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Everything posted by Prof.Koni

  1. I agree, I often wasted a pretty useful character because of pressing E. That's pretty annoying for me and some newcomers too in my opinion. Greetings, Koni
  2. I think there should be servers with 20 players and servers with 100 players. If you like to play on a server with fewer people, why not? But personally I prefer servers with big battles and a lot of players. Greetings, Koni
  3. No. This is Battle of Earth (this is the name of the game at the moment) and not Battlefield or Call of Duty. It is better to have a few different weapons then many very similar weapons. Yes. That will definitely come. Unreal Development Kit. Do you know it? Maps yes. Characters, Vehicles and Weapons no (except you make a mod). Modes and Servers yes (like bots, building health, starting money, max amount of players and so on) Yes. Yes. I will add a bar where you can choose max players. 64-128 players sounds good (because you need a lot of players for the ships and the main-base) but thousand players would be too much (lag and pretty unbalanced because of too many engineers repairing ships ) Yes, gameplay is the most important thing. Graphics will be like Renegade X- If the game has reached a beta status, I will make advertisement for it. Thanks for your feedback. At the Moment I am pretty busy because of school. For Battle of Earth I am creating an space station for Humania and I am writing the Backstory of Humania besides. Greetings, Koni
  4. Thank you very much, ShadowPrime. At the moment I am learning how to model but I think I can do that pretty good now, so I will make some game-models (like the Starfighter) very soon Greetings, Koni
  5. Hello there, this thread will be used for map ideas. Maybe the developers (or me) can create these map ideas to make maps for RenX. So let's gather some ideas. I will begin: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C&C SWAMP Available Buildings per side: - Barracks/Hand of Nod - Weapons Factory/Air Tower - Power Plant - Tiberium Refinery - 2 Man-Controlled Rocket Pods (1 west and 1 east to the base) - 1 Man-Controlled Machine Gun (GDI: north / Nod: south) Tech Buildings: - 1 Tiberium Silo (the MCT heads to the east of the map) Flying Units? I don't know if available Description: This map is a big eerie and dark swamp with two main-paths (a broad one and a small one) and a big swampy forest in the middle of the map. The swamp has many trees, so there is no option for vehicles to drive through except for the main-paths) and it has a smaller hill in the middle with a tiberium silo. The base has no automatic defense, so with some luck it can be infiltrated. But the bases have some man-controlled defense. One rocket pot to each vehicle path and a gun emplacement heading to the swamp forest. Between the map boundaries (white on the map-drawing) and the main vehicle path is a small forest field, which allows sneaky attacks. Map Drawing: (poorly drawn map ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Maps will come soon. Please tell me your opinions and post some constructive critic for me if you have one Greetings, Koni
  6. How do you make the tunnels? Painting the landscape is pretty simple in my opinion, but do you use the mountain (with the tunnels) as a model created in max or is there a trick for the UDK? Greetings, Koni
  7. You could put 2 answers there. If you see a picture of a GDI Soldier, the question could be like: "What do you see in the picture?" a) GDI Soldier b) Nod Flame-Tank Then the answer would be quite simple and understandably. Greetings, Koni
  8. Under looks very very nice. Do you make the Map in the Unreal Development Kit and import the models from a modeling program (like 3ds max?)? I think it is very interesting making maps for shooters. I only know it for making maps for strategy games though. Greetings, Koni
  9. Really depends... the process of placement / landscape painting is relatively fast if you have a good selection of models, textures and materials to work with. You can get a map up and running within a few days. If you want specific materials and special effects you'll have to create those yourself usually. Lighting idem but you'll have to tweak and wait a lot for lighting compiles. After that polish phase is endless... new bugs crop up, custom materials and collisions will have to be made, fixes here, fixes there. AI will have to be setup too, fortunately that is a relatively simple process but you'll spend a good day making exceptions and getting the correct nodes in. In general though, creating maps for RX is a lot faster now since we've built up a library of stuff... when we just started you have to take modeling and everything that comes with it into account since our artists had to do basically everything. Hello Nielsen, I would really like to design some levels for Renegade X. I have experiences with making maps since 2010 and my creativity never ends ( ). I also could make content for your mappers with modelling-software. So if you need a new mapper, I would like to do so. Greetings, Koni
  10. Hmmm thanks for the suggestion Angelo, but this is not how I imagine "my" game. It is, like I said, somehow a mix between Renegade (x) and Star Wars Battlefront II. Greetings, KOni
  11. Thank you for your feedback Sammy At the moment I am learning to make models in 3ds max (and I am doing well) and I am writing at the background story of the United Nations of Humania. I think MeSteep is not that wrong. Often people "dream their live" and not the other way round (which is obviously better). So learning how to model or how to program is more important as only thinking about the game Greetings, Koni
  12. Hallo grüß dich ich würde gerne mitmachen, falls das für dich und deine Gefährten in Ordnung ist. Habe dich bereits auf Steam hinzugefügt. MfG Koni
