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bullet impacts and bullet holes... i wonder

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well, i've been looking through all the ren-x realeases and they all have the same problem, they dont have bullet impact holes and tank craters , now i know you might be thinking thats a small little thing that dosent need to pay much attension to yet, i know theres bigger things, but so far. but if you think about it, no matter what you do, you dont actually affect the "world"(Map), when you shoot a gun in renaged-x. the main experience is from the audio and visuals, but also the belife that the bullet or shell you fired impacted and affected the world. right now it's just dust flying up, and without leaving any bullet holes. its the ability to see what you hit and to beable to believe that you hit and affected the world that makes the game feel "real", or if you take it to the extreme... "chaotic" (fully destructable world) :)

so in ren-x, when i shoot a bullet propelliing gun, i get a bunch of dust flying up.... hmmm... i even got that when i shot inside the building, dont think dust should be there.... and even into water?... somethings not right... :confused:

and remember the scorch marks that the tank cannons made in renegade when i shot the ground? hmmmm... didnt see that in renegade-x. (would be nice to make bumpmaped or actual 3d craters) :rolleyes:

so you know, in the next realease, can you please addd bullet holes, and make it according to what you shot and what you hit... and craters? makes rnegade-x better in some ways. :D

and i might be bumping into an already posted thread... cant really telll, theres to many threads, so, you could allow bumping of old threads......


m8, nothing personal... but with my tank firing there's a HUGE explosion on impact. It's not like i need that 'scorched' mark on the ground to see where it hit lol.

As for the bullets... well... can't rly say ur wrong there... but changing environment wasn't there in Renegade... so why should it be there in Renegade-x? :)


A lot of things leave bullet holes. But they are black and they are hard to see a lot of times.

You can only see it on surfaces that aren't things like dirt or sand. Mainly rock and concrete.

But I do think that they should be more visable. I used to use them a lot in the original Renegade. For example, if a sniper fired at me, I would look at the bullet hole the sniper made and then use it to deduce his general direction.


but it "is" nice to have a visible mark that the tank cannon makes... if ren-x is trying to remake renegade with better graphix, then well? add it no lag problems to it, just a simple,(create texture on impact, destory texture in xx seconds).


Most of the time you do not see bullet impacts because the bullets are fooked...

As for the tank's leaving a scorch on the ground, could be a nice thing to have - will bring more of a reality aspect to the game i guess.

m8, nothing personal... but with my tank firing there's a HUGE explosion on impact. It's not like i need that 'scorched' mark on the ground to see where it hit lol.

As for the bullets... well... can't rly say ur wrong there... but changing environment wasn't there in Renegade... so why should it be there in Renegade-x? :)

There wasn't a good engine in renegade, so why should there be a good engine in Renegade-x? :P

It hasn't really bothered me so far. But I haven't playing for very long times on Renegade-x. It's mainly the balance shifts that bothered me. the intentional shifts were mostly for the good, but having more space to kill buildings, strange engine torques compared to the original and so on.


I know exactly what you mean with the bullet holes. It's a graphics glitch. Try stand close to a wall (Try it inside a building to see it better) and shoot some with any gun (Try the Assault rifle first). You'l notice there are no bullet holes, or even visible bullets. Then back about 5 metres away from the wall and fire again. Now you will see the bullets coming out of the gun.

  • Totem Arts Staff

the Assault rifle has little damage power it does not even affect KActors (movable objects) as shown here


the dammage affects how materials interact (movment or bullet holes and some other stuff)

as for the scorch marks, well i do beleve that will be in the UDK virsion you will see a lot of cool things in the UDK virsion, most things you have pointed out will be fixed in the UDK as the UDK virsion is not baced on UT3

but hay WTF are you whinging about, this Mod is ACE, yer it dose not have some things that Renegade has but it has alot more that Renegade and its still in BETA, and the UT3 mod will be dead soon and from the ashes, UDK RenegadeX will come forth and kick even more ***

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