ilovetiberiansun Posted July 27, 2009 Posted July 27, 2009 :blink: LOL, WTF. Yea, look like retard are not only in videogame. Quote
a1h Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 I wish i never clicked that link, i didn't need to know that, i prefer to keep my little world clean of all sad things like that, doesn't help with depression you see. thrash300 go back to 4chan, you clearly fit in there. For anyone else, there is nothing funny about people being killed. I hope this thread gets locked buried and deleted. Quote
Totem Arts Staff [NE]Fobby[GEN] Posted August 3, 2009 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 3, 2009 Could somebody tell me the content of the video so I could give the appropriate moderator actions? Quote
Mr. Weedy Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 It's a news post about satan worshippers who stabbed four victims to death and then ate their bodies... Quote
Totem Arts Staff [NE]Fobby[GEN] Posted August 3, 2009 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 3, 2009 Rules: Although not fully against the forum rules, I do agree with the others, you've got a very sick sense of humour thrash. QUOTE Quote thrash300 go back to 4chan, you clearly fit in there.[/b] Well, he did troll the Renegade Forums for quite some time. If he continues that rhetoric here, 4chan may be the only place he could visit. Quote
DXR_13KE Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Aug 3 2009, 07:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote Rules: not fully against the forum rules, I do agree with the others, you've got a very sick sense of humour thrash.Well, he did troll the Renegade Forums for quite some time. If he continues that rhetoric here, 4chan may be the only place he could visit.[/b] that and the "offended" page at encyclopediadramatica.... Quote
Xaivor44 Posted August 5, 2009 Posted August 5, 2009 This is stupid... why would you label this as an "lol"??? Quote
thrash300 Posted August 6, 2009 Author Posted August 6, 2009 QUOTE (Eroc @ Aug 3 2009, 07:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote how is this funny?[/b] You apparently don't know Russians.QUOTE (a1h @ Aug 3 2009, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote I wish i never clicked that link, i didn't need to know that, i prefer to keep my little world clean of all sad things like that, doesn't help with depression you see.thrash300 go back to 4chan, you clearly fit in there.For anyone else, there is nothing funny about people being killed.I hope this thread gets locked buried and deleted.[/b] I hate 4chan, its stupid and pointless. The only way to protect yourself from the world is to know it thoroughly inside out, much like Renegade (I am sure that by know we all know Renegade damn well.).Oww your little world (If you live in the United States) is about to collapse in on itself, this might be the most important video you have ever seen: am truly worried because I live in the United States.Educate yourself. don't let yourself or your family be a victims of empires.Discuss! Quote
Dehumanization Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 Ok i see why he did LOL, i chuckled at the reasons why the kids killed them. "One of the gang, when asked what made him do it, is claimed to have said: 'I tried to turn to God, but it didn't bring me any money. 'I prayed to Satan, and things improved.' " Ok, for money WAHH i'm poor because i sit around and moop all day and don't look for a job, and how have things improved now that you'll spead the rest of your life in jail being someone's b!tch or since it is russia, i'm sure they are going to take them out back and shoot them (if they are lucky). God isn't going to do anything for you, and the devil will never do anything for you, only youself can do something about improving your life. Was this on the dailyrotten website or something? How did you find this article? Quote
Demigan Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 QUOTE (Dehumanization @ Aug 26 2009, 08:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote Ok, for money WAHH i'm poor because i sit around and moop all day and don't look for a job, and how have things improved now that you'll spead the rest of your life in jail being someone's b!tch or since it is russia, i'm sure they are going to take them out back and shoot them (if they are lucky).[/b] It's only america that has that kind of thing happening in the jails.There's always lunatics in the world, but you can't know about them all. one out of 10 people has a personal disorder, which is usually not a real problem except on a personal level.It's a weird thing though, belief in god didn't reap rewards in that short time they believed, but satan did reap rewards (apperently) rather quickly. It just didn't last very long for them.As for that video, I've watched 2 minutes and I can tell you this:1: If you look hard enough, you can see consiracy's everywhere. This video is becomming more far-fetched the longer it goes on, there's no actual evidence except some newspapers. I'm from holland and believe me, in this country there would probably be riots just for the principle of things if Tony Blair had a say in anything at all in the country.2: that man begins about starvation, dictatorship and great wars. There are already