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Everything posted by MajorLunaC

  1. Remember that each building usually has 2 entrances (Hand has many more) pointed in different directions (except barracks). On some maps the building are so spread apart and at odd angles, it would require more than 4. This is talking about outdoor ones. The smaller ones would require more because there should be 2 per building at least, so that all turrets don't get taken out at once. Again, I want more turrets to prevent the defense from falling all at once. I would rather have 10 turrets that do 1 damage each than 1 turret that does 10 damage. It takes more time and effort to destroy each individual turret and enemies will be shot at while destroying turrets. As for gun emplacements, they would be nice to have too, but NOT a replacement. The whole problem in the first place, the whole reason I want turrets and sensors, is because of the lack of even remotely reliable manpower. There just aren't enough people around to defend, and they probably wont at all or badly even if they are there. I don't want to rely on humans. Tell me what percent of the time are the gun emplacements ALL occupied on a map? By someone that can do a good job defending? Oh, and again, team limit is fine, but individual limit is not.
  2. Oh, no, that isn't quite what I meant. I meant it replaces itself in 15 seconds once destroyed. It can be repaired, but when damaged open, it closes at full health in 15 seconds. It only needs to be forced open for 15 seconds once per infiltration, so auto-replacement offers the most leeway to the defender. Yeah, that's what I meant by "reload", sorry, it's hard to describe. But again, it's too short to disarm mines. People will complain (not me).
  3. That is true, an early alarm system and delay (and resource use) for the enemy would be helpful. The 15-second reload time might be problematic though. How long does it take a tech to disarm 2-3 mines from outside the door? Maybe reload in 1 minute, or have them require repair (I would want auto-repair, but to be fair, maybe manual repair would be the way to go ... or both but slow auto-repair). But I still lean toward some sensors, just for strategic design of a base ... best strategy wins, not just best repairer wins. The number of turrets needed depends entirely on the map. On some maps, not even 6 turrets would cover things.
  4. Yeah, I don't even like the nuke/ion beacon beeps. I have trouble pinpointing which building it is as it is ... I guess directional sound setup isn't 100%, and besides, it doesn't beep fast enough to pinpoint well. It's a wonder anyone can hear them, with tank shells and rockets being fired everywhere all the time. I say it's important to not rely on sound alone to find anything. As a better solution, the sensors would be large enough that you can only put them outside (I don't think there's any indoor/outdoor designation as I can drive vehicles in the Weapons Factory). This would make it SO MUCH easier to spot and destroy. It's not overpowered because right now it's all or nothing. Either you're completely undetectable by anyone except by random chance that rarely happens (SBH), or you're visible (any other unit) although still not really detectable much of the time. I consider it ridiculous, where it's "Hide and Seek", except enemies are invisible often, you have to cover a large area (1-2 Techs cover entire base area usually by themselves!), even if you find them you still have to kill them VERY quickly (Tech vs SBH ... I bet on the SBH 90% of the time), and if you don't find them or kill them immediately, your building is gone (no voice till respawn, so no response). Not to mention, usually multiple buildings are often being attacked by infantry OR from afar at once. You expect 1-2 Techs and MAYBE a couple of Engineers to be around in the right place and defend the entire base all the time!? Oh you think other teammates will help, especially when there are less players on the server? Oh, haha, very funny (more like a really bad joke to me). I don't think they changed the timed C4 much since Beta 3, from what I can tell. Yeah, I was too busy taking out vehicles on a map without any map base defenses to even notice a SBH taking out my Tiberium Ref. I think you need more practice using a SBH, but you should start by trying to sneak into the enemy base with a VISIBLE character, to put some C4. When you can do that well, THEN you can use a SBH well. Regular characters sneak into my base so many times, and I still have trouble detecting them in ANY way. Again, very blind hide and seek versus many destructive enemies. As I said, way too reliant on flimsy audio, and not everyone has perfect hearing you know. I would definitely say this game is not for the hearing-impaired, not that it would usually help. Gunfire is the LAST thing you can hear, hardly audible even when it's quiet. I can guarantee you 99% of gamers can at least see in black-and-white. A turret should be able to take out 1-2 people in