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Posts posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. You can find our most up-to-date jobs available in the "Jobs" link on the main navigation bar above.





    Totem Arts is a small group of passionate game developers who have a massive love for the Command & Conquer series and an even bigger love for Command & Conquer Renegade.

    Our developers have gone on to work for industry giants, including EA, Crytek, DICE, Guerilla Games, and Jagex.

    We are looking for driven developers to help us reach our ambitious goals of bringing C&C to the ground level. Together, our team created an award-winning single and multiplayer game, and we are currently working on an expansion: Firestorm. Since 2014, millions have played Renegade X, and we hope to hit even bigger milestones with Firestorm.

    Do you think you have what it takes? If so, we are looking for people like you! We are currently seeking volunteers and freelancers.

    What are we looking for? We do have specific needs, but we are always on the lookout for others with skillsets that we aren’t actively seeking. So, if you have a certain skill related to game development and you don't see a position for it listed below, then don't let that stop you from applying! Passionate developers are always in demand! 



    Please visit this link to see open positions.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 4
  2. Renegade X: Open Beta 5 has been released!


    Renegade X is a free First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 20 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    The Renegade X SDK allows you to create custom levels, mutators, and mods on the Unreal Development Kit using our framework. You'll have access to all of our assets and tutorials for free.

    Download Now!


    Those who have Renegade X Beta 4 will simply need to open the Launcher, and you will receive an auto-patch that will download the full update.

    If you do not have the previous Renegade X beta, then you can download Beta 5 in full right here: http://renegade-x.com/download.php


    The new version will include:

    • 6 new vehicles: Hover MRLS, Titan, Wolverine, TicTank, Recon Bike, and Buggy. These vehicles are only available in crates, and they are not purchasable. The vehicles are also available on our SDK.

    • Improved auto-patcher for quick and easy game updates.

    • New crates, including alien abduction, Time bomb, Speed upgrade, and more.

    • Oodles of SDK upgrades and fixes.

    • Configurable air-drop times for server hosts.

    • Spies no longer show player names to enemies

    • A destroyed Refinery now gives 1 credit per second to players, and a captured Silo gives 0.5 credits per second.

    • Tier one characters (Officer, Rocket Soldier, McFarland, and Chem) are now purchasable and doubled in price when the Hand of Nod and Barracks are destroyed.

    • Secondary weapon upgrades price changes.

    • Map fixes and changes.

    • Tons of balance changes and fixes!

    You can find the full changelist here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=75347

    What's up?

    We are happy to announce that Beta 5 will be the final Renegade X beta. This is the last phase of beta testing. The next version of Renegade X will be the Full Version! It's been a few months since our last beta version, and we've been tinkering around, polishing up, and planning for the future. Totem Arts has been developing this game for about nine years now, and it is almost ready for that One-Point-Oh. We will be announcing its final release date soon.

    That being said, Totem Arts will still be supporting the full game upon release. The SDK allows our community to build their own server mods, total conversion mods and custom maps. The autopatching system allows us to make easy and continual upgrades to the game. We have also appointed a group of Community Developers who will receive the support and direction of Totem Arts. We plan on making one more big community announcement in the very near future, and hosting a cash-prize Renegade X clan tournament upon the release of the full version.

    Although we have a pretty stable playerbase, we are looking for ways to increase our exposure. If you have any ideas, go ahead and post them on this thread. You can do your part by sharing our updates with your friends, uploading videos, e-mailing gaming websites, and messaging popular YouTube gamers. We're doing our part, but keep in mind that this is a free project, and we can use any help we can get from our community!

    We and our community have been actively discussing ways we can improve the RenX experience. Join the discussion, we're listening and involved: viewforum.php?f=13

    Our SDK has thousands of downloads, and we are already seeing some cool custom maps and mutators being developed. Check those out here: viewforum.php?f=165

    For aspiring developers, check Kenz's Renegade X SDK tutorials to learn how to set up your own RenX level:

    For those who want to rig custom vehicles into the game, check out Havoc89's tutorial:

    Keep an eye out for more updates... we've got a lot more up our sleeves.

    Time to rock n' roll! #justdoitup





  3. General:

    - Pressing hotkey '7' will now be able to purchase smoke grenade

    - Moved third person MRLS cam up a bit for a better overview

    - Reworked crate logic. All Crate types are now separate classes, derived from "Rx_CrateType" This allows for us to easily add additional crate types in the future.

    - Recreated all pre-existing crate behaviour in the new layout.

