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Posts posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Hey, thanks for your interest in this project. The multiplayer version will be put out later this year (2013), exact date has not yet been decided. If you're an artist, you could try to join the team, otherwise the best way to help us is to spread the word and keep up with our updates.

    Website: http://www.renegade-x.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CNCRenX

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RenXGame

    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/NEfobbyGEN

  2. The Strange Case of the Amateur Video Game Remake

    Meet the fans who dedicate themselves to remaking old games for fun.

    Bilal Bakri is the project lead on Renegade X, a remake of Command and Conquer: Renegade using Unreal Engine 3. The original Renegade received mixed reviews on release. Scheduled to debut around 2000, it ended up being delayed until 2002, by which time both the visuals and netcode were outdated. “You also have to remember that during 2002 a lot of people had slow internet, so a lot of people just played the singleplayer and kind of discarded the game afterwards,” says Bakri.

    Bakri believed that underneath the clunky exterior was a fantastic multiplayer game which had been missed by its original audience, and became heavily involved in the Renegade modding community, working on mods that aimed to improve and expand the Renegade experience. “The multiplayer was one of the first multiplayer games that actually introduced a wide variety of vehicles as well as flying vehicles, and it came with ten maps, and most teams were dynamic yet balanced at the same time.”

    Read the full article here: http://ca.ign.com/articles/2013/04/03/the-strange-case-of-the-amateur-video-game-remake

  3. The building health indicators are just there temporarily, until we have the K menu up and running (which shows all buildings' health).

  4. Couple of these things strike me as being more then just a ruse:

    The Blue Tiberium

    The map screenshots

    The grenade render

    The updated HUD.

    Am I right or am I just trying to make sense out of nonsense?

    We didn't show the HUD in the pictures, otherwise you're right.

  5. Today we are proud to announce a new singleplayer campaign. Due to the success of Black Dawn, we were asked by EA to make a sequel to the critically acclaimed triple A PC singleplayer game.

    For several months now, we have been working on Operation White Sun - the official sequel to Black Dawn. Due to our special connections with EA and Epic Games, which developed as they begged to be a part of the Renegade X beta testing team, we were able to get our hands on the new Unreal Engine 4.


    White Sun is set in the Tiberian Sun universe, and it is a sequel to our previous release, Black Dawn. Due to our new relationship with EA and Epic, we have decided to postpone the multiplayer release and halt all development of it to focus on the new singleplayer campaign. The campaign will be bigger and better than ever, with 10 hours of gameplay and 16 hours of cinematics. The game will be available on both Steam and Origin for $10 and it will be out on April 1st, 2014 (one year from today). Every purchase of Renegade X: White Sun will also include a one year subscription to a golfing magazine of your choice.

    In White Sun, you will be playing Angus McFarland. Critics agree that McFarland was the most developed character in the C&C universe, with Kane at a close second. Polls suggested that Havoc's role in the first game was adequate but mediocre, and therefore, we wished to extenuate the role of McFarland and explore his story in the Tiberian Sun universe.


    In White Sun, we plan on having unique features that no FPS game would ever dare include. A unique move that was featured in Black Dawn was McFarland's infamous grenade-golfing. White Sun would not be White Sun if such a feature were not included and expanded upon - especially with McFarland as the main character.

    The shotgun primary fire will project 12 pellets at a determined radius. The secondary fire will drop a frag grenade onto the ground and the game will transform into a golf mini-game. The objective of this secondary fire is to land explosive grenades onto enemy targets. We have already started working on the art for White Sun, and we would appreciate your comments and critique.




    Not only will you be able to launch grenades with pseudo golf clubs, but other players as well. This will allow strategic fly-by's, where you will be able to take out enemies from above them as an infantry unit. Aircraft is not always affordable, so consider this tactic a close second to air support.


    Another feature that has come by popular demand from the fans is a customizable timer for the Timed C4. Sometimes, 30 seconds is just too short for an explosion to take place. Sometimes, you would like half the game to pass and have the team forget that a C4 was lying nearby the whole time. This feature will allow players to add anywhere between 1 additional second to 3 additions hours to their C4 detonation time.


