Gerbil Tube
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Gerbil Tube started following floating arms , Shooting while Reloading , Time for action! - Please read and 3 others
I'm not sure if this was mentioned already so I apologize if it was. I realized that most vehicles that shoot bullets can still shoot while reloading. This is only possible when the driver manually reloads though. I have tested this with both apcs, nod buggy and ts nod buggy so I'm assuming the hummer and wolv are probably the same. I am not sure about mrls or mammy, seeing they use missiles, stanks reload is to small to check and I have not tested orca or apache. This bug allows the driver to shoot a whole extra clip while reloading or as much as they can until the reload finishes. Doing this does not bug out the reload either so in essence apcs could shoot nonstop (if the reloads are timed good), or close to nonstop. I did notice though, sometimes the extra reload clip will only contain the amount of bullets the vehicle had left. Even if this was the case, the vehicle should still not be allowed to shoot while it is reloading.
I dont believe cheating is the main reason ren x has a low player count. I do believe it is part of the reason but definitely not the biggest. The main reasons, I believe, for renx's low player count are: (in no particular order) 1. The fact that it is still in development (no ones fault, just where the games at right now) 2. The fact that there is no real advertisement for it (cant really advertise with no money, so again no ones fault) 3. Maybe the most important, the fact that renx has a really hard learning curve The first two are kinda self explanatory, but the third i will clarify just in case. (I am speaking about casual gamers here not pros) Today most shooters, popular shooters, the player can pick up almost any weapon, play any way they like and still be good at the game. They dont have to think about team work or how can I help my team better (they can but it is not even close to mandatory), all they have to do is shoot the enemy and get kills. Yes some games have objectives, like bf4 and cod, but these dont force u to play completely different, they just push you slightly towards teamwork. No one hates you for killing the enemy team all the time in those games and not helping with the objectives (unless ur camping or trolling). In these games kills usually determine the winner, usually. This being said, it is very easy for any casual player to pick up the game and be good at it. If u can aim and kill welcome aboard. This is not the same in Renegade. Yes the controls are easy, yes getting kills are easy (depends whos doin the killiing lol) but in Ren it is not all about the kills. This game can not be won by 1 solder going around killing people, yes it can help sometimes, but only if the situation calls for it. There is a lot more team play in this game and new players are not used to that. Most casual players dont want to think about strategy these days (strategy not tactics, two different things). This accompanied by pros who will punish them at every turn for not using teamwork (enemy punishment, not teammate) will cause most new players to dislike the game. It takes some time to get use to strategies in renx and im not just talking about forming rushes either. knowing what unit to buy and when is also very important. Knowing how to counter certain units and even knowing that "hey if I repair my allies arty it is pretty much stronger than any other tank" type of tactics are not day one type of things, it takes time to learn these. These things could easily turn most casual fps players away from the game, it is just too different from the norm (which i personally love).
Then why not just make the shells still count towards the vehicle limit. When Nod steals a med tank GDI's vehicle count doesn't go down. So why should shells be different.
Why not add a third(forth?) route. Allow the hovercraft the ability to drop one or two vehicles off at at time in a rear entrance to Nods base. This would allow some vehicles to bypass the obis while still not being op. It would take a very long time for GDI to mount a successful attack this way as the hovers are very slow and can only carry a small amount of vehicles. Additionally you could make the path covered in tiberium so that infys cant take that route. I no this doesn't really help with the defense problem but might make vehicles more useful.
I dont know if anyone has pitched this idea yet but I think it might help with the mining situation. What if both teams had roles that players could choose from on spawn or the beginning of the match. An example would be the defender role. If a player chose this role it would be their responsibility to defend the base and the whole team would see that. Additionally the defender role could also be responsible for placing mines, if you didn't choose the defender role you cannot place mines or maybe get a personal mine limit of 4. This would allow skilled players to choose the defending role and know that their mines will not be removed by players who dont want to defend. I can see some flaws with this system but I think it could help.
I Have to agree with Alkaline on this topic. I believe it was fine the way it was. If your team losses the ref then your team just lost your money over time tic and lump sum. WF/Strip, loss of vehicles. I believe this was a fair system because it punished teams for losing buildings (right now I feel like there is no point to killing something, besides PP on base defence maps). I do understand that the system seemed to not work, but I believe that was to do with new players thinking it was too harsh and marathon (like stated above, I agree that the changes are nice in marathon matches but they still do not punish teams hard enough as they are). Many times I have seen good teams lose a building and still win. If the team is "good" they will know what to do after a building was lost (even though a good team shouldn't have lost it in the first place). If your team loses a building it should feel like an uphill battle. I also agree that, if these changes are going to stay (or atleast until the vet system is here), #1 and 3 are a good step to make airdrops a little more harsh. I still don't know about the ref changes, but I also would not know how to solve them either.
Crate hunting ftw. Love marathon matches when all thats left is one building on both teams. Then it gets changed because "its not going anywhere!". Its called strategy for a reason, long term planning. If you don't like building up a force and coming up with a tactic then don't join. Maybe lose the change map vote altogether and replace it with a surrender option. If the whole team doesn't like it anymore then give them a way out. Could give each player on the winning team some extra points for forcing a surrender. Just a thought.
Mines are not meant to be a "fire and forget system". They are not the line of defense, they are the warning alarms. If mines go off then you know someone is in your base and you MUST investigate. If mines are placed correctly it is sometimes very easy to determine where the mines went off and what building you need to protect. If Nod has 4 SBH in GDI base that means they have 4 less people defending Nod base and 4 less people holding the front lines. GDI should always have 3-4 defenders in big games, usually with at least 1 vehicle patrolling the base. Increasing mine damage would unbalance the game right now. It would make any attempt of infiltration almost useless unless you were an engineer. If the damage was increased, mine limit would have to be decreased. Mine range is already close to max, any further and engineers can't defuse them. In smaller matches the fact that Nod has multiple SBHs should be very apparent to GDI. No opposition should raise at least some alarms. Also in small matches rushing with a group of SBHs is a risky move, if GDI has some offence they could easily kill one of Nods buildings as well. I do not believe that the mines are the problem right now. The SBH is still a little hard to see though, and even harder to warn teammates about. Fixing that problem should help a lot. Also you are right when it comes to players in Ren X, most do not know how to mine properly or even defend properly. This greatly increases the odds for an SBH attack. If team chat was implemented it would help with the "noob" problem.
Frig, after dumping $1700 on her you would think she would allow me some alone time.
I don't know if someone has posted about this before and I'm not sure if I'm the only one with this bug but I have been noticing that if I leave my computer, with RenX open in the main menu, a skirmish game will start automatically. I'm not sure how long it takes for the game to do this but I'm usually gone for at least an hour. Not a major bug but I do find it odd how RenX will start a game automatically and with no bots to.
I find this usually happens when you start reloading a weapon, or your current weapon needs to to reloaded, and you switch weapons while it is reloading. Reloading all of your weapons, including mines and c4, should fix the glitch. You might need a final weapon switch after all reloads to make the arms disappear. If switching to first than back to third person fixes the problem (haven't tried this myself), then that might be the fastest way to fix it.
I agree with almost every point you made. The only thing I think might not work so well is putting remotes on your vehicles. Don't get me wrong it's a good idea, but remotes count towards the mine limit. On a server with a low mine limit this could take up valuable slots. Right now the lowest mine limit that I've come across is 45 so one vehicle, like a humvee, should be okay to C4 seeing there are 3-5 mine slot spares. So if the defenders only have one vehicle (not a mammy) then C4ing it should still be okay. But if the servers do change the mine limit to something lower than that, than this tactic can't be used (at least I think it can't).