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Everything posted by Detritus

  1. Nothing but new maps, eh?
  2. They are beautiful... Do the turrets on the flame tanks actually turn?
  3. It is saddening to see you leave, from what I have seen of you in-game, you are a pretty darn good RenX player!
  4. The Training Center would get everyone to rank Veteran in 8 minutes, rank Elite in 25 minutes, and rank Heroic in 54 minutes. This along with the regular VP gain via fighting, it would not take very long to reach heroic. Now, I understand that the Training Center is going to be flipping sides often, but that would still give the team that owns it a serious advantage. Perhaps 1 VP per 10 seconds would balance it out better...
  5. Something along the lines of... hats? Or perhaps new clothing types?
  6. Is this because not enough devs, or would it be next to impossible even with a huge team?
  7. I searched for another thread like this but was surprised I couldn't find any, so here's this one. In a future update, couldn't the devs include the old ren capaign in renx? For those among us who want to replay through all the story with higher graphics? Is there a plan for this in the future, or no?
  8. Add something awesome and random, like Warthog. Or maybe Scooper. Or possibly HeadShot.
  9. The nuke and Ions would be unrealistic. I like ProfanePagan's idea much more.
  10. I was experiencing similar problems. Bot number does not work; whatever I set it to, the game starts with 0 bots. Team selector broke; I want to be nod, and it puts me on GDI. And the time and vehicle settings are also quirky.
  11. I will be on the EKT server and the Constructive Tyranny server on Monday and Thursday, if you want to meet me there... Player name: "Detritus"
  12. Capture the flag! and hold it for some time That would ruin the whole map for me. I would prefer just having automated defenses at the bases to deter SBH's. And a quicker way to get credits...
  13. Thanks!
  14. Hello Yosh, Where is the topic? I want to view it and give my opinion and feedback on C&C_Valley...
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