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  • Totem Arts Staff

Some time ago, a Dutch magazine called PCgameplay wrote a piece on Renegade X. I have been looking for it for quite some time, and the team has just found it again. Check out the scans of the story below:




First one:

Putting Command & Conquer in a shooter-jacket is asking for problems: Renegade couldn't count on a lot of support and Tiberium was cancelled early because it was of too low quality. The team behind Renegade X thinks that the multiplayer of Renegade did have potentional and is trying to get the most out of it by using the Unreal Tournament 3-code. Because that fixes the biggest issues of the original (bad netcode, old graphics & bugs). Just like in Renegade it comes down to destroying the enemy (GDI or NOD (It's Nod!!!)) base. Every building in a base has a specific functionality (automatic defense, production of vehicles, etc.) and can be destroyed by infiltration with explosives or a bombardment with 1 of the 15 vehicles. Renegade X will also offer new modes, maps and features.

Second one:

Renegade may not have gone into history as a memorably C&C shooter, but the multiplayermode did have potentional. Two teams (GDI and NOD (It's Nod!!!)) had their own base with buildings that offered a specific function (automatic defense, production of vehicles etc.) and it required good teamwork to burn the enemy base, by infiltration with explosives or a bombardment with 1 of the many vehicles. By placing this multiplayermode in the framwork of Unreal Tournament 3, the creators of Renegade X have fixed pretty much all the issues (bad netcode, old graphics etc). The creators are also planning to add more new maps and features to the game.


Game: Unreal Tournament 3

Type: Total Conversion Mod:

Site: http://www.renegade-x.com

Price: Free

Short: Renegade meets Unreal Tournament 3

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