    - Added Tiberian Sun units (Wolverine, Titan, Hover MRLS, Tick Tank, Recon Bike, and Buggy) via crates

    - Added Suicide, Nuke(new), SpeedUpgrade, Timebomb, alien abduction, and Tiberian Sun prototype Units crate types

    - Adjusted crate probabilities and set suicide to 0

    - Added Speed upgrade multiplier to pawn, for the crate. This is multiplied by the final ground speed after it has been calculated. Also modified the character animation so that run/walk/sprint animations are blended based on the actual speed values of the pawn, and don't have to by kept in sync manually.

    - Some modifications to the beacon class to have it handle low countdown times properly (used for nuke crate)

    - Added special nuke beacon for nuke crate with a 3 second countdown.

    - Removed "DeadVehicleLifeSpan" so that defences dont leave behind invisible collision when the they are destroyed

    - GFxHud can show health when viewing a demo

    - Fixed a bug in the missile launcher tracking code that could cause CPU spikes

    - Speed Trees are now set to True on every graphics preset so that they are visible ingame

    Editor / SDK:

    - Fixed default editor settings to not crash on startup.

    - Fixed game asset database settings in DefaultEditorUserSettings.ini to be set to offline mode, as we're not using an asset database server. Updating the databse will no longer crash the editor!

    - Added a config sample to add custom maps. the custom maps will be shown in main menu once added the corresponding .ini file. in this sample, it will show the CNC-TestMap_MP map in frontend. However, map rotation with the custom map is still not yet implemented. will work on it soon.

    - Added the weapons factory max file as an example asset

    - Added wolverine's max file as an example asset

    - Created base "Rx_Pickup.uc" class, to be used for common functionality for various renegade-x pickup items.

    - Created 3 sizes of health pickups, 3 sizes of armour pickups, and an ammo pickup. Intended to be used for deathmatch maps.

    - Updated foliage, and some items in RX_Nature.upk to use lower res lightmaps by default.

    - Added an example mutator script package. Can use this to test our mutator functionality, and distribute as an example to the community.

    - Added Rx_CapturableMCT as a sort of capturable MCT. Kismet can then be used to get its team number and do/restrict stuff based on it

    - Fix to the GetCredits Kismet node

    - Added Rx_ObjectTooltipInterface - adds tooltips to objects.

    - Reworked the MCT to use Rx_ObjectTooltipInterface.

    - Reworked the Purchase Terminal to use Rx_ObjectTooltipInterface.

    - Added bAccessable to Rx_BuildingAttachment_PT.

    - Custom purchase terminals with custom text should be easier with the above

    - BuildingInternalsClass not a const anymore so that it can be changed with mutators

    - Tesla Tank, HoverMRLS, Titan, Wolverine Tick Tank, Recon Bike and Buggy now have vehicle factory classes for mappers to spawn them in their maps

    - Weapon/Vehicle/Death/Radar Blip icons are no longer drawn from flash file. They are now loaded and draw the image from the weapon/vehicle packages itself as a dynamic texture.

    - Added deployable vehicle class which is copied over from UT3's deployable vehicle (press Jump to deploy)


    - Player acceleration is back to how it was in Open Beta 3 for more snappy movement speeds

    - Infantry splash weapons do self damage

    - AirdropCooldownTime is now a configurable setting in the ini file

    - Ref gives 50% less credits when dead

    - Silo gives 0.5 credits per sec

    - Increased the time between queued airdrops by about 20 seconds

    - Increased infantry costs when Barracks/Hand of Nod are destroyed to be twice as much as the normal cost

    - Increased vehicle airdrop costs to be twice as much as the normal cost

    - Spies no longer show player names to enemies.


    - Reduced base damage

    - Reduced headshot damage multiplier

    - Chainguns are back to projectiles but the projectiles are thicker streams using volumetric projectiles


    - ADS spread reduction reduced to be more inline with default spread

    - Base spread reduced slightly

    - Rate of fire decreased from 1 shot ever 1.1s to 1 shot every 1.5s

    - Range reduced from 1500 to 800 units

    Machine Pistol:

    - Increased base spread

    - Reduced Max spread

    - Reduced rate of fire

    - Reduced magazine size down to 30

    Missile Launcher:

    - Locking time increased from 0.5 second to 1.0 second

    - Locked on time limit reduced from 3.0 seconds to 0.5 second

    - Locking on infantry should be nearly impossible

    - Locking on range reduced from near infinity to range of autorifle

    - Damage to heavy armour reduced from 75hp to 65hp

    - Damage to light armour reduced from 90hp to 75hp

    Rocket Launcher:

    - Infantry damage reduced from 90 to 60

    - Damage radius reduced from 300 to 125

    - Heavy Armour damage increased from 40 to 45

    - Building damage increased from 65 to 74

    - Headshot multiplier increased from 2x to 5x

    Ramjet Rifle:

    - Heavy Armour damage reduced from 15hp to 10hp

    Flak Cannon:

    - Alt fire projectile speed reduced

    - Rate of fire reduced slightly

    - Flak secondary consumes two ammo

    Grenade Launcher:

    - Grenade projectile speed reduced

    - Splash damage radius reduced

    Proximity C4:

    - Texture made slightly brighter

    - Deployed mines now have a orange glowing light to make it easier to see when there is no lighting to make them visible.

