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In order to promote the mod which requires more time for completion, I was curious if there might be some interest in creating 3-4 vehicles for a mutator pack for UT2004 and perhaps a few weapons well in advance of this mods release. We average around 150 repeating players on our C&C assault server daily, with perhaps 5-10 first time players per day. Since there is growing interest in C&C in UT already, perhaps a C&C ONS with a few C&C vehicles or weapons would be a progression towards exposing your mod and creating name recognition about it. The advantage of creating just mutators would be you would not have to construct maps and increase your work but that the vehicles and weapons could be added to existing maps.

I dunno if this is possible, or if it is even something you are even interested in. My thought process is, create a buzz and perhaps get some early gratification.


If your asking me I'd say make it simple. Whatever you have ready or could be ready. I'd recommend an apc, buggy, tank and one air unit if possible. And if possible a weapons pack. Vehicles and weapons can easily replace the ones already there. If you want to go crazy, create one C&C assault map, place some ads for your mod in it and we can sandwich it between our current C&C maps for maximum exposure.

Could be a powerful motivator to keep the project moving along. Never underestimate the power of immediate gratification on human behavior coupled with a thirst for more.

  • Totem Arts Staff

The problem with this is, if we were to get things in UT 2004, that would mean we would need to rig things twice rather than once. Which, I feel, is a lot of unnecessary work. On the other hand, we also don't have very many weapons/vehicles done.

However, what is possible is making mutators for UT3... that way we dont have to rig things more than once, and by the time it comes out we'd have some more finished content.


Unfortunately I think that the Renegade 2007 models are too high poly for Unreal 2004 to handle, and I doubt we'll release mod. assets until Renegade 2007 is out to the public.

However, creating some lower poly models from scratch just for Unreal Tournament 2004 for the Unreal community at large as a side project for their Unreal Tournament 2004 custom maps and such might be on the cards. (Promo material.)


Well, if it's only one or two vehicles or weapons (such as the Nod Buggy or G.D.I MLRS) which would be low poly cloned for use Unreal Tournament 2004 maps/mutators, it would be worth it Fobby. Publicity is a valuable thing. smile.gif


(I hope I'm not overstepping boundries with these suggestions). I was thinking along the lines of something tangible that players could sink their teeth in to currently (and that wouldn't be a lot of uneeded extra work). Something that would plant the seed of anticipation into those who have played C&C and Renegade in the past into their minds before Unreal 3 takes all their attention.

Originally posted by [NE

Fobby[GEN]]The problem with this is, if we were to get things in UT 2004, that would mean we would need to rig things twice rather than once. Which, I feel, is a lot of unnecessary work. On the other hand, we also don't have very many weapons/vehicles done.

However, what is possible is making mutators for UT3... that way we dont have to rig things more than once, and by the time it comes out we'd have some more finished content.

rig things twice? I thought models have only 1 rig :S which is used no matter what game engine it is in. A bone is a bone so I don't know why it would require a different rig for each engine.

Also this is a good idea to consider. Would be fun to take the personal ION cannon for a test run against some bots lol tongue.gif.

Originally posted by JeepRubi

Some engines use the regular bones from max, and some need custom one, Im not sure what ut2004 needs.

True but I think they wouldn't change what type of bones they use from UE2.5 to UE3. That would make it hard for modders that know UT2004 method of bones in the transition and have to learn the new method of bones. UT2004 I think uses normal max bones but not 100% sure since I haven't added any new weapons recently.

  • 12 years later...

I know this is an old thread but did it ever get done? Im  a Renegade X & still am a C&C Renegade player, but i was a UT2004 player & have recently started playing it again online on Public servers & on my own server. I love both games so much & i was actually just looking for a mutator for UT2004 that adds the vehicles from either the C&C version or this awesome updated/reworked version. Theres some out there but their complicated to add into the game due to the fact you have to add them thru the Unreal Editor. It would be great if it was done & if not whoever is doing it might think about finishing it. Theres still an unbelievable amount of people playing UT2004. These 2 games C&C Renegade/RenegadeX & UT2004 both are a testiment to making a great game that can survive time & changes yet still have a huge following over 15 years later & still look great compared to todays games. Thanks in advance for reading this..."Catch Ya On The Battlefield!"

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