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For those of you who have never played Renegade before, here is a great beginner's guide written for the original Renegade.

http://www.renegadewiki.com/index.php/B ... lay_Manual

Renegade X Differences

Pedestal Beacon is not in the game yet. GDI Sydney has been replaced. GDI Patch has a different name and weapon. Transport helicopter does have a weapon now (chaingun).

The guide states that the Orca is better than the Apache (longer weapon range) and the GDI solder does more damage than the Nod soldier. This may be changed in Renegade X.

Renegade X also adds some elements not present in the original game. Notably, you can buy new weapons for your infantry, and call in airstrikes. Some maps also have neutral tech buildings which can be captured by repairing the Master Control Terminal. These cannot be destroyed and give an advantage for the team that currently holds onto them (e.g. better radar, more credits, access to new weapons).


The beacon pedestal was never added in official maps, if memory serves. It was a kind of mod that many servers didnt go along with (honestly, I hated the idea).

In the original, the orca could do more damage and had a splash attack (rockets), but the apache had a more accurate, instant attack (mini-gun). Now both of them have a mini-gun and rockets, similar to how the mammoth can fire both rockets and turrets at the same time.


beacon pedestal was there from beginning ... was no mod ...

and i liked it a lot ...

a pointwhoreing team could still lose cuz they are focused on points rather than defending the base ...

but defending the base is as importand as making points and kill buildings!

I do not know about the damage values but orca and apache had the same weapons ... if i remember correct just first and second firemode was swapped

(orca first was rockets and second was gun, apache first was gun and second rockets)

since aircrafts were patched in later i believe they gave both the same weapons (and probably values) for balance reasons...

the game was already out, so it would be hard to patch in totaly different vehicles without some counterunit (thats the reason i think of)

The beacon pedestal was never added in official maps, if memory serves. It was a kind of mod that many servers didnt go along with (honestly, I hated the idea).

In the original, the orca could do more damage and had a splash attack (rockets), but the apache had a more accurate, instant attack (mini-gun). Now both of them have a mini-gun and rockets, similar to how the mammoth can fire both rockets and turrets at the same time.

Both statements are actually false. The pedestal was always in Renegade, but whether or not it was an end-game option was decided server-side. The orca and apache did the exact same damage. The only difference between the 2 was that the orca's machinegun had twice the range of the Apache's (for the record - flying vehicles did not make the original release of renegade, and were added in a later patch, along with the flying maps). The GDI soldier did also do more damage than the nod counterpart, as stated in the renegadewiki page.

As far as a tutorial for Renegade X is a concerned - hold tight. One is currently in the makings :)

Hmm, stale memories. I guess it has been something like 5 years since I played. Maybe I need to install Ren again and play a few matches.

Yes you should. It's great fun!

on topic. How is this a guide? I think they already released a small video about how the general gameplay works. A real guide would also implement suggestions like shooting at head height, when to use the mammoth rockets and things like that right? Now I don't know how to use the airstrikes, why I would capture neutral buildings (maybe they will think you must capture them all to win like a king of the hill scenario) and what does the "better radar" do? What will the new weapons do and how is this information relevant for a beginner who doesn't know the weapons anyway? And for the more experienced people who played this, they don't know what cheap Sydney is replaced with, nor the weapon of Patch (who still has the same name right?). This only confuses a new player, especially if they read the whole guide of Renegade and get something else entirely in Renegade-X

With a guide I expect a description of the uses of all weapons and vehicles with a few tactics, and possibly a more detailed description and in-dept tactics for the already experienced player who reads the guide. If you want to place a guide here on a certain detail level, I'll be happy to help with some of my (legal) tactics. No tunnel nuking for example (which won't work anymore anyway).

ps. I'm an experienced player myself and have been following the project since nearly the beginning, so I know most of the answers and have a good idea how to adapt my old tactics to Renegade-X. Its just that I expected something more and maybe learn a thing or two I could use myself.

The beacon pedestal was never added in official maps, if memory serves. It was a kind of mod that many servers didnt go along with (honestly, I hated the idea).

In the original, the orca could do more damage and had a splash attack (rockets), but the apache had a more accurate, instant attack (mini-gun). Now both of them have a mini-gun and rockets, similar to how the mammoth can fire both rockets and turrets at the same time.

Both statements are actually false. The pedestal was always in Renegade, but whether or not it was an end-game option was decided server-side. The orca and apache did the exact same damage. The only difference between the 2 was that the orca's machinegun had twice the range of the Apache's (for the record - flying vehicles did not make the original release of renegade, and were added in a later patch, along with the flying maps). The GDI soldier did also do more damage than the nod counterpart, as stated in the renegadewiki page.