    Purchase Menu:

    - Heavy pistol price increased from $75 to $100

    - Carbine price increased from $125 to $250

    - Tiberium Flechette Rifle price increased from $225 to $400

    - Tiberium Auto Rifle price increased from $250 to $400

    - EMP grenade details now say Disarm Mines

    - Smoke grenade details now say Disable Target Info

    Stealth Tank:

    - Stealth Tank has next to no spread on its rockets


    - Added "PLAYER" RCON log event "ChangeID;" to report when a reconnecting player's PlayerID changes in FindInactivePRI().

    - Added missing check to disarm commands.

    - Added "ChangeName" RCON command (doesn't seem to work particularly great for users using Steam though)

    - Non-single-byte Unicode characters and backslashes (\) are now escape-sequenced in RCON output (\uXXXX).

    - Added Kick reasons.

    - Added "ForceKick" RCON command to kick administrators and provide fully-specifiable kick messages.

    - Added "Reason" field to "Kick" and "KickBan" RCON commands.

    - Added RCON "CHAT" logs "Radio;" and "HostSay;".

    - "HostSay" RCON command now calls Broadcast() instead of BroadcastText().

    - Added "serverinfo" RCON command.

    - Added Rx_Rcon_Out, which will connect to a bot and dump RCON logs to a file for future statistic parsing.

    - Added "Start;" RCON "MAP" log.

    - Expanded "ServerInfo" RCON command to accept parameter inputs.

    - Added "GameInfo" RCON command (similar to "ServerInfo" RCON command; different default outputs).

    - Added "BuildingInfo" RCON command.

    - Added missing SpawnCommand() for "GameInfo" RCON command.



    - Lowered sniper vantages points to make them more vulnerable

    - Blocked off GDI Refinery silo path so that nod infantry cannot sneak into the gdi refinery.


    - fixed hole in the bridge

    - fixed Nod harvester bug when it crashes into the turret


    - fixed collision on a rock behind the GDI ref (could get out the map)

    - fixed b2b artillery could hit the WF though the small hole

    - added a hole in the Nod wall (like gdi has) for better access to the silo

    - fixed a bug with the nod harvester path


    - fixed silo wall collision

    - made it so snipers cant climb the big rock on gdi side

    - fixed a spot were you could get stuck (GDI AGT tunnel tank cross moved)

    - Fixed snow particles not behaving like they should.


    - Adjusted lightmap res on lakeside. Reduced to ~150mb from ~220mb

    - added blocking volumes to the cliffs to stop people sniping on them

    - fixed a collision issue (replaced a complex blocking volume with 2 separate volumes)


    - made a copy the splatter texture to RX_Deco_Roads (was refracted to a UT package) and re-refracted the texture in the mat


    - fixed Nod side ramp (was a hole)


    - Updated CNC-Deck.udk, removed UT3 powerups and replaced with Renx powerups and crates. Also updated post-processing settings to be more inline with the rest of the game, and added some tiberium to the goo pools :)

  4. I don't care what anyone (and particularly Phil) says: Command & Conquer: Renegade was a grossly underrated shooter. Fortunately, although a sequel seems (extremely) unlikely, there's still Renegade X, a fan-made, multiplayer "spiritual successor" that recently entered its fourth beta. Even better, the developers have also released the Renegade X SDK, a collection of tools that will enable the creation of custom levels, mutators, and mods.

    The fourth beta adds a number of significant new features and content to the game, including three new levels, smoke grenades, vehicle drops, vehicle kill messages, and an in-game jukebox. Building destruction has been changed, adjustments have been made to pawn and vehicle movements, there's a new vehicle locking system, and of course there are the mod tools, for which the developers have very high hopes.

    "With these mod tools, you will be able to create custom levels, mutators, and modifications for Renegade X. You will have full access to our assets, our source code, and the support and guidance of Totem Arts. We will do whatever we can to assist aspiring modders and level-designers to mentor and direct them accordingly," they wrote in the SDK announcement. "The release of these tools have great implications. Not only will Renegade X have a sizable fanbase, but in the future, we can develop a self-sufficient community that develops new, refreshing content. We hope to inspire a new generation of developers and support existing and emerging C&C FPS mods and games through this initiative."

