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  1. Without people in the evening for us Aussies, the only time to play is from the early morning till lunch time.
  2. Hi, I've noticed since the newest patch, that on two occasions that when some maps load, my game crashes to the desktop. This can be when I join a game from the launcher, or if I'm already in game and after the score screen. Not sure what's causing it, checking the game files doesn't seem to fix the issue. I've attached my launch.log file for reference. *EDIT make that 3 times now, same map as yesterday, as soon as the score screen moves to load the next map (Uphill), the game exits to the desktop. I cannot rejoin the server till the map is finished TIA Launch.log
  3. @yosh56 Hey Yosh, I think it's worth mentioning, that I continued to look into the slowness of the game with my new GFX card. Rolling back did improve it, but I still feel like my old Nvidia card ran it better. I came across this post https://steamcommunity.com/app/200510/discussions/0/846960628563773260/ and followed the steps there, and found this improved the performance of the game a reasonable amount. I tell you what, I'm never getting an AMD GFX card again! Too many hassles with many games.
  4. I believe i may have resolved this. I ended up re-installing the game, which i thought did the trick, however i noticed that the AMD adrenalin application stopped working, so i removed it, the game was running fine. I then reinstalled the latest drivers, boom bad performance was back. Removed adrenalin and the latest drivers, RenX worked fine again. I've since reinstalled a GFX driver from May 2020 which seems to be running fine with RenX. Disappointed by AMD, seems to ring a bell back when i had my old radeon. Anyway, thanks for the assistance!
  5. I believe it's called AMD Radeon Software and it seems to have a lot of options for monitoring PC performance while in game, as well as over riding application settings with its settings. Please find the launch.log files attached. Launch_2.log Launch.log
  6. I've tried running both x84 and x64 both seem to run the same
  7. Yes I've got the amd gfx utility installed, and it provides me with the latest drivers
  8. Hi, I recently purchased a new Graphics card, a Radeon RX 570 8Gb, which replaced my GTX 770 4GB card that died. After 3 weeks, it was good to get back into some RenX, however, I've noticed that the game doesn't appear to run as well as it did while i had my GTX 770. This is very disappointing, considering it is rated as a better GFX card than my previous one. I've tried putting all graphics settings in Renx to very low and it still seems to be under performing, which is bizarre, as the rest of my kit is the same as before. Are there any optimal graphics settings/presets i should be running that can be suggested? Are all the graphics settings in RenX still relevant, ie PhysX, D3D9 MSAA etc? Or is there anything any can suggest to help me out? I didn't purchase a you beaut GFX card because it would bottle neck with my other hardware, and i dont want to build/buy a new PC during stage 4 lockdown. For reference my PC specs: i5 4670k @ 3.4GHZ 16GB DDR3 @1333 Mhz Radeon RX 570 8GB game is running from a SSD TIA
  9. Server owners should be able to purchase DDoS protection from their ISP/provider, of course this would be an added cost for them.
  10. In my opinion, I think this would discourage team work, and therefore is probably something we don't need. I've been in matches where there is one Mammy left and that's heroic, the team keeps it alive for defense, and the rest of the team won via tunnel rushes. Some of the best games end up being those that your team makes a comeback. Without digressing too much, if you can get a team that cooperates that much by having that many players repair a single unit or structure, then I don't think they should be penalised. On the flip side, if one team is investing that many players to repair one unit at that location and time, it means that other areas of the map/base will be empty and left for the opposition to exploit. Which I think takes care of itself.
  11. I know it's a bit much for a single apache, but you could've timed an airstrike on the plateau, as the pilot retreats for repairs... Did you try that?
  12. I didn't know there was a discord for renx... Definitely going join now before I play! +1 for the OP
  13. Generally firing the missiles will stop the bug from occurring, but sometimes the bug re-occurs right after firing the missiles. I've been trying to record this on video, but it's so sporadic and turning recording on an off is very tedious, that coupled with only being able to play renx one a week if I'm lucky. I remember dueling with a light tank once, I should have easily taken him out, 4 volleys registered no damage on the light tank, and he killed me.... I was like wtf? He said it appeared like I wasn't firing my cannons at all. Which kind of sounds like, me firing wasn't registering with the server.
  14. But that's just it, infantry can run up right next to it, often without the driver even knowing... it really is that easy to do. 1 timed C4 = 33.33% of it's health, it may not kill it in on shot, but it's still significant damage. You say where they were before.... exactly when are you referring to? The last time Mammoth's were buffed in a patch, was back in March 2016. They haven't changed recently, yet you say that 'now, it's basically gg on walls'. Nothing has changed... Medium's are used more than Mammoths in 99% of games, and they can play the role of 'Heavy Support', they still require repairs and/or faster vehicles to prevent them from being overwhelmed... The artillery on the other hand is a different kind of support... long range support. Anything that is heroic is going to take an airstrike on the chin... not just a mammoth. Unit balance should not be a result of map design. A map's design can make any unit more favourable than another... Based on this logic, i should say arties are OP because on Canyon GDI is defeated 9 times out of 10 because arties spam the bar and GDI entrance.
  15. Teamwork is a good thing, considering that's a core mechanic of the game, i don't really think that's a problem. The Mammoth tank is supposed to be the most powerful unit in the game, period. And so, you would expect it can take out multiple (two or three) vehicles before succumbing to enemy fire, and for the amount you pay for it, you'd expect it to be. Player skill apart, you cannot expect to go one on one with a mammoth and come out on top, it shouldn't work that way (unless you're a flame tank licking the mammy). As a stank, you don't engage directly do you? You'd flank one if you attack it. And as an Arty, you wouldn't use it as a main battle tank would you? It's a support unit, you're best to try and out range it. In response to your suggestions: nerf overall dmg and reduce max. range (esp. on Heroic) Again, it us supposed to be the most powerful unit in the game. That being said, it's missiles aren't really that strong, and can be dodged easily by nimble units on sloped terrain. The cannon should be powerful to compensate for it's sluggishness and poor maneuverability. Enemies (unless in number) should be weary when trying to engage one. Making it weaker would negate this completely. As for it's range, it's only slightly longer than the medium and light tank, if even that, it could be equal to them both. reduce mammoth tank HP This coupled with it's already low speed means it will die faster. Being slow and more fragile = a useless paperweight, you'd be dead before you can even get halfway across the map. If you're wanting to nerf it's health, then it's speed would need to be increased accordingly. Less armour = less mass = more speed and maneuverability make mammoth tank slower It's slow enough as it is, and can easily be sniped by an out of range arty, not to mention enemy infantry can very easily run up to it and throw timed c4 on it. less shots per minute This is essentially just damage output again, see first point on damage. In relation to having repairs behind a mammy, then it should be harder to destroy, just like it is with any other unit. Remember, this is a team game and it's hard enough to get someone to follow behind for repairs as it is.
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