    In some matches, teams could afford many cheap tanks rather than a pricey vehicle. In White Sun, you will be able to copulate your vehicles to create beefier tanks to take on your enemies. In the below example, two Medium Tanks and an MRLS play it rough and collide into each other until the metals mesh into the desired form. In the survival of the fittest, only the finest may reproduce in order to create something even better.



    The team is very excited about the upcoming White Sun singleplayer campaign, which will begin beta testing next week. To participate in the beta test, you will need to promise to make a map with a singleplayer powerplant for the original Renegade - and fulfill the promise (I'm looking at you, Aircraftkiller).

    We already have plans written for our third and fourth singleplayers. We are most excited about our forth, nicknamed Rene-Twilight X, because it will not have any of the traditional base-building or resource-gathering of previous versions. We're looking for your feedback on this idea, but we will not listen to you and we will release the game as we are planning it.

    • Like 1
  6. Hey. I'm an oldschooler - I played Renegade in its November 2001 demo, then played the game from 2002-2010. I think I remember your screenname.

    Renegade X used to be an Unreal Tournament 3 mod and it released several multiplayer betas. Then, in 2012, we moved over to the UDK, which allows our game to be standalone and completely independent from UT3. Black Dawn was released in 2012 and it is singleplayer only - it does not require UT3. The upcoming multiplayer release will be out later this year (release date TBA) and it also will not require UT3.

  7. Happy Birthday!

    On February 26th 2002, Westwood Studios and EA Games released the original Command & Conquer: Renegade. Renegade wasn't an ordinary C&C game - it brought the popular RTS series to ground level as an FPS game with strategy elements. It had a unique multiplayer game mode, and we are seeking to harness that in our game. Due to a lack of support for the game, a weak netcode, several launch delays, glitches and cheats, we believe that C&C Renegade did not get the attention it deserved. Despite all of this, the game is still being played 11 years after its release. The community produced many high qualtiy mods, server-side software, and leagues. And of course, its unique gameplay gave us the enthusiasm and the support to develop Renegade X.

    Renegade X began as an Unreal Tournament 3 mod, and we made several beta releases for Unreal Tournament 3 in 2009 and 2010. We then began developing the standalone version of Renegade X. In 2012, we released a 2 hour singleplayer campaign, and we plan on launching the full game sometime in 2013.

    Beta Testing Applications

    Due to some technical difficulties, we'll be postponing the application process till sometime next week. We are having issues with our forums and we'd like the beta testing forms to be as easy for the applicants as possible. That's why we'll be setting up new forums in the near future.

    In the meantime, I'll leave you all with a few things to think about. The purpose of internal beta testing will be to track as many glitches and problems as possible, and get some general feedback. It's not an early means to play the game, it's a serious and sometimes grueling task. Preference will be given to those who have done video game beta testing before, professionally or for indies and mods. We're also looking for community leaders (website owners, clan leaders, community heads, server owners, etc.), mature gamers, long-time Renegade X community members, and people who can dedicate at least a few hours per week. And of course, this is all done for free.

    Keep your eyes peeled next week for the application. We will only be accepting applicants for a limited time. Again, we apologize for any inconveniences. Don't eat us alive!

    Laser Chaingun

    The Nod Laser Chaingun is back, and looking more badass than ever. Check it out:





    We've ported and improved one of our personal favourites from the UT3 version. This non-defense beauty looks even better in the UDK:






    See you all next time!

  8. First of all, we wanted to thank you all for taking the time to vote for Renegade X during the IndieDB 2012 Indie Game of the Year Awards. Renegade X was voted the #9 Best Released Game. This is a great follow-up to the rest of the nominations we've won over the years - ModDB's Best Unreleased and Released, and IndieDB's Best Unreleased and Released. Is it safe to say that we're the only project to have been nominated for all 4 categories? Either way, we owe it all to you. Thank you all - it will not be forgotten.


    Happy Birthday!