an assault. The mines would take care of some more. The player defense would be the rest. Again, it shouldn't be "All or Nothing" in defense or offense. If you attack with an engineer or tech with you, you have a mine-disarmer and healer with you. If you're one too, you have double the healing and anti-building power. As I said, been there, done that. Also like I said, calling it a "team" is very generous. It's usually a bunch of bumbling fools doing whatever they feel like, even just hopping around shooting at the ground and the sky (a few too many of those lately). Generally, you sneak in when an ally is attacking and distracting them, and away from view at that. So much is about timing, and getting from one place to another in time, just running on foot in a very large base. I really wish I had a jet pack to speed along the ground and in the air, even for a little while. Maybe even just a speed booster. Don't tell me to use a vehicle. Using a vehicle in your own base to travel, especially when there are no map defenses, is like leaving a Ferrari with the keys inside and the door wide open at night in New York on a bad street, unattended. Except it's even worse, because a Ferrari doesn't usually have lethal or even tank guns/rockets. The doors idea is pretty interesting, but ultimately it's even weaker than mines, since it does 0 damage. Tell me, would a locked door stop a SWAT team from busting in and gunning? I absolutely disagree about the "1 per customer and 2 per team max". There need to be many, even if they're weaker. 1 per customer means if you're the only Tech, you only get 1 turret. Even if you would have more, most wouldn't realize they have them, much less put them, much less put them in good places. As I said, many weaker ones, movable (like disarm mines), would be ideal, for so many reasons. And again, there are large base turrets and small ceiling turrets. Their limits can be separate, so you could have a TEAM limit of 3-4 large base turrets (bases are large often, so can be map limit, but changeable by the server per each map or universally), and 6-8 smaller ceiling turrets (much less damage, but deadly if not all killed quickly enough). You realize most could be taken out from afar reasonably, even indoors (one keeps the door open, the other shoots rockets in, preferably one being able to heal and disarm mines).
  5. Yeah that's kind of the idea: To stop sneak attacks that meet 0 resistance, making it effortless to single-handedly walk in and blow up an entire building within 60 seconds, with no one even noticing. But they would be big, moving, and obvious, as well as pretty easy to kill. I would expect snipers to kill it in 1 shot, if visible, and anyone else reasonably. It would encourage people to use actual team work, and not rush in alone. 1 guy kills off the sensors, the other sneaks in. If the sensor network is placed badly (maybe as an enemy you get to see the predicted sensor ranges on the map, so you can sneak in where there is no cover), you don't even have to worry much. If you pass through the sensor range quickly enough, you might not even be noticed, although I expect some sort of sound alert too, to anyone in base range. Yes, well I can tell you it's very ... "unsatisfying" ... to see a SBH walk into a building and blow it up by himself, completely unhindered, often never noticed in or out (another terrifying thing, that the enemy just walks out too). Any why not? No one else is around 90%+ of the time, and ever fewer of those would notice or detect a SBH, and even fewer would act on it, and EVEN FEWER would succeed in taking down a SBH in a surprise attack. It's certainly not invincible, and you would definitely get some shots off and cause damage, but by yourself, you should NEVER be able to take out a turret, otherwise there's no point to the turret. Again, use team-work, even if it's another SBH. No one person should ever be able to take out a building, unless that team is a bunch of bumbling idiots that can't disarm the nuke (the only thing 1 person should be able to effectively use to kill a building by themselves). Try defending as a tech ... a lot. And see how it is. (A LOT)
  6. *Idea Summary: - Deployable Automated (AI) Turrets - Outdoors and/or Indoors. Team limits (like mines/vehicles) and/or purchasable. Very Visible, Destroyable. - Deployable Sensors - Highlight Enemies vividly in a range for team, including SBH. Team limits (like mines/vehicles) and/or purchasable. Very Visible, Destroyable. - Map indicators of assets, including mines, turrets, sensors. Also personal, team waypoints. I'm thinking these items would help with some of the balance issues, although damage of other things, like the normal base defenses, would have to be tweaked/lessened. *Deployable Automated (AI) Turrets - Some Outdoor and/or Indoor turrets. Mostly, these would be to deal with enemies that sneak into the base completely unnoticed by anyone else. It's simply a matter of numbers, attention and timing that prevents a reasonable defense. If you don't