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Figured I'd start a thread about experiences in Renegade X that you'd like to share. Post videos, upload screenshots, or just tell a story.

Here is a video of a game on walls where I was able to infiltrate Nod's base and kill their PP.


Edited by Guest

Aw, poor guy wasted his beacon there =P Surprising you managed to sneak into the base with so many people =D

Haven't made any videos since release but had a pretty good game last night on field as GDI. We pretty much had complete map control. We had full control of the tunnels and the field. Nod couldn't get out of base at all... However, despite having liek 5 mammoths sitting outside Nod's base, they were all too scared to actually move in and kept feeding Nod points from airstrikes. By the end of the round, Nod won by only 30 points =P



Well I had a game last night on Field in a 64 player server where I had 3300 points and the next closest in the game was 1100. Hit the Weap Fact with a mobile arty until it died. Nuked the Refinery, then played black hand sniper with air strikes the rest of the game.

Guess I had a good match!


I've spent pretty much all day running around as a hotwire through the base doing maintanance, placing mines and disarming beacons as nobody else would.

Ended up to scoring almost every game without getting out of base too much.

I tried infiltrating the enemy base on walls as well but the bots who stand there in one spot like sentries don't let you pass.

Also, I've seen someone repairing a purchase terminal today.

A fun experience overall if you disregard the terrible performance the game has even on low on my laptop.


My experience summed up into one word: BUGS!

In all seriousness...

My fav moment was on GDI and the WF and BAR were destroyed. Some tard drove up to the PP with an APC and tried to place a nuke, but he left his half healthed APC behind and I knicked it. Had like 6-7 engis repairing me; that APC stopped any rushes dead in their tracks. Still ended up losing to points, though.


*The dust settles, leaving fetchystick alone in a tunnel full of dead noobs*

My experience so far has been trying to teach newer players the basics. Many people find frontline repair to be quite fun once they try it, even more once they realize how OP it is.

Leading proper attacks, telling my team to buy arty instead of buggies and flames, Being sneaky instead of attacking everything. The noobs are plenty, but they'll learn given time.

Probably my proudest moment so far was walking out of the nod powerplant on goldrush as an ordinary soldier, seeing 3 enemies crouching trying to sneak into the base, heads all lines up, and just owning each one. Good times.

Brings me to another point, do be patient with the noobs, there are a lot of tricks they don't know about. We should probably compile a list somewhere.


Just had a game wich felt like "New People vs. Experienced People" ofc i was in the "newbie" Team and had to defend the base alone against 5 stealth guys trying to bomb our base....it worked...for about half the game, then they just bombed the base with airstrikes, artys and nukes....first i was really pissed of that no1 tried to help me defend our base, but then i realised how much fun i had trying to keep everything working :P

i was in the "newbie" Team and had to defend the base alone against 5 stealth guys trying to bomb our base....it worked...for about half the game, then they just bombed the base with airstrikes, artys and nukes....

Was this on Islands a few hours ago? I was one of the three SBH that put up nukes at the same time on the barracks. We didn't even organize that, I just saw two other guys in the base and we knew all to place them close together.


Was this on Islands a few hours ago? I was one of the three SBH that put up nukes at the same time on the barracks. We didn't even organize that, I just saw two other guys in the base and we knew all to place them close together.

Nope :) Was on the snow map(forgot the name of it :) )

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