    Naturally, a new beta demands a new trailer, and this one is a lot of fun: There's something about the blend of murderous violence and danceable beats that I just can't resist. (The music, by the way, is a remix of a track by the same name that appeared on the 1995 Music of Command & Conquer soundtrack.) The latest Renegade X beta, and the Renegade X SDK, can be downloaded from renegade-x.com.

    http://www.pcgamer.com/renegade-x-sdk-l ... a-version/

  5. ZHUACIssxG4

    We are proud to release the long-awaited Renegade X SDK! With these mod tools, you will be able to create custom levels, mutators, and modifications for Renegade X. You will have full access to our assets, our source code, and the support and guidance of Totem Arts. We will do whatever we can to assist aspiring modders and level-designers to mentor and direct them accordingly.

    The release of these tools have great implications. Not only will Renegade X have a sizable fanbase, but in the future, we can develop a self-sufficient community that develops new, refreshing content. We hope to inspire a new generation of developers and support existing and emerging C&C FPS mods and games through this initiative.

    A download link to the SDK version can be found below:


  6. The long-awaited Renegade X: Open Beta 4 will be released on March 22nd 2015!

    Renegade X is a free First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!


    After months of hard work, Totem Arts is ready to put out one of its biggest releases ever: Open Beta 4. After over 5 months of testing and development, we're excited to give you all a renewed revitalized revamped Renegade!

    The new version will include:

    • 3 new levels: Under, Canyon, and Complex.
    • Auto-patcher (!)
    • Modding/mapping tools (!!)
    • Ingame Jukebox (!!!)
    • Smoke Grenades
    • Vehicle drops
    • Optimization for better performance and crash fixes
    • Vehicle kill messages (seeing what destroyed your vehicle)
    • Timed C4 countdown (audio and visual indicators)
    • EMP grenade changes
    • Pawn and vehicle movement adjustments
    • New vehicle locking system
    • Idle-player kicking system (with warnings)
    • Improved spotting system and radio visuals
    • New Havoc/Sakura specific explosive arrangements
    • New C&C-mode themed loading screen
    • Oodles of fixes, balance changes, and more!

    You could read about the changelist here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=74428

    System Requirements


    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista

    2.0+ GHz processor

    2 GB system RAM

    SM3-compatible video card

    4 GB free hard drive space

    Recommended :

    Windows Vista 64 SP2

    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor

    4 GB system RAM

    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card

    Plenty of HDD space

    We are especially excited to be finally putting out our mod tools. Aspiring game developers will be able to create their own custom Renegade X levels, mutators and mods with access to our content and code. The sky will be the limit! We hope to shake up the C&C community a bit with this. We will be releasing more information on the Renegade X development kit in a video next week.

    Spread the good news, people! Renegade lives.

    Keep your eyes peeled for the glorious news on Sunday. If you want to help get Renegade X trending, tag some RenX news, Ren-friends, pictures, videos, jokes, and one-liners with #justdoitup






  7. To clarify about the Havoc/Sakura changes: they have two timed C4s in Beta 4, which is not enough to kill a building, but enough to change the way they are played. Right now in Beta 3, I think we can all agree that the ramjet is broken. It instantly kills free infantry from unlimited ranges without any required skill - even if it's a body shot. It also rapes Orcas and light vehicles. In RenX, there are more anti-aircraft options than in the original Ren, so the ramjet needed to be adjusted vs. light armour accordingly. So in beta 4, a body shot with a ramjet takes down most of the health of a free infantry , but not all of it. This would actually give losing teams and new players more of a fighting chance, rather than being shot from halfway across the map as soon as they pop out of a building. Renegade is an arcadey game, and insta-kills with little skill are out of place.

    Now if we just nerfed the ramjet, making it weaker against light vehicles and infantry, it wouldn't be worth two deadeyes. The deadeye can still headshot infantry at the same rate as the Ramjet, doing the same damage, and its projectile is far more discreet. The timed C4 idea was a way to improve this class without making it as cheap as it was in beta 3. It changes the way that the game is played, in my opinion, for the better. Instead of making the ramjet just a better, pricier sniper, it makes it a different class. It means that Havocs/Sakuras will be able to do more risky base-infiltration commando tactics rather than just stay perched far away from the action until its ammo is depleted. In situations where a losing team cannot fight against the ramjets that are raping their bases, some of those ramjets would actually be moving up, making themselves more vulnerable. If they succeed, however, they can take out most of a building. They'd still need outside help to destroy it, so they're not as powerful as hotwires, but it's an alternative that I will use. There will be moments where base infiltration will get me killed, and there are other moments where I will be rewarded for my risk-taking tactical work.

