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Everything posted by Quinc3y

  1. Islands FLYING! (sort of) Two flametroopers swim to GDI ref and infiltrate it unnoticed before it even gets mined. It gets destroyed and GDI surrenders. Hopefully we can test the flying element of Islands next PUG, looks nice if you ask me. Tunnels Both first harvesters survive, but Nod manages to dominate the field with arties and light tanks early on. They get pushed back at ~10th minute, but before GDI can lock Nod in the base, a stank rush reaches & obliterates GDI base, Tomb Long game. Even vehicle fight most of the time, with Nod having a slight advantage on the harvester side which gave them the economic advantage. Stank rush destroyed GT and opened the GDI base to SBHs. Triple nuke on bar + wf + pp destroyed the pp and GDI slowly crumbled. A sneaky hotwire almost managed to destroy Nod ref, almost being the key word... another stank rush destroyed WF and it was game over. Complex A miracle 3 gunners + 1 deadeye rush through the tunnel destroyed HoN. Nod responded with stank rush that took barracks down to 20 health. Had they destroyed bar, the game would have lasted a lot longer, but instead Nod base crumbled to mass meds and poi with a ramjet. 3-1, balanced teams, one with more luck than the other. Good games!
  2. Some will argue that the punishment for losing a building should be harsh so that it feels rewarding for the team that destroyed it and so that no campfests & dragging the game to infinity occurs. And some will argue that the punishment for losing a building should be light, so that the losing team still has the motivation to play & chance to win and because comebacks are fun and exciting. Both are right and I think it's about finding the golden mean. I also think that right now the punishment is too harsh, for one reason: veterancy. Now if you lose a building you not only get punished by not being able to buy certain units/having lower income, but you also fall behind in veterancy. Especially if you lose a building within first 10 minutes - that results in a team of recruits without a building fighting against a team of veterans. This is also caused by lowering the required amount of VP to advance a rank, which I am still against. I am rather against the idea of building reconstruction - sounds boring, it's not intuitive and never been a part of the Renegade series. I might change my mind tho if I see it work. Instead I would suggest implementing one, some or all of the following: - decreased amount of VP awarded to the team after destroying a building - increase amount of VP needed to advance to the next rank so that a team that destroys 1st building doesn't instantly become all veteran - after losing HoN/bar, enable all infantry for double the price except for adv. engis, 1k snipers, Sydneys/Ravs and Mobiuses/Mendozas. I am not sure about SBH. - after losing WF/strip, enable all vehicles for double the price except for apaches, orcas, mammoths and stanks. Actually we could consider removing the airdrop rules and just let players buy their vehs whenever. - after losing ref, it should be 1.5 credit/ second instead of only 1/second. Losing PP and base defences is fine as it is now. Implementing all would probably be too much and would lead to the punishment for losing a building being too light. But some of them would feel very welcome.
  3. Pretty one-sided PUG. Arctic Stronghold GDI early gunner rush failed, but they still took control of the field with ease. 10 minutes in, Obelisk went offline and meds moved in Nod base, a hotwire used the chaos to sneak in and destroy PP. Another med rush followed and finished the Nod base off. Field Pretty much the same. Nod dominating for most of the game, both on field and in the tunnels. At one point Nod tanks moved in and a tech used the chaos and with the help of smoke grenade destroyed GDI ref. After that mendoza rush destroyed barracks and it was game over. Walls ground A little closer one this time. Draw-ish for the first 15 minutes, then 3 SBHs took WF down to 9 health. But then the above scenario happened again. GDI took the intiative, with their snipers getting a lot of frags and crushed Nod. Islands GDI locked in base from the very first moment Nod could get arties. SBH planted nuke at front of WF and all the tanks moved in to cover it, boom. Then Nod went for 10 LCG rush that got destroyed by 10 mobiuses who in answer got destroyed by 10 mendozas. And that was the highlight of the PUG! GDI base finished off by flame tank rush soon after. 4-0, ~18v18.
