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  • Totem Arts Staff



Let's get down to business!

So we've been off the radar for quite a while now. We haven't made a public announcement since the release of Black Dawn, and we've crawled back into the hole we came out of. Sometimes, silence is golden. Not this time. We've come bearing good news - Renegade X is BACK! And with some exciting news regarding our upcoming multiplayer release.

Black Dawn, our singleplayer tech-demo was released about six and a half months ago. It received widespread attention from a range of audiences, from casual to hardcore, oldtimers to new, trolls to genuine fans, forum members to magazine-readers, and more. The release received more than two hundred thousand downloads in the past six months (that we know of), which is a good headstart to reintroducing gamers to the world of C&C FPS. There were also many things we learned about in the Black Dawn experience, as players critiqued certain elements they found troubling. We saw what we were doing right, and what we could have done differently. Black Dawn was our first standalone release, and it gave us a good idea of how a standalone FPS would be received in both the C&C and the greater gaming community. You can download a free copy of Renegade X: Black Dawn HERE.

And we're glad to be back! After the Black Dawn release, our team took a much needed break to recharge our batteries and study how Black Dawn was received by our audience (and just to get away from it all). Sometimes a developer needs to take some time away (like a shower, or maybe a vacation) just to take a step back and fully process everything. We're constantly looking for new inspirations in the world, both RL and gaming, to improve upon the Renegade X experience. After our break, we got back to business - as usual, we like to start things off silently and secretly just to keep everyone on their toes.

We have been working on the upcoming multiplayer release of Renegade X. So far, we've had three internal alpha tests, and things are looking up. Progress is efficient and we're all glad to be back to where we belong - in a multiplayer project. We've been utilizing what we've done in both Black Dawn and the Unreal Tournament 3 betas, and refining that for a better overall experience. The development team has gone through a few shifts and we've written some documentation to better organize the upcoming release. We've brought over all of the original Renegade weapons, vehicles, and characters into the current multiplayer build, and the famous Command & Conquer mode is in progress. We're not yet ready to discuss the new features we have under wraps, but let's just say there have been some experiments behind the scenes that we will talk about in due time.

What's a Renegade X update without images? Here are the first ingame shots of the standalone Renegade X multiplayer:






There was one character that was completed during the Black Dawn development phase that did not make it into the singleplayer. Nonetheless, this is the 500-credit GDI sniper aka Dariel "Deadeye" MacInnis.




The Apache has also been completed. Of course, you did see this in Black Dawn, but it was not yet completed. Now you can appreciate it up close:



We want you!


Renegade X is a tactical First and Third Person Shooter with Real Time Strategy elements - Singleplayer and Multiplayer! With unique gamemodes, exotic level environments, and a plethora of different weapons, vehicles, characters, and superweapons, Renegade X is an upcoming game you wouldn't want to miss.

We are looking for the required positions noted below:

1. Programmers, with preference given to those with experience in Unreal Script. Those experienced in C++, C#, Java, or other programming languages may also apply.

2. Character Artists capable of creating high-poly and low-poly characters, normal maps, and 2048x2048 textures.

3. Environment Artists, with preference given to those with Unreal Editor experience. If one has no Editor experience, he or she may apply for a Prop Artist position.

4. 3d Animator capable of creating realistic 1st person and 3rd person animations

5. Flash Designer /Scaleform Expert capable of creating scaleform ready UIs and interfaces. Bonus if you can implement the swfs yourself.

There are multiple positions to fill for each of the above categories. An applicant is welcome to either reply to this thread, send an e-mail to jobs@renegade-x.com or post a thread at http://www.renegade-x.com/forums

If you have applied in the past 6 months, please re-apply again after today so your application may be processed.

Thanks for reading, stick around for more exciting updates soon!


an update! finally! :D and i must tell the screenshots look really good!

the tiberium looks more realistic, the missiles look better and the tanks are simply badasss! the damage on the light tank was stunning!

the only thing is that the trees looked a bit awkward... it looks more like a pipe with leaves then an actual tree. the bottom needed a bit more work... but who am i to complain about that?

just a question though... were there any 2,5D pictures implemented into the vehicles? the springs looked like it would move with you...

  • Totem Arts Staff

nice cant wait to get back in to Renx Multiplayer ... i miss the good old days killing and getting killed by all you lot :D

awesome pics ... nice to finally get an update to stop all the whining :P

as always good luck and excellent work


Awesome! This is just like a waiting line for a rollercoaster.....At the beginning you are enthousiatic, after a couple halve an hour you are getting bored and stuff. Then after 1hour+ you are like wtf this isn't worth it...After 2,5 hours you finally get in the rollercoaster. You enjoy it to the maximum and get out off the rollercoaster with a big smile saying 'totally worth it'....

