Frostbite V1_9
Map specifications:
-2 Silo
To be done:
-Loading screen
Changes: [As of 14th Sept]
-Hand of Nod has been moved to where the Airstrip Tower was
-Airstrip Tower moved near the head of the Airstrip runway
-You can no longer beacon any two buildings anymore
-Ice cave now has two entrances/exits for both teams
-Endgame Cam remastered
-Minimap is 99% accurate
-Info Point Nodes added to map
Changes: [As of 7th Sept]
-Added extra route to Ice-cave, GDI side
-Barracks has been rotated
-GDI Ice-Cave Entrance/exit modified
-General fixes and edits made
-Modified blocking volumes at GDI base.
-Modified blocking volumes throughout the map.
-Reduced map size. (Lowest/longest route no longer accessible)
-Ice cave rehauled, reworked, relit, redone.
-Peak route expanded on Nod's side.
-HoN Emplacement moved out of HoN.
-Some lights have been removed.
-Misc changes.
What's New in Version
Changes as of June 24th 2017
Terrain modified
Textures modified
Static meshes reduced
Vehicles can no longer pass through the middle of the map
Vehicle tunnel to GDI is no longer a tunnel
Widened vehicle routes on one side of the map
Tiberium mists are now blue
Ice looks more like ice
Background surrounding the map has been modified
Misc changes