FredWPx Posted March 25, 2011 Posted March 25, 2011 My first impression is, that I am not impressed, or that I'm not even having fun. Sure there is nobody online at this very moment, but that doesn't change much about my opinion. When I first heard of Renegade-X I was hoping for a refreshing new start in the line of C&C Renegade, I was very interested in seeing the project head off well. But right now I have a lot of questions in mind. Was the Unreal engine a good choice? The graphical gimmicks is not something that attracts a C&C Renegade player in the first place. It's about the unique play of the game, that it's very team based and everything fits together nicely (regardless of the many issues the existing C&C Renegade has). Besides that, the game doesn't feel like C&C Renegade at all. When you walk around, first person and third person, when you drive a vehicle, when you place a beacon, it's all so different. These are all little things, but they are many little things that together make the difference. I don't think a lot can be changed about my opinion. I was downloading the game earlier and I was figuring out in my mind how I would get some people on the game, my friends, and so forth, I would try to make a thread to expose Renegade-X a bit. But after trying, the only thing I really want to do is press the uninstall button and free up some space. Yes, you could say this is a decent remake of C&C Renegade, which so many people always dreamed of and talked about through out the years since Westwood Studios was no longer among us, but no, I don't this game will be successful at all no matter how much you try. You can get as much exposure you want, but this game is lacking something that will make people come back and stick around. Also, I was giving Renegade-X (finally) a go after I was experiencing issues with my C&C Renegade serial. But it looks like I will now just return to C&C renegade and stubbornly do what it takes to get that serial issue fixed. The game (amazingly) still is a lot of fun for me. Also, something I'm adding, all the videos of Renegade-X seem to show off the surroundings and the vehicles, showing off the graphics. In my opinion that's not what a C&C Renegade remake should be about. Have you ever seen a C&C Renegade video showing off the surrounding? No, when you see a C&C Renegade multiplayer video you get to see how hectic and epic everything is that happens around you. I have yet to see such a video about Renegade-X, and have always been craving a little bit for such a video to be officially made and put on the website. Quote
Demigan Posted March 25, 2011 Posted March 25, 2011 Hey Fred, First off, I think it's refreshing to see someone not idolising the game. And you are right for a part that the game currently doesn't show the old renegade that well. But the Totem Arts team is working hard, and I'm just sitting it out until the game is so close to completion that those things you mentioned of a lack of familiarity with movements with the old renegade, will be solved. The Unreal engine is a good choice I think, especially if you actually skip some of the ultra-graphix and just go for gameplay instead they could make the game both look better ánd with the netcode and 'low' graphix it would give them the oppertunity to make large, innovative levels that allow for large playercounts and even larger scale battles then we ever had on the original Renegade. The Unreal engine was BUILD to be used for both mods and game developers, there are a million different games made on it, from FPS to RTS to RPG and mixtures. With relatively fast loading times, a relatively good graphix engine and fast coding. Fred, I think you should just sit back, look for different things for a while, and in half a year or so come back and see how far this game has come. I think you won't be dissapointed if you check it out later, don't drop it as a 'no-go' because of a half finished game you tried once! Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
FredWPx Posted March 25, 2011 Author Posted March 25, 2011 Thanks for the kind reply, I really hope that that will be the case. Quote
DrummerX Posted March 25, 2011 Posted March 25, 2011 Just a little heads up, the game is going through a phase at which it will be standalone (not requiring anything to play). I'm a beta tester for the black dawn release that's coming up and i have to let you all know that its pretty freaking awesome. I'm not a hardcore renegade player like many of you are but an unreal enthusiast that loves new tech and how people use it. I have played renegade and see the appeal of it and i have to say that the team has done a great job so far keeping the old feel with the new graphics and "gimmicks." Granted black dawn is going to be a single player single campaign (multi-mission) but it will give you a nice sweet taste as to what will be coming for multi-player. Just keep an eye out for Fobbeh giving out his updates and such from it. So in the end yeah, the UT3 mod is a little hard to play and get the feel that you got from the original renegade but trust me the future is very bright! Stick around and watch history being made! Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted March 25, 2011 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 25, 2011 well it seems to me that you had it in your head that RenegadeX was going to be exactly like Renegade when they use 2 totally different engines yes the first and third person views are strange to a renegade game coz there straight from UT3 but the vehicles wow the way the vehicles drove in Renegade was terrible ... they all seemed to drive like they pivoted in the middle (bloody terrible) the biggest part of Renegade is the amount of players on the servers with out players the game is not worth playing ... and it is the same for RenegadX its an awesome mod (yes some parts can be more Renegadeish) but after playing 30+ player games Renegade is unplayable i respect what you said but a lot of die hard Renegade fans just have it out for this mod coz it doesn't conform to the style of Renegade but that's not the Dev Teams fault as this Mod is based on a totally different game (UT3) but the Standalone(UDK) will be more in the stile of Renegade coz its built from the ground up not using UT3 as a base to build upon. i think you should do what every 1 else says just wait and see what comes next out this team coz its going to be Epic Quote
Totem Arts Staff [NE]Fobby[GEN] Posted March 25, 2011 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 25, 2011 Well after reading your long post I'm not exactly sure what you are critiquing is valid. There are things to critique about Renegade X, like some glitches and the semi-active playerbase at this point, but all you've really said in your post is that it does not "feel" like renegade at all. In your post you only gave the examples of walking around, driving, and planting beacons. But what exactly is so different? Walking animations are from UT3 so they won't be the same, the camera angle is slightly different, and I think beacon planting is identical. But why do these differences matter whatsoever? These are tiny, and these things at the very least and much more are bound to be slightly different when you jump from 2002 to 2007. Other than that, you've pretty much mentioned how disgusted you are with our project, which is fine, Renegade X is not for everyone. But wouldn't you at least want to try it with players before jumping to a conclusion? Renegade X remade C&C mode. I can imagine that the only thing that stands out when playing alone are the graphics, and you may call that a gimmick, but judging a game without playing or even seeing a video of its gameplay is simply abrupt. As for gameplay videos, there are plenty. Here is our official November 2009 launch trailer: If you'd like to see some unedited gameplay clips: Though like I said, this mod is not for everyone. If you'd like the original C&C Renegade walking animations, camera angles, physics engine, graphics, etc. then I'd recommend checking out the original game, as there is still an active fanbase. But when bringing the gameplay to a new engine, there's bound to be some changes, and our team and community focuses on what improves the overall experience rather than keeping it exactly the same. Otherwise, a remake has no point to it. Quote
woandre Posted March 25, 2011 Posted March 25, 2011 Altho you are very negative about Renegade X, I have to agree with you on some points. I agree the Renegade game shouldn't be about the graphics, I never watched at it to be honest, gameplay over graphics. But if you compare this game with newer games like GTA4, Crysis and Assasins Creed, the graphics are not very close to these games. So in a way, the graphics in Renegade X is far from good, same as C&C Renegade was back in 2002. And think about it, if this game would copy the C&C Renegade graphics, would you even feel like trying? Probably not. Also, the gameplay, I must agree it is less fun compared to C&C Renegade, it's hard to explain but it just doesn't feel like a 'random fun multiplayer game' where you have such freedom. But maybe this is because we are to used to C&C renegade's gameplay. It is impossible to copy the C&C Renegade style, otherwise it will be the same as C&C Renegade and that would be, as Fobby said, useless to make then. And as mentioned above, the game is not done, and not in the standalone version yet. With this said, keep hoping that the gameplay and other negative points will be better in the standalone version Quote
Zhaoff Posted March 25, 2011 Posted March 25, 2011 I also ran around in this game alone for the first time last night at 3am(I was that desperate). And I would say there's no better choices out there other than the UT engine. ITS AWESOME!! The only con I found was the health on the building was a little hard to see.. lol. maybe I need glasses. But anyway, I am very impressed with the graphics, explosions out of tank shells seem a little small, but gdi rocket launcher is awesome!! I just want say you guys did a GREAT job! Count me in as a weekly player starting this weekend. See you all in game soon! Quote
