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  1. Excited to try the new update! Sad that I don't see anything about Vehicle Damage vs. MCT being changed... In Beta2 Vehicles do 0 (yes, zero) damage vs. MCT. This means that if you have a friend hold open the doors to a building and you pelted the MCT with, lets say, a Med... nothing would happen. I won't be able to test for a while, can someone test Vehicle damage vs MCT and report back if it actually was fixed or not?
  2. What about vehicle damage to MCT?! Currently vehicles do 0 (yes, zero) damage to the MCT. So, if you have a Med @ REF and have a buddy hold the door open... there is 0 damage to the REF if you hit the MCT. In the original Ren, this was a goto tactic, as there would be splash damage and possibly also kill the engineers inside.
  3. Opening the PT (Purchase Terminal) in general (not even refilling or changing/buying anything) or Entering a vehicle cancels out the effects of the Spy crate, you must die before another Spy crate will work (as long as you don't open a PT or Enter a vehicle. I know this is not how it should be, but the Spy Crate needs to be completely revamped to be usable. In the mean time, just hope that you are lucky enough to have a Nuke/ION already when you get a spy crate...
  4. You likely need to re-download the installer...
  5. Goldrush Playing as Nod I witnessed the OB be oblivious to several GDI inf. I wasn't lucky enough to view how they got to their locations, but I watched on hotwire run over the rocks at the very end of the Nod bridge and jump into the water... Another time there was a Havoc running around at the back of the HON, but OB didn't shoot... Yet another time, there was a mobius that managed to make it to the PP door by the shipping crates and the went and dove into the water... then was able swim back to the 'land bridge' between HON & PP and run back to the PP... again without being shot by OB. Does anyone have any further info on this, or videos of these tactics? Also, As GDI, I tried several times to go from behind the Nod tib filed to the tunnel, but OB shot me every time just before making it to the tunnel opening... I must be doing something wrong...
  6. ^looks like a hardware issue
  7. I've not received any blue screen crashes playing RenX... Yeah it will crash to desktop every once in a while, but never a BSoD. Either way, if you posted the dump files they could be debugged to give us more incite as to what the issue is.
  8. Hey all, Just wanted to start a discussion on different tactics for how to enter bases on maps that have base defenses. Several of the tactics that I had in the Original Ren don't seem to work in RenX, so I wanted to put out feelers on new tactics for RenX. (These exclude Harv-walking, as that still appears to work) GDI Field Old Ren - Could OB Walk every building - (do any of these work on RenX?) Goldrush Get into HON & PP (need info) Mesa-II INF can dart from wall, to the barricade by AIR, then dart into AIR or PP (once OB cools down) Nod Field If AGT is distracted, Nod INF can run from the tunnel straight to the AGT (works in RenX) Goldrush Get behind PP (need info) Mesa-II Old Ren - Could AGT Walk to REF (does it work in RenX?) Contributions would be great, videos would be even better.
  9. Could you post the dump files from the blue screen crash? Sounds like you have a hardware issue, but the dump files would help limit the issue down. (Dump files are located at "C:\Windows\Minidump\" and also "C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP")
  10. Wow, the Orca/Apache are already snails compared to the Original Renegade... Here is an example of the speed/agility/maneuverability of the Orca in the Original Renegade: I couldn't find a decent video to illustrate this for RenX, but trust me, flying vehicles in RenX are MUCH slower and just pokey in general.
  11. I'm pretty sure this is working as intended. The OB doesn't acquire targets behind other objects (walls, vehicles, rocks), why would it be different for players?
  12. I'll admit that I did not use the search feature first, as I did not find any posts about this in the "Feedback / Bug reports" section of the forum... However, I have to strongly disagree with you. A "General" discussion about "SBH Nukes" that got off-topic is not the proper place to discuss changes that need to be made to stealth abilities in the game... This is why a "Feedback / Bug reports" section exists, for feedback on what needs to be changed. PS: This isn't a word:
  13. I'm not saying it would de-cloak (turn red), I'm saying it would "light up" when they are shot. You would see the cloaked stank, white-ish blue skin (or w/e it is), from anywhere (basically, it would still be cloaked but still visable, just like friendly stanks would be if you were playing NOD). Here is a example of the Original Renegade campaign. You can see that the stank is gets dimmer when it moves away from the player, but goes to full brightness when it gets shot/takes damage by something else: (same idea should apply to the SBH as well)
  14. IMHO, the cloaking of the SBH & Stank still need to be addressed. Looking for SBH's you really can't even see them when they are like ~2ft from you, even harder when you are in a vehicle. So, SBH cloaking needs to be nerfed a decent amount or re-skinned to be more visible when you are in range. As for the Stank, I was going "WTH?!" when seeing 2 random people just running and shooting sporadically in the GDI base... turns out they were shooting a Stank, but it wasn't being revealed because I wasn't close enough... this definitely needs to be addressed to "light up" the stank from ANY distance when it is actively being shot (as it worked in Original Ren).
  15. This appears to still be happening... most notably on Walls_Flying. On my end, the freezes seem to coincide with things (vehicles) exploding. Mine use to freeze and then resume like you mentioned, but recently it has just been freezing and then booting me to the main menu. Devs need to take a look into this and hopefully get a patch out soon.
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