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What i think dev's should do after finishing mp and releasing it.

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Personally after playing Black Dawn I want more. It had some flaws but overall it brought me back to my younger years of playing Renegade. After they finish Mp and release it. I feel like they should talk to EA and Epic and get some license for this game, get some profit, and make it into a full fledged game. With full length campaign and more Mp maps/modes But that's just my opinion.

Its funny how they made a better game without hardly any resources and pulled off C & C. Thank god i was getting sick of this shit EA is releasing.



Renegade plays quite a bit more polished than RenX does. That may change in the future, depending on what they do, but right now Renegade is definitely the superior game in all aspects besides graphics... Although it does beat RenX in graphics for any night missions, considering you can see what you're doing in Renegade, even if it's got dated graphics.

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Renegade plays quite a bit more polished than RenX does. That may change in the future, depending on what they do, but right now Renegade is definitely the superior game in all aspects besides graphics... Although it does beat RenX in graphics for any night missions, considering you can see what you're doing in Renegade, even if it's got dated graphics.

well, if you are talking about the singleplayer, i doubt it.

C&C renegade's singleplayer campaign had it's ups at downs.

from walking linear, empty and small paths up to the epic fight to escape the sabotaged laboratory with enemies all over the place and getting pissed every time you go up the elevator and mobuis dies becuase he walks straight into a death pit, full of mutants, SBH's and sentries.

but at most of the times, the gameplay was weak because there was too little refeshing stuff in it, you alwyas do the same and fight the boring AI.

the Renegade X's campaign was too short but action packed, exciting and had big open paths where you rushed into the enemy lines, with danger all over you.

the tanks felt better to drive in, the humour never disappeared and you the arsenal seemed quite promising, with not only 1 weapon you use all the time. the Tac rifle was a good addition too, but i get the feleing the rocket launcher got a bit underpowered because the tac rifle was pretty capable in destoying vehicles. hope it's weak points will be sctuctures, i don't want a multiplay map full of scottish people and invisible cyborgs.

i think that 'C&C renegade is superiour' your talking about it just the nostalgia coming back and you don't want C&C renegade to disappear.

but Totem arts will handle that lost gem with respect, i promise you :P


Renegade's single-player campaign doesn't make my computer freeze up to the point of needing to be restarted. Nor does it crash or have any other peculiar bugs. The AI issues you mentioned in Renegade are actually better than RenX, because the AI in Renegade is more advanced - it does more than simply run at you in a straight line, or stand there and die. It doesn't do much more than that, but it tries.

I don't really care if Renegade disappears or not. I still play it even after beta testing it in 2001 and being part of the development team for it in 2002. Games die, that's not a concern to me. I believe you are attempting to attribute statements or ideas to me that I do not hold.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

If you don't care about Renegade, and you think Renegade X is a subpar game (4/10 - worse an average indie game, in your opinion) then it confounds me as to what you're doing here. It confounds me that you even wanted to join the team not long ago. If you want us to hear you, we have already, and having you repeat it here several times won't help your case.

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Simply put ACK, i very much doubt the game would be better off under your lead or even when they take your critics seriously.

Fobbys has different ideas and different priorities than you. And with the resources available to him, i'd say he's doing pretty well.

In short, you just sound like an arrogant prick.


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  • Totem Arts Staff

wasn't ACK looking for a place in the Dev Team .. does he hold a grudge from being denied ? (just like the Reborn Mod) you may of heard many thing about ACK and what i have heard is being portrayed in this thread ! what a COCK

away from the hate and back to the love

i think the Team or the members that stick with Totem Arts should make some new title after the Final MP release but thats up to them ... talking to EA and epic sounds like a good idea but in the long run EA may what a controlling power over Totem Arts saying what they can and can not do :(


Actually, I don't think he was ever denied a position. I think that he said that he was going to finish up his Ren Map first, Fjords, and then come here. He is currently working on Noddingham, the final unreleased ren map, and Tiberium Garden, which according to him can be ported to UDK or any other Game Engine.