  13. Prof.Koni is my Steam-Name too . Btw. I am searching for clans (English, but I speak German too).
  14. Thank you for your critics MeSteep. You are right with that point that I might not be qualified because I am just a beginner. But I look forward to it because I am really motivated. At the moment I am gathering some ideas and concepts for my game, later I want to learn how to use 3DS Max and UDK. Like you said I will start small. I will show my steps here (and later on IndieDB and Kickstarter too). I know Totem Arts is busy with Renegade X, I am just interested if they might give me tips. If they won't do, I don't care. Yes, I know. Good things need their time. Never doubted that . But that doesn't stop me from developing my ideas. Pooping out a game won't work, I also know some developers who thought they could create a game in just some weeks. 1. I didn't pirated it, I use the "student version. 2. I am a beginner and bought some books for it. I look forward to study them and improve my skills, like I did it with Gimp back in 2009. Thank you for your critics. I thought nobody will do that in that thread. But you did and thats important for me Greetings, Koni.
  15. My favourite Map is Goldrush because it has really epic fights on the main path. With luck you can sneak in with SBH or rush in with an apc. Even if you get to the enemy base, there is still the Obelisk or the AGT. My favourite Maps are these with 1 main path and maximum 2 sidepaths (e.g. for infantry). @Aircraftkiller: That map looks awesome. Would be nice to play on it Greetings, Koni
  16. Hello dear Totem Arts Team, I have a question to you and the Developer-Team: Are you still searching for programmers, sound artists, etc.? Because I would like to help you if you're searching. I have experiences with: Game-Engines: - Unreal-Development-Kit (learning it at the moment) - The Source-Engine (I've made a small Mod for Half Life 2) - Unity3D (tried to make a horror game with it) Modeling-Programmes: - 3DS-Max (learning it at the moment) - Google-Sketchup (made things for Unity3D with it) - A little bit with Blender Others: - Joomla 2.5 (I had a website once) - The C&C Worldbuilders (for Tiberium Wars, Red Alert 3 and Tiberian Twilight; I've made a lot of maps since 2010) - Audacity Maybe I can help you a bit, it would be a pleasure to me. And maybe you know my project, at which I am working at the moment: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=72684 It would be a pleasure to me if I can help this awesome community. Sincerely, Konrad
  17. Unit Concept: Starfighter (Class 3) Faction: United Nations of Humania Used as: Standard Anti-Fighter-Fighter Costs: It's free, because this is a standard unit Weapons: 2 Plasmacore-Rocket-Launchers and 540 nm Laser-Beam-Cannon Concept Drawing: Background: In the year 2094, when technology for space-traveling was advanced enough, the humans decided to make bigger space-stations for several uses: To mine Asteroids for stimulating the economy on earth, to have research-laboratories in the Space for advanced Astronomy researching, to have a platform for international conferences and so on. These space-stations are really effective, but they are also endangered, because the space has a lot of surprises for the humans like meteoroids and space debris. These hazards got countered by the Starfighters. The Laser-Beam is strong enough to cut a bigger asteroid (or meteroid) into several pieces until the rockets can pulverize the smaller pieces. If the incoming danger is small enough, it won't do any big damage to the big space station anymore. So the Starfighter was mainly used as a defense for civil stations and not for war. Later in the year 2273, when the humans discovered the huge army of the Great Misar-Empire with 2 research-ships, they had to build a counter-army very quickly (luckily they had highly advanced Nanotechnology, so building up an army quickly was not the problem). The humans used the concept of the old Starfighter-2 and made it a lot more nimble and the plasma-engines got a technology boost too. So the Starfighter-3 (also called SF3) was born. The SF3 is a VTOL-Spacecraft with strong engines for fast flying in space. It can open the 3 engines (in the middle and in the back of the SF3) to start vertically, if it reached a specific amount of height, it closes the engines and divert the whole energy to the back for fast forward-flying. It can divert the energy to the front wings too to brake the fighter or to fly up and down. The Laser-Beam is the main weapon of the fighter and can cut enemy fighters into glowing pieces very fast. But it can be hard to kill other fighters only with the laser because it has no auto-targeting-system. This problem can be solved with the plasmacore-rockets. The plasma-explosion of the rockets creates, besides an armor-damaging explosion, a small emp which can damage electronics at its target. That's the first unit concept of my new game. I will look forward to create it in 3DS-Max very soon but first I need to learn the program . Hope you will like it. More unit-concepts and drawings will come soon. Greetings, Koni
  18. Awesome! Great work gains great success Keep going Totem Arts! Greetings, Koni
  19. I know Unity3D, I've tried to make a horror-game with that engine, worked well but somehow I don't really like that engine. I also tried the Source-Engine (by making a mod for Half-Life 2) and now I tried the Unreal-Development-Kit. The easiest engine (to handle) for me was the Source-Engine, but you can only make mods with it. My game should be a stand-alone game, which is independent to other games. Personally I prefer the UDK over Unity3D, because the small level I've made with it looked really nice (graphically) and the UDK seems not to be that difficult to handle. Unity3D was harder to handle (much more to program) and my level looked not that beautiful too. Greetings, Koni
  20. One of my questions to all hobby game developers and users in this forum is: Where should I start? Where is the best point to start making such a game? (And sorry for double-post ) Greetings, Koni.