have good levels of ALL of those ALL the time, your base WILL be gone in 60 secs. Mines don't cut it, and it's hard to tell if and where they're gone. Players simply can't be relied on for anything. Distributing the defense would allow a more fair defense system. The turrets themselves can be any one or more of the current AI turrets, like the Ceiling Turrets, (lesser) Guard Towers, and NOD Defense Turrets. The damage of all turrets, including the ones included on the map, would likely have to be decreased to maintain the same level of defense, just more distributed, preferably along the lines of many turrets that are weaker, so the entire defense doesn't fall apart at once. Think of it as "decentralization of defense". The turrets would need to have Team limits (like mines/vehicles), set by the server, and/or be purchasable. Like mines, they could also be moved, preferably (think noob spamming turrets in the middle of nowhere). Of course, to balance things, they would be Very Visible, and Destroyable, although with effort. In essence, it demands that Techs constantly maintain good turret networks, or else the base goes down. It would also require enemies to work as teams, so that it's not a 1-man completely-silent wrecking crew that it is now (1 Tech or 1 SBH or 1 Disguised). Instead, a tech would need to disarm any mines, covered by an ally, and then they would both have to take out any defense turrets inside (or take out the turrets outside first, if they're only or also outside). This would actually take "tactics" instead of just mad rushes with just a bunch of fools, hoping at least 1 will make it to blow up an entire building. As I understand it, this should probably be possible according to the statement from the devs that turrets are just stationary vehicles. I wish I could do it, but I use Linux, and although the game works well through Wine, this may be pushing it. Of course, I need to brush up on coding too, considerably. I really don't care for credit, I only care about a better balance. *Deployable Sensors - Highlight Enemies vividly in a set range for the entire team, including enemy SBH. Basically paint big red flashing dots on the hud, even indicating off-screen along the edges, where enemies are, even through buildings and at the other end of the base. The dot would disappear (or get much smaller) when a set distance from the enemy (preferably settable in client options). Of course, they would be Very Visible (even spinning like radar to draw attention) and destroyable with some effort. Team limits (like mines/vehicles) and/or purchasable, although preferably more weaker ones, so you don't lose all sensor ability in one go. It again requires Techs to maintain a good network of sensors, and enemies to actually put effort into sneaking into a base (think Splinter Cell game, where you take out enemies and lights as you sneak into an enemy base). This may be possible considering the current spotting abilities, but I really don't know. Hopefully. *Map indicators of assets, including mines, turrets, sensors. This is important in maintaining defense grids of said turrets and sensors, indicating if they're working and their range of attack/detection (toggle options to view, more or less). Last I checked I don't remember any way to view the entire full-sized map, so this would need to be added, likely an expanded view of the corner map. It would also be nice to put some stuff on the map, like waypoints to meet up at or attack or deploy things: Personal waypoints, team waypoints, that would again show up as some sort of glowing dot on the hud. This may be possible with the current mini-map and spotting system, but I really don't know. Hopefully. I think it would be worthwhile to at least test this out, to see if it can help. It's really frustrating defending with all you've got and then boom, out of nowhere it blows to smithereens unexpectedly (sometimes even unnoticeably due to a scuffle you're in), likely from just a single enemy getting in through a well-mined door. Perfect defense or nothing, is not a game. It's torture, or at least for me. With what I recommend, there would be some leeway, and it would be forgiving, without being over-powered (it would definitely be defeatable, especially with some effort). Mind you, it would require plenty of tweaking, lots of things, maybe everything, but that can definitely be sorted out in time. Please someone consider this as a potential solution for balance and defense/attack issues.
  7. I was afraid of that. It's much the same case idTech 3 and idTech 4, from what I hear. Scripting and all. Oh well, wishful thinking.
  8. "Unreal Engine 4 is now available to everyone for free, and all future updates will be free!" --Source: https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/ue4-is-free I'm hoping at least some of the resources are portable to UE4 from RenX's UE3, but I'm guessing compatibility and porting would be an issue, and maybe not worth it considering development up to this point. What's the verdict?
