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I wonder why it was changed from the original Renegade. IIRC, in vanilla Ren, all guns were hitscan. It made sense. Game's very arcade'y and adding projectile based guns doesn't really make that much sense. As RX went into open beta, I hear this complaint more and more often from people in chat or from my friends who have played and haven't played the original. Predicting player movement takes skill in itself, and now we have to compensate for bullet velocity as well. Doesn't it make the gunplay a little bit overcomplicated, especially with TTK so high?

I'd like to hear from devs on that matter. I'd also like t know if they'd be willing to change things around if community wanted it.


Im not sure the community would want it. Renegade had plenty of velocity based weapons, it was a big part of the game (initial soldier vs soldier skirmishes). Did you play with a mod that made them all hitscan?


Honestly for most guns, I dont think it would matter. Its a lot harder to track infantry with the crosshairs in RenX than it was in Renegade. For auto rifles, youd probably score just as many hits in either case, whether you had your crosshairs on them exactly when you fired or by them just walking into the bullets youve already fired.


Just wish snipers weren't hitscan. Huge nerf that would be, though :P

There's no way this will change, non-hitscan weapons as they are in Renegade X was a big part of weapon behavior in Renegade. It makes some weapons worse, but that seems by design.


Planetside2. Nothing's hitscan.

To be serious, most guns in Renegade were mildly not hitscan either. It isn't impossible, just lead your shots so so very slightly in front of enemies. Pecking also helps this as stopping firing every few seconds lets you fix your aim a bit better.


All snipers are hitscan, even the free ones.

Pretty much anything that is a sniper, is laser related (PIC, laser rifle, repair gun), or the silienced pistol is hitscan. Tiberium weapons, bomb type and spray types are not.


Honestly, I think projectile speeds are all pretty good right now. One exception might be the Med. Tank's cannon, it seems excruciatingly slow sometimes, slower than any other tank, similar to Mobile Arty. You notice it a lot more, though, because it follows a straight path. Just a slight boost to the speed would make it feel more natural.


The marksman rifle isn't hitscan.

All of the weapons that were hitscan in Renegade are hitscan in Renegade X. There were internal tests adjusting how weapons worked, such as making the ramjet velocity based, but ultimately what we got now is for the best. I mean, I'm still up to debate it, but I think it works pretty well as it is.

The marksman rifle isn't hitscan.

All of the weapons that were hitscan in Renegade are hitscan in Renegade X. There were internal tests adjusting how weapons worked, such as making the ramjet velocity based, but ultimately what we got now is for the best. I mean, I'm still up to debate it, but I think it works pretty well as it is.

Im almost positive marksman is hitscan. If they arent instant, then theyre damn close. I havent tested them across maps, but they seem instant when Ive used them in tunnels like on Islands.


It felt instant to me, but the game almost always has "hit lag" so damage is actually recorded late, and that screws with the feeling.

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