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  1. When you place mines in a no pop game.... and then leave... how long until they go away?
  2. So yall know how much i enjoy bots. Ofc i know that means about 1 or 2 here in forums... But still i really enjoy messing with bots. And the new lvl 9s have only inspired me to HIGHER LEVELS of Insanity. . . . PUN intended. I challenge you all to play with bots. Today i was playing bot AOW Marathon. ? What you don't know this game? nvrm.. that is another topic... This Is a story of AOW with bots: ANyway.... today i was supporting a lvl 9 bot. Heck why not? the bot had climbed the ladder past lvl 1 and 5 bots... Why not support it>? I rode along in the apc as a hotwire.... but thestupid bot tended to get stuck at diff points against walls etc... Following a tip i heard ... .. i jumped in the apc. I HIT 1 key! I took control.! moved the apc...then jumped out. !!!! the DAMN BoT took over and continued the push forward! I did it again when it got stuck. Again Success, i.e. one of the fun things in this game right now is testing the bots. Thanks for fixing them devs.
  3. I like the ideas of larger rewards like credits or especially VP. We would need to be careful about removing team change. I often will balance when i see the team count out of whack. I would hate to be prevented from doing so. Often I have to act quickly to help the losing team in time to be effective. No time to vote for balancing and then have it activate. It would also be helpful if the game provided the receiving team notification of WHO has balanced so they can be donated to or thanked in some way. (in a similar way I wish Donations were Notified better)
  4. Nah.... take your time. You cant fake enthusiasm for a project. It happens as it happens. If you release it too soon the fan base for it may get screwed....
  5. What if we for sudden death we made everyone Heroic? We have earned it haven't we? Lets play large.
  6. Thanks for all the fun to everyone involved in the game, whether they be in Development or player. I have more fun with this game than mostly any other. The action, the comedy in chat, the memes.... all add up to good fun for this soul. Hell it is worth showing up just for the player names. The newest updates have been inspirational! Where ever this game goes in the future I hope it will remain a part of my fun. Signed, The Pistol speaks
  7. When i see some bots just standing and looking at each other... I go up to them and stare them down... Move around a little and dominate the space..... They move away but come back... but it kinda seems like if i Dominate the space they move on.... What is with bots... I like to get under their skin......
  8. Post your Scores Below. EXAMPLE: On snow i scored 6758 GDI and 9520 Nod when OT started. Total :16,278 For this i used 3 lvl 1s, 2 lvl6s.. and then added 1 lvl 7 late and a lvl8 very late.
  9. Another ode to the world of forums. Long live forums. Diary of an Engineer...etc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Ok... so imagine there are no players but you want to goof off. You know the typical reason: Field went 3 hrs and then emptied the server and there is no one to play with ... .... Maybe you are a NA player who likes to goof off at night .. but... no players. What is a COOLAID to do? Play the newest AOW game! ofc. Rules: #1 As the only player you can jump back and forth between teams as you like. #2 You can add bots as you like and any beacons or etc as you like. #3 Your goal is to rack up the maximum AOW pts as you can before Overtime. NO TEAM can WIN.. your job is to manipulate the situations... but STILL! achieve Overtime. i.e. Total your combined pts and see how high you can get. If you do not reach OT your points do not count. BONUS Round: Achieve SUDDEN DEATH! > Combine your totals !!! YOU Are a HERO ULTIMATE ROUND!!!!! ... COMPLETE Sudden Death! Totals are EPIC! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Report BELOW. Include the Map that you scored on for max fun. PS bots can be fun
  10. I really like that the Pugs are using AOW. LOVE AOW. but for some reason, although i played pug sat, i couldnt unlock the pug sunday. I think i did the click and respond to rules thing but the lock stayed on. WHAT stupid thing am i doing wrong please?
  11. SNOW. Nod. I'm all alone. what the hell lets add some bots. 3 lvl1..... more.. how about... 3 lvl5. OK I go engr. and run. I make it into the weapons and here are two bots pushing along with me. One is a sniper , the other a soldier. !!! THEY !!! put freakin C4 on mct along with mine. Nice teamwork from a bot. WEAPONS is DED Dont underestimate the power of Bot
  12. Playing with bots again..... It seems that remove all bots does not work. Mac found a work around: we can remove bots by listing the number to remove. But several attempts to use remove all on both teams and remove all on one team failed.
  13. Please put the name of the Map on the Map so when we pull up the map we can read the name. Yes I am laughing because this is not the first time asking for this ... lol
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