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Everything posted by Bananas

  1. I've noticed a few spots where flying vehicles collide with nothing if you fly too low. I understand the invisible walls are there to stop ground vehicles, but it's annoying to hit them when flying. Hopefully they can be cleaned up at some point. The main examples I can think of are on Lakeside, but this thread might apply to other maps. I use an apache to defend a lot and fly low to see infantry in forest. I run into this spot a lot: This spot is annoying for chinook rushes. There's also one on GDI's side of the mountain: I'll update if I find anymore spots.
  2. If you fly too close to the upper portion of the power plant (like hover over the balcony where infantry walk), your vehicle will just blow up. I've blown up my vehicle looking for sbhs or trying to find nukes a lot. I'm guessing it has to do with the kill zone inside the power plant cylinder. Tested on Walls with apache, orca, and chinook.
  3. Don't really see an issue with it either, just thought it was worth bringing up. Probably the only real use for it would be aiding the enemy team. Someone would probably see you though and just kick you.
  4. Nothing super game breaking, but the obelisk won't shoot at targets behind another character. This allows a GDI spy to block for a team mate, or for a Nod player to block for a GDI player. Staring at the obelisk:
  5. Jump down from the wall on Nod side to here: You can then swim out like this: As long as you don't swim over the tunnels you can eventually swim to even here:
  6. The first interaction is about a bug with flying vehicles and beacons. After exiting a vehicle, you can place a beacon mid air as long as you don't press any movement keys. You can even parachute while the beacon is deploying. The deployed beacon then drops straight below your character and tries to land wherever it's able to. I bounced one off of the top of the refinery, so I'm assuming you can't place them anywhere too funky. The only place I found was dropping one inside the power plant. Beacon inside the already destroyed power plant (because I missed the first beacon drop like a scrub): The second interaction I wouldn't really call a bug. It's more interesting, but some people might not like to see it used. If you exit a flying vehicle, you can shoot your gun and then re-enter the vehicle in time. Using this you could potentially add extra firepower while flying. For example, a lot of air battles now end up with stand offs because neither the apache or orca wants to get in range. Using this method, you could try using a 1k sniper or sydney/raveshaw to poke at or finish off the enemy air vehicle while being out of their range. The weapons also reload while you're in the vehicle. It's not really a bug or exploit. It would be more up to the devs/feedback to decide if it wasn't supposed to happen. The only other interesting thing I found with it was using it for base to base on walls or whiteout. It would be an expensive and difficult way to accomplish a gunner rush though. Gunner rushing from the safety of my own base:
  7. On Lakeside there is a rock by Nod's silo that will give you a tiberium plague. If you step in the right spot, you'll take tiberium damage until you die. I stepped in it with a 1k character and took 250 hp worth of damage. Terrifying. If I stepped in the actual tiberium by the rock, it seemed to replace the plague with the normal damage over time. I didn't check any other rocks or places on the map for the same effect. The plague can be found by stepping in the tiny crevice of this rock.
  8. Shotguns seem to need their spread tweaked. Sometimes I have the crosshair directly over the enemy and get little damage. Other times the enemy will be almost out of the crosshair and it does 75% of their life. I'm not completely against random spread, but the shotgun just feels very unrewarding. Getting kills with it makes me feel more lucky than skillful.
  9. I've seen this happen as well. Happens sometimes when people are buying the same vehicle for a rush. Someone tries to enter the vehicle and it isn't theirs, so the vehicle just stops. The owner is too far away so it gets destroyed when the next vehicle is made.
  10. The harvester got stuck while unloading or near the refinery. It was returning from its first trip on walls. It never played the "credits sound" and never gave any credits. It sat there for about 3-4 minutes until it just randomly blew up. Weapons factory remade it after it blew up, and it functioned properly the remainder of the game. Screenshot of the position of harvester: http://i.imgur.com/IJsgNQr.jpg
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