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Fobby[GEN]]If you don't care about Renegade, and you think Renegade X is a subpar game (4/10 - worse an average indie game, in your opinion) then it confounds me as to what you're doing here. It confounds me that you even wanted to join the team not long ago. If you want us to hear you, we have already, and having you repeat it here several times won't help your case.

If you're going to quote me, I'd really appreciate you quoting everything I say - especially the part where I mentioned that I'm more than willing to change my rating of your mod/game based on what you do with it in the future. Right now, you have a bugged SP release for a MP-oriented production. I don't see what blaming me is going to change about that. I could be a bit more tactful than I have been lately, but I fail to see how that would change any of the points I'm making.

Regarding joining your team, I saw a lot of potential with it. I still do, even if you've been on the defensive lately. As I've stated to you privately, I don't like your art direction but I appreciate the amount of work that has gone into what you've made. It is possible to disagree with what you're doing and still maintain a level of respect for the people behind it, although I completely and totally disagree with how you're handling criticism - especially calling me out in public. That's really not professional. You're better than this. ;-)

wasn't ACK looking for a place in the Dev Team .. does he hold a grudge from being denied ? (just like the Reborn Mod) you may of heard many thing about ACK and what i have heard is being portrayed in this thread ! what a COCK

I was never "denied" a position to my knowledge. I have offered my support and help previously and the offer is still there. I'm not the kind of person who disagrees with what someone does and refuses to help them get better or help them get past whatever problem they've encountered. Also, your idea of what happened between my old team and the old Reborn team is quite embellished - they attacked us initially. We defended ourselves and let it get out of hand, until we became the attackers and they were on the defensive for years. It was my lack of professionalism at that time that allowed my team (and myself, by extension) to run amok with the amount of ridiculous "mod wars" that plagued the Renegade Official Forums.

/Generalcamo is right

//I decided not to actively pursue any work with RenX due to wanting to finish Fjord for Renegade

///That isn't to say that there was any real offer or intent to "hire" from them, so don't take this that way

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  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm just genuinely curious as to why you'd post about how sub-par Renegade X is on Renegade-X.com, CNCNZ.com, RenegadeForums.com, IndieDB.com, and who knows where else. Yes, I am reading, but replying would be a waste of time. Seems like you're a bit obsessed. I'm really not interested in the "my mod is better than yours" arguments of the old days and would probably prefer it if you made your points here and then give it a rest. I don't agree with your views on art and artstyle, but legitimate critique is warranted and I appreciate that you have at least been respectful in your posts. As for Ack's application to the team, I won't be discussing any private conversations I've had with him, I respect his privacy.


You've known me how long? Since at least 2004? You're just now figuring out that I'm highly opinionated? ;-) I make what I say highly visible, because I prefer that my words not fall on blind eyes. Or in the case of people getting butthurt, I'd prefer to have my statements in several places in case they get deleted by someone who doesn't like their work being discussed. Granted, it's a bit silly to assume that you would edit my posts or delete them for disagreeing with you. It can tend to lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy in a way; I expect you to do it so you do it because I made my posts in several different places. However, I did say I would make a more "in-depth" review on IndieDB when you called me out on giving it a rating of one.

I have no mods or games by which to judge my work to your own and I have no intention of doing so. I'm not interested in that discussion. The only reason we're even having it at the moment is because someone in the thread decided that embellishing the past was a legitimate discussion subject when they didn't like what I had to say. I'm glad you agree that I'm being respectful - I'm not sure how anyone really could disagree. You can call me blunt, to the point, etc, but disrespectful would require a lot more effort on my part to simply bash your work. I have no interest in doing that, either, since your work is obviously polished in certain areas and rough in others. Nothing is perfect. As artists we only improve greatly by the critique we receive from others.