    The damage against heavy vehicles and the spread are more WIP changes that we'd like to see tested. We're testing Beta 4 more than any other beta since Beta 1. If we find that EKT and Matrix don't like those changes, I have no problem with removing them. But you can understand why those changes are there. Ramjet spread doesn't mean you won't be able to shoot from the hip - it just means that you won't be able to do it from halfway across the map. As for heavy vehicle damage increase, I think it may have been nerfed slightly since this changelist was created, but we shall take feedback on that as well.

    As for EMP, we like the idea of having it damage mines over time. This would mean that it would take 10 seconds to disarm a group of mines - a defending team would certainly notice its effect. Remember that the EMP is a C4-replacement, which means that SBHs would need a few friends before destroying a building. The idea behind this would be to effect mine-clusters. When the entire mine limit is being used to defend one building, it's OP. Again though, the EMP changes will be tested and potentially removed if it is not well-received. We are throwing around other ideas as well.

  8. Hello everyone!

    How are you all? We've been busy enjoying our latest release, Beta 3: the most stable and most complete version of Renegade X thus far. Renegade X is a multiplayer Tactical Shooter based on the Command & Conquer universe. It is a standalone indie game that can be downloaded for absolutely free[ here: http://renegade-x.com/download.php

    But in between playing, we've also been working on a few things. We have been preparing a new version of Renegade X that will feature a few new multiplayer levels, fixes, and some gameplay changes. We will be sharing more details about our upcoming release soon - but you can expect a new version in early 2015.

    Indie of the Year awards!

    Phase 2 of the Indie of the Year awards has begun! Please vote for Renegade X by clicking "Tactical Shooter" and pressing the "VOTE" button next to Renegade X: http://www.indiedb.com/events/2014-indi ... rds/top100

    If you have voted in Phase 1, you can vote again in Phase 2!

    Spread the word! It's time to win some awards.


    Without further ado, the new Renegade X maps


    The original C&C Renegade map is back in a beautiful remake by our very own Robin Nielsen:





    A personal favourite, Complex is a rush go-go-go map with no automated defenses:





    Kenz has been working on a remake of Canyon. Here's another trip down memory lane:




    You can check out Kenz's YouTube channel to check out his progress on Canyon: https://www.youtube.com/user/kenz3001

    That's all for now folks!

    Be sure to vote for us, and join us ingame. In fact, I'm going to get some gaming in right now.

  9. Renegade X: Beta 3 has been released!

    Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

    Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.

    Please uninstall and remove all previous versions of Renegade X before installing Beta 3 and manually remove what the Beta2 uninstaller left in the Beta 2 folder if you want to install Beta 3 in the same folder

    DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download

    Volcano map preview:

    Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!

    System Requirements


    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista

    2.0+ GHz processor

    2 GB system RAM

    SM3-compatible video card

    4 GB free hard drive space

    Recommended :

    Windows Vista 64 SP2

    2.0+ GHz multi-core processor

    4 GB system RAM

    NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card

    Plenty of HDD space


    You can check out the full Renegade X change list here: http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic. ... 48#p141148

    Otherwise, here is a short summary of what we have added and changed in this beta:

    • Brand new Renegade X launcher!

    • New map: C&C Volcano

    • Another new map! X-Mountain

    • New items: AT mines and EMP grenades

    • New Black Hand character model

    • More robust stealth code (stealth tanks and SBHs now flicker properly)

    • Crash fixes

    • New UI features (interactive pause-menu and scoreboard)

    • End-game sequences

    • Oodles of balance changes and fixes for weapons and vehicles

    • New first-person animations for some weapons

    • Audio changes (silo capturing is now broadcasted, weapon and vehicle sound changes)

    • Texture, LOD, and shader optimizations – game runs much smoother

    • TeamDonate command

    • Weapon and vehicle reticle changes

    • Many glitch fixes

    • And much more!

    Story and Gamemode

    Renegade X is set in the near future, in a world dominated by a contagious yet valuable resource called Tiberium. The Global Defense Initiative (GDI) is an international security force set to combat global terrorism. Conceived as a united peacekeeping military force, GDI depends on the technological sophistication of its weaponry, and the superior training and loyalties of its officers. GDI looks to halt the spread of Tiberium, which is gradually destroying the Earth and killing off millions of people. At the same time, the Brotherhood of Nod, led by the charismatic leader known only as Kane, grew to prominence. Working largely in third world countries, wherever there was discontent and unrest, there was Kane. With the promise of a New World Order and bankrolled by the illicit Tiberium research and trade that Kane made famous, Nod began to gain power. A few scattered, disaffected units grew into an army with powerful atomic weaponry, ruthless tactics, and a Tiberian fortune. The Brotherhood aims to push humanity into the next stage of evolution via Tiberium mutation.

    Where GDI stands for international stability and the removal of the Tiberium contagion, Nod seeks to overthrow the established order and build a world centred on Tiberium research.

