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Thank you BT, this was an awesome idea.

What games do you fancy? Are you into specific genres; specific franchises (C&C, duh); thems thar indies; whatever else? Were there games youve been playing recently? Have any outstanding achievements you want to mention? Anything else merit note?

Ill start.

In the past couple months, Ive gone through several games: Mass Effect Trilogy, XCOM Enemy Within, TESV Skyrim, Starcraft 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, Dragon Age, Tropico 4, Civ 5...think there were more, but cant remember.

And of course who doesnt like punishing themselves with one (or a hundred) spicy bone-striping play-throughs of FTL?

As for achievements, Ill name my last bought of online gaming. Yes, I was all into SW the Old Republic. In its height of glory (ie the first couple months), I founded and lead the largest Sith guild on one of the most heavily populated servers, Juyo. The name of the guild was...Cotton Balls. Last I heard, theyre still alive and limping on.

Long live Cotton Balls!


I like teambased games ...

After Renegade I always was on the search for something similar ...

A game where I can use my tactical skills as a "ninja" or just to support the troops ...


I played the classic Wolf:ET a while (now it is a pain with all the modifications)


After ET:QW came out I played that one very long, still one of the most underrated games

Possible to play as a medic, place supplies on tactical places or provide spawnpoints at the front

call airstrikes, provide shilds, cover with smoke, plant mines or kill enemie turrets


BF 2142 in the titan mode was pretty unique and very much fun aswell ... yet an other underrated gamemode!

that should be ressurected in some kind of game ... it really was a ton fun


I got hooked on Minecraft, as so many others and founded a german community (at times the biggest in germany) http://www.crafters-united.net ...

but after those RPG elements gained more and more weight i kinda got bored and handed the community to fellow friends (Who still run it at a decent evel)


Played DayZ ... now wait for progress in the SA ... still not sure if I like the direction of the SA


Natural Selection 2 yet an other underrated game ...

very fun ... combines RTS and FPS in a good way ... I can imagine a NS2-AOW game ... open field with bases and vehicles/tankunits and a commander ...

sadly this game is about to die :(



I recently discovered Don't Starve ... very nice rougelike survival game!

ofcourse FTL is a very very great game!

Orcs must die 1 and 2 is a good value game aswell

Antichamber very tricky, still not through yet (I refuse a walkthrough!)

and believe it or not ... I liked DUKE NUKEM FOREVER a lot, for me just what I expected it to be ... vintage!


Natural Selection 2 looks pretty cool, never heard of it before. It reminds me of another game kinda like it with a commander RTS and foot soldier FPS, but cant remember the name.

Ive tried getting into Dont Starve, but it just wont let me in. I liked Orcs Must Die 2, but not so much 1; more options in 2.

Eww, DNF...


I play a lot of mount and blade warband: napoleonic wars I can really recommend it to people that like team playing. Recently finished the campaign from Dragon Age Origins again, I got high expectations for Dragon Age: Inquisition. And a lot of DayZ and Skyrim thanks god for the new memory patch I can recommend it to everyone with a lot of mods.

Natural Selection 2 looks pretty cool, never heard of it before. It reminds me of another game kinda like it with a commander RTS and foot soldier FPS, but cant remember the name.

Ive tried getting into Dont Starve, but it just wont let me in. I liked Orcs Must Die 2, but not so much 1; more options in 2.

Eww, DNF...

Empires? It was a mod for Half Life 2 with RTS style commanders and base building with player controlled infantry/vehicle FPS.


As for myself, I find myself playing single player games a lot more these days. Used to really be in to multiplayer FPS but Since Call of Duty, everything has become rather samey.

Also used to be really into RTS games (the base building ones) But there's really only 2 around anymore and one is still in beta.

Currently I'm mostly playing Civ 5 and Dark Souls with the occasional game of C&C and Counter Strike: GO... Though mostly only because my boyfriend plays it. Really hoping for a new Fallout game. New Vegas is one of my favourite games of all time but I've played it so much that I can pretty much do a walk through off by heart =P

Would also love a new Shenmue or at the very least, HD releases of Shenmue 1 and 2. Hopefully they'll announce something with Yu Suzuki talking about it at GDC this year =)

  • Totem Arts Staff

Battlefield 4 mostly, Starbound in between. I replay Half life 2 from time to time because personally I think it's the best SP FPS and I try to observe as much as possible each time I play.

Mass Effect was the biggest thing ever for me when it came out, 2 was really nice, 3 was a disappointment overall (no, not just the ending ... I can talk for hours about ME 3 and what's bad and disappointing)

I find myself frustrated and angry at most AAA titles for being stupid, safe and having tripe storylines and samey designs.

Ironically looking forward to Titanfall... (soft spot for Mechs) interesting to see how infantry + mechs holds up instead of a pure mech game, there's more sense of scale in Titanfall vs a Mechwarrior game for instance.