Former Developers Havoc89 Posted March 25, 2011 Former Developers Posted March 25, 2011 I dont think you're really criticizing anything in particular sence you're just saying how its slightly different, and yet you were expecting to see a fresh take on it but not change anything, which contradicts itself. You're saying that things feel different, well I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that, only thing I can think of are vehicles that feel different. Yes they feel different because they have better physics which allows every vehicle to feel different and appropriate for the kind of vehicle being driven. Where as in the original, they all felt the same and floaty. So why should we make the vehicles drive worse? So you dont like the UT3 version of RenX, I dont blame you, it is quite buggy and lacking a player base since our attentions shifted else where. All I can say is that with the stand alone version, you're in for a big suprised. What kind exactly is more dependant on what your opinion of moving forward is when it comes to C&C mode and Renegade. Quote
Demigan Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 Although I haven't played Renegade-x since it's last update, I think that what he means is the fact that the characters don't really move straight. While the path they move is straight, the head, shoulders etc move side-to-side incredibly, making any firefight loads different then the original Renegade. In the original, if 2 basic soldiers ran in a straight line towards eachother and shot at the head, you had a ton of headshots. In the last installment of Renegade-X I played, if you did the exact same, you would have almost all misses because that head bobs so far to the side. Same for just shooting at the torso, although that one is harder to miss because of it. This is just an example of how it's different. As I see it, that gives an incredible change in the way you both play ánd perceive the game as a footsoldier. If you go with tanks, I see improvements (and all the bugs any public beta has), but it will take time untill you accept it as the Renegade drivingstyle. Since you will be building the game from the ground up with your UDK version, I expect that most of these things will be right the first way around. I'll be sure to play Black Dawn! Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
Vipeax Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 Actually Renegade X will be containing more action than Renegade. It's not a remake, it's a remake with changes that the team considers improvements. Due to the fact that millions of people call Renegade the worst C&C game, it seems not everyone liked the old style and ofcourse those who did will complain this time. There are and will be changes that will seperate (including the UDK version and actually a few big changes aint even in the UT3 version that you are playing now, but will be in the UDK) the real game from this mod and some of those changes are quite major and WILL affect your playstyle. FYI: Most of the changes are improving the need of teamwork. You will be making decisions that WILL affect your teammembers and sometimes it's better to "pass" something for someone else, due to it being more beneficial for them. Remember, it's all about the X. Renegade X... XXXX.... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Quote
Former Developers Havoc89 Posted March 27, 2011 Former Developers Posted March 27, 2011 Although I haven't played Renegade-x since it's last update, I think that what he means is the fact that the characters don't really move straight. While the path they move is straight, the head, shoulders etc move side-to-side incredibly, making any firefight loads different then the original Renegade.In the original, if 2 basic soldiers ran in a straight line towards eachother and shot at the head, you had a ton of headshots. In the last installment of Renegade-X I played, if you did the exact same, you would have almost all misses because that head bobs so far to the side. Same for just shooting at the torso, although that one is harder to miss because of it. This is just an example of how it's different. As I see it, that gives an incredible change in the way you both play ánd perceive the game as a footsoldier. If you go with tanks, I see improvements (and all the bugs any public beta has), but it will take time untill you accept it as the Renegade drivingstyle. Since you will be building the game from the ground up with your UDK version, I expect that most of these things will be right the first way around. I'll be sure to play Black Dawn! Yours sincerely, Demigan. With all do respect, thats a load of crap. UT3 uses a collision cylinder for all players against weapons, and NOT the actual model cuz that would be insanly processor intensive, there fore the animations have nothing to do with hitting the character. THUS is the reason why its a lot easier to kill people in renx then it is in ren. So you could shoot beside the head and still get a headshot, or shoot through the legs, and still hit. Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted March 27, 2011 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 27, 2011 Actually Renegade X will be containing more action than Renegade. It's not a remake, it's a remake with changes that the team considers improvements. Due to the fact that millions of people call Renegade the worst C&C game, it seems not everyone liked the old style and ofcourse those who did will complain this time. There are and will be changes that will seperate (including the UDK version and actually a few big changes aint even in the UT3 version that you are playing now, but will be in the UDK) the real game from this mod and some of those changes are quite major and WILL affect your playstyle. FYI: Most of the changes are improving the need of teamwork. You will be making decisions that WILL affect your teammembers and sometimes it's better to "pass" something for someone else, due to it being more beneficial for them. Remember, it's all about the X. Renegade X... XXXX.... