effort to react here. So that's why I decided to register... Quote
Agent Posted October 17, 2014 Author Posted October 17, 2014 Thanks, I appreciate the reply! Also: Updated (See change log in first post for details)! I was going to upload this a couple days ago, but actually reset my local copy by accident by about a month and had to redo a fair bit of what I had changed. Quote
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