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Posts posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. ww5lq.png

    We are a step closer to our multiplayer release!

    Firstly, we would like to congratulate our community on three years of Renegade X. On September 30th 2009, Totem Arts released the very first iteration of Renegade X - and it was version 0.35. Since then, we released several other UT3 mod betas, a standalone singleplayer game (which can be downloaded HERE), and have made significant progress towards the full standalone version of Renegade X.

    Renegade X is a standalone Tactical FPS game for the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). It is a Command & Conquer FPS game with RTS elements, based on the original C&C Renegade.

    Today, we have released the first multiplayer development podcast. The video contains over 22 minutes of never-before-seen footage of Renegade X's multiplayer on the UDK. This is the first unveiling of the long-awaited multiplayer. Join us, Fobby and Havoc89, as we discuss:

    • Black Dawn - Post Mortem
    • Command and Conquer mode
    • New maps and Tech Buildings
    • Aircraft
    • New Weapons
    • AI and multiplayer
    • Superweapons - including Airstrikes

    View the full video here:

    The team has made significant progress in the last few months - all weapons, vehicles, and structures are ingame, structures are destroyable and repairable, the purchase and credit system is working, stealth units functioning as they should, and several original maps are in development.

    Remember, we are still looking for help. Please view our application poster HERE.

    Stay tuned for more exciting updates to come.

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CNCRenX?ref=ts&fref=ts

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RenXGame

    YouTube (Official): http://www.youtube.com/user/NEfobbyGEN?feature=mhee

    YouTube (Community): http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJamnub

    IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/renegade-x

    Website: http://www.renegade-x.com

  2. 0sDWx.png


    Let's get down to business!

    So we've been off the radar for quite a while now. We haven't made a public announcement since the release of Black Dawn, and we've crawled back into the hole we came out of. Sometimes, silence is golden. Not this time. We've come bearing good news - Renegade X is BACK! And with some exciting news regarding our upcoming multiplayer release.

    Black Dawn, our singleplayer tech-demo was released about six and a half months ago. It received widespread attention from a range of audiences, from casual to hardcore, oldtimers to new, trolls to genuine fans, forum members to magazine-readers, and more. The release received more than two hundred thousand downloads in the past six months (that we know of), which is a good headstart to reintroducing gamers to the world of C&C FPS. There were also many things we learned about in the Black Dawn experience, as players critiqued certain elements they found troubling. We saw what we were doing right, and what we could have done differently. Black Dawn was our first standalone release, and it gave us a good idea of how a standalone FPS would be received in both the C&C and the greater gaming community. You can download a free copy of Renegade X: Black Dawn HERE.

    And we're glad to be back! After the Black Dawn release, our team took a much needed break to recharge our batteries and study how Black Dawn was received by our audience (and just to get away from it all). Sometimes a developer needs to take some time away (like a shower, or maybe a vacation) just to take a step back and fully process everything. We're constantly looking for new inspirations in the world, both RL and gaming, to improve upon the Renegade X experience. After our break, we got back to business - as usual, we like to start things off silently and secretly just to keep everyone on their toes.

    We have been working on the upcoming multiplayer release of Renegade X. So far, we've had three internal alpha tests, and things are looking up. Progress is efficient and we're all glad to be back to where we belong - in a multiplayer project. We've been utilizing what we've done in both Black Dawn and the Unreal Tournament 3 betas, and refining that for a better overall experience. The development team has gone through a few shifts and we've written some documentation to better organize the upcoming release. We've brought over all of the original Renegade weapons, vehicles, and characters into the current multiplayer build, and the famous Command & Conquer mode is in progress. We're not yet ready to discuss the new features we have under wraps, but let's just say there have been some experiments behind the scenes that we will talk about in due time.

    What's a Renegade X update without images? Here are the first ingame shots of the standalone Renegade X multiplayer:






    There was one character that was completed during the Black Dawn development phase that did not make it into the singleplayer. Nonetheless, this is the 500-credit GDI sniper aka Dariel "Deadeye" MacInnis.




    The Apache has also been completed. Of course, you did see this in Black Dawn, but it was not yet completed. Now you can appreciate it up close:



    We want you!