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If you're going to quote me, I'd really appreciate you quoting everything I say - especially the part where I mentioned that I'm more than willing to change my rating of your mod/game based on what you do with it in the future. Right now, you have a bugged SP release for a MP-oriented production. I don't see what blaming me is going to change about that. I could be a bit more tactful than I have been lately, but I fail to see how that would change any of the points I'm making.

Regarding joining your team, I saw a lot of potential with it. I still do, even if you've been on the defensive lately. As I've stated to you privately, I don't like your art direction but I appreciate the amount of work that has gone into what you've made. It is possible to disagree with what you're doing and still maintain a level of respect for the people behind it, although I completely and totally disagree with how you're handling criticism - especially calling me out in public. That's really not professional. You're better than this. ;-)

I was never "denied" a position to my knowledge. I have offered my support and help previously and the offer is still there. I'm not the kind of person who disagrees with what someone does and refuses to help them get better or help them get past whatever problem they've encountered. Also, your idea of what happened between my old team and the old Reborn team is quite embellished - they attacked us initially. We defended ourselves and let it get out of hand, until we became the attackers and they were on the defensive for years. It was my lack of professionalism at that time that allowed my team (and myself, by extension) to run amok with the amount of ridiculous "mod wars" that plagued the Renegade Official Forums.

/Generalcamo is right

//I decided not to actively pursue any work with RenX due to wanting to finish Fjord for Renegade

///That isn't to say that there was any real offer or intent to "hire" from them, so don't take this that way

nothing deleted :)

and the SP campaign was a bit rushed at the end because there was a deadline to keep up with. they said that in another thread. and i'd prefer let them finished the SP campaign now, instead of waiting another 2 months in anxiety for a few less bugs, a little better voices and such, but does that really change the gameplay that much? especially for a game which only takes an hour to complete? i'm already happy we will be seeing the singleplayer sooner.

and if i know a bit more about scripting (i am slowly learning :) ), i would've applied myself, but i don;t go the knowledge and time for that. sorry team :P

and YES, i do totally respect you and your opinions.

every game needs some critiques. but it's like a mosquito turned into an elephant or something over here xD

if you would have taken it a little easier on the dev team, the dev eam would've taken it easier on you. but it seems like things are calming down now. :)

and now... time to tock 'n roll!

You've known me how long? Since at least 2004? You're just now figuring out that I'm highly opinionated? ;-) I make what I say highly visible, because I prefer that my words not fall on blind eyes. Or in the case of people getting butthurt, I'd prefer to have my statements in several places in case they get deleted by someone who doesn't like their work being discussed. Granted, it's a bit silly to assume that you would edit my posts or delete them for disagreeing with you. It can tend to lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy in a way; I expect you to do it so you do it because I made my posts in several different places. However, I did say I would make a more "in-depth" review on IndieDB when you called me out on giving it a rating of one.

I have no mods or games by which to judge my work to your own and I have no intention of doing so. I'm not interested in that discussion. The only reason we're even having it at the moment is because someone in the thread decided that embellishing the past was a legitimate discussion subject when they didn't like what I had to say. I'm glad you agree that I'm being respectful - I'm not sure how anyone really could disagree. You can call me blunt, to the point, etc, but disrespectful would require a lot more effort on my part to simply bash your work. I have no interest in doing that, either, since your work is obviously polished in certain areas and rough in others. Nothing is perfect. As artists we only improve greatly by the critique we receive from others.


what a selfish dude ;) .

Its easy:

you like it -> you follow it.

you dont like it -> you play another game ;) .

Reasons to not complain:

-nobody said you had to download it.

-It is free.

Reasons to complain:


If it is not running well on your computer, than it is probably a problem of your computer. It runs nice on my computer at least. It was never said that it would be that low graphic as c&c renegade... computers get better in years dude ;)

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aha madness, I used to be in the [Xil] (exile?) clan way back when, before [st0rm] came about and the modification shitstorm. Nice to see an old face.

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