lots of wars going on, there are dozens of country's where hunger kills thousands every day. Interested despite myself, I'm now watching the rest of the video, I'll just comment as it goes along:After WW2, it was the entire of what was then europe that made the descision to help the jews to a country, their promised lands. Which was a wrong thing to do as they never considered the palastinians themselves. England, being the country that stayed longest out of Germany's grasp, had been the chosen spot as it had been a most central point for the attacks on europe by the Americans.They say that India, China and Russia are opposing America on US military intervention in Iran. This is simply propaganda. Yes, it is a fact. But most people are inclined to see their own country as the 'good' country, even more so in America. Opposing America is assumed 'bad', as opposing America means opposing 'good'. While I do agree that Iran shouldn't build nuclear weapons, I don't think it should warrant invasion simply because they are building a bomb that can incidently harm America, where other weapons of war build or bought by Iran can hardly do that at all.There is a foodcrysis he says. And there are production facilities that produce biofuel, which is a waste because there is less food produced.Currently we produce I don't know how much, but it was more then 2 times then the entire human worldpopulation needs. All that we lack is proper distibution methods. The foodcrysis has existed long before bio-fuel was becomming a real option to replace fuel, this makes this pure stating facts after eachother to make it a misleading fact on it's own. Then he shows a little newspaper saying one type of biofuel, which I believe is like most bio fuels still experimental, is bad for the environemt. This way he implies ALL bio-fuel is bad for the environment, which is not so, and he never dares face the fact that the American car industry is one of the most polluting, and the most unwilling to coöperate with cleaner cars. Whether cleaner cars is, as said here, more profitable then less clean cars in the long run I can't tell (I might be under a different propaganda at that point).The whole thing is a fluke, they show monty pithon at the ponit they tell about the british empire. Which isn't something any serious man would do (or the music at the beginning of the whole video).He continues about the bad conditions of workers in lands such as China, and fails to mention again the fact that America ships, sells and uses hundreds if not millions of artikles build by leading industries in such countries.What's bad about everyone wanting the Euro? Suppose the dollar would fail, and America would revert to the Euro, what then? The economy will change do to this fact, yes, but not neccecarily for the worse. Which he is, ofcourse, implying. Again with the fact that your own country represents good, and America has always been proud for some reason about their dollar. So removing the American dollar from the world would once again be 'bad'.Then he comes up with something about oil and gas that China and india try to obtain. What's wrong with that? America does this, Russia does this, the entire of Europe is trying to find new ways to get more oil and gas and even power just to be less dependant of other countries. So why would China and India, and probably other countries too, suddenly be 'bad' simply because they are trying to get oil and gas that America wants too?Pardon? They show a piece of Terminator? How many more hints do you need that this is absolutely nothing to do with 'knowing the world'?The only thing I can say he's right about, the only thing, is the fact that at the current groth of the human population, that there will be a foodshortage all across the world. But at the moment, there is only the unwillingness of all countries to work to gether, pay up and make a fair destribution of food.Is that discussed enough for you?Yours sincerely,Demigan. Quote
JCHTRanger Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 that's just NOT right!! can't wait for world to end already, to many sick people in the world today, mostly due to ignorance and well you know what else. @Demigan 1 name, Nikola Tesla. Quote
An4x1mandr0s Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 Guys let this thread die's starting to get ugly.......... Quote
Dehumanization Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 The world shouldn't end, there are more good people then bad. The media makes people think that it is the other way around, but it really isn't true. Though i'd love to give this kids a live autopsy and take notes how many organs one can remove until shock or blood lose causes death, i think these kids for there last meal should have there leg cut off and feed to them since they loved the taste of human flesh, eat up! Yeah i know they have psychological disorders (studying to be a forensic psychologist and i'll have to deal with these types of people) but some people like this need to be put down since they will never get better anyways and i don't want to have the risk of them ever getting out, plus it is a waste of money to keep them alive. Oh and what about Nikola Tesla? He was awesome, the one true "Mad Scientist". Quote