    Renegade X was announced on January 28th 2007, and we've come a long way. We put out five multiplayer betas for Unreal Tournament 3 in 2009 and 2010, and the short singleplayer game Black Dawn was released on January 28th 2012. The release of the multiplayer version is set for 2013. We've put over five years of time and effort into making this game for Command & Conquer and FPS fans everywhere. Renegade X is a big part of our lives, and let these few years of continual and substantial progress be a testament to our dedication to the project.

    And now for the updates!

    We've got a few things to show off and announce. We released our first ingame beta preview trailer in December, and Black Dawn hit over half a million downloads worldwide. We've been continually adding and testing the latest iterations of the game. Check out some updates below:


    Eric "Patch" Wulfe was a part of the GSG9 German counter-terrorism organization before the Tiberium War. He later became a grenadier specialist in the Dead-6 - the secret GDI commando team - alongside Havoc, Sakura, Gunner, Hotwire, and Deadeye. In the original game, he carried the Tiberium Flechette rifle, but in Renegade X, Patch wields the new Tactical Rifle. The Tiberium Flechette will make it to the multiplayer in another way. In terms of art, we have completed the Dead 6:



    Missile Launcher

    The GDI and Nod Officer will be wielding the new missile launcher. This weapon fires homing missiles to enemy targets and is proficient at hunting vehicles and aircraft.





    A Renegade favourite is back! Field is a night map with defenses, tunnels, and an open field for vehicle battles. It's been improved over the UT3 version of the map. Check it out:




    Walls Flying

    Who's ready for air battles? The new and improved Walls Flying is ingame, and it will be a launch map in the upcoming release.




    Beta-Testing Positions!

    Keep your eyes peeled. February 26th 2013 will be C&C Renegade's 11th birthday. To celebrate such an occasion, we will be releasing a beta-testing application form. Get your game on! Expect to hear more information about the process soon.

    That's all for today, thanks again everyone. See you all later!

  9. Blog 5: Mesa

    This is another map being developed by Robin Nielsen. Mesa is a remake of a stock C&C Renegade map, and it was one of the team's personal favourites. We didn't have a Mesa remake in the Unreal Tournament 3 version of the mod, so we needed to make one from scratch. Renegade X has always been interested in making levels with very different styles, themes, and environments. We had cold snowy maps and we had warm temperate maps, we had maps at different times of day, we had maps in the mountains and maps in the deserts, maps on the islands and maps in the caves. Having a large variety of environments makes the game refreshing to look at and explore.

    For the standalone multiplayer, we wanted to develop a level with a very ominous feel. Dark maps look great in the UDK, especially with our nightvision scopes - many players enjoyed the visuals of Black Dawn. Overall, the original Renegade took a more jubilant art style. But we wanted an environment that reminded us of Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun, which were more gritty and gloomy. Mesa is a dark, mature map that takes full advantage of the UDK's lighting systems.


    Like other levels, we wanted to make a map that tells a story. Mesa is based in Iceland near an old radar grid established before the Tiberian wars. The radar domes were a part of a larger early-warning system. After the initial spread of the Tiberium contagion, GDI reconfigured the facility to scan for Tiberium activity in the area. The sensors peaked and were detecting strange patterns in Tiberium growth in the area. A GDI task force established a forward operating base to investigate this irregularity. Geological upheavals have uncovered a mutated form of Tiberium underneath the surface, which was discovered near the radar base.



    This rare "blue" Tiberium is more dangerous than the ordinary green crystals, but it may contain minerals that make it more valuable. A Nod operative leaked the information to local Nod cells in the area. Those groups then established a base to take on GDI forces and study the anomaly. After the establishment of both bases, strange weatherstorm activities were experienced in the area. External communications have been cut off due to the storm, and both GDI and Nod are racing to find out what the cause of the disturbance is.