    Renegade X is a tactical First and Third Person Shooter with Real Time Strategy elements - Singleplayer and Multiplayer! With unique gamemodes, exotic level environments, and a plethora of different weapons, vehicles, characters, and superweapons, Renegade X is an upcoming game you wouldn't want to miss.

    We are looking for the required positions noted below:

    1. Programmers, with preference given to those with experience in Unreal Script. Those experienced in C++, C#, Java, or other programming languages may also apply.

    2. Character Artists capable of creating high-poly and low-poly characters, normal maps, and 2048x2048 textures.

    3. Environment Artists, with preference given to those with Unreal Editor experience. If one has no Editor experience, he or she may apply for a Prop Artist position.

    4. 3d Animator capable of creating realistic 1st person and 3rd person animations

    5. Flash Designer /Scaleform Expert capable of creating scaleform ready UIs and interfaces. Bonus if you can implement the swfs yourself.

    There are multiple positions to fill for each of the above categories. An applicant is welcome to either reply to this thread, send an e-mail to [email protected] or post a thread at http://www.renegade-x.com/forums

    If you have applied in the past 6 months, please re-apply again after today so your application may be processed.

    Thanks for reading, stick around for more exciting updates soon!

  3. Thirteen 1 has done a short piece on Renegade X: Black Dawn

    Over my many years of playing games I have seen tons of releases that, for one reason or another, did not earn the respect/credit I feel they deserved at the time. Be that for a buggy release, poor PR, or just outright not being understood, classic games can get sadly overlooked.

    One of those games was Command & Conquer: Renegade - it fell foul of all the pitfalls. Thankfully I was not alone when it came to this game, and a group have been working hard to remake it using the Unreal Engine.

    This month saw them release a single-player campaign preview, which can be downloaded from renegade-x.com - and as you can see in this month's gallery, they have done a bloody good job with it!

    Check out the magazine article here! http://www.thirteen1.com/Issues/1313212/mag.php#18

  4. Renegade X has made it to Gamespy.com's 101 Free PC Games of 2012 under its Strategy category:

    A thoroughly modern remake of Command and Conquer: Renegade, Renegade X started as an acclaimed mod for Unreal Tournament 3. Now it's going on to become a free independent game. Whether you're a fan of C&C: Renegade or just FPS/Strategy hybrids in general, this is a thing that must be seen to be believed.



  5. Hey Doc, long time no see. Good to see you back on these forums and I hope you'll be around for the multiplayer release.

    There are ways to spawn vehicles in the console, but we won't disclose them because the vehicles that you don't drive in Black Dawn aren't done. I wouldn't want to encourage people to drive a vehicle that is in an incomplete state, but if people find out I wouldn't stop them either.

  6. It's been 9 days since we've released Black Dawn, and we've got some information on download numbers. It's impossible to get a full count on mirrors whose numbers we don't have access to, but we're able to confirm the sites and downloads below. Mind you, some players may have downloaded more than once, or "hit" multiple mirrors to check out speeds. Nonetheless, here are the stats:

    Renegade-X.com downloads: 327,000

    Chip.de : 77,000

    Halo2Pac Mirror: 1,200

    IndieDB: 3000

    Multiplayer Forums: 500

    FilePlanet: 8,000

    AusGamers: 1500

    PlayerAttack: 8,100

    GameFront: 2,000

    Demonoid: 6,000

    CnC-RedAlert.ru: 5,000

    ClickJogos: 33,000

    Baixaki: 20,000

    SpielUmsonst: 26,000

    Freeware Files: 8,000

    DobreProgramy: 2,600

    Chinese websites: 132,000

    There are some download numbers we don't have access to, such as Vipeax's European mirrors from Day 1, PirateBay downloads, and a few other places that might be hosting Black Dawn.

    Total Accountable Downloads: 660,900 (Updated August 2013)

    My best guess on an estimated total: 800,000

    Who's ready for multiplayer? :cool:

  7. I'm just genuinely curious as to why you'd post about how sub-par Renegade X is on Renegade-X.com, CNCNZ.com, RenegadeForums.com, IndieDB.com, and who knows where else. Yes, I am reading, but replying would be a waste of time. Seems like you're a bit obsessed. I'm really not interested in the "my mod is better than yours" arguments of the old days and would probably prefer it if you made your points here and then give it a rest. I don't agree with your views on art and artstyle, but legitimate critique is warranted and I appreciate that you have at least been respectful in your posts. As for Ack's application to the team, I won't be discussing any private conversations I've had with him, I respect his privacy.

