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Found 9 results

  1. This is my first map so I decided to keep things small and simple and created a TDM map. Some map info: Infantry only Many weapon pickups 1 Crate Scattered Health, Ammo and Armor pickups No Base defenses No purchase terminals Since this is my first map I'm sure there may be some issues that need to be ironed out so don't hesitate to report bugs or leave feedback! Screenshots: TDM-GarrisonSquareAlpha.rar
  2. Latest version date - 7/10/2021 Let me know what needs fixing/added. 1 Tech building located near the centre of the map which is infantry only area Base defenses Crates Aircraft disabled Changes 07/10/2021 closed up a large path near GDI Tib field which gave Nod too much juking advantages is now infantry only removed the track decals, may add them again... when I can do art bettererer. Rollout nodes for GDI and Nod fixed Swapped around Weapons Factory and Barracks and lowered GDI Power Plant, added GDI turrets and Nod Guard towers Lava should almost insta-kill now Map preview image should work now Any bugs or issues please contact me directly VIA discord or IM @TankClash with a screenshot or video and description MINI MAP IS NOT UP TO DATE, yet. Kilauea.7z
  3. View File CNC-Field_Night2 Field Night is a slightly more up to date version of the Old Field Map (Which now has base volumes for the Veterancy Points) Submitter Fffreak9999 Submitted 03/16/2017 Category Levels
  4. View File CNC-Fallen Set in a Tiberium infested wasteland where GDI and Nod battle for the remains of an old Nod Refinery and research facility. - DM Map - Recommented for 2-6 Players - Size: Small - Try to combine this with the WeaponDrop mutator! - WIP topic: Submitter IllumZar Submitted 02/08/2017 Category Levels
  5. IllumZar


    Version 1.1.0


    Set in a Tiberium infested wasteland where GDI and Nod battle for the remains of an old Nod Refinery and research facility. - DM Map - Recommented for 2-6 Players - Size: Small - Try to combine this with the WeaponDrop mutator! - WIP topic:
  6. IllumZar


    Version 1.4.0


    Description: A map that is set in desert scenery with deadly Sandstorms wrecking the land. - Infantry only! - Symmetrical - 1 Barracks for GDI - 1 Hand Of Nod for the Brotherhood - 1 Guard Tower per team - 2 Green Tiberium Silos - 1 Blue Tiberium Silo in the center - 3 Cratespawns - lots of infantry paths - an open Battlefield for massive combat Just unzip the package into the UDKGame directory and have fun!
  7. [Original Map by HappyConscript] This map was to 95% finished but never got released. That made me very sad . So I decided to take a look at it and tried to make it ready for testing And here it is: DOWNLOAD changelist: - added/moved some blocking volumes (to the destroyed vehicles) - added SpottingAreaNodes - added a complete EndGameSequence - added a minimap - added fire damage volumes on burning debris - added fog density inside the Tiberium lake - added a liquid volume to the lake (so you dont just fall on the ground but rather float in it) - added 'normal' Tib volume to the crystals surrounding the lake - changed the instantKillVolume on the Tiberium lake to a Tiberium volume (does waaay more damage than normal tib) - changed the wind direction of all emitters so that they match - disabled the collision on small debris on the ground (could easly get stuck on it Some screens:
  8. View File CNC-Dust Description: A map that is set in desert scenery with deadly Sandstorms wrecking the land. - Infantry only! - Symmetrical - 1 Barracks for GDI - 1 Hand Of Nod for the Brotherhood - 1 Guard Tower per team - 2 Green Tiberium Silos - 1 Blue Tiberium Silo in the center - 3 Cratespawns - lots of infantry paths - an open Battlefield for massive combat Just unzip the package into the UDKGame directory and have fun! Submitter IllumZar Submitted 12/13/2016 Category Levels
  9. DOWNLOAD V1.0: CNC-Dust V1.0.zip DOWNLOAD V1.1: CNC-Dust V1.1.zip DOWNLOAD V1.2: CNC-Dust V1.2.zip DOWNLOAD V1.3: CNC-Dust V1.3.zip DOWNLOAD V1.4: CNC-Dust V1.4.zip Oh and btw. to see the actual sandstorm be sure that you have set the [Detail Level] in the [Settings] at "High" or "Very High" Known Bugs: - I will do the minimap when the map is almost finished (after some playtesting) - very few bushes STILL float.. although I've redone the foliage - I left the Giant blocking volume ontop because I find it wierd if players can fly around before the map starts - still a primitive end game cam - no preview image - no preview video Some pics:
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