159456 Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 you know that long period of time that you have to wait, before your vehicle reacts to what you input into your keyboard? i.e the 2 second reaction delay for hum-vees or nod buggy's. well that can easily be explained!!! (warning boring content) ut3 uses a different type of networking than renegade. your computer relys on the server's computer to tell your monitor what to render. ie you press 'w', your computer has to individualy send that as a message to the server which then process that and sends it back to your cpu. basically, the lag comes from the fact that the server has to process the inputs of many other players, calculate all the collisions, all the speeds and controls all the timing.(usally takes a long time to process), making the game heavily dependedent on the server running more or less 6 ren-x's at a time!. the information is then relayed back to your cpu which then tells your monitor what to render and what speeds should things be moving at. no lag if under 60m/s! (only achieved through lan games) this format allows the minimum possibility of cheating, as cheating is messing around with your cpu's proccessing variables. (cheat engine messes around with the games variables such as bullet count etc) renegade dosent do it this way, renegade makes your own cpu to calculate every thing then sends all the info through the server and disperesed to every other player, making the relay time 10x faster. but then... cheating comes into action, your cpu can then send false information such as you having 999 health to other players. so you think why dosent ren-x just used ren's original code?, well orignal one sucks, and can only support 16 players, ( from what i heard, lol, go check and see how wrong that piece of info is) well i went to check and saw that jelly games and st0rm servers support 40 + players dunno why ren's coding is so bad afterall. but anyways, the stock ut3 coding has to be dumped either way its just making the game harder for people who live far away to play online. not saying you should copy ren's one, but you need to recreate a more solid network-code out of ren's basic idea of client side networking. ( dunno if thats the name for it) Quote
DrummerX Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 1) Your Ping (the time it takes for a packet to reach to the server and then back) is what determines the reaction speed of when you press 'W' 2) It will be impossible to use the net code of another engine into another engine 3) Ren's code is own by another company, aka © 4) Your computer is having to do way more calcuations then it ever had to do in ren and so nowadays, the servers hold up most of the load, this is thanks to the unreal engine, otherwise you'd ALL need a quad core clocking 3.4+ ghz and graphics cards costing $500+ USD 5) network-code can not just be written up, the game engine contains it 6) If you live in the UK, play on an UK server, if you live in the US play on a US server, if there isn't either or, suck it up and deal with it, its not 2 seconds, yes there is a delay but the game engine compensates, you may not realize it but it does, granted it doesn't work great with vehicles but gun-fights..... the engine actually anticipates your shots, don't wanna say this but it kinda is auto-boting for you in a sense Final) Sorry but unless you have some serious money to give the devs, deal with what you have this is not a flame, but a post to bring to attention and address concerns about the above post Quote
Killa Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 Also in regards to this. This is why alot of people in the renegade community used the ~ or F8 code of SBBO to change there outbound and inbound packet buffer to essentially cause lag that wasnt there. This can be recreated when a netcode is comprised on the endusers computer and not a server. In other words no, it can cause cheating. Quote
R315r4z0r Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 DrummerX said: ...suck it up and deal with it, its not 2 seconds... Yes. Yes it is 2 seconds. I'm simply unable to effectively drive a humm-vee or a buggy on the MP gaming server on maps like Field. I'm always hitting things that I tried to avoid a full 2 seconds prior to impact. Which sucks though because I really like those vehicles. Tbh, I found it easier to deal with the lag in Renegade than in Renegade X. It's actually the main reason why I don't play Renegade X very often (aside from the crashes). Quote
DrummerX Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 What's your ping? I get about 180ms to all the current servers and its no where near that bad for me, you guys must live in aussie country or something to get worse than that. (no offense if you are Australian) Quote
R315r4z0r Posted October 14, 2010 Posted October 14, 2010 On the US servers I get like 60-70. On the MP gaming server I get ranging from 170-240. It's usually around the 200 area. I live in New York and my internet is plenty fast. Quote
SkyHammer Posted October 14, 2010 Posted October 14, 2010 I have an average of 200 ping on MP Gaming. I can't seem to get in a vehicle as it comes out of the WF(AS), but other than that things seem fine. Quote
NodCommander Posted October 14, 2010 Posted October 14, 2010 Well it's an "issue" which cannot be "fixed". The netcode is part of the engine. Even if they could change it. They would not be allowed to. As I said a hundred times before: The "active server" is the MP Europe one. americans Will lag. Deal with it. We deal with the same issue on other games, so you should seriously be able to handle it in one game. If you're gonna complain, go to Epic Games. Not here. Quote
Pr0eX Posted October 14, 2010 Posted October 14, 2010 The Unreal Engine 3 is far more advanced and has more features handling such things then the W3D could ever be/have (you really would need to rewrite mostly everything). Also you can optimize a lot using UE3 to reduce lag and prevent the most cheats (I'm actually not sure how we will deal with stealth units at this moment to really stop any cheats there, as we have only access to UnrealScript but not the nativ stuff) and with that getting a very nice gameing experience. As we are not a company with millions of budget we can't affort the time (and money) needed to do it all top-notch, so you have to live with what we will achieve. Time will tell... Quote
DrummerX Posted October 14, 2010 Posted October 14, 2010 couldn't figure out where a good place this would be, moving it to the game-design location... Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted December 11, 2010 Posted December 11, 2010 Happily, it will get better with the netcode for Renegade-X made with UDK. I don't mind that this is a old thread because the goal here is to inform the users, especially the ones who are new to this. I got some complaints toward this, in a way. I don't think that it would make sense to create another one just to say that. So, I say to any of them who didn't like the experience that they will have to wait. They could try to tweak there and there to get the most optimal game experience possible for now. Quote
[CNC]PlagueNXC Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 Do it for fun of re-creating something new... Night. Quote
R315r4z0r Posted January 3, 2011 Posted January 3, 2011 The alternative to fixing the netcode is to get more servers up and running (and populated). I like the MP-Gaming server and all... but it just doesn't like anyone in the western side of the Pacific... Quote
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