I feel like waiting for Renegade X takes ages, but after every update, I get my big smile back and start all over again xD Goodjob on the hard work!

The only thing that bothers me now, is that I relealise how much longer you need, but meh, it's a free project so we have to respect that :)


Rise from your grave!

Yes! Glad to hear the team is still alive. While I had mixed feelings about Black Dawn, I was glad to finally play something from Renegade X that wasn't me running around a giant empty map with me shooting at walls and whatnot. I'm still incredibly hyped for this game. I feel the single player was the appetizer and the multiplayer is the main course.

A question for the dev team, is the multiplayer release just going to be just that, or will another beta roll out? I'd suggest doing some beta testing by choosing some guys here, on FB, Twitter, YouTube, etc. I know Cheap Ass Gamer is open for doing game invites to its members too as they are giving out keys for guys to play the War of the Roses beta at the moment.

So I guess what I'm saying is. Do a closed/open beta. Make private downloads that have caps so it's not abused during beta (to prevent leaks to the public). Maybe do a weekend of public beta (without invites) near launch so you can do a stress test on your servers, etc. I think all of these will ensure a smooth release and it will mean I won't have to wait all day on a torrent downloading it , which is what happened last time. =S

Anyway, I'll take whatever you guys decide to do. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer! :cool:


Hey a update, sweet. Glad my months of lurking has finally let me see something.

The environments look interesting, but the trees are reminiscent of pipe cleaners rather than firs or pines.

This reminds me of Crysis. I remember when that game came out. Everybody was like "LOOK AT THE TREEESSSSSSS!!!! its amazing". But yeah those trees aren't great. Maybe they're going for the classic Renegade look in the tree department :)


The classic Renegade trees weren't that thin. Their trunks were 300% thicker and the branches didn't hug the trunk like those do. It's why they look like pipe cleaners instead of trees.

/Those clouds don't fit either, it looks like you're using a photo from CG Skies instead of procedurally generated clouds

//They're photo-real while your environment, characters, weapons, and vehicles are not


Some more info for you that some might find interesting:

You will be able to play with and against bots in the MP version. This feature gets a lot of attention from us this time. In Black Dawn the Bots were just there for you to have something to shoot at without providing much of a challenge. But for the MP version the goal is to really show the bots how to play the game and to play it for the win. We already did quite a lot in that department but would like to do even more which is why we are looking for a second AI programmer.

Some more info for you that some might find interesting:

You will be able to play with and against bots in the MP version. This feature gets a lot of attention from us this time. In Black Dawn the Bots were just there for you to have something to shoot at without providing much of a challenge. But for the MP version the goal is to really show the bots how to play the game and to play it for the win. We already did quite a lot in that department but would like to do even more which is why we are looking for a second AI programmer.

Are they just going to be in a deathmatch kind of mode? Or are the bots actually going to playing for the win in the Command and Conquer mode? As in are they going to be doing repairs, sneaking into enemy buildings with sbh nukes/hotties, using tanks, getting together for rushes, etc, etc

Are they just going to be in a deathmatch kind of mode? Or are the bots actually going to playing for the win in the Command and Conquer mode? As in are they going to be doing repairs, sneaking into enemy buildings with sbh nukes/hotties, using tanks, getting together for rushes, etc, etc

most probably not. making an AI like that is nearly impossible. what he means is more basic tactics, like defending a specific position, an improved pathfinder AI, evasive tactics, trying to stay out of reach of a superweapon and entering a vehicle. or am i wrong? :)

most probably not. making an AI like that is nearly impossible. what he means is more basic tactics, like defending a specific position, an improved pathfinder AI, evasive tactics, trying to stay out of reach of a superweapon and entering a vehicle. or am i wrong? :)

Yep, something like that. So they will have some basic understanding about defending and attacking, they will use/buy vehicles and they will be able to repair vehicles and buildings. How far we can push their tactics remains to be seen. But you shouldnt expect too fancy stuff from then. Their main role will be to support the players and to be robust and helpfull in the basics like trying to keep your buildings alive. So even when few players are on the server the bots will allow for epic high player battles and they will play a supportive role so that the players themselfs have more room and time to execute fancy stuff like sbh sneak attacks.

  • Totem Arts Staff

there not hiring for a "new" team but wanting to add to the existing team

yer Jam were is it ... you slacker :P

Q. what will be the max player count on servers 16, 32, 64 ? and will bots automatic come in and exit depending on the number of players in game ?

Fobby[GEN]]... and bots are added and removed by server admins.

This, and the admin can define a minimum playercount aswell so that bots will then enter and leave automatically based on actual player numbers.

This, and the admin can define a minimum playercount aswell so that bots will then enter and leave automatically based on actual player numbers.

Cool, and will the auto team select be based on actual players so you don't sometimes get a team with mostly humans and another team with mostly bots?