  4. That's right, our snipers And I was one of them.
  5. We finished them off soon after, so don't worry. Crash Site Nod crushed by meds within 15 minutes, not much to see here. Nod was down to 10v12 for most of the game, because of players AFKing. Walls Good game. Nod with advantage early on, killing the first 3 harvesters, SAM sites and dealing perma to refinery, WF and PP all with arties and SBHs. This gave them the veterancy advantage for the rest of the game. GDI ref is destroyed first, to mass arties. But 30 seconds later Nod ref fell victim to a hotwire. About 15 minutes later, HoN was destroyed by another hotwire. But GDI didn't manage to dominate the game, Nod slowly took control of the plateau and apache rushed & destroyed barracks. Soon after the rest of GDI base was finished off by apaches and stanks. Not much GDI could have done with the lack of credits and veterancy disadvantage. Complex Another good game. At ~15th minute mark 5 meds drive in the Nod base, while 2 stanks hit ref, SBH nukes WF and a tech infiltrates bar. All buildings survive, but most take perma damage, including barracks that went down to 5 health. Soon after another stank rush destroys WF. Gunner rush by GDI fails and GDI went on the defence for the rest of the game. GDI ref and barracks fall to SBH nuke with APC & infantry cover. Team jeff 2-1 team Quincy I liked this PUG also because snipers didn't have much impact. I think I didn't get sniped once the whole PUG, even tho we played sniper-heavy map like Walls and Complex. Feelsgoodman
  6. The bottom part of the dam is where the MCT & passage to the side tunnel is. And where you can enter the dam from the vehicle area. Snipers: yes, the dam is nice for them. The field is similar to Field's field. Silo area, river, some rocks for cover. It's not that bad.
  7. My feedback: Positives The dam system and the infantry area. The idea with the capturable dam is original and it adds a strategic element. The dam itself is big, has many paths to use and objects to hide behind. The connection to the vehicle area is nice as well. There is only one problem about the infantry area which I will get to later. Graphics. The map's beautiful, one of the best looking in the game if you ask me. Negatives ONLY ONE VEHICLE ENTRANCE. And a very tight one, at that. I've already complained a lot about such maps... I feel like maps that have only one vehicle entrance per base belong to a different category, The gameplay on such maps is so different. Can't do a vehicle rush (except for maybe stanks, but that's difficult as well). Can't sneak in via main entrance as infantry. Can't surprise the enemy at all. Just look at maps like Islands, Xmountain, Under or Reservoir and compare their intensity with Volcano or Tomb. The latter are so much more thrilling to play. Even worse, on Reservoir you don't really benefit much from the field control, because you can't even kill the enemy harvester. Talking about which.... WAY TOO MUCH CREDITS. After 1 hour players on both teams had over 10k credits on average. The harvester route is really short and every dump is 300 credits. The silo feels completely unnecessary and it's irrelevant who has control of it. Base defences. The gameplay is already stale and it's difficult to sneak into enemy base, especially on a PUG where both teams have dedicated defenders. And the dam system kind of helps with defending, too. I don't see the purpose of base defences. Only one infantry exit. If the enemy team has better snipers or generally players with better aim, they can just lock you in your base on the infantry side. No interesting rushes possible? I'm not entirely sure about this one, but yeah... looks like a consequence of what I mentioned above. Because of the choke points at the vehicle entrances to both bases, you can't really do a proper vehicle rush (unless you miraculously sneak in some stanks). I didn't see any spot for rocket rushes, because both bases are surrounded by rocks. Only one infantry exit makes it super hard to suprise the enemy, because most likely they will see you coming early. Finally, base defences. Honestly, right now the map looks pretty much like Islands with base defences and with a more interesting infantry area. My suggestions on how to fix it: The one major fix needed is to add one more vehicle path. I know this is a lot of work and a big change, but I don't see this map among top maps with only one, tight vehicle entrance like it is now. There are some simplier fixes that would make the experience better though: remove base defences. Replace silo with a medical centre (because infantry is meant to be important here, right?). Open the second tunnel (the one near PP), so you can leave your base through it as well. Decrease harvester dump to 200 credits (like on Islands). Maybe remove some rocks to make HoN and WF more exposed as well?
  8. I will make a different thread so we can discuss the map.. It doesn't really belong here I think Here:
  9. Yes, communication problems and no luck. Maybe if I just let Trouper drive when he bought the APC. Or if Norc didn't enter APC at the exact time when Trouper left driver seat and before I pressed 1 (must have been half a second? I don't blame anyone here). Or maybe if Trouper informed us that he is buying an APC (or did someone see him write this in chat? I didn't), we would be prepared sooner. That, plus what Jeff wrote above. It's often such details that decide the outcome (same with sneaking in the previous games... there's so much luck involved in that as well)