Battlefield 4 mostly, Starbound in between. I replay Half life 2 from time to time because personally I think it's the best SP FPS and I try to observe as much as possible each time I play.

Mass Effect was the biggest thing ever for me when it came out, 2 was really nice, 3 was a disappointment overall (no, not just the ending ... I can talk for hours about ME 3 and what's bad and disappointing)

I find myself frustrated and angry at most AAA titles for being stupid, safe and having tripe storylines and samey designs.

Ironically looking forward to Titanfall... (soft spot for Mechs) interesting to see how infantry + mechs holds up instead of a pure mech game, there's more sense of scale in Titanfall vs a Mechwarrior game for instance.

I really wish there were more good mech games coming out. I hear Hawken (released tomorrow on steam) was turned in to a CoD clone with robots and the impression I got from Mechwarrior Online was rather Pay 2 Win. I am interested in Titanfall but I have very little faith in EA after the Battlefield 4 fiasco.


RTS - Everything C&C. Age of Empires II / The Conquerors. World in Conflict. Company of Heroes.

Steam shit - TF2, CS:GO.

Racing - Oldschool Need For Speed games (NFS II SE, NFS Hot Pursuit III, NFS High Stakes) if I could just get my computer to run them properly. Most recent racing experiences are GRID and the 2010 NFS Hot Pursuit.

FPS - Ren-X / Rene, COD2, Battlefield, MOHAA.

I'm such a sappy, sentimental SOB. Love my old games. Used to be much more of a competitive gamer in games like MOHAA and COD2, but have taken kindly to a more casual style of gaming with the likes of TF2 and indie gems on Steam like the Stanley Parable. Thinking about downloading Hotline Miami for my next addiction.

BF 2142 in the titan mode was pretty unique and very much fun aswell ... yet an other underrated gamemode!

that should be ressurected in some kind of game ... it really was a ton fun

Battlefield games have a replay value of ∞ simply because of how lulzy they are. Stat padding someone until they ALT+TABBED was priceless. I specifically remember a day in high school, walking past an emergency defibrillator on the wall in between classes and bursting into laughter while everyone just stared at me.

Empires? It was a mod for Half Life 2 with RTS style commanders and base building with player controlled infantry/vehicle FPS.

No, it was a stand alone. I found it, called Nuclear Dawn. Watched videos about it, but never played it.

As for myself, I find myself playing single player games a lot more these days. Used to really be in to multiplayer FPS but Since Call of Duty, everything has become rather samey.

Also used to be really into RTS games (the base building ones) But there's really only 2 around anymore and one is still in beta.

Currently I'm mostly playing Civ 5 and Dark Souls with the occasional game of C&C and Counter Strike: GO...

I know exactly how you feel. When RTS's started turning from C&C style to World in Conflict/Dawn of War 2, I got turned off of most of them. I need me my base! And Ive played so much Civ 5, my first 20-30 turns are pretty much scripted.

Battlefield 4 mostly, Starbound in between. I replay Half life 2 from time to time because personally I think it's the best SP FPS and I try to observe as much as possible each time I play.

Mass Effect was the biggest thing ever for me when it came out, 2 was really nice, 3 was a disappointment overall (no, not just the ending ... I can talk for hours about ME 3 and what's bad and disappointing)

I find myself frustrated and angry at most AAA titles for being stupid, safe and having tripe storylines and samey designs.

Ironically looking forward to Titanfall... (soft spot for Mechs) interesting to see how infantry + mechs holds up instead of a pure mech game, there's more sense of scale in Titanfall vs a Mechwarrior game for instance.

I might take you up on that Mass Effect offer. Ive been asking people why they hated ME3 so much and all I ever get is that they hate the ending. I always thought the gameplay of ME3 was the best and the storyline, while being rushed and initially out of place with the Reapers popping out of nowhere, was not bad (not ME2 great, tho).

And AAA...you read my mind. I havent really been playing anything new for the same reason. The only two games Im currently looking forward to (besides RenX) is Dragon Age Inquisition and Witcher 3.

I'm such a sappy, sentimental SOB. Love my old games.

Yeah, Im pretty much the same. Last new game I played was Starcraft 2 HotS and before that...I cant even remember. I recently even broke out the ol' Gamecube for some nostalgia.

BF 2142 in the titan mode was pretty unique and very much fun aswell ... yet an other underrated gamemode!

that should be ressurected in some kind of game ... it really was a ton fun

Battlefield games have a replay value of ∞ simply because of how lulzy they are. Stat padding someone until they ALT+TABBED was priceless. I specifically remember a day in high school, walking past an emergency defibrillator on the wall in between classes and bursting into laughter while everyone just stared at me.

well I personaly tried some BF games ... all were just pure boring ...