    To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

    What’s next?

    We discussed some of our thoughts on the future of Renegade X in our previous update: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=74009

    What we can say is that Totem Arts will continue working on and updating Renegade X. We have a few new maps in the works (including remakes of Under and Complex!), and a new gamemode in the planning stages. We’re excited with what the future has in store. For now, Beta 3 was a necessary step towards having a stable game and a stable community. There have been over 200 fixes and changes since our previous version, as well as two new maps, two new special items, and new art.

    We are a free game, and therefore we do not have an advertising budget. Renegade X relies completely on word-of-mouth, so please do whatever you can to spread the news. Upload a beta mirror, e-mail a gaming site or magazine, record a YouTube video, post about us on reddit and other forums, and be sure to tell your friends! The bigger our playerbase is, the more work we can put into the game.

    With that said, we do aspire to become a Steam game, but we cannot do so without EA’s expressed permission. We have been trying to get to the EA licensing manager, but so far unsuccessfully. If you have any ideas on how Renegade X can become a Steam game, post them in the comments! If you know anyone from EA, point them in our direction please!

    That’s all for now!

    We’re looking forward to seeing you all again. Let us know what you think – connect with us and the community through our website, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Soon enough, you’ll be hearing from us again. But for now, enjoy the game!








  10. Optimizations:

    - Weapon Texture resolutions have been reduced to a max of 1024x1024.

    - Unnecessary textures due to shader optimization such as Gloss maps and reflection maps have been removed.

    - 3rd person weapon meshes now only have a single material slot for a single draw call.

    - All mesh LODs for 3rd person weapons have been updated.

    - First person arms mesh now uses a combined single texture map / material for less draw calls. At the same time this also fixes the stealth effect on the arms not working right due to more than one material.

    - Optimized all characters (draw calls, textures & shaders).

    - Gold Rush & Mesa II: - optimized collision, reduced lightmap sizes, optimized certain LODs, smaller filesize.

    - Optimized silo light map sizes.

    - Added a PT scene specific C-130 which is cropped and has much smaller light map size,

    - PT actors moved server side, and replicated to clients

    - Opening/Closing PT is now completely client-side


    - No longer uses seamless loading. Could *possibly* fix crashing at game end.

    - Fixed a few shader issues with hovercraft, gunboat, and C-130.

    - Fixed issue with version check not evaluating the version number correctly.

    - Fixed shotgun and ramjet reticles always showing as yellow.

    - Fixed the air vehicles being purchased in non-air maps using the key press.

    - Fixed being able to heal over Max Armour.

    - Fixed a bug where if a player tried to enter another player's locked vehicle directly after it was produced, it would stop driving and not clear the spawn location.

    - HUD now actually calls the clean-up functions and also made it clean some extra references. Possible crash reduction.

    - Fixed the PT UI memory crash.

    - Restore enemy minimap blip visibily when targeting.

    - 1st person reloading animation no longer gets overridden by sprinting animation.

    - 1st person sprinting animation should now automatically play after switching to a different weapon whilst sprinting.

    - Fixed clients not seeing and hearing Airstrike aircraft if the Airstrike target area was out of sight.

    - Fixed being able to continue to repair 100% Friendly Tech Buildings.

    - Fixed Apache rockets being fired from the gun socket when playing as a client on a dedicated server.

    - Fixed Missile Launcher first person clipping through camera in some resolutions

    - Main Menu map will no longer show aspect ratio bars

    - Fixed lighting on the mammoth tank in the main menu

    - Fixed an issue that would cause spy crates to not set the spy flag if it changed your pawn (ie, going from non-SBH character to SBH and vice versa).

    - Fixed not being able to heal armour if the heal had 0 armour.

    - Fixed potential occurrence of being able to heal someone who is dead if they still had some armour when they died.

    - Fixed issue with beacons destroying buildings that they are very far by using the bounding

    - Fixed issue where player’s weapon ammo count did not update after leaving vehicles

    - Fixed infinite reserve ammo infantry weapons not showing as infinite in multiplayer.

    - Fixed respective ammo counters not updating when switching to a weapon with 0 usable or reserve ammo

    - Fixed SBH not lighting up properly when getting shot while cloaked

    - Fixed Stealth tank not lighting up properly when getting shot while cloaked

    - Fixed Stank often being and staying visible from any distance after getting shot


    - Added 60 second per-client cooldown for calling votes, so grievers can't prevent others from calling votes.

    - Vehicle explosions no longer do damage.

    - Added TeamDonate command.

    - Entering 0 into a Donate command now donates all credits.

    - Slight change to the client list output to make it easier for people parsing.

    - Restored playing Building Repaired sound. Building repair sound will not play if the building hadn't fallen below 85% health. Building repair sound replay cooldown is set to static 10 seconds versus 6-10 range.