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX i like the fact that they called C&C Renegade the worst C&C ever yet what MultiPlayer game or even C&C game can you think of that has had its servers up for as long as Renegade and with the amount of players still connecting. the whole point of renegade is to work together as a team and that is the games style personally i don't care if the player cams are different or if the vehicles move different (better in my opinion) or even if the the dev team change the the names from GDI / Nod to USA / Russia or earth / mars its all the same game changes must be made to bring the game to a new engine and audience .... and why would you wanna remake a game to be exactly like the old 1 ... i do believe its the C&C way to move forward (too bad EA messed it all up lately) you say its all about the X but wait do you even know what the X stands for X Factor ? are we to see Simon Cowell in game some were and if so can i shoot him ? hehehe Quote
Demigan Posted March 28, 2011 Posted March 28, 2011 With all do respect, thats a load of crap.UT3 uses a collision cylinder for all players against weapons, and NOT the actual model cuz that would be insanly processor intensive, there fore the animations have nothing to do with hitting the character. THUS is the reason why its a lot easier to kill people in renx then it is in ren. So you could shoot beside the head and still get a headshot, or shoot through the legs, and still hit. Ooops, sorry, I'll check my internet connection then . It does have a tendency to drop occasionally. Still, I think that the UDK version will get most 'feelings' from the old Ren more in to place then the current version when you'll use your own animations for everything. Quote
Demigan Posted March 28, 2011 Posted March 28, 2011 i like the fact that they called C&C Renegade the worst C&C ever yet what MultiPlayer game or even C&C game can you think of that has had its servers up for as long as Renegade and with the amount of players still connecting. the whole point of renegade is to work together as a team and that is the games style personally i don't care if the player cams are different or if the vehicles move different (better in my opinion) or even if the the dev team change the the names from GDI / Nod to USA / Russia or earth / mars its all the same game changes must be made to bring the game to a new engine and audience .... and why would you wanna remake a game to be exactly like the old 1 ... i do believe its the C&C way to move forward (too bad EA messed it all up lately) you say its all about the X but wait do you even know what the X stands for X Factor ? are we to see Simon Cowell in game some were and if so can i shoot him ? hehehe It was the worst multiplayer because I think almost everyone's first experience is hell. Bad graphix, bad net-coding, slow game-play (and gameplay even now has to be fastfastfast in any FPS), and your first fight with anyone will probably end up with you screaming 'WHY CAN'T I HIT ANYTHING AND THEY CAN?!?!?!?!?' and then them quitting due to 'all the cheaters' and 'bad game-play'. There has always been a relatively small playerbase for Renegade, but it has been a PERSISTENT playerbase, unlike other games. Yours sincerely, Dmeigan. Quote
jenskai1 Posted October 31, 2011 Posted October 31, 2011 Base vs Base with tanks, haven't seen that in any other game, that's why i've been playing the game since 2007 to this very day. with renegade X this isn't going to stop anywhere soon. Quote
cirex Posted November 1, 2011 Posted November 1, 2011 First, the early versions will nothing say about future versions that will come out. Secondly History is history for a reason, so let the past behind you. And think about the opportunities the present will give us. The funny part of renegade, was that it already was pushed to the limit of what the engine could do in that time. Like the tank limit, it was there for a reason... did you ever seen how mush a MED mass did lagg? You could feel it coming when you where NOD. Sorry, but I really believe this renegade-x will gonna made it, or you like it or not . Reasons why: -New graphics (the renegade graphics where already poor for the year 2001) -Not needed to install 20 updates to get the game running. -No more buggs to abuse (at least that is the final goal, something where EA never took really time for to fix it with an update) -Free to play on a legal way -No ads -No or less lagg -A lot of sites are posting the big updates of renegade-x which are nice to get the right amount of players. -No deadlines, so no unfinished stuff -Soon less and less computers gonna be able to play the old renegade! Oh and the X, the X stands for 0 or 1 or A or B or Superman or terrorist, X=[something] The formula is X = [what ever you want] Quote
