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  1. Ah... so that is the chatter i was hearing. I didn't catch what was up. I wonder what effects it will have.
  2. Casts a lure into the murky depths of forums.....
  3. I have been having the same problem. I have not found the answer yet sorry to say.
  4. I think it is quite possible that many players are unaware of the voting options. When I go into a very small pop match late at night often they do not, and nothing in the game informs them of these options.
  5. I cant join this server tho there is no password. I have had this trouble in the past. I just get endless loading bay pic.....
  6. The commander abilities are in the voting menu. CTRL+V, then 9 to vote for a commander. They are often used to buff players for a big push. Commanders also get more abilities to strike the enemy and turn the tide. They require Command points which gradually accumulate over time. Some players act as commanders quite a lot, other not much. I will do it from time to time, especially if the harvester is in trouble, or the team looks ready for a big push.
  7. thanks devs. I really like that I can set up bots on both teams and then switch back and forth between teams. Awesome.
  8. I need me bots!!! The stupid CT AOW server does not enable bots... backsliding scum sucking worms... j/k... im being dramatic.
  9. True that. I am curious about when you play. Sometimes I find small pop matches where players are deliberately stretching things out because they fear the server dying. I find that the full server matches are better at overcoming the stalemate situation, unless it is a small map. Often things move forward because someone will take command and get the team focused. Have you considered taking command to help things move along? If not I don't blame you. I do not like commanding. But it is one way the devs have added to help this situation. Another new change is All Out War mode. AOW has a time limit which really forces the teams to not stalemate but act more aggressively in order to win. Sadly, the mainstream Pub servers do not usually choose this mode. Sometimes it happens but mostly this mode is used for the PUGs on the weekend. Maybe consider joining the PUGs? respect.
  10. Are there any plans to do this ?
  11. bot just called out where my mines went off.. Nice.
  12. Today's game w some bots was a blast. Oasis. yes oasis.. a great map to show what bots can do. it was like 7 vs 7 or so... we added 3 lvl 1s. had some fun because who isn't better than a lvl 1 right? We played a while and added 1 lvl 9. this was really good because the teams were getting rowdy and ready to kill buildings.... We got to play on a bit and instead of map ending...some more players joined. We cut back to 2 bots. lvl 1 and lvl 9 The oasis game went for 1.5 hrs and the server grew till end. Thank you bots for keeping the server alive. p.s. during the game someone commented that bots were placing proxies.. unconfirmed.
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