    - Remove one thread frame lag, hardware physics, and speedtree in the settings, as they are not usable and performance hogging.

    - Hud Game Time now shows Elapsed Time if in a no-time limit match.

    - Added disallowed nicknames to Rx_Game. Very short names, or names containing certain reserved values are not allow (e.g. "-----").

    - Added 0.5 second delay to re-access purchase terminal to disallow refill spam. Updated hud indicators to show non-accessible PT while the delay in in progress to avoid confusion.

    - Updated sniper, ramjet and shotgun reticles.

    - Going to first person in vehicles now zooms in for precise long shots.

    - Camera shows map overview at end of match, instead of "winning" player.

    - Scoreboard is now delayed about 10 seconds after the game is over.

    - Player main HUD will now be removed before the scoreboard is shown after the game is over.

    - Removed legacy building damage system which operated within the levels

    - Added new building damage system which is handled entirely within the actor classes

    - Updated base weapon shader to include a global simplified cubemap reflection, and also improved specularity by interpolating sharpness based on Fresnel to make highlights appear sharper with harsher facing angles which improves first person specularity considerably.

    - Updated various weapon first person positioning

    - Rocket Launcher, Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Flak Cannon, and Heavy pistol now have proper explosion lights

    - Ramjet Rifle has updated impact effects

    - Current weapon will no longer perform weapon switching on the same weapon while reloading. this is to prevent a glitch on the arm mesh being visible.

    - Ramjet and sniper now have dots on their reticle

    - Artillery now has an ordinary tank crossair because of the reduced arch

    - Updated explosion particle effects

    - Barracks now has an improved interior, and now goes red at destruction state, it also has proper damage material changes like the other buildings

    - Carbine and Tactical rifle now have a subtle more aim-able firing animation when aiming down sights

    - renamed reduced gore to enabled gore to avoid major confusion.

    - Carbine and Tiberium Auto Rifle will now be unequipped on the back of the character rather than the where the pistol is holstered.

    - Enabled post process in the system settings for very low preset settings

    - Removed the HTML filter from EVA messages as they don’t seem to get fully parsed as HTML

    - Spotting an SBH will now give a "Spotted SBH near X !!!" message instead of just the usual "Spotted 1 infantry near X"

    - Previously you could never use spotting on an SBH when it was cloaked. Now you can do a spot message for a short time after it got hit even when its cloaked

    - Enemy Beacons as well as friendly Beacons can now be targeted with 'Q' to display a message about their location for your teammates

    - Upgraded the new DeployedActor building hit detection to more accurately support the varied shapes of buildings.

    - Added vehicle blocker volumes at the doors of the WF to prevent vehicles from being able to drive inside it on all maps

    - Orca's engine sound volume reduced to match that of Apache's


    - Replaced old java launcher with a brand-new WPF launcher. Pretty UI, update checks, community banners and more!

    - Added new shotgun first person animations.

    - Added new Marksman Rifle first person animations.

    - Added new Tiberium Flechette Rifle model, animations, and sounds.

    - Missile Launcher has new sound effects.

    - Missile launcher has new first person animations.

    - Silos now broadcast team EVA/Cabal sounds on Capture and Loss.

    - Settings options menu can be accessed through the pause menu.

    - Scoreboard system in pause nenu.

    - Chat system in pause menu.

    - GDI bought some less blurry siding for their barracks.

    - Donate menu in pause menu.

    - Added new end game camera fly through & music sequences

    - End game scoreboard vote menu UI now displays timer and next map

    - Added new Black Hand Sniper / Laser Chain Gunner character model

    - Added Option "Use Classic Ren Team Color Names" in the Input settings for both Frontend and Pause Menu.

    - Renegade player info (namely Score and Credits) are now saved between reconnects.

    - Added EVAPrivateSay, a server command that allows the server to privately message a player as "EVA". Comes in a lighter, more cyany blue.

    - Added Anti-Tank mines in the weapon section (non-refillable)

    - Added EMP Grenades in the weapon section (non-refillable)



    - Rate of Fire reduced to match classic renegade.

    - Damage vs armoured vehicles increased.

    - Projectile speed and range increased.

    - Headshot damage increased.

    - Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced.


    - Shotguns can now do headshots.

    - Shotgun headshot damage multiplier reduced to 1.5.

    Missile Launcher:

    - Alt fire no longer tracks targets.

    - Missile launcher building damage tweaked to be almost equal to gunner's rocket launcher in terms of damage per second against buildings.

    - Alt fire projectile speed increased.

    Tiberium Flechette:

    - Reduced based spread and spread increase per shot.

    - Range increased.

