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Everything posted by Neutron

  1. So I downloaded the Installer, opened it, started to download the latest patch with the game through the game launcher. However, I noticed the bizzare download speed, It's so god damn slow, It literaly takes forever to download the required content (The latest patch and the game files), It's like around ~0.400 mb speed, and I have 80 - 100 Gigabytes Internet speed, which is good enough for the modern day requirments. What causing the slow download.
  2. So first of all, I love this remaster, Love the new graphics and the new features. However, there are some concerns that kinda ruin the game, needs to be changes or removed. 1. Aiming Downsighs and Recoil. What, really? Why is Aiming downsighs and Recoil was added to Renegade? Renedage is not Call of Duty or any other generic shooter. I loved Renegade because of It's gameplay, I loved how all guns have Pin-point accuracy without recoild or the need to Aim Downsighs, it made Renegade Unique to me. In my opinion Aiming Downsighs and Recoil needs to go. Or atleast make it Turnable On/Off in the game settings menu. 2. SBH's Laser Rifle. The Laser Rifle from the Original Renedage used to look better and was more powerfull. The new model of the Laser Rifle and It's changes makes it less apealing to me. Also, the sighs of this weapon are terrible, When you try to Aim Downsighs with the Laser rifle, it makes aiming impossible, You can't see your target when you're aiming downsighs. 3. Mendoza's Tiberium Rifle (Or whatever his weapon called.). Honestly, his weapon is overpowered. I'm talkind about the secondary fire mode (Alt. fire), It's very powerfull, It can destroy Vehicles and Buildings very fast, speciality if you shoot the Master Control Terminal, it destroy buildings VEEEEERY fast that way. It also makes Timed C4's Useless, why you need them if your primary weapin can do much better? I think His primary weapon needs nerf. 4. Gunner's Rocket Laucher. I think his primary weapon is weak, it doesent deal enough damage to vehicles. If I have 1000 Credits available I would choose Sydney because she can do things much better than gunner. I think Gunner's Rocket Laucher needs buff. If he would receive a buff, I think it would make a great Multirole unit. (Jack of all trades, Master of none.). 5. Item Purchase; Secondary weapon (Heavy Pistol, Carbine, Auto Tiberium Rifle). Why is this feature removed? I really loved the option that you able to purchase a more powerfull Secondary weapon that can replace the Weak Silenced Pistol. Why it was removed? And I really like how you need to capture A Tiberium Silo in order to able to purchase Auto Tiberium Rifle. Why is this awesome feature removed? 6. Retarded AI. Oh GOD!! I cant stand this AI. In many moments I find when I fight an enemy, comes a friendly AI and starts pushing me, when we are in vehicles. I'm trying to reverse but the Idiot AI is pushing me, not allowing me to reverse. Seriously, even once I purchased a Medium tank, an AI in vehicle drove to the War Factory's enterance and doesen't let me to drive. Thats all of my opinions and critics. Hope you understand me, I'm only trying to help you to Improve the game. Thats all. P.S: Sorry for bad english. - Neutron.
  3. Personaly, I dont like Mines that are placed to block enterances. Renegade is not Call of Duty, nor Battlefield. Plus, It makes stealth units like SBH Useless. In the original Renegade players had to protect buildings, not just place random mines, poof, buildings are Auto-protected. The Mines makes absolutly no sense to me, and they're dont even fit to Renegade at all.
  4. Oh well... Are there are plans to add a Mutator menu where I can set the mutators?
  5. The problem is that there is no menu where you're set the mutators. ...Or I'm missing something?
  6. I think it will only ruin the gameplay in my opinion. The Nuke Trooper idea sounds kinda stupid and overpowered in my opinion.
  7. I want to suggest something like Mutators? Mutators will allow us to change the game It's way It's played to our liking. Here are examples of mutators: - Health Regeneration - Armor Regeneration. - Infinite ammo. there could be more mutators Ideas that changes the gameplay. So yeah if like the mutator, you can add them. If not, start the game without them. Also, would be cool to see more vehicles and character class options which will expand the gameplay.
  8. I still think it needs to be slowed down even more. It's very hard to hit someone with sniper in this condition. I mean renegade is not an Unreal tournament Arena shooter, but a Tactical RTS themed shooter where tactics and strategy is needed in order to achieve victory. And yeah, add Inertia for movement, maybe atleast only as an option in the match settings?
  9. I remember playing renegade and I find it rudicilous you just move left-right-jump to dodge bullets like you're playing unreal tournament or something. I think this needs to somehow fixed. Arent the game is about strategy and tactics, and not spam 'n' spray-fest like crazy?
  10. Dunno, but I still think something needs to be done about that. I kinda find it very rudicilous how infantry can leave vehicles instantly without dying when vehicle is destroyed.
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