  8. Talking about AI is good for critique of Black Dawn as a demo, but what we're more concerned about are things that effect us on the long term. For the campaign, we used what was available to us from the AI and improved that a notch through code and kismet. What we'd like to hear are comments on the things that will stay with Renegade X long-term. For those who played the UT3 beta, you can see that all the weapons function differently in some minor or major way. Commenting on things like recoil, weapon handling and weapon effects is a worthwhile venture for us. Commenting on the HUD is also worthwhile. Same with character animations (third person reloading and movement), effects (Ion Cannon and explosions), audio (gun and tank shots), performance, vehicle cameras (like the APC and other fast moving vehicles), and things like that. For example, there were critiques on the installer (which again, is something built into the UDK that we did not edit) and we have learned to use a custom installer instead from now on. This kind of beta was a necessary step because only through a demo release can an indie game get proper attention outside of its community. And it created an overwhelming response as we all see, 70,000 visits to our site in just 4 days and at least 35,000 downloads. Through this kind of preview we can get the information we need to make a proper multiplayer game.

  9. Are you running the game on lowest? Are you running any programs in the background? What is your resolution?

    The main issue is probably your graphics card. Your processor isn't bad but a bit on the low-end side nowadays. Your graphics card should be able to run the game on low or medium, but not high. I run Renegade X on highest with no problems at 1680x1050 with an AMD Phenom 3.00 GHz processor, 4GB of RAM and a 250 GTS.

  10. To critics, here's a post I made at CNCNZ. Take a look :)

    Hey guys, thanks for giving Black Dawn a try. In this post I'll be addressing a few positive and negative reactions from the team's perpsective.

    To the positive feedback, we appreciate your support and you follow our updates for more news on multiplayer soon.

    As for mirrors, we launched Black Dawn with 8 mirrors and 2 torrents. We didn't think this wouldn't be enough, since we expected many more mirrors to pop up. The amount of traffic and attention forced us to take down some of the official mirrors. You can check all available mirrors here - renxgame.com/ - we've gotten more than 50,000 hits in the past couple days, so be patient as we are trying our best to make the file more available. If you're getting any technical difficulties, please visit our forums and we'll try to help you from there.

    There were a few consistent negative comments that I'll talk about. First I'd like to make clear that the purpose of Black Dawn was to put out a preview of the game before the multiplayer. This is the first time Renegade X goes standalone, and thus it's the first time we make rounds on the internet outside of the C&C and UT communities, and the only real way a free game can advertise itself on big sites is through a demo release.

    Renegade X is free, but that does not make it immune to constructive criticism. We are constantly looking for ways to improve the experience, and this demo release was important to that process. Though keep in mind that we do have reasonable limits. Black Dawn has its bugs, but I don't think you can find another indie high quality C&C FPS singleplayer game like us. I would however like to focus on critiques that effect Renegade X in the long term, because that is what we are after, as a multiplayer game, just as we should not judge Battlefield 3 for its singleplayer.

    The main downfall of Black Dawn us was the AI. Epic released a standard AI with the UDK when it was originally released, and this is what we're using at the moment. The AI has some minimal functions and is able to follow simple directives, but we had our fingers crossed that Epic would improve AI with one of their monthly UDK releases. Our AI does not take cover, does not work as a team, and overall functions simplisticly, and to have intelligent enemies would require a few full-time AI programmers doing a year of work, and unfortunately we don't have those resources. Part of the reason why we didn't focus on AI is because on the long-term, the only AI we'll be seeing in multiplayer is the harvester, which has a simple function that the current AI should be able to handle with a few tweaks. Otherwise, most of our work on the bots was done in kismet, to at least make the campaign more enjoyable.