    Flak Cannon:

    - Reduced damage of both primary and alt fire

    - Reduced projectile speed

    - Reduced splash damage of alt fire

    Flame Thrower:

    - Added new volumetric projectiles that will damage targets within the volume instead of a traditional projectile

    - reduced range

    - reduced damage vs infantry to compensate for volumetric projectile

    Chemical Thrower:

    - Added new volumetric projectiles that will damage targets within the volume instead of a traditional projectile

    - reduced range

    - reduced damage vs infantry to compensate for volumetric projectile

    - removed gravity influence

    - Updated projectile effect


    - Rev up time reduced with quicker rate of fire.

    - Rev down time increased slightly.

    - Projectile speed reduced.

    - Maximum range increased.

    - Now fires armour piercing rounds which can damage heavy armour and has small radial damage on infantry.

    - Increased horizontal recoil.

    - Spread increase, and max spread reduced.

    - Removed ADS.

    Laser Chaingun:

    - Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced.

    - Rev up state fires shots in the same time.

    - Max range increased.

    - Horizontal recoil increased.

    - Head shot damage increased.

    - Removed ADS.

    Laser Rifle:

    - Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced.

    - Max range increased.

    Grenade Launcher:

    - Damage radius reduced slightly.

    Heavy Pistol:

    - Head shot damage increased.

    - Maximum rate of fire increased.

    Silenced Pistol:

    - Spread increase and max spread reduced.

    Volt auto rifle:

    - Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced for both primary and alt fire.

    - Increase maximum range.


    - Deploy time reduced slightly.

    - Blast radius on increased slightly

    - Damage increased slightly


    - Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun.

    - Projectile speed reduced.

    - Projectile range increased.

    - Rate of fire increased.

    - Spread increased.

    - Reload time increased.


    - Range increased to match Artillery's range.


    - Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun.

    - Headshot damage increased.


    - Doubled missile count

    - Reduced missile damage slightly

    - Increased missile reload time to compensate for increased pay load

    - Increased gun ammo count

    - Reduced gun reload time

    - Increased vehicle health slightly


    - Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun.

    - Head shot damage increased.

    - Bullet Rate of fire increased.

    - Bullet Damage reduced slightly to compensate for increased ammo and rate of fire.

    - Doubled missile count

    - Reduced missile damage slightly

    - Increased missile reload time to compensate for increased pay load

    - Increased gun ammo count

    - Reduced gun reload time

    - Increased vehicle health slightly


    - Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun.

    - Projectile range increased.

    - Headshot damage increased.


    - Projectile speed reduced.

    - Artillery projectile gravity pull reduced to give less of an arch.

    - Artillery explosion blast radius increased.

    Medium Tank / Light Tank:

    - Recoil shake reduced.

    Light Tank / Medium Tank / Mammoth Tank

    - Range increased slightly.

    - Explosion blast radius increased slightly.

    Flame Tank:

    - Added new volumetric projectiles that will damage targets within the volume instead of a traditional projectile

    - Increased turret turn rate

    Mammoth Tank:

    - Increased vehicle speed

    - Increased vehicle turning rate

    - Increased missile range

    - Increased missile damage

    - Increased missile reload time


    - Reduced hitbox radius.

    - Stealth effect has more clarity but has the same distance reveal radius

    - Added a dynamic offset to the third person camera when aiming very high/low, so that the crosshair isn't obstructed by the player model (in like 96% of cases)

    - Updated character rag doll physics to be less limber and stiffer with less collapsing into itself



    - Added vehicle blocking volumes to all 8 wall infantry ramps (stop vehicles getting on top of the walls)

    - Added extra blocking volumes to boarders (stop players climbing the rocks)

    - Added vehicle blocking volume to the middle of the hill (stop aircraft from getting stuck on the walkways)


    - Fixed some spots were vehicles could get in to the infantry only paths


    - Updated minimap on field so that the silo is not a barn


    - Fixed collision bug on GDI tunnels.


    - Removed floating Tiberium crystal


    - Bran new remake of Volcano


    - Remake of the UT3 RenX fan map by Kenz3001 remade by Kenz3001 himself!

  11. I've been asked to confirm if I am really playing on EKT right now. In fact, I've been kicked a number of times by EKT Selfie for impersonating myself. So, this is my confirmation message.

  12. Played from 2001 (demo) until 2010 under the names dnd2000, Fobinator, and then mostly as [NE]Fobby[GEN].

    I played on [NE] Public Warzone, BlueYonder, UNRULES GSA, UNRULES New Maps, Ground Zero, [bA] Toaster Oven, Smoker's Lounge, Renmaps, Renwarz, FnFalls, LtRoush, Renstation, -BiO- Logical Warfare, The Pitts, Atomix, Exodus, and many others.

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