  9. Yes, but have you played the RTS C&C games? They were all about rebuilding despite being destroyed. I agree that there should be an End-Game situation, but the current setup is too fragile and interdependent. On NOD, if you lose the Hand, you are very likely to lose. It's like a lynchpin, and losing even a single building can cause a landslide shift of balance against that team. I can tell you the refinery and powerplant are the last to be targeted. Relying on random crates for an entire team's income is beyond ridiculous, especially with the tiny amounts. Soldiers get paid, whether they're losing or not. I do like Silos, but the intent was likely to break stalemates, because if you have to rely ONLY on a Silo for income, chances are you're capable of capturing it, much less keeping it. It's just too unforgiving for even the slightest mistake or lapse, particularly because the current defense setup relies on all your team being on constant watch in EVERY building of your base, ready to kill numerous invading enemies at once, single-handedly, as well as repairing really well at the same time. That means a good, reliable tech and shotgunner patrolling every 2 buildings, AT ABSOLUTE MINIMUM. Right now, defense success depends on one team having less noobs, or at least more experienced noobs, and even then it's more a matter of sheer dumb luck. These are all the sorts of things that destroy the game's fun, for both teams (trust me, and easy win is so boring, it's funner to just race around the map). It just isn't fun. I'm surprised the original Renegade worked as long as it did, but that was because of very large player number per server, meaning there were at least 2 people in every building at any one time. I don't need to ask you to look at the player numbers for Ren X. The whole concept of Renegade was iffy from the start, especially coming from a RTS background, so it's necessary to adapt to problems. I've mentioned the insufficiency and weakness of mines, the excessive weakness of free units (useless against vehicles, easy target-practice for unstoppable snipers during rushes), the need for automated Turrets that can be deployed, auto-base repair fund for each team, and building buy-back team fund during Beta 2 (very pricey, costly tradeoff instead of investing on units/vehicles, maybe limited to 1 building) and I'm still waiting for those essential fixes.
  10. I know this may be old news (at least since March 2014), but many parts of .NET were released open-source. Does this mean Wine will benefit from it? Will .NET features get full support eventually on Wine? .NET is one of the main problems for running RenX on Wine, so I guess only time will tell. Set an alarm clock for maybe 1 year. Sources: http://www.infoq.com/news/2014/04/roslyn_oss http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/11/12 ... ource_net/
  11. So far, my attempts at getting Beta 3 to work have failed. The Beta 2 Java Server Browser still shows servers, but you're asked to update when trying to join them. Here's my attempts and crash reports for reference (anything attempted was based on what the terminal output mentioned was missing): *Beta3 - Move Beta 2 out of C:/ because overwrites install (keep just in case you need something from it!). - Launcher start -> CRASH! - Copy Beta 2 Renegade X/runtime to Beta3 -> CRASH! - Copy Beta 2 Renegade X/app to Beta3 -> CRASH! - Install JRE -> CRASH! - Copy Beta 2 Renegade X.exe to Beta3 -> CRASH on game start!, but see servers in Java Launcher. - winetricks dotnet45 -> CRASH! - mscoree.dll -> By default, this is C:\Windows\System (Windows 95/98/Me), C:\WINNT\System32 (Windows NT/2000), or C:\Windows\System32 (Windows XP, Vista, 7). -> CRASH! I don't know where to go from here because the crash logs and terminal don't provide clues I understand: - Backup Log: http://pastebin.com/ANYEqZef - Launch Log: http://pastebin.com/nm7TDZaE The only directions I see are trying newer Wine versions, or asking for exact resources from the RenX Devs (dll versions, exact resources/libs/Windows versions used/added by them for Beta 3, etc.). I ran out of steam for now, so maybe someone else can try something until I get more coal ...