JCHTRanger Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 lol he was a visionary. but that dam banker morgan "killed " his work we would all have FREE energy right now, cars would be electric, people all around the world would have a much better standard of living, there would be no "good" reason for war. this world is truly F up, as it's ALL about how much $$ you can make off something and get/stay rich.... Quote
Dehumanization Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 Ever see the Tesla earthquake device on mythbusters? Yeah they attached it to a bridge and laughed saying it wouldn't do anything, but when they put a glass of water down they saw that the bridage was vibrating with the small device, they where all like i think we should turn this off before we damage the bridge. I like how he thought you could use the earth as a conductor and such. With out tesla we wouldn't have wireless, radar and the advancement of AC current. Too bad his death beam device never got out of the ground, coulda used it in Red Alert series. One of the greatest scientists of the 20th century (20th right? that century stuff messes me up). Quote
[CNC]PlagueNXC Posted August 27, 2009 Posted August 27, 2009 It's sicko's like you that give America a bad name... Our morals have gone down the hole. Quote
Dehumanization Posted August 27, 2009 Posted August 27, 2009 Who me or Thrash? If it is me, i just feel like we shouldn't be humane to those who are not to their victims. Quote
Demigan Posted August 27, 2009 Posted August 27, 2009 QUOTE (Dehumanization @ Aug 27 2009, 01:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote Ever see the Tesla earthquake device on mythbusters? Yeah they attached it to a bridge and laughed saying it wouldn't do anything, but when they put a glass of water down they saw that the bridage was vibrating with the small device, they where all like i think we should turn this off before we damage the bridge.[/b] I saw that episode, it did shake the bridge but it never got anywhere near dangerous enough to actually break it down. Still, it did prove that a large portion of his theory is true and what you can accomplish with small things if you just know how to apply it correctly.And I honestly doubt that even if Tesla managed to get his vision that we would have free power now. Economics will always intervene untill we abolish it for true equal rights (which would either be boring or unfair for the people who work a lot harder then others, motivation to do difficult jobs would drop etc.)Yours sincerely,Demigan. Quote
Dehumanization Posted August 27, 2009 Posted August 27, 2009 Yeah i know there wouldn't be free power, but a he was looking for a cheaper and better way to transfer electricity instead of miles of wire that is needed to get from point A to point B. Though it seems that it would take more energy to pump electricity into the earth's crust then to use the advancements in our power wires. But i liked how he thought outside the box, and didn't care what other people told him that it wouldn't work, or was a waste of time. Quote
DXR_13KE Posted August 27, 2009 Posted August 27, 2009 His legacy lives on, he is the inventor of alternating current and radio transmissions... Quote
[CNC]PlagueNXC Posted August 27, 2009 Posted August 27, 2009 I'm talking to those who agree that it is funny that people were murdered. Quote
DXR_13KE Posted August 28, 2009 Posted August 28, 2009 QUOTE (AsgarothXc @ Aug 27 2009, 04:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote I'm talking to those who agree that it is funny that people were murdered.[/b] it's sad that people are murdered... but sometimes the events that happen before and after the murder can be quite entertaining or depressing.... Quote
An4x1mandr0s Posted August 28, 2009 Posted August 28, 2009 JUST ...........let..........this............die.......... Seriously this thread had about 2 weeks of old , it was sinking and you JUST had to revive it! :angry: Quote
thrash300 Posted August 29, 2009 Author Posted August 29, 2009 QUOTE (DXR_13KE @ Aug 28 2009, 07:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote it's sad that people are murdered... but sometimes the events that happen before and after the murder can be quite entertaining or depressing....[/b] I found the article googling "Satanism in russia" or something like that.Just for the record, Nikola Tesla was a briliant man who was silenced by large coorperations for revealing methods of getting free energy thus such a thing would bringing down standard oil, which is why much of his most important work is confiscated and is patented under big oil cooperations. Quote
cinzano Posted August 29, 2009 Posted August 29, 2009 *** QUOTE Quote Oww your little world (If you live in the United States) is about to collapse in on itself, this might be the most important video you have ever seen: am truly worried because I live in the United States.Educate yourself. don't let yourself or your family be a victims of empires.Discuss![/b] ^^EndGame.HD.-.Youtube*** Quote
thrash300 Posted August 29, 2009 Author Posted August 29, 2009 QUOTE (cinzcodeX @ Aug 29 2009, 04:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote *** ^^EndGame.HD.-.Youtube***[/b] Yea thats a vid I reccomend to for all to see...NICE SIGGY! Quote
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