Cool, and will the auto team select be based on actual players so you don't sometimes get a team with mostly humans and another team with mostly bots?

Yes. The Unreal Engine supports multiplayer bots since Unreal 1 and that was released 14 years ago. So thats 14 years of experience and refinement on multiplayer bots. So all the basic stuff like this the UDK already provides. We "just" have to teach the bots how to play C&C mode.


Good to hear you're making steady progress with the development. I'm very much looking forward to the beta. If the AI developers manage to program the bots' behavior well, I believe that feature could mean a lot to multiplayer activity. Waiting for some more players to join would even be enjoyable with a bunch of bots to use as target practice!


Awesome! Great to hear some news from you guys. I have to say that Deadeye looks really badass and though i'm not a good apache pilot, i would really reconsider using it more often from now on, as it really looks like a beast. I'm really forward to playing the first multiplayer release. I'm really excited about that.

Btw, is it just me, or are these screenshots in full view a bit blurry and low in contrast? I hope thats not an effect you are going to use in the actual game, as I'm not a big fan of that. Also where did all the colors go? Looks a bit like vanilla skyrim to me (Yeah, i exaggerated there ;-)). But that's just personal taste and i'm happy to overlook that, as i'm sure the multiplayer experience will be worth it! Again please take this as constructive criticism and not as an insult! So again good job on everything! I hope a great new Renegade community will grow out of this!

Renegade X will mainly rely on dedicated servers hosted by third-parties.

So grabbing me one when we are done or maybe close to being done for extra testing reasons before launch.

  • 2 weeks later...

The trees remind me a lot about the old Renegade, although spicing it up with the trees and scrub you already have might make it look more lifelike.

All the AI has to be able to do, besides using the weapons and vehicles, is teamwork. They need to be able to work together, create a team with a sniper, repairguy and anti-tank, preferably in larger groups, and go out in the field. Other things, like the all-treasured tank+repaircrew should be in game, as well as APC rushes. But the main goal I would go for with AI, is simply them being capable of taking and holding the field through teamwork. Or be on the defencive.

If both AI's are capable of that as a standard tactic, then human players can guide them through the hard parts of actually rushing a base, covering a human player or infiltration. If you leave the descision of attacking/APC rushing a base up to the AI, it will fail 99% of the time. Even with human players who have an advantage it's hard enough. Also, I hope that with AI doing teamwork, players will be more inclined to teamwork as well instead of lonewolfing. The AI won’t even have to be on godlike to stand a chance against top players, in groups they can at the very least damage them, so that top players have to go back eventually.

I also think that it is important for AI to be able of auto-messaging. Say they are in a base, they will always say they see an enemy, and what building is closest to themselves (or, if you can, which building the enemy is closest to). Out on the field, they should occasionally say something if they see an enemy that isn’t being engaged/only they see them. This keeps human players more aware of what is going on in the field. Additional things, like AI saying things of which area they have captured or lost in the field would be nice.

Yours sincerely,


I also think that it is important for AI to be able of auto-messaging. Say they are in a base, they will always say they see an enemy, and what building is closest to themselves (or, if you can, which building the enemy is closest to). Out on the field, they should occasionally say something if they see an enemy that isn’t being engaged/only they see them. This keeps human players more aware of what is going on in the field. Additional things, like AI saying things of which area they have captured or lost in the field would be nice.

well, i don't know really if that would be a really good idea. this would cause too much messages being sent, bringing confusion under the team players, becuase it's a bit too much to process if 6 or so AI's keeps spamming everything they see someone. you don't even know if it would be the same person or not!


You could easily implement a delay. There was talk of marking enemy players on the map for a limited period of time, which may be a better solution than text messages.

You could easily implement a delay. There was talk of marking enemy players on the map for a limited period of time, which may be a better solution than text messages.

I remember that thread. Wasn't the idea that if you managed to track someone with your cursor for a few seconds, he get's marked on the radar for everyone to see? If AI could mark you by having you in their line of sight for a few seconds, it would keep clutter away.

I don't know what The Team thought of it, but I think it would be nice.

Yours sincerely,


  • Former Developers
I remember that thread. Wasn't the idea that if you managed to track someone with your cursor for a few seconds, he get's marked on the radar for everyone to see? If AI could mark you by having you in their line of sight for a few seconds, it would keep clutter away.

I don't know what The Team thought of it, but I think it would be nice.

Yours sincerely,


We had that in UT3 mod version as well. If you targeted an enemy they would show up in the radar, and we plan to keep that because it makes the radar a lot more effective.

The idea for BFBC2/BF3 style spotting is just a thought at the moment, we are huge fans of battlefield and we do see just how effective spotting can be in a team oriented game, so we may give it a try when we get to beta testing phase with testers, because it is still up for discussion.

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