  12. If those are warning alarms, I'm a roast chicken. No significant sound, no direction, no alert to anyone else. Untrue. Those APC/Chinook rushes have at least 5-6 people. They could easily get through even if 1 mine killed 1 free character. It would still take more than one mine to kill purchased characters. You only need 1 person to really destroy a building (bullets do damage to MCT too). Mine limit should be 45-80 just as it is now, it would still work. Rushes and more team-based coordination would be required, especially using multiple techs to infiltrate. Less BS 3-minute game time building destruction. Ummm, in small matches rushing with anything is a risky move. Even stepping out of your own base is a risky move. Why? Oh that's right, because there's no defense except pitiful, useless mines! Small games just tend to be terminal no matter what, because you can't be everywhere at once, and detecting anything happening in your own base is like listening for a mouse in a working factory. I think you mean voice chat, because there's already team chat. The problem is, I've been to voice chat games. I have to mute most of them. Well, I honestly don't think the entire balance should be based on 1 single thing ... no 1 lynchpin. If it is so, then destroying the HON should cause NOD to lose easily ... which may very well be the case right now. I say give them other advantages, like having the artillery do more damage, and maybe everything of theirs do more damage. I can't wait for some sensors, although no time limit is necessary. Destroyable and visible is enough. Although, it wouldn't help so much without someone or something to see it.
  13. Yeah .... why not look into all of that instead of boasting "Windows is good! Windows is great!" The Linux I run has yet to have any malware, and I get no crashes, unlike Windows. Bugs and issues are fixed ludicrously faster than on Windows. Overall, Windows can be thought of as crippleware. It's not about bragging, it's about understanding what's going on. Stop forming baseless opinions and "dive right in" to get the real facts about Windows and Linux. Windows is a sadistic company that tries to buy out and/or destroy competitors (glance at TechRights site if you're interested). Linux users have to make their own games a lot of the time thanks to those money-hungry companies and everyone else completely ignoring Linux thanks to baseless opinions like yours.
  14. Well here's the mine test results ----> *5 Hidden Mines do the following damage, including burning: - 100 Armor + 30-150 HP walking or running + jumping *5 Floor-only Mines do the following damage, including burning: - 100 Armor + 150 HP walking or running + jumping, but it usually resulted in instant death, destroying all 5 mines. - Sometimes, 1 of the 5 mines was still left after killing me as a SBH, so the damage from just 4 mines could take out a SBH. *1 Floor-only Mine does the following damage, including burning: - Direct Damage (stepping right on the mine): 35-70 Armor OR 69 HP - Indirect Damage (going just near enough to detonate mine): 60 Armor OR 31 HP ******SUMMARY****** - Floor Mines work, Hidden Mines don't. - Mines Detect and Damage through walls. - Damage from mines decreases significantly with range from dead center on the mine. In fact, the radius on a mine is shorter than the size of a door entrance, so half the hidden mines may not detonate if you enter from one side (unless all the mines are on the top edge, in which case crouching may help). *****Conclusion***** - You can hardly kill anything with mines, despite being the only reliable form of base defense. - You can't even defend against Techs with mines because the mines don't work unless they're ALL 5 on the ground, probably best to be evenly spread out. - You can't hide mines around door edges or corners because they have reduced damage versus ones on the floor due to decreased damage with range, and the mine damage is so low that you need as much damage as you can get, Also, the range is not enough to even cover a door. *****POSSIBLE SOLUTION***** - A single mine needs to do enough damage to kill one SBH instantly, otherwise 4 SBH can get through ANY doorway at ANY time. This should force only united or combined multi-unit attacks and more teamwork. - The detection and damage RADIUS of the mine should be increased to cover an entire doorway, and should do equal damage in a sphere in ALL directions, with NO reduction in damage at maximum detection/damage range. (If you want realism, C4 at 1 foot away and 10 feet away doesn't make much difference according to Mythbusters. Dead is dead.) P.S. As the number of players on a server decreases, the chance that an enemy can infiltrate and destroy a building increases exponentially. It also makes it nearly impossible to defend because there are so few people around, someone has to attack, someone has to mine, someone has to manually defend all buildings. People just can't be in 2 places at once, and certainly can't defend such vast areas. The fewer the people on, the more pitiful and painfully frustrating the game played. Maybe that's one of the reasons the servers are low recently.
  15. I've actually tried vehicle surfing in a server just once, as a tech, to see just how much of an advantage it gave. Just me as a single tech on an apache made it virtually invincible. Sure it took tons of damage, but it was almost instantly repaired. We never had to return to base. The only risk might be 2 MRLS that are actively focusing on the one Apache, but that's rare. With infantry only though, the apache is invincible with just 1 tech on it.
