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Hey guys!

Just a friendly reminder that if you haven't started buying your UT3 to play Renegade-X then you better get to it. They said they were almost done right? SO clear that dust on your old motherboard and build your self a new computer if you can't run UT3 because the WAR is coming. Judging by the videos and pictures I'm sure we all can agree that it will be soon! Maybe this reminder will give you a chance to get ready for Renegade X when it comes out.

Good luck fellas!!!



Yes the mod will be released soon..........

When the mod is completed.....no longer will the world be dominated ........ by the legacy..... of these fools!...... no longer will we hear people saying Renegade sucks..........brothers and sisters.................are we ready ?! :P h34r: :P h34r:

(I got UT3 a few weeks after it came out so ill be safe from Kane's Wrath :P )

[if you don't get what i wrote... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40H0KVLcWIQ...feature=related ]



Yes...yes i can "dig it"..and i am glad i never sold my UT3 game, even though i haven't played it in a looooong time. :lol:

But i don't want too many people getting UT3 to play this...don't want to risk having full servers and me not being able to play when i get home from work. <_<

QUOTE (Dehumanization @ Aug 25 2009, 07:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Yes...yes i can "dig it"..and i am glad i never sold my UT3 game, even though i haven't played it in a looooong time. :lol:

But i don't want too many people getting UT3 to play this...don't want to risk having full servers and me not being able to play when i get home from work. <_<[/b]

Nice thinking over there, hehe! :lol:

Hey I wouldn't worry about the servers dude. I'm sure the other large communities will be changing over. I'm going to try to talk to Xpert about changing atomix to Ren X later. He doesn't know this but he has obviously shown great interest in Renegade X. He may use atomix-gaming to host it; who knows? Also when it comes out I'll try to contact my friends at st0rm-gaming, Madmax, and Slayer21.

It shouldn't take much convicing to get the servers currently in renegade to switch to renegade-x. I have no worries. I'll be working too so if your out of a server I'll hang with you. Not much else to do is there?

We're all very excited about this mod to come out. I just wanted to give you guys a friendly reminder.

Until then I'm going to CA, CODWAW, Ren, and Oblivion. =D



well Jelly has posted a look out for ren x so they might post a server too....

And it's not about the servers............it's about THE PING :P

If you could fix that we would be VERY grateful since we will know the REAL ping to the server (this is a problem that UT3 has [and was never fixed <_< that i hope Ren X team can ])

QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Aug 26 2009, 02:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you could fix that we would be VERY grateful since we will know the REAL ping to the server (this is a problem that UT3 has [and was never fixed <_< that i hope Ren X team can ])[/b]

We will try to fix as many bugs as possible related to RenX of course. However trying to fix real UT3 bugs that even Epic couldnt fix sounds to me like a good way to waste lots of time on :P ... When RenX is released and working smoothly we can look at things like that.
Do you go to church?
A friend was in front of me coming out of church one day, and the preacher was standing at the door as he always is to shake hands. He grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him aside.

The Pastor said to him, "You need to join the Army of the Lord!"

My friend replied, "I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor."

Pastor questioned, "How come I don't see you except at Christmas and Easter?"

He whispered back, "I'm in the secret service.[/b]

They don't own the update.

Haha... :lol:

I know you can't do that. But hey if they aren't going to make updates anymore, because they are bankrupt or whatever, then maybe they should pay you for the script. Find a way to get money for it from Midway if you can.

Tsunami may put a server up. But an NVIDIA Geforce 9500 can run UT3 on all settings max (including Anti-Alias) and it's like 60 dollars after rebate in a whole-sale store. Or you can buy a new comp and get UT3 with it, that's what Cursed did. :lol:


Cancel that graphics card and buy a 9800 GT NVIDIA card with the video game free and insert it into your own cpu for just under $119.99-$129.99.

Believe me when I say 9800 GT beats 9500 because it's not just a number, the performance is well beyond what you need. If you run a 9100 M G then you must run minimum requirements for UT3 or you will have lag, and possibly crash alot...


Actually the biggest 'crash' deciding thing is the CPU <_< i have experience on that... -_-

Unreal Engine 3 is made to use the CPU most rather than GFX , this is because it was designed with consoles in mind


I have a 9500 and run UT3 just fine on high. and my 6200 could run UT3 with no lag on reg settings...... The Performance is only a slight difference unless you're talking about the GTX or w/e it is that's a bump higher than the GT series. and wtf do you shop O_o. If u have to run UT3 on min settings with a 9100 you have a bogus card or something lol. Anax is also right. My Laptop has a better card yet it can't run UT3 properly due to the constant mini-freezes while on my desktop with the worse card ran it just fine and on medium settings while it's under the requirement.


My laptop has a 9100M G TurboCache graphics card on it. Yes it runs medium graphics, but you can not run the highest graphics on it, without it lagging some. I have a 9800 GTX or GT, I can't remember for sure, but I'll look tomorrow if you still want to know; and it runs amazing with everything on high. I bet though the reason why it was laggin on the laptop is because of the processor speed, which I forgot the laptop only has a dual core processor, while both my other desktops have quadcores...

Oh and I shop at newegg; you should join and look at their promos.

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