As far as a tutorial for Renegade X is a concerned - hold tight. One is currently in the makings :)

heles rockets go further then orcas too.

The beacon pedestal was never added in official maps, if memory serves. It was a kind of mod that many servers didnt go along with (honestly, I hated the idea).

In the original, the orca could do more damage and had a splash attack (rockets), but the apache had a more accurate, instant attack (mini-gun). Now both of them have a mini-gun and rockets, similar to how the mammoth can fire both rockets and turrets at the same time.

Both statements are actually false. The pedestal was always in Renegade, but whether or not it was an end-game option was decided server-side. The orca and apache did the exact same damage. The only difference between the 2 was that the orca's machinegun had twice the range of the Apache's (for the record - flying vehicles did not make the original release of renegade, and were added in a later patch, along with the flying maps). The GDI soldier did also do more damage than the nod counterpart, as stated in the renegadewiki page.

As far as a tutorial for Renegade X is a concerned - hold tight. One is currently in the makings :)

heles rockets go further then orcas too.

The rockets have the same (50) range. However, the velocity of the apache rocket is ever so slightly higher than the orca's rocket. Meaning it will travel the same distance and do the same damage, but the apache's rocket will arrive at the target slightly faster than the orca's would have. It's a fact that not many people realize, and is such a small difference that it's almost really not even worth mentioning.

The guide that is currently being produced is a basic guide aimed at people who would be new to Renegade and Renegade X. It's more effective to use that as a starting point. I assure you that more advanced guides will be made (both officially and unofficially).


yeah it was something like that, very important for orca v hele battles though only in smaller games.

a lot of people don't know it's easier to home in your rockets if your under your target too


As far as a tutorial for Renegade X is a concerned - hold tight. One is currently in the makings :)

The guide that is currently being produced is a basic guide aimed at people who would be new to Renegade and Renegade X. It's more effective to use that as a starting point. I assure you that more advanced guides will be made (both officially and unofficially).

I know that, and that's a relief. Still, why is this topic here? It is potentially useful, but right now it isn't. Especially since many things on the wiki he refers to are outdated. Mines and C4 don't have the same limit for example. They won't have the shared limit in Renegade-X I assume. The guide is outdated and not for Renegade-X.

If someone would create a guide or his own tactics, experienced or not, I would sit down with a cup of thee and enjoy reading it, probably try giving some extra suggestions. This post on the other hand feels like completely missing the point.


I'm assuming the topic starter was just looking to help. Basic renegade knowledge will help you in starting to understand the renegade x gameplay. He is not affiliated with the Dev team or testers, and sounds as if he is wondering a few things himself. Don't think too much into it.


Yeah ok I have been too harsh, thinking about the topic too seriously. I saw he was a man not affiliated with the dev's though. I was just hoping for more and too disappointed when it lacked. Its interesting to see the (same) tactics from other people and how they mentally approach them.


The game looks badass and streams show infantry rushing straight into a charge right at tanks and c4ing them and such. Basically, looks like a whole new fast paced game.

Strategies carry over, and that is what is mesmerizing and nostalgic, and new strategies are introduced, and that keeps things fresh.

I also saw infantry, just base class autoriflemen, just in a team of 5, rush into the field and cooperatively gunfight their targets. That feels neat to watch.

I feel one of the biggest sources of fun to come from this game, is all the new players and players from old renegade playing for the first time, and adapting to how the game is played. Most non-lemmings will grasp lots of things playing the game, no insult for the slow ones. I feel once people play it, we will see a lot of strategies, we will probably find and/or use a lot of them without even "databasing" them first, and the people who start to play and want to get better through research can then look up what the large playerbase has discovered in strategy over the while of playing this game.

I can't wait to be one of those people to feel around in the dark and get a grasp of a decent strategy from what they watch of others and what they discover of their own.


There's something for everyone in Renegade. Supporters, defenders, team attackers, team strategy leaders, sneak attackers, killwhores, pointwhores, noobs, and professionals alike. The same can be said for renegade X, with even more factors, far better graphics, and a new "feel." It's wonderous to experience.

multiplier practice was quite bad

That is the understatement of the century. When your programmed bots can be outsmarted and ran over by the harvesters just going about their business, you need to seriously question your existence as a human being.


HaTe just summed up the most amazing thing about Renegade. Anyone could hop on a team and not only contribute but do so in a very meaningful way.

If they weren't completely oblivious.

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