2142 was special ... liked the future tanks, reminded me of C&C with the APC and the mechs

and titan mode was a unique mode never seen before ...

titan mode in short:

2 factions

each faction has a huge mothership (the titan) floating over the battlefield ...

first target is to capture missile silos

those silos shoot in steady intervalls missiles to the enemies titan and lower its shields

after the shields are down you use the apc, and its catapult pods to shoot your self on the titan

each titan has an engine room, in which you have to kill its engine core to win

Natural Selection 2 looks pretty cool, never heard of it before. It reminds me of another game kinda like it with a commander RTS and foot soldier FPS, but cant remember the name.

maybe savage? http://www.s2games.com/savage/index.php

i like the mechanics ... but i hate this medi evil fantasy setting


I was big into BF 1942, but Vietnam killed the game for me (maps were too big, there was an over focus on air combat, and wasnt really any strategy involved).

Titan mode sounds like Alderaan PvP in SWToR. I agree that style of gameplay is fun.


I started playing renegade when i was like 6 years old. Since then, i've bought the game 3 times because the original CD always shattered into pieces or my father formatted the PC and i lost the serial key.

My parents never bought any games for me, so i usually played obscure games which happened to be on sale for like 2 bucks, or whatever was still at home. This made me appreciate any kind of game, and started to think more about the effort that actually went behind the making of these games.

Once i realised how utorrent worked (well yeah, i'm not too proud of it :S), the PC got so old it wouldn't even install the newer games out there. This made me play even more retro games, like System shock, Streets of Sim City, Chrono Trigger (i had a LOT of emulators), Thief, Ultima, Lands of Lore, Quake, Doom, Contra, The Guardian Legend, Shogo M.A.D, you name it.

So yeah, gotta appreciate those hidden gems nobody knows about. But i'm sure Renegade X will get the fame it deserves. :D

  • 3 weeks later...

Expected this to be a topic about alcoholic beverages, thankfully that is not the case :P

Besides C&C games (duh), my fav game is OpenTTD. If it rings any bells and you're looking at my avatar in awe, no, that is actually TTDPatch :P If it doesn't, then I guess you could say it's the game in my avatar (even though it's only visually identical).

I used to play a ton of Worms Armageddon multiplayer. I hope they are all doing well, it's a nice community. Needless to say, Worms Armageddon is the best in the series due to many years of fancy patching by pseudo-official modders. Don't let anyone tell your otherwise.

Team Fortress 2 is my latest time killer, and it even has a built-in no-life-o-meter, which is showing 3000hrs at the moment. I hope it's broken, but I really like the game so I'm not sure.

I'm looking forward to Titanfall, RenegadeX comes in handy meanwhile. What's interesting is that I've never got around to playing the original Renegade, even though I have had it in my scope since release. Then X slapped me in the face and before I knew it it was downloading itself. Gorram bugger got me hooked.


I have played and swear to all the classic rpgs like Planescape torment, Baldur's gate I and II, fallout 1 + 2, and for oldschool shooters, Unreal tournement and Renegade.

I played a shitload of Wow, was there at the opening of AQ 40 and did all the classic raids back when the game was truly epic. Lost interest when they dumbed the game down to non elitist level.

The last year or so i mostly played Mass effect 3 Multiplayer, it is a simple but amazing gameplay and so far i sunk 1000+ hours into it, and i still find in entertaining.

And there is ofc minecraft.. well and many more :)


First got a taste of Tiberian Dawn when I was a mere lad at the age of 4. Of course, I watched the son of my babysitter play (didn't live with parents as a kid so those were some special moments). And since then, my addiction of C&C lasted to this day, all thanks to Renegade X. Only years later when I got my hands around the C&C collection (not TFD) did I start wasti-I mean, spending hundreds of hours with Renegade. xD

Big fan of oldschool shooters too, such as Doom, Quake, and Unreal Tournament. I swear, I'll never get bored of them in spite of how old they are. :D

I play League too, but not to the level of where everyone else is downright obsessed with it.

As for handhelds, I've got a limited edition 3DS. It fulfills my gaming needs on the go.

I have played and swear to all the classic rpgs like Planescape torment, Baldur's gate I and II, fallout 1 + 2, and for oldschool shooters, Unreal tournement and Renegade.

I played a shitload of Wow, was there at the opening of AQ 40 and did all the classic raids back when the game was truly epic. Lost interest when they dumbed the game down to non elitist level.

The last year or so i mostly played Mass effect 3 Multiplayer, it is a simple but amazing gameplay and so far i sunk 1000+ hours into it, and i still find in entertaining.

And there is ofc minecraft.. well and many more :)

I was seriously considering playing Planescape because of how much Ive heard about it (never played it before). I dunno...call me spoiled, but Im not wanting to read a book when I play a game; one of the main reasons I just cant get into heavy-narrative oldschool games that dont have any voice acting.

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