Former Developers Havoc89 Posted November 1, 2011 Former Developers Posted November 1, 2011 I think I can clear up a lot of things about Renegade X and its past, present and future. So starting with the past, before RenX was announced all... I think I can safely say that all of the C&C fans especially Renegade fans wanted to see a sequel to Renegade especially since it was cheated out of success and was marked as a mediocre game from the general gamer community. But no one had any idea how much potential lied with in the multiplayer, and how even today 10+years later is still being played despite almost all of its competition having been forgotten. While knowing that we the fans will never see anything like it ever again. So in an attempt to keep it alive and keep it going, many fans started making mods for the game, some that were successful, some that were not so lucky, but still was not exactly what everyone wanted, which was a real next true C&C FPS that could serve justice for Renegade. So with that all happening a couple of the earlier developers began to talk about remaking the game to bring more attention to it, and hopefully reignite the C&C name and game mode. The original plan was to make a carbon copy remake which would be identical in every way, and the Unreal 3 Engine would be the best of the best for the time. The team began to secretly form up from various places from the C&C community. I too was recruited to take part because I believed in the project. After developing for 2 years we had come across a lot of problems that we would have to deal with, and for us as a team,we had to stick together to overcome a lot of the engine, gameplay and especially the team related issues where having working on something for the first time and trying to coordinate everything. It was defiantly very difficult, and we ourselves did not have as much experience with each other the engine and the project to really be able to deliver everything we promised.However we finally got a playable version that we could share with the C&C Fans because they had been so anxiously waiting for it. But at the same time we had a deadline presented when we had entered the Make Something Unreal Contest,which meant that we would have to releases on the 30th of September, which meant that we would have to rush a lot of things, and had to releases when things were not really polished, or even done. And to keep our fans happy, we released a number of patches to make the game not so buggy. So that was then, and how we handled everything. Now however, we are a much more experienced team, with a refined idea to not create a carbon copy remake because no matter how hard we try to do just that even if we make it 99.9% the same, people will always find little things to nit pick about. So we decided to make the standalone version more of spiritual successor and an unofficial sequel to C&C Renegade. Everything that we are doing now is being built from the ground up because we simply know what we are doing this time around because we have a lot more experience working with one another,working with the engine, and working with this project. We are no longer concerned about issues that would hold the potential of C&C mode back just because some Renegade fans want it to be exactly the same. No, we want to spread the wings of C&C mode and C&C Renegade to the point where all us Renegade fans have dreamed about. A future C&C FPS that not only can do justice to the original, but take it above and beyond what we all know and love as Renegade. Our goals are to take C&C Renegade, and make it even more special, make it bigger, make it deeper, make it better in every way imaginable. That is our goal, that is what lies in the future of Renegade X,and because of how much our team has grown with experience, friendship,development and gaming in general, we know that we will get there. So in short, yes, Renegade X has had a number of short comings due to our lack of experience developing the project and developing as a team at the time. Now however it is a completely different story. Everything is planned, every thing is discussed in great detail, and everything is fine tuned and perfected so that when you play for the first time, not only is it nostalgic, it is also fresh and new, yet entirely familiar and natural. So with my closing words, all I can ask is that you wait for our first multiplayer standalone release. Black Dawn will only be a very small tease towhat is really to come. Quote
R315r4z0r Posted November 1, 2011 Posted November 1, 2011 I think that the current released version of RenX is fun... but it is definitly not without it's faults. I actually think that it's very far away from really being a top-notch game. However, you have to realize that its a very early beta version of the game and its gameplay. What is it? Version 0.55? It had many things holding it back when it was tied in with UT3. But now that it's free with it's own version of the unreal engine, it can really shine like it was meant to. Black Dawn is going to be such a jump from the game's last incarnation that people are going to ask if they are playing the same game. So, you really shouldn't jump to conclusions based on playing an early version of a multiplayer game with low player counts. You aren't letting it be the best it can be and that isn't a fair way to make a judgement on it. Quote
Demigan Posted November 1, 2011 Posted November 1, 2011 You really wanted to tell that story, didn't you Havoc? I hope my computer can do one last big game before it dies out, hope it lasts till BD get's released! hmmmmmmmmmm C&C BD Quote
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