    We have changed one aspect of this level, and that is the harvester route. In the original, automated harvesters would stuff themselves into the tight cave, driving into friendly vehicles and pushing them into enemy fire. The harvesters were difficult to attack on foot (particularly for Nod, who would be shot by the AGT). Because of these factors, we have placed green Tiberium on the vehicle field instead. GDI and Nod troops will still be able to go and attack the enemy harvester by going to the new harvester spots. Otherwise, Mesa will play as it did in the original.... X!

  10. Blog 4: Infantry Combat

    Renegade came out in 2002, and it was Westwood's first and last C&C FPS game. For infantry movement, they got a very basic system ingame: a player can run, walk, and crouch. It was an arcadey style that did not require anything over the top, because Renegade is not meant to be a realistic or difficult game to play. Not many FPS games at the time went far beyond this. Halo for example, which was out by the time of Renegade's demo, had similar controls.

    Here we are in 2012. Big FPS titles have introduced new gameplay features into the mix: iron sights, prone, sprinting, weapon heat-ups, recoil, grenades, melee, and more. So how do we respond to this, as a modern remake of a classic? We want to modernize our game, but not without ruining the balance. Infantry can't be too hard to play, nor can they be too effective.

    In the Unreal Tournament 3 beta version of Renegade X, we kept true to the original Renegade as much as possible. But if a remake is going to be a clone, then someone can play the original and get the same experience. The 'X' in Renegade X implies that we are going above and beyond in all ways we can. Visually, for example, our levels are more detailed with static meshes and lighting. In terms of audio, the engine is built in a way where sounds are varied and not repetitive (example: 12 pistol shots won't all sound identical, they will vary slightly in pitch etc). We're not using the original Renegade art or sounds for the most part, we believe we're making something better.

    The same applies to gameplay. With the direction modern FPS games are going, we believe that Renegade X needed to adapt while retaining its fast paced fluid style. Changes in infantry gameplay also allows us to be more creative with map designs. The key is to add things that add to the gameplay and not take away from it. Anything added must have counterbalancing pros and cons.

    A major inspiration for the new infantry combat changes comes straight from Renegade. Check out the original CG trailer:

    The commando is seen with nightvision, avoiding lights, vaulting over barriers, rolling and dodging, throwing grenades, sprinting, etc. These are all things that didn't make it into the game, but it was clearly something the developers wanted or considered. In the always.dat folder, you'll find that Westwood kept the rolls available for modders, and they were re-implemented by the Sole Survivor mod for C&C Renegade. We wanted our game to play a lot like what was seen in the video, except perhaps for the dual wielding and a couple other things.

    Below are some features we've implemented:

    1. Sprinting: Players can now sprint by holding shift. This allows them to cover longer distances in shorter times. Sprinting is based on the stress metre, and therefore you cannot sprint forever. It works well when trying to put C4s on enemy targets or retreating from the battlefield. The disadvantage is that you cannot use your weapon while sprinting. When your stress metre is empty, you can no longer do some other moves.

    2. Dodging: A dodge can be done by double tapping in any direction. It takes a portion of your sprint metre, and it allows players to dodge incoming fire and do a roll. We found that dodging feels very badass - there's nothing like nuking a building and leaping out the window at the last second.

    3. Recoil: A level of recoil was added to the game, and this feels like you're actually wielding a weapon rather than just holding down the fire button. It immerses players into the game more, and allows them to learn how to use each weapon, rather than limiting all weapons to just point and click. Weapon Spread is not massive, and recoil is not as big as it is in some realistic games. It's still Renegade, it's still arcadey, just a little more interesting.

    4. Nightvision: In the original Renegade, there was only a green overlay on top of scopes, which many people got rid of with texture replacements. In the UT3 version of RenX, there was only a clear scope. In the standalone Renegade X, nightvision is toggleable. It works as it should; you see players and projectiles in a night map, making scopes more useful.

    5. Special Items: Instead of having only superweapons available for purchase, we're going to be putting a items menu, where players can customize their kit, purchase sidearms and sidearm replacements, airstrikes, and more.

