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Everything posted by ARC_trooper

  1. What about the reverse? Team who reaches xx ammount of credits wins? So its more about defending the harvester then otherwise.. (but then it could use a map for its own, since that will be boring in some of the current maps )
  2. ARC_trooper


    Airstrikes add just another way to break the enemy's formations and send them in utter chaos. (if done correctly) But sometimes they do get used to cover beacons, which makes it annoying. However my suggestion about this would be that it cant be send into the enemy's base. (perhaps not even your own?) Or create a special anti-aircraft thing that only shoots at the 'airstrikeplanes' in range, once destroyed you can send those airstrikes anywhere you like.
  3. What if the entrance of the gdi barracks is on another side? Instead of just running into it nod has to get around it? Or something like that?
  4. We had that earlier, someone put all the mines at the entrance where no enemy was comming through.. Removing the mines that were necesarry to actually protect the base.. Just a thought, can the mines be linked to the player aswell? That each player has the right to lay 4-5 mines. When they lay the 6th the first one will vanish? I do like the suggestions, would make the game better i believe
  5. Hello, I am wondering, i might have missed it, but can the controlls for the commands be changed? Since those are stuck at 'ctrl' and i believe 'alt' in my game and i love to use that button to crouch - ARC_trooper
  6. Since today i got this aswell, first played like normal but now it wont start the game and it gives this error. Or i get it during map changes, which is kind of annoying. My specs are: Windows 7 64 bit AMD FX-8150 12 gb ram Radeon HD7850 - ARC_trooper
  7. I personally find the Orca annoying to fight with, atleast firing at ground targets. Sometimes i cant see where i am shooting at because the orca itself is blocking the view. (i know there is 1st person view but i dont like that in vehicles) I know it can be only personal so i am posting this to see if more feel the same. Or is there something i missed where i can increase the height of the 3rd person view of the Orca? Cheers
  8. I tend to go SBH and attack from the back, not targeting the mammoths but the ones repairing them. After that the Mammoths are easy prey. I tend to do this when there is no real teamplay involved, sometimes everyone is just repairing buildings or shooting the mammoths. However once "we" did a counter-attack, attacked their base while they were attacking ours. (3 SBH with nukes..) Will be easier with ingame chat or something
  9. Hello, i've played a game where there was an earthquake or something and trees fell over. However the AI just drove their vehicles into the trees and got stuck. (after a few minutes they actually managed to get over the trees lol) I like the idea that the area changes, that there was a way but it got blocked by trees, i'm pro that. But it just looks silly when the AI gets stuck into it. (area changes are cool, mudslides or rocks etc would be a gamechanging event if thats ever possible) Cheers, ARC_trooper
  10. The silo on the map, does it more then opening up the options of tiberium based weapons? Never really noticed much else And i read that there isnt a map builder/editor, is this definitive? Since it would be awesome and great for the game if fans could make make the maps! Or is this just impossible to create? Cheers Edit: Just another thing that popped into my head. What if the devs get donations to pay for servers? But leave none remaining? (non-profit) Or is that also illegal? Or if someone asks for donations or pays for servers to get RenX online? Not using money for development but just for getting it online so more players can join..
  11. Oh yea, i totally forgot about the timelines haha.. Still the recon bike should be an option.. and what about a tech building where you can refill the items (for a small price), this could give a tactical advantage.. Sometimes I'm not using my brain.
  12. Hello, This is my first topic on this forum, been playing the game for years (c&c one duhh) and am extremely excited about this game (and i love it so far) I don't know if this belongs here but i trust some allpowerful mod could move it if its in the wrong place. I had some idea's about this game, i think its cool if this could be added/changed in the game... Also don't know if this has been posted already but haven't exactly seen it. First my wild idea; Would it be possible to alter the small-defense of NOD, would be awesome if it were to look and sound like the 'laser turrets' you can deploy in C&C If this isnt possible, how about the idea of making them look like a 'tick tank' in its deployed phase. (would add to the "realism") Still, the Obelisk of Light remains freaking awesome. Also, cant there be more tech buildings? Something like this: Mutant Barracks - With this building a mutant class will be available to buy. (could be a mutant soldier and engineer who can regenerate small amounts of health standing in a Tiberium field?) Tiberium Spike - generating extra $ to spend. (thinking about it, isnt that what the silo does? if so, ignore this line of gibberish) Healing station - Standing in this building will heal you. (the stuff that heals you jams the weapon or something so it wont get abused as much? ) Repair pad - will repair vehicles.. Ammo house - once captured the terminal allows you to refill yourself! Another idea that i doubt is my own, visceroids? If you get killed by tiberium or a tiberium base weapon, there spawns a small visceroid. (attacks only persons/vehicles) Each kill or standing in a tiberium field makes it bigger and harder to kill. For nod maybe the attack bike as another vehicle or the banshee? However for gdi it would be epic if the 'walkers' could get into the game. By that i mean the Wolverine or the Titan. (wet dream: Mammoth Mk) Standing higher then a tank so it can shoot further but slower because it walks. Another unit that would be cool is the disrupter! For flying units i thought about the orca bomber or the orca transport.(the one that can transport vehicles) So anyone else thinks any of these idea's would be cool? Is there a possibility that at least one idea is good for the game? Cheers, ARC_trooper
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