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About RipperSnapper

  • Birthday 03/31/1994

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  1. Can airstrikes be included too/beacons too? If not a countdown somewhere with the Beacon Countdown?
  2. Hi there, My suggestion is to extend the time when viewing the post-match results. This is to have a decent amount of time to discuss the happenings of the match and vote on the next map (if not extend this time a bit further), I feel extremely rushed especially if I sometimes have to scroll down to look at the selection. I feel the time spent in this area is too short. Also, maybe an option (which can be activated through the game menu) which alerts you that the next map is ready for you to join (*press join* when ready) , sometimes I'm mid-discussion in the post-game chat and BAM I've loaded up into the next map or I'm thinking about leaving.
  3. I'd suggest... Turning the building anti-clockwise 90' so GDI can actively seek their vehs. OR Place the Barracks where the War Factory is currently. The Power Plant where the Barracks is currently. The War Factory where the Power Plant is currently. - Ultimately mirroring the layout of the NOD base.
  4. Well City has ceased production so if anyone wants to Recreate City in any creative way they can
  5. This seems like a REAL topic. So as we all know (afaik) we can't get a decent CnC-City(-Flying) Would it just be easier to use the MAP DESIGN of City, and just replace buildings etc with other mapping etc? Give it a different theme? I mean it's still paying homage to City I guess... Correct me if I'm wrong with the progress of City, I thought this may be an alternative.
  6. This concept is based around many role play servers which enable you to queue up to a full server, quickly filling a spot when one's open. Could it possibly be used in RenX?
  7. Yeah the vehicle route needs an upgrade. Heck, maybe two veh paths that arch around? Heck, there's already a road there that leads to nothing (despite it being out of bounds) Maybe the INF section in the middle can intertwine with the suggested veh paths either side? WARNING INCOMING PAINT IMAGE.
  8. So I had this little idea for improving the Snow Veh Tunnel. As it's just one long bore... This may not even be possible, I went onto SNOW on Skirmish and realised how god-damn small the tunnel is to start with. APOLOGIES FOR MY AWFUL PAINT-JOB BELOW! SO colour coding this out... BLACK line = Current Veh Tunnel Blue Shapes = Current Inf (in the Veh) Tunnel Green Shapes = Suggested Additional Tunnels Yellow Shapes = Suggested Additional Inf (in the Veh) Tunnels (maybe possibly links to upstairs?) Infantry can dip in and out from the Infantry Walls to the Tunnels.
  9. I've only ever seen the building one tbh but if you say so I was gonna rec a guy for veh reps but was too noob to remember, is it just straight up /rec ?
  10. Honestly I love the large maps tbh. Makes it more fun to fight IN THE BATTLEFIELD rather than the chokehold of just round the corner of the base defences on Under/Field...
  11. yeah, but only wheny you destroy a building, and thats it there used to be a plethora of recs, e.g. repairs after X amount of score of a building/vehicle, destroying X amount of light/heavy vehicles, most kills, highest K/D ratio and many more.
  12. That'd be cool for the MVP and the other stuff like "Best Offence" etc or something that comes up after each map. - Maybe a highlighted color/skin or something idk. For now they don't really turn into anything, just information for like 30 secs. My 2c What's happened to the recommendation side to Renegade - In the original you'd get like a rec for repairs after X amount of score of a building/vehicle, destroying X amount of light/heavy vehicles, most kills, highest K/D ratio and many more. Now you just get a rec for whoever gets the last shot on a building. (or if they sneak in gg, but that can be a whole other rec) (I probably have a few more but I'll edit it into this post as I have little time during the day to have a propper think.) When someone spots a new player, someone straight up ask em how they got to the game, it'll help us figure out what avenues are getting them here.
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