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Posts posted by vandal33

  1. Disable the audio if somebody spams spotting, it's annoying and distracting. The radio sounds should still play but if it is spammed within 3 seconds then mute the audio. I take radio messages seriously but if it's spammed, I thought someone is just trigger happy and this may cause teammates not to take commands seriously when it is not spammed.

    Usually there are already 4-5 team members pressing spotting at the same time if it's a building needs repair scenario.

  2. I voted for Proposal 3 and 6.

    Proposal 1: Disagree because it indiscriminately punishes good infiltrators who managed to sneak in a properly mined base.

    Proposal 2: I have doubts it will solve mining issue.

    Proposal 3: Helps players remove bad mines or mines inside destroyed buildings quickly is good, with the message telling you who is disarming your mines can prevent abuse and bad miners can learn faster what they did wrong.

    Proposal 4: While this can be useful to locate bad mines, I don't like how it pinpoints which building is being infiltrated without player efforts searching buildings.

    Proposal 5: Not a fan of this system, how is a new player going to learn if they can't use mines first hand?

    Proposal 6: Might work, a marker visible on the player's screen showing the proper mine spots when a player is wielding the Proximity C4 (and disappears when he changes weapon). It can be turned off at the settings and is turned on by default so new players don't miss it.

  3. If it's gonna return, no chemical side arms. Something like the Heavy Pistol would be good as long as it doesn't feel like a primary weapon like the carbine  AND they cost credits. I really dislike when you get free heavy pistols as snipers/adv engineers or a free carbine as gunners/ramjet snipers. Technician with a heavy pistol is just wrong since he is a maintainence unit so at least force them to pay extra to get it, but not having the sidearm like a primary weapon.

    • Like 1
  4. knabis64 got permanently mine-banned??? We need personal proxy mine limits now! It's not fair that people get mine-banned just because they are not "pro miners". People need to stop relying on proxy mines as their only hope to defend and unfairly ban those who use it at personal level. Yes, door mining can make a difference and would be too advantageous to only one team if the other didn't door-mine but I want proximity c4 to be more use than just door defense.

    This is why I suggested Proximity C4 not to be team capped so people like our good friend, knabis64 can use it anyway they like without hampering the team. The game has low playerbase, we should start making things easier for newcomers where they can't accidentally hamper their teams and get scolded for it.

    Personally, I am fine with the current system, I don't mind new players ruined a perfectly mined base, everybody makes mistakes when they're new but if the system is turning every veteran into monsters that will flame/ban newcomers for not knowing how to mine, then change the system where newcomers can still use proximity C4s but not hamper the team.

    • Like 1
  5. I don't see any problem about defending against infiltrators. The problem is that the current system is not noob-friendly, and the elitist will start flaming them if they do it wrong. As already suggested, advanced engineers can still have their Proximity C4s but there could be a separate type  building-door mines that can only be placed at doorways (or windows, tower railings, walls etc) so new comers can do whatever they want with their proximity C4s without hampering the defense mines. And these new mines doesn't respawn automatically and players must do it manually so there still needs effort to make a building secure.

    Just throwing in some suggestions.

  6. 1. It's only a thing at long-range, you don't have to aim down sights to shoot anything close-medium range. I think this feature was the first thing that introduced me to a whole new gameplay of Renegade when I was still new to the game holding the Auto Rifle.

    2. Yeah, it is kinda weak compared to the original but I'm slowly getting used to it.

    3. Mendoza is the Tier 3 anti-everything class so his weapon is powerful but not as good in killing infantry like Ramjet Rifles or a good anti-tank like Raveshaw/Sydneys. I haven't seen much how powerful his tiberium rifle can be against buildings but I feel you as I'm getting annoyed too being killed by them all day.

    4. Gunner is anti-armor unit and I think he fits well being in between Rocket Soldier and Sydney.

    5. I dislike the fact that some infantry starts with a better sidearm than the regular silenced handgun, I think all characters should have silenced pistol as default and need to pay extra for the heavy handgun. I like the heavy pistol, but giving them free is not what I had in mind. Why should technicians have a free powerful pistol when his main role is non-combat (repairs, mine-laying) and demolitions when he's already one of the most used character even without the heavy sidearm? I understand why purchasable tiberium weapons is removed though as it imbalancely diminishes a characters weakness.

    6. Agree, sometimes I don't think vehicle-driving AIs fit in Renegade.

  7. Have to say the surrender thingy isn't broken. If the majority of team votes for it, then it is working well. Even if I am on the winning team, I prefer the game to end if those enemies want to admit defeat. There's no satisfaction in blowing up stuffs against a team who stopped trying. Surrendering is better than having them troll around, AFKing or leaving games.



  8. 1 hour ago, Vancer2 said:

    I can't give it a few more times. RIP Renegade X.

    But most people here seemed to enjoy it.

    1 hour ago, Vancer2 said:

    A bunch of hotwires would always get in the building or what not.

    Even if the building is full health AND armor, the hotwires can still blow it in one infiltration.

    1 hour ago, Vancer2 said:

    This isn't original renegade.

    Correct, This is Renegade X. :P

    1 hour ago, Vancer2 said:

    You're adding something from Starcraft 2 into a game.

    The game isn't a HD version of Renegade, I think the developers adding things to make it different from original Renegade was fully intended.

    1 hour ago, Vancer2 said:

    Plus it makes no sense. There wasn't any shields in Tib war 1. Now if this was TW3, and we reverse engineered Scrin shields then yeah. It would make sense.

    Renegade X has nothing to do with C&C's storyline and I don't think it was aiming to be, otherwise we wouldn't have walking tanks from the future during the time when Raveshaw was still around (I hate these future vehicle nonsense by the way... but I'm still playing it, can't have everything our way).

