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  1. But the result is the same terminal is closer though
  2. Most of the devs. work was getting the game to work correctly. Adding new models would probably not even that hard. But there are better ideas around... Maybe not hard but definitely very time consuming.
  3. What do you think about the the trees, gras and other make up on the maps that was not there in the original? Should they keep it clean or keep it they way the maps are now?
  4. I personally would not like to see this. For me the maps already feel very full of trees/containers/rock formations that were not there in the original. Randomising terrain for me would not fit in the Renegade feeling
  5. Are you sure? I haven't noticed that difference on islands or walls
  6. Hey there welcome to the forum. You give good suggestions but I think your suggestions cannot be done because of the time to implement these features will be huge. Coding and modelling such things are projects that take years.
  7. The c4 crate sounds good. It could be so that if your teammate picks it up and you are right next to him you also die and that would be your own fault of going in too close. The fps drops from the nuke/ion crates are kinda overkill and we could easily do without the whole animation and random deaths
  8. For me it's one of the core elements of renegade that the maps are not that big and do not have too many object's. I love the smaller maps from the original like islands, walls, and canyon. The smaller maps really give renegade a different gameplay from other games. Take for example the volcano map from the original. Volcano is not small but has no objects like trees and containers. In the new maps from renegade X I already feel out of place with all the trees and objects and those maps are a bit bigger than the originals. In my opinion these maps are not renegade (amazed how beautiful they are though). I made this topic to see how you guys think about it. Let me hear it
  9. Hmm for me it's one of the core elements of renegade that the maps are not that big. I love the smaller maps from the original like islands, walls, and canyon. The smaller maps really give renegade a different gameplay. In the newer maps from renegade x I already feel out of place with all the trees and objects and those maps are a bit bigger than the originals.
  10. Would love to see these is fun maps, but for now I hope a really balanced and stable map from the developers (still amazed how good the beta is until now)
  11. That ^^ or that you need a engineer repairing it for 3 minutes and 2 for technicians
  12. I can live with the spread but that recoil upward motion kills the fun out of the standard infantry unit
  13. That sounds great!
  14. I don't mind the death crate. I do mind dying because someone else got a death crate.
  15. haha I still have three of those 2 disc version around! bought them on sale for my friends, to get them to play with me.
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