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Everything posted by Col.Autumn216

  1. Title says it all. Was bot stomping on skirmish with the nod special light tank and reached vet two with it, ammo pool as 11 tow missiles, and is quite possibly the most overpowered instance of accidentally adding another 1 I have ever seen. Figured this is PROBABLY not a very balanced thing to see in the servers.
  2. Those bots man, sentience is definitely the right word because they really just work when they feel like it regardless of dev intervention.
  3. Those new designs are exactly what should be in a TS FPS. The detail is nothing short of immaculate. I'm super interested in seeing the designs and detailing for defensive structures, can't wait to see more.
  4. Thanks! Problem solved.
  5. Hey all, I've gotten a few maps downloaded and set up, but was wondering how to set my ini to display the maps in game instead of having to console command my way into them on for skirmish rounds. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  6. I understand, I meant no disrespect, I apologize if it came off that way. Thanks for the response.
  7. The ctd issue in skirmish is still occurring, hasn't changed in like 2 years.
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