  10. Losing first harv + not enough mines + smart buggy rush But yeah, ggs.
  11. Walls Nod won the harvester battle and put a lot of pressure on GDI in the early game, dealing perma damage to ref with arty spam. But 10 minutes later GDI managed to recover and took control of the plateau for roughly the rest of the game. It took a long time to destroy the first building, but finally Nod refinery fell to orca rush with a chinook flying to PP as decoy. Nod answered with SBH outside c4 rush and almost finished GDI refinery off. Soon after Nod base crumbled to orcas & ions. Complex The best game of the evening. At the start GDI attempted a gunner rush for airstrip, got spotted early and annihilated. Nod's response of arties & light tanks left WF with only 10 health. After that the game looked even for a while. Both refineries fell within a minute of each other to a tech & hotty. Since then both teams tried different kinds of rushes. GDI went for a couple of med rushes and a rocket rush - they dealt some perma damage to both HoN and strip, but failed to destroy either. Meanwhile 3 stanks with the help of a decoy nuke destroyed the barracks and a couple minutes later stanks again - with the help of an infiltrating raveshaw - destroyed the WF. XMountain Nothing happens for the first ~10 minutes and then a sneaky hotwire destroys Nod ref, which allows GDI to finish the game with tanks soon enough. Nod's desperation light tank rush wasn't bad though. Team Quincy/Tony - Team Kryp 3-0, ggs but maybe a little too much saltiness on the losing side.
  12. @CampinJeff So it will be like that again, but only on recruit?
  13. I'm not gonna go into details, but all in all it looks cool. I like all the infantry nerfs, hopefully losing HoN/bar will not be game over now? " + Reduced Remote C4 multiplier to the MCT from 5.0 to 4.1 " <-- will hotwires and techs still be able to destroy a building solo with this change? And, if yes, what will the margin be like? I'd hate if all their c4 dealt only exactly 200 damage to a building again... would have been a giant nerf to sneaking.
  14. Couldn't be there this time
  15. On Sunday I was suprised how fast team Jeff was. On Lakeside, you managed to get 5 arties on the hill faster than our 3 mrls - even though we both had first harvester dumps. Then, not even 1 minute after we pushed the arties back, we already had stanks in our base. Similar thing happened on Field - GDI rushed in with meds, we defended from that, I ordered stanks, we bought 3 stanks and tried moving out... and we already had 5 meds at our base entrance locking us in again. Honestly though, I believe the only reason why my team lost Field and Under were the individual performances of poi and boi. On Field, those two had like 60 kills in between them - twice as much as my whole team combined I believe. Our tank repairs were constantly being sniped. I think my team had the better tankers, but the tankers could do nothing with no repairs. It was really frustrating. On Under we were outplayed so hard. I don't know how we were so dominated... maybe if the first 5 minutes went better and we didn't get locked in with arties because it's so hard to break the choke. But I did say meds and gunners from the very beginning. We just weren't good enough individually I believe.
  16. Well done I really didn't know that there are actual meteors falling down on this map. Lesson learned! Also, I think generally the more TS chatter the better. Would be nice to hear myself be happy for contrast after that stank rush worked a minute later
  17. Good stuff! Whiteout GDI counters early arties with gunners and soon starts spamming meds. While hotwire sneaks in PP and drags the attention of half Nod, meds focus fire and destroy HoN - and PP is not saved. Meds then roll in and finish Nod off. Walls Hotwire and engi destroy HoN early. Nod keeps apache rushing for the next 10 minutes, damaging ref to 30 health. Then Nod loses refinery and the last technician to another sneaky hotwire. Airstrip and PP are finished off with orcas and ions. Complex 10 grenadiers rush in airstrip at the start, quite a few make it in, but somehow no perma damage done. After that, med rushes vs. stank rushes. The game finished when ~8 meds rushed in Nod base and 3 stanks + 1 tech rushed in GDI base. GDI base got destroyed when Airstrip, last Nod's building was down to 30 health and surrounded with meds. Seconds decided. Team Tony 2-1 Team Gormomma, ggs.
  18. I got back home today, hopefully will be there for the weekend to come. Looks like I didn't lose much though.
  19. One does not simply quit Ren X. Hope you change your mind, this game needs good players like you!
  20. Yes I did. Infiltrating is so much easier when the enemy team is busy. Nevertheless, a good team will watch mines at all times and tbh team Ryz was all over Barracks quickly. The only reason why I managed to destroy that building was the fact that it was damaged to 30 health from that early APC rush, so they weren't able to repair it in time. Yeah, it's sad, but sometimes happens even on PUGs. And thanks for the recap, Lava! Tomb also started with an APC rush by GDI. Which was a bad idea - the APCs bumped into several flame tanks and GDI had no credits to defend from the counter-attack.
  21. We used the old catwalk route. It's just that McFarlands are really strong. Other than that, Volcano is still Nod favoured. GGs, we won most of our games thanks to our infiltrators (Tunnels, XMountain, Walls).
  22. I'm not an expert on english/german translations, but, as voltex said, you should totally start reading the Bible from the New Testament. It's a much more interesting read and the gospels are what defines christanity. And another tip: read slowly.
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