So yall know how much i enjoy bots. Ofc i know that means about 1 or 2 here in forums...
But still i really enjoy messing with bots. And the new lvl 9s have only inspired me to HIGHER LEVELS of Insanity. . . . PUN intended.
I challenge you all to play with bots.
Today i was playing bot AOW Marathon. ? What you don't know this game?
nvrm.. that is another topic...
This Is a story of AOW with bots:
ANyway.... today i was supporting a lvl 9 bot. Heck why not? the bot had climbed the ladder past lvl 1 and 5 bots... Why not support it>?
I rode along in the apc as a hotwire.... but thestupid bot tended to get stuck at diff points against walls etc...
Following a tip i heard ... .. i jumped in the apc. I HIT 1 key! I took control.! moved the apc...then jumped out. !!!! the DAMN BoT took over and continued the push forward! I did it again when it got stuck. Again Success,
i.e. one of the fun things in this game right now is testing the bots. Thanks for fixing them devs.