    The thing is, what you dislike about the game is something others had agreed on. We can't have a game that is perfect to everyone. People have different taste. It's up to the developers (and the community's discussions) to decide how the game is done.

  9. I would like the MVP system (if it gets implemented somehow) to be like the old Renegade, it's just a star displayed next to your name and the number of MVPs you had in recent games in your third person name view (example: knabis84 MVP*2) where the "bonus" is just by showing off. Then, it will be forgotten -  no need for accounts that saves all history of MVPs you get throughout your Renegade X games because being MVP is nothing special, you just had higher points than others, doesn't mean you're the true hero of the match that needs to be remembered forever.

  10. If bonus are to be given to "MVP", please no gameplay changing advantages like extra money, I don't mind extra vote counts though but I think an MVP star next to his name to "show off" is enough. Because having more points than other team members doesn't mean you're the salvation to the team so why should MVPs get such advantages.

    Like Quincy said, being the "Most Valuable Player" doesn't really mean that player is anything special, he just have the most points so it should be named "Most Points Player", I don't mind having this feature back like in the old Renegade, just don't think highly of 'MVP' players if it is just based on points. I say this because I've seen a lot of games where players with the highest points are credited and being impressed by others just because he had more points although the real savior of the game are his lower-points teammates.

  11. 10 hours ago, Ska-Ara said:

    (i would prefer 1 time lol)

    me too, many times important messages are drowned before i could see them just because someone spamming "building needs repair" when a building is 99% armor... would be nice if they are muted or the server skipped the message to prevent server flood - i dont take excessive spammers seriously

  12. Just my opinion, I'm not against making every infantry to have a Timed C4, I know early rushes are annoying but I think teams deserve to lose a building if they failed to defend structures from infantry sneaking/shooting their way in. People would take every part of the game(specially early games) more seriously. I like any kind of infantry to be a threat so people won't underestimate when a single generic soldier is inside their base. I still prefer having a selectable C4/Grenade in the purchase menu like in the previous beta.

    Then you say: how it is easy for 5 mendozas to put 5 timed charges on MCT and defend it, if the whole team responds to it then you should counter those mendozas, it would make people care more about their base. If the whole team doesn't have powerful characters, then they should lose for letting the enemy have 5 mendozas while they can't afford something equal to counter them. Even if mendozas don't have C4s, they can still rush with 4 mendoza and 1 technician which is enough to destroy a building plus healing ability.

    I just don't want regular soldiers to lose their effectiveness when on the loose inside an enemy base.

  13. I'm ok with KrypTheBear's suggestion about a separate type of mine exclusively for allied building interiors (i suggested that here before). Either it's the same as the proximity C4 but only deployable in buildings or mines using tripwires. Then the regular proximity C4s can be used for anything without bothering the base defense mines. As usual, only Adv Engineers can have this tripwire mine since laying base defense traps is their job.

  14. On 26/10/2016 at 1:35 AM, KrypTheBear said:

    Non-flying would mean that the buildings are in the same state as they would be on a typical non-flying map.
    In short, yes. They'd (have to) be removed.


    On 26/10/2016 at 4:52 AM, LavaDr4gon said:




    Training yard.

  15. I'm more concerned about how they can destroy a building (it's armor bar especially) in just seconds. Apache/Orca rushes still needs to be a thing in the game ( Teams still deserve to lose a building from air assaults if they fail to respond in time ), but not this powerful.

    My suggestion is lower the firing/reloading rate and damage and remove "squishing" infantry so it has to rely more on it's canons while fighting rocket soldiers or stopping engineers disarming.


    On 27/10/2016 at 11:07 AM, Diamant001 said:

    Wer ist eigentlich für den umbau der Maps verantwortlich?

    Die derzeitig genutzen Maps auf den servern, finde ich aus Strageischer echt unfiar, allen voran die Map Field.

    Map balancing are frequently being talked about, usually the answer is more about teamwork. I always hear "oh no not this GDI map again" when the map usually have half the Nod team being lone-ranger stealth balck hands. Maybe some maps do give an overall advantage to a specific side, but if it's that obvious it would have been adjusted for balance already.

    And you should do the translation first instead of having <insert number of non-German speakers reading this> people doing it. Don't let people think you are more lazy than how much you needed help.

  17. The problem isn't about mine system, it's just that there are less defenders aware of missing mines in buildings. If people just not being too lazy to tell the misplaced mine owner to disarm and remine the base, call a mine-ban vote if necessary or remine(by overmining) the base again, you can quickly have your buildings mined again in a few minutes, less if people work together.

    As said earlier, newcomers will learn from their mistakes when you tell them about the faulty mines, faster if given a mine ban (when they ignore you). The game already spoon feeding us with the overmining warning.

    I had a game once with 2 overmining players. 1 of them stopped when I asked him nicely to stop and reserve mines for buildings. We then failed to rush an enemy building where I pointed out to him "see how effective if you put mines for buildings" and he seems to understand already about the proper mining. The other guy got a mine ban when he ignored everyone telling him to stop. It's not hard to fix the base mines after that, defenders just need to be aware before it's too late.

    TLDR:Current mine system may be less newcomer-friendly, but the bigger problems are less defenders and people being too lazy to fix the mines.

  18. Cloacking crates for any characters sounds nice but only for limited time or people are going to be pussies not wanting to lose their stealth character. And I prefer that spies are not ignored by base defenses, getting a free opposing team character is already a huge advantage, especially stealth black hands. I don't have problem with stolen stealth tanks since turrets and obelisks melt them fast on maps with base defenses.

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