  16. I had to go to Linux because everything, especially games, stopped working on Windows. It wasn't a choice. It was because tons of trojans, viruses, and worms infiltrated the deepest darkest depths of Windows that not even repair techs are allowed to see, much less access. Yes, there is such a place on your computer and it's absolutely vital, and you don't even know exactly where that is. I had all the firewalls, virus-scans, and malware removers in the world, but nothing could fix anything. Windows itself has to be reinstalled every once in a while or else it just slows down more and more, and this is will RAM-clearers, cache cleaners, etc. So, I don't go to Linux only to play games, but so my computer will actually run smoothly and not break over time. And if it ever does break, I know exactly what's going on, unlike the useless Windows pop-ups. Windows players saying they don't have games to play seem like they're just spoiled brats that don't realize how lucky they are to have all the games in the world, while Linux users are just left with mostly trash. That's changing but super slow. It's thanks to Microsoft and Windows that other platforms are ignored and have few games. Linux is the sane and stable alternative that everyone should be using, but thanks to the Microsoft monopoly, it is incredibly rare that any school teaches anything but Windows, and programming exclusively for Windows.
  17. But you can't hear the beeping from a real beacon with all the noise spam. Can easily lose a building by just not hearing the beacon over a ton of noise, even a heli nearby. There should be a better way to detect and announce a beacon.
  18. Your computer gets bored and likes to travel to scenic areas. You shouldn't ignore her so much...
  19. Why the hell are you complaining? Seriously! On Linux we have maybe 0.01% of the games that Windows has, and certainly not usually professionally made, or even well-made, or even nice-looking. That doesn't mean the games are good on either platform, but you have a HELL of a lot more games to choose from. Look at old, new, flash, HTML5, Chrome-games, etc. Go look, go try, look at ratings, look at popularity, look at servers (see http://www.gameservers.com/ , gametrackers,com/ ), look at best game listings, look at game download sites (gamespy, gamershell.com, steam, desura, etc.). You seem to have particular tastes, so look for yourself. There is no shortage of games for a Windows user and I don't want to hear you complaining you don't have any games to play again. The only game I can recommend, even though it's not really popular anymore, is Tribes 2 (now the community-supported TribesNext), the MUCH better game that TribesAscend was vaguely based on. Tribes 2 requires no leveling, no experience gain. Just start and play. It's more a nice concept game now, although it was much better before all the mods got wiped out by a patch. Still fun, still nice maps (just watch out for mine-disks as they weren't a problem when I played it long ago). You can also try the (likely) more popular Global Agenda Free Agent ( https://account.hirezstudios.com/globalagendagame/ ) that is somewhat related but requires some permanent leveling.
  20. You're supposed to delete those videos. Look for them in Renegade X/UDKGame/Movies. Those .bik files are the movies. Rename, move, or delete them. It is not supposed to go into fullscreen. Have you looked at the Wine AppDB entry. I put lots of tips there (although mainly for Linux, they may help with Mac too). You need to set up the UDKSystemSettings.ini config to turn off fullscreen (you can enable it in-game) and make sure the game doesn't overwrite the file by removing write permissions from it. Please look at the Wine AppDB entry, as there is a ton more, and it doesn't make sense to repeat it.