    6. Spotted System: The radio commands will still be available, but another system will be added in Renegade X. Instead of hitting ctrl, alt, ctrl-alt and a number, you'll be able to hit Q at a friendly player or structure or an enemy player or structure, and it'll initiate a general radio command. For example, hitting Q while targetting an enemy will give an audio, text, and radar indication to your allies that there is an enemy that has been spotted. This increases the teamplay in a game, but it'll be designed in a way where it's not too hard to mount a covert attack.

    All that I have mentioned and more is being tested, and is subject to change if we feel that gameplay is harmed. While there are things that give infantry an extra boost (sprinting, dodging, items), there are things that players need to be mindful of (depleting stress metre, recoil, not using weapon while sprinting or dodging). We believe that the above has been executed in a way where the gameplay continuum is unharmed. Overall, we are very excited to show all of this off. It adds character to the game, and makes you feel like a 'Renegade' commando like never before. It makes the game unique from both modern FPS and other C&C FPS games.

  11. Blog 3: AI and Skirmish Mode

    During the Black Dawn development phase we realized that one of the most important aspects of a singleplayer game were the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) that you fought alongside and fought against. In the first three objectives they needed to defend turrets and SAMs, in the fourth and fifth objectives they needed to use vehicles, in the sixth objective they needed to mount an assault, etc. They needed to fly helicopters, patrol areas, fight indoors and outdoors, etc. Unfortunately, the stock UDK AI had many flaws and could not fulfill all of their tasks. Some NPCs did not engage in battle or go where they needed to go. Some custom scripts were in place, but not enough to bring the AI to par.

    We believed at the time that multiplayer had no need for the bots. That was until we began development of the multiplayer version on the UDK. At the very minimum, there were things like Harvesters that needed to work right. A harvester needed to go from the refinery to the Tiberium field and back, and each team depends on it, so it needs to be perfect. AI was also needed for base defenses.

    One of the issues with the Unreal Tournament 3 version was the difficulty in finding players. Especially 2 or 3 years into the beta of an incomplete UT3 mod, finding people to play with was a challenge. We also have fans from different timezones and fans without adequate internet, and so we needed an offline option for them. We decided that the upcoming standalone multiplayer version of Renegade X will not only need bots, but have a Skirmish Mode available in 1.0.


    Skirmish Mode works similar to that of an RTS game: you add as many NPCs as you like (allies and enemies) and play a match with them. The new AI is intelligent enough to purchase weapons and vehicles depending on the amount of credits they have and the changing circumstances of the game. They coordinate organized attacks, and they put up a tough defense. They focus on attacking enemy structures and repairing friendly buildings and vehicles. AI don't just buy a random vehicle or the most expensive vehicles: they buy vehicles that fit the scenario they are in. They also get a variety of infantry and perform quite well. They utilize the new infantry dodging system better than most human players do! Overall, they're fun to play with. We'll be improving them in the next few months. If you had seen our

    , all the footage comes from skirmish mode, and all other players are bots. Did you notice?


    There are three types of teams: Turtler, Balanced, and Rusher. A turtler team will focus on defending its base. A balanced team will have a roughly equal number of attackers and defenders. A rusher team will have mostly attackers.


    AI allows us to test balance, performance, and gameplay in ways that were not available to us before. It's easy to launch Renegade X on your own and play a skirmish game. Likewise, AI will also be available for multiplayer. If an admin would like to add NPCs to his server, or balance the teams by playing a couple extra bots, he can do so. Bots will always be different from regular players, and there will still be the occasional derp moment, but they will be a close second.


  12. Blog 2: Lakeside

    Lakeside is another original map that we have designed. Sander Vereecken has been on the team since the Unreal Tournament 3 days, and he created the Renegade X remake of Islands. The colourful midday scenery of Islands was inherited by Lakeside. The sun is high in the sky, the clouds overhead are casting shadows, and there is a nice rainbow lensflare. We wanted to make this map look halfway realistic and Renegadey at the same time.


    The map takes place in a mountainous environment on a lake. Nod occupied the mountains, placing several artillery batteries onto distant plains. In an attempt to sweep the area from Nod influence, GDI established a forward attack post to eliminate the Nod base defending the mountain teams. The area is also rich in Tiberium reserves. The two opposing bases are separated by a dense forest and large battlefield.