  21. In my opinion, Nod is like it should be played. Stealth Black Hands for example are really awesome dude. Nod never had such strong units like GDI. Nod is more about tactics.
  22. Haha awesome review
  23. Hello, I am new to this board so let me introduce myself: My Name is Konrad, I am from Austria, 20 years old and play games since I was 7. I've started playing Renegade X last Saturday and I love that game. I am also a big fan of the C&C franchise and I loved playing Renegade online but last time I have played it was 8 years ago. But now lets come to what I actually want to say (Oh and sorry if my English is not that good, it's not my native language) Yesterday (and today night) I had an idea for a new game which is inspired by Star Wars Battlefront II and especially Renegade (X) and a few other games/movies. I want to introduce it to Totem Arts and the Renegade X community because I think there is a lot of potential to find ideas together for this and other games and maybe we can help each other . I have some experience with level design and modeling (in 3DS-Max) but also with the Unreal-Development-Kit, so maybe I can support you too (somehow). What is this game about? This game is a space battle between the United Human Alliance (Humania) and the Great Mizar Empire. The Battle itself (in-game) has concepts from Renegade (like base-buildings, building and buying units, repairing vehicles and repairing buildings at the Master Control Terminal, etc.) but also from SW:BF2 (flying space-fighters, shooting with board cannons from bigger ships at other ships, etc.) How do I imagine the game? In this game each faction (Humania and Mizar) starts with a space station, which is separated into several sectors. Each sector is important for the faction (like the buildings in RenX) and must be defended. Your Goal is to destroy the enemy space station by destroying every sector-building with your spaceships from outside or by attacking the Master Control Terminal from inside (you can land in the Fighter-Bay and fight through the interior). You must defend/attack this sector-buildings: - Command-Center: The Command-Center provides your space station some Human- and AI-controlled cannons which defend it from other fighters and ships. - Spaceship-Bay: The Spaceship-Bay allows your faction to build Cruisers and to buy mighty Capital Ships. - Nanotech-Factory: The Nanotech-Factory provides your faction free credits to buy better units and ships. - Infantry-Rooms: The Infantry-Rooms allows your faction to buy advanced infantry and hero-units. - Reactor: The Reactor provides your Space-Station energy, which is needed for your AI-controlled defenses. So this is pretty similar to Renegade. Maybe one difference might be a superweapon building like an invulnerable shield for Humania and a mighty laser weapons for Mizar. But I don't know if that would be imbalanced How would be the gameplay? You spawn automatically in one of the sector-buildings OR you spawn in a capital ship (if there's one). Like in Renegade there are buy-terminals, where you can buy stuff. You can get standard-infantry (Soldier, Engineer, Pilot and Captain) for free and if you have your Infantry-Rooms at your space-station, you can buy advanced soldiers, advanced pilots, etc. and hero units. The infantry has 4 different classes. You can still fly a fighter or command a ship as a soldier but you only have standard-values on speed, attack-damage and armor. If you fly a fighter with an pilot, the fighter gains for example +10% for speed and attack-damage. Or if you fly a repair-drone with an engineer, it's more effective for example. The cruisers are bigger ships which are used like tanks. The Capital Ships are the strongest units in-game because they are like a big cruiser which can also be used as a spawnpoint. But with teamwork you can fly inside them and destroy the Master-Control-Terminal at the Command Bridge to destroy them more efficiently. There is a build limit for cruisers and capital ships (like in RenX it could be 7-10), a capital ship counts as 3 cruisers. Yeah that would be my idea for the game If you have any questions, then don't be shy to ask. I hope I can get some feedback and I hope I can use your feedback to get this thing worked. Greetings, Koni.
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