  21. 4 SBH walk into a well-mined Bar. The Bar-tender says "Hey, you guys can't come in here, not all at once!" The first SBH says "But we're in the same clan. It's what clanners do, and have a right to do. We all get on one team, organize, and smoke some noobs. We practice sometimes too, and of course we're all really good at using SBH." The Bartender responds "But this game and most games are designed with noobs in mind, running around like headless chickens most of the time. I've seen clanners like you in most other games, and you really screw up any balance. Even if a few noobs do organize, they tend to die off easily, screw up, or just aren't very good at all. Besides, that's for offense, and we're talking about defense. 'The best defense is a good offense' only applies if you've got nothing to lose if you don't defend. You can't just effortlessly waltz into any well-mined building and do what you want, at your leisure. I worked my ass off running around mining, and remining badly set-up mines, really well. It's not fair or fun for anyone but you 4 SBH. You didn't even work for it and had no one and nothing to even hinder you. People can't even spot you with Q, and even if they did, there's usually no one anywhere near enough or capable enough to take on 4 trained SBH at once before they destroy a building, not to mention the time to defuse those C4s with engineers. You don't even lose invisibility if you're damaged. You can't expect people, especially noobs, to defend so many bases and attack over vast distances at the same time. Now get the hell out of here!" and the Bar-tender fires all he can at the 4 SBH, although with little use. The first SBH says "All right, all right. We're going, but we left you a tip, though we only had 4 Cents." The Bar-tender responds "Oh really!? Where?" and turns around just as 4 Timed C4 charges blow up in his face on the Master Control Terminal. Clanners are a problem, but it's not like you can stop clans from forming or using Teamspeak. It's especially a problem in this game, where 8 mines failed to kill even a single one of the 4 SBH, and really didn't even slow them down. Mines are the only reliable defense, but not even 80 mines seem to be enough to defend an entire base, and few even know how to place the mines well, hidden out of sight. But mostly, people don't mine. Now, I work my ass off mining and defending my base, and I expect good results. I know clanners, exploiters, pitiful defense systems, and chance-based player defense are mostly to blame, but is it something else too? - I hide mines behind door edges and around corners to prevent techs from disarming them. From past experience, this has worked great, as long as no one places too many mines or uses C4 (another problem that MUST be fixed). Are these mines not exploding right? Are they detecting enemies through walls (since they get embedded half-way into walls), like they shouldn't be? I'll have to do some offline tests, but I get the feeling they work. - To overcome clanners (usually groups of elitist top-scoring players that may even train), some additions might be needed. For one, a hierarchy of command. In essence, have the option to elect a Commander to organize everything. He can fight as well, refuse command, and resign. There can also be squads that you can join and communicate with (squad chat), and have elected, commander-selected, or initiated (they start their own squad and optionally invite or freely allow joining) squad leaders. Some visual markers seen only by a squad or commanders could help, such as waypoints or target markers placed on the map and seen in-game as a giant beam of light. Another part to it could be a permanent experience system that helps rank you, especially for a set role. This would help in commander and squad elections/selections. In-game voice systems might help, but mostly, there need to be some more voice commands (just a few). I really want to play this game, but all these hindrances make it frustrating to even bother trying. The original Renegade had its problems. This game is the chance to fix them. People play this game with that hope in mind, otherwise they'd still play the original. The graphics were never the problem, and although they do attract people, it's only until they realize there are some serious balance and defense issues. Despite everything, I want this game to do well.
  22. You might want to check your net status. While the game is running (even in the main menu or playing on a server), press ~ (at the upper-left corner of keyboard usually) to open the Console. Press it again to close it. There, you can type in commands that can run. Such as: STAT NET That should show some info on what's going on with the internet communication with the server. You type that again to toggle it off. You can also try STAT FPS, in case it just might be game-specific. Check for anything like "Dropped Packets" or "Broken Packets", and if your ping fluctuates a lot. More stats here if you're interested: http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/ConsoleC ... 20Commands http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/Legacy:Con ... s_%28UT%29
  23. Hmmm... I remember using Q on a decloaked SBH, and it still targeted him for some time, and I kept pressing Q to keep it up. I didn't realize you couldn't target and use Q on a cloaked SBH. Damage should decloak them. If you see them at any time, you should be able to target them and use Q, just like any other unit. SBH already only show up, with the special electric animation, within a certain range of you.
  24. You hax0rz ... parading around in hovercraft like it's your game. ;p Yes, something like a global announcement to all players in a demonic voice: "I am a god! Obey me, or I shall eat your toes!" Or maybe that was trolls ... meh, same thing.
  25. I don't remember that. But even if it was so, it doesn't mean it was a sensible idea, and shouldn't just be blindly copied. The problem happens when the random screwball nutcase decides to spam remote C4, or, the much more common, defensive or offensive use of remote C4 which is often necessary due to the lack of good offensive weapons for those classes. Your defense is ruined and you don't even know where the mines are missing. I don't see any reason or function for having remote C4 count toward the mine limit, and I see plenty of reasons why it shouldn't count toward the mine limit (especially game mechanics and defense problems, especially when remote C4s are abused). Remote C4 limits simply need to be completely separate from the mine limit for it to work properly.
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