    This level is a non-defense map, but there are basic automated defenses guarding each base. This means that the GDI base is looked after by guard towers and the Nod base is defended by turrets. Players have the ability to enter these defenses and use them; and when they are empty, they are operated by AI. There are three ways to get to the enemy base - either through an infantry-only forest, which is dense with foliage, clusters of trees, and rocks; or through the large field leading to the base entrance, or through a quick infantry-only cliff leading to the enemy refineries. The infantry forest also has a path that leads to the field. In many ways, this map recreates an old Renegade feel while supplying a new graphical overlay. Like Goldrush, it is a larger map, and we thought a narrow forest would be better than a tunnel in this setting. It is open to many strategies - from infantry rushes to Stealth Tank rushes, from sniping to covert missions, from quick attacks to raw armour and firepower. There will be capturable tech buildings on the field. Lakeside is one of our main alpha and beta testing maps, and we can't wait to play it with you all.


  13. Blog 1: Goldrush

    As mentioned before, we will be doing five blogs in the next five days on this thread. The first two blogs will be dedicated to two original maps we've been working on. The standalone multiplayer release will feature a few remakes of C&C Renegade stock maps and a few custom maps we've designed. We wanted to design a few of our own maps to stretch our legs and refresh the gameplay.

    Goldrush is one of those maps. It's being designed by Robin Nielsenwho wanted to make a level inspired by the painter

    . The level is set at dawn, giving the map a golden glow. With a custom lens flare, a nice vista, a sparkling lake, and mist on the lake, it is an interesting map to explore.


    The level was inspired by an old mining facility and an Alaska-like environment, with evergreens and natural goodness. Playing Goldrush tells a story: it takes place in the U.S, where a gold mining operation was abandoned due to the uncontainable spread of Tiberium in the area. The plot of land in the centre of the level is rich with natural resources, and so Nod built a secret base in hopes to take advantage of it. The base has all of the core structures - Obelisk, Hand of Nod, Airstrip, Refinery, and Powerplant. Since it has been there for some time, the Nod base is paved and guarded by concrete walls.


    GDI recently discovered the hidden base after tracking the rapid Tiberium growth in the area. Nod's base was established on the inlet of a bay, so it can only be accessed by the shore. To eliminate the Nod threat, GDI landed on the shore and established a forward attack post. Since the GDI base is newly established, there is more vegetation, natural barriers, and scattered equipment. There are GDI ships and hovercrafts off shore.

    The map design is unique. It is larger than a Renegade stock map to take the new sprint feature into account. There is a route accessible to infantry (rather than a linear tunnel) which is conducive to commando-style play: it's got trees, foliage, and watch towers. In the middle of the map there is a field for vehicles, which includes the abandoned mining facility. The two paths are connected by a hill which infantry can pass over freely.

    The map has elements of both a defense and non-defense map. There are two ways into the enemy base through the field, both of which are susceptible to enemy defenses. However, through the infantry entrance, the base can be sneaked into and a watchful player can get to two or more enemy structures.


    Tomorrow we will be talking about another map - Lakeside.

  14. Renegade X is a standalone Tactical FPS game for the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). It is a Command & Conquer FPS game with RTS elements. In January 2012, we released a standalone singleplayer mini-campaign. The multiplayer mode will be released in 2013!

    Preview Video!

    Yup, we just did an update four days ago. But it's Indie of the Year season, and it's almost Christmas, so we've saved some of the good stuff for this month. As mentioned before, Renegade X entered its internal beta phase very recently. We've been busy completing the game, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun in between. Below is our first multiplayer trailer for the indie - all footage was shot real-time ingame.


    IndieDB Awards!

    We need your help on this year's IndieDB.com awards. We are pursuing the "Best Released Indie Game" award this year - please help us win an award this year! Every vote counts! Tell your friends, tell your neighbors - the more exposure we get, the better for everyone!


