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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Posts posted by Madkill40

  1. That's a new one, never encountered that when installing onto another drive. 

    Try installing onto the  D :  but as Sarah recommended, run setup as administrator. 

    Alternatively/additionally, try installing into a new folder you've made in your D-Drive. i.e. " D:/Renegade X " and see if that helps.

  2. Maybe votekicks should be disabled if there's a mod registered as 'active'. 
    Maybe votekicks shouldn't be possible on somebody who has been on the server for less than 5 minutes. 
    Maybe votekicks should be disabled if there's a mod registered as active 

    Votekicks are not to be used for people to get their mates into a full server. That's weeb-attitudes inflating their egos with unjust-resentment. 

    If folks love playing RenX, they should fill a 2nd server rather than wait until an available slot appears on a full server LIKEWISE folks shouldn't see a low-pop server as discouraging, a low pop server has a better chance to experience the game and learn more specific tricks through observation and experience that you will definitely miss or overlook in a full server.  RenX is not a Free-4-All, the strongest TEAM wins. You'll find more teamwork on a lower-pop server because teamwork becomes a necessity for victory. 64-players changes the teamplay entirely, but more of the game can be learned from lower-pop play. 


    @hanyz.cz Shame you were a victim of somebody's attitude bruh, appears to have been rectified. Appreciate the reporting.  Ya done more good back in August than some players who just play for the stack. :P

  3. 2nd to last update [I hope]

    • Central infantry paths reduced
    • Central Vehicle paths increased
    • Map overview now has more clarity for direction
    • Maximum height has been reduced [Flying vehicles can no longer go as high up as the Radar Dome]
    • Landscape textures have been resprayed
    • Outer vehicle paths removed
    • Outer infantry paths expanded
    • Tiberium fields reduced 
    • Harvester tiberium navigation moved slightly closer to the center-zone of the map
    • Capturable silo outposts now feature a helipad specifically for repairing aircraft
    • Both bases now include repair facility, team silo and a helipad
    • Both bases have been redesigned to have a variance in landscape levels
    • Some areas now have damage volumes which will hurt infantry when on top of a rock when they should not be up there [Its slippy on those rocks] - WIP (More rock tips will feature this lovely volume)
    • Static meshes have been placed to disable B2B and also to prevent ruddy Gunner's shooting from across the entire length of the map
    • Minimap has been updated, but a final, pinpoint accurate draft to come on finalized version [Including visibility of the underground bridge]
    • Vehicle blocking volumes now prevent vehicles from spilling into the infantry-only cave
    • There are a lot more rocks, however due to the map filesize Frostbite currently is, and for the sake of beautification this may be reworked for optimization]
    • Misc changes here and there.
    • Finalized version of Frostbite to come after the next playtest [At.Long.Last.Geezus.]
  4. CNC-Valley-Flying DL

    Doesn't feel right uploading it onto the DL section.

    Original Author: Evan Brooks. 

    Edited by me. [With some assistance from Luhrian and fffreak]

    I've taken Valley and applied 1 AA defence, Helipad and Repair Facility to both GDI and Nod bases, but removed the PowerPlants.

    A majority of the map has mostly remained the same with exception of opening up the out-of-bounds areas behind the rocks beside the HoN and Barracks. 

    Vehicle limit is 19, mine limit is 21. 

    GDI Base:


    Nod Base:


    How to Install:

    1. Download the file from the hyperlink above
    2. Extract 'UDKGame' into your 'Renegade X' folder
    3. Files should extract without a hitch so long as you followed the first two steps correctly
    4. Boot the map via the Skirmish menu or...
    5. Harass a friend to upload the map onto their server so you can enjoy the map with other players or...
    6. Find a custom-map/test server hosting this map package or...
    7. Pester the dev's to add this version of Valley-Flying into the next patch


    P.S. I fixed the Turret-Garrison stuck spot.


    • Thanks 1
  5. On 12/5/2020 at 12:53 AM, rm5248 said:

    To roweboat's idea, that seems plausible to me.


    I wrote some quick code to get the player count every 5 minutes, and over the past almost week I have accumulated some data on actual player counts, and not just theories.

    Anyway, these times should be in UTC.  The first spike is larger than the rest, I believe when the PUG is on.  Basically, two servers are full at that time.  During the week, the player counts spike for several hours.  However, this spike is contained mostly within one server, given that it is 64 players.


    Anyway, pretty graph time:



    It seems that player counts go high and low rather quickly, but the baseline does seem to be ~5-10 people.  Really the question that I have is: if you make the servers smaller, does the player count average out to be the same, or is it depressed?

    @Fffreak9999 got any relatable stats? 😆

    • Like 1
  6. @TankClash Yo! Took me a while to get round to making this.


    ^Map Extent: 52400 

    99.99% Accurate (Player pin-point to Map position)


    When you polish off this map, feel free to add a little extra around the outside - This is just a temp minimap for now, because something is better than nothing. ^_^ Also tested out a bit of an effect to see how it would look. 

    • Like 1
  7. May we please have the in-game settings as a button linked to whichever is the correct ini file it has access to overwrite, thus being able to load into the game before it starts, at the correct settings and instead of essentially for best results - to avoid "RAn out of Video Memory" potential outcomes - restarting the game. 

    This is just a theory with feedback and suggestion. The less chance of VRAM flashes, the better. Amirite? 

  8. 17 hours ago, R315r4z0r said:

    Backup reinforcements. When advanced infantry structures (HoN/Barr), as well as vehicle production structures (WF/AS) are destroyed, you are still given the ability to upgrade/purchase low-tier units/vehicles. This is done for balance reasons and I'm 100% onboard with this. However, I believe that we should reclassify these units as "reinforcements." These reinforcements would be tied to the Comm Center. So, for instance, if GDI loses their WF but retains their Comm Center, they can call in vehicles from off the map at an increased price and production time. But if they lose their Comm Center as well, all vehicle production would become impossible.

    I like this as a concept

  9. I'd keep Commander as is and use the Comm C. as a feature in certain maps to allow every player to use non-buff type support powers as items you can purchase only by having the Comm C. online. 

    So a Scout flare., Cruise flare. (maybe one has just enough to kill an Elite Med-Tank if a direct hit. ) and an EMP Flare. 

    Timing is everything to use these effectively. 

    Replaces the Timed C4.

    But if a map doesn't have Comm C. then it shouldn't have the items. 
    No altering of the OldRen maps but other maps is up to the mappers discretion. 


  10. If you attack the Barracks, then quickly switch to any other building the announcement will only sound that the Barracks is under attack meanwhile the other building can just be struct without EVA saying anything. 

    For sneaking, this is really handy - but if multiple buildings are being hit then you're in trouble to take notice of any building unannounced 


    It's also handy with  tricking a whole bunch of techs to flag one building whilst another crumbles. 

  11. --Snip--



    Edited: I don't mind whipping up a minimap, I still need to re-install Photoshop tbh. [Haven't needed it necessarily to create anything since building a new rig] Plus this Lockdown malarkey has me working more hours than normal. I just live in the reflection of life, clearly.

  12. 58 minutes ago, Hicks said:

    1) Is there a way to give orders to bots when in commander?

    'Q' them first by looking at the bot you want


    58 minutes ago, Hicks said:

    2) I have seen more than one player asking questions as if they were votes, in the sense that the answers were given with f1 or f2. How can it be done?

    Thanks in advance to all who answer 🙂

    Ctrl+V and the menu will pop up

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