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    Dark Emissary

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  1. Huzzah! All hail the mighty X!
  2. So i recently downloaded beta 2 for Renegade X, and everything involving the installation went smoothly. But now whenever I go to the server browser and select a server to join it will bring me back to the game menu. Even the load screen says "Frontendmap" or something like that. Not sure if this is a bug or if i actually did screw up something with the installation...
  3. What do you mean when you say "tell these a-holes whats really up with this game"?
  4. I've had the same problem a few times. Actually yesterday my light tank got stuck on a rock, had to jump out, quickly jump back in and speed to the right (using boost) off a rock to get myself unstuck... In the middle of a group of MRLSs. Fun.
  5. I found a bug that affects the repair gun. Now this is more of a cosmetic bug, and doesnt affect its functionality. note: Im not sure if Im not the only one who experienced this bug. Sometimes, when 'firing' the repair gun, after it is done firing, the gun itself seems to jolt very violently. It looks like the recoil of firing the repair gun is built up until you are finished firing. This bug also effects the advance repair gun for the Hotwire/Technician.
  6. I dont know why there are sights. In original Renegade, there were absolutely no sights except for the snipers, other than that it was hip fire only.
  7. I have to admit that the dome did make the chem trooper easier to kill so Pan's idea sounds like a good alternative.
  8. So, i've been wondering, will the developer team eventually release a unique skin for each free class (such as the flame thrower trooper and grenadier) like in the original Renegade? Its kind of dull looking at a Nod soldier walk out holding a flamethrower who appears to decide that he's going to wear obnoxiously bright red pants and shirt. The same goes for the Chem trooper, who looked really menacing with that red dome encasing his head and hazmat suit to go with it in Renegade. Now it looks like Nod has a secret stash of magical green pants that make you invincible to Tiberium. Im not really complaining about the matter, but I find it kind of a let down that both the GDI and Nod starting classes (excluding the engineers of course) and the Chem trooper are literally the rifleman class with a slightly different colour scheme.
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