    Scroll down until you see a header that says "RELEASED GAMES OF 2012". Then click "Tactical Shooter", and it will unveil a group of Tactical Shooter indies. Then, please click "VOTE" next to Renegade X. And that's it! Tell your friends!

    Blog Updates!

    On THIS thread, in the next 5 days, there will be 5 blog updates. These developer blogs will cover new Renegade X maps, features, and other goodies. There will be plenty of new information and screenshots, so be sure to check us out from the 14th to the 18th!

    There will be MANY exciting updates on the road to release, so be sure to keep in touch with us through our website, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube!





  15. As of yesterday, Renegade X has entered into its internal beta phase. After a long development process, the multiplayer version is beginning to shape up. The Tiberian Sun has almost risen. But here we are in Renegade, so I guess that would mean we'd be released or something. Let's just say it's Tiberian 3AM or maybe Tiberian depends-on-your-timezone. Still dark, but there's some light in the horizon if you squint.

    There's still some development that is required before our release, but the base gamemode is nearing completion. Most structures, vehicles, and weapons are operating as they should, and the testers are reporting all issues that they find. It is safe to say that the Renegade X multiplayer will be released in 2013.

    If you haven't already, check out our Game Design video here:

    In the meantime, we'd like to share some of our goodies.


    One thing Renegade X is known for is high quality C&C-themed tracks. During the Black Dawn development phase, we created some new remake and original tracks. As of today, they have been included in the Renegade X Official Sound Track. You could check out the tracks below!

    Another Present For Ya - a remake of Frank Klepacki's "Got a Present for Ya". We already had a remake for this track, but eh, here's another. Hard rock.


    Serenity - this is an original track inspired by one of our favourite TV shows, "Firefly". It was the menu track that was heard in Black Dawn. Classical.

    Rampage - this was a track that was developed for Black Dawn, but it was never used. Check it out. Rock.

    The Dead 6 - an original track that was used in the Black Dawn intro cinematic. Western.


    You could download the full Renegade X sound track, including the above pieces, on our website here:


    Purchase Terminals

    Our UI needed some updates, and we are satisfied with the results. Below are some pictures of the new Purchase Terminal interface. Purchase Termianls are used in the multiplayer to buy weapons, vehicles, and items.


    Rx_PTMenu_Nod_Main.jpgWe have also updated our HUD and it's almost ready for multiplayer. Check it out below.


    Vote for us!

    In 2007, Renegade 2007 was nominated for the Top 100 upcoming mods of the year.

    In 2008, Renegade X won 3rd place and received the Best Upcoming Mod of the Year Award.

    In 2009, Renegade X won 5th place and received the Best Released Mod of the Year Award and runner-up Best Multiplayer Mod.

    In 2010, Renegade X received an Honourable Mention for the Best Released Mod of the Year Award category.

    In 2011, Renegade X won 2nd place and received the Best Upcoming Indie Game of the Year Award.

    This year, we are eligible for the Best Released Indie Game on IndieDB. The voting is done in two phases: in phase one, the competition is narrowed down to the Top 100 games that have the most votes. In phase two, the votes are reset to 0, and the Top 100 compete to achieve the IndieDB awards. This means, we need you to vote for Renegade X now for Phase 1, and again on December 11th for Phase 2.

    Every vote counts! Tell your friends, tell your neighbors - the more exposure we get, the more likely you will receive a high quality game sooner.


    That's it for today! We will be keeping you guys updated frequently this month, so be sure to check us out on IndieDB and Renegade-X.com

    Facebook: Facebook.com

    Twitter: Twitter.com

    YouTube (Official): Youtube.com

    YouTube (Community): Youtube.com

    IndieDB: Indiedb.com

    Website: Renegade-x.com

  16. 7 months later and we could account for at least 340,000 downloads of Black Dawn. However, the Chinese website statistics mentioned in the first post have not been updated in 6 months or more. If anyone can get us the download numbers of Black Dawn on those Chinese gaming sites, I'd appreciate that.

    If you know of any other sites/mirrors with visible download statistics that are not on the original list, please reply to this thread.

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