    Something else we've heard about was the voice acting. Most of what we used came straight out of Renegade. We agree that the flow at some parts is awkward, but we thought it would still be good to re-introduce the characters before throwing them into multiplayer. Getting a new person to play Havoc for example would probably get some flak as well, so we think reusing clips from Renegade's always.dat was a better idea. Though, the fact that we were able to make a 1-2 non-remake custom campaign and still find plenty of dialogue for the game and 15 minutes of cinematics is impressive to us and took a lot of work and rummaging, even if it was lacking in some places. We probably did 30% of the voice acting ourselves, and as most of you are probably aware, we are developers and not actors. Either way, this again is not something that effects the project on a long-term, because voice acting and character development is not a big theme in multiplayer as well. This also applies to cinematics.

    What we'd like to hear more of are comments about the long-term features as a whole - the HUD, the way weapons handle, the animations, the art and lighting, the vehicles, recoil, cameras, the effects, etc. And on all these fronts, we believe we're already on a much better ground than we were for multiplayer. These are all things that will effect us on the long term, and while not perfect and in need of tweaking, all of these things compared side-by-side to the UT3 version is a huge improvement.

    For those who haven't finished BD, we advice you to at least play levels 7, 8, and 9 as we feel that these were the most well done smile.gif

    I hope you all enjoy the campaign and keep your eyes and hearts open to the multiplayer.



  11. Hey guys!

    Today and yesterday we began seeing more and more Black Dawn gameplay videos online. Some of them were livestreams with commentary, others were simply gameplay. Whatever it is, I'd like to support your Renegade X videos and YouTube channels.

    I run the channel http://www.youtube.com/user/NEfobbyGEN , which currently has 616 subscribers and that number is growing everyday. As Black Dawn makes its rounds on the internet, I'm expecting to hit 1000 subscribers in the next few weeks. Popular channels get more exposure on YouTube.

    So here's the deal I'm making with you guys - record a video of you with Black Dawn, and I will favourite it! Be as creative as you can and I will "favourite" everything that is thrown at me. That way, your video and channel will get more views and hopefully subscribers.

    You can check out my current list of favourited videos:

    Simply put a clip on YouTube, post a link to it in this thread, and I will favourite it asap!

  12. You might want to rethink yours instead - it may be free, but that doesn't mean it's immune from criticism. Just look at anything I've ever made. ;-)

    /by the way, congratulations on getting the preview campaign done

    //hoping to see it sometime soon, these download speeds are atrocious

    Thanks for your support.



  13. [h=1]Fan project Renegade X: Black Dawn available tomorrow[/h]

    Fans of the Command & Conquer series have had to deal with their fair share of ups and downs for the past few years. Up: Ric Flair fighting a bear. Down: Command & Conquer 4. After three years of work from Totem Arts, a small mod group, I don't think Renegade X: Black Dawn will be added to the "Down" category.

    January 28, 2012 will mark the release of its single-player mini-campaign, Black Dawn. According to Totem Arts, this will serve as a primer for the multiplayer that is currently being conducted in beta form. Black Dawn will be available as a free download from the Renegade X website, and if you like what you're shooting and have a copy of Unreal Tournament 3, then you can still join in on the beta.

    Renegade X is a spiritual successor to the original PC title Command & Conquer: Renegade. Renegade X has already been recognized by various mod community sites, and had also placed second in the Epic Games-sponsored Make Something Unreal Contest for the category of Best Vehicle Set. Only downside: very little Ric Flair.


  14. [h=1]C&C: Renegade remake Renegade X: Black Dawn deploys tomorrow[/h]Here at Joystiq, we pride ourselves on being inside your mind, knowing what it wants, knowing what it thinks. We're like a somewhat creepier, less linguistic Babel Fish. The one thing your brain has been demanding is an updated version of 2002's Command & Conquer: Renegade.

    We'd like to bring to your attention Renengade X: Black Dawn, a "spiritual successor" created by fans at Totem Arts. Tomorrow, the group will release the full single-player "mini-campaign," which was built in the Unreal Development Kit, and later Totem Arts plans to release a new multiplayer installment using the UDK.

    In its current form, Renegade X is an updated version of the original game's multiplayer, made in Unreal Tournament 3, and has been playable for some time. If you want to partake, you'll need to own a copy of Unreal Tournament 3 with the latest updates.

    Or, you know, just wait a day.


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