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Everything posted by Chrifister
Hardly an improvement. Still had difficulty seeing them or my teammates against the white snow. Not sure what rainbow effect you're talking about but mine definitely wasn't an advantage. Neither was my pink mammy or dark green med tanks. Although the dark green was probably a bad idea because it was difficult to pick them out against the green grass. That being said, invisibility is an incredible advantage so it needs to have downsides. That's why they uncloak to fire, shimmer when hit, and shimmer when too close to an enemy. They're meant to be stealthy and you should avoid enemies. If you get too close, you deserve to be seen, and killed. They're basically a character that can make it across the battlefield unseen with the power to destroy a building. Personally, on maps without guard towers I feel stealth gives NOD too big of an advantage. On maps with at least the crappy guard towers, they're probably even. GDI needs to protect those guard towers or fear NOD's stealth. I also think the SBH are too hard to see when they are close to you. The spotting range is fine. I do have almost everything turned off in my video settings.
I had a lot of skins I used with the original Renegade. Most of them was just to make stuff look cool with different designs and such. One of the most important skins was the rainbow stealth effect. I just thought it looked cool and was much easier to see. It was a definite improvement over the base effect. And no it wasn't a cheat. It was just changing the white shimmering to rainbow shimmering.
Game occasionally freezes for several seconds
Chrifister replied to Noodlesocks's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
The odd freeze is frustrating, multiple freezes in a row is unbearable. The second match I played the other night I froze three times in a 5 minutes span. I quit playing after that match. Last night I didn't have any freezes in three matches. -
That was an awesome clip. Especially when it was spammed lol
Strange and annoying. I had a second set of arms and legs coming out of my back pointing the other way the other day. They were all grayish blue color. Very strange.
This is a constant nuisance. Every once in a while it seems like the gun is jammed on the vehicle. I was in a med tank earlier with a hotty behind me and I could not kill this rav in front of me because of the gun jamming. I suspect it had something to do with the hotty getting in and out of the vehicle. When he was in with me, the gun would be unreliable. When he was out it was better but was still jamming. Very, very frustrating. The hotty took off and I spent a frustrating few minutes with the gun jamming constantly hanging around the corner of the cliff. Must of looked like an idiot pulling out to attack and not firing a shot but pointing the barrel at everyone.
Game occasionally freezes for several seconds
Chrifister replied to Noodlesocks's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Hmm didn't see this post but I am getting the freezes as well on a Radeon 5650. Made a topic under Other Bugs. -
I did this today just firing randomly into the ground.
The Directional Lightmaps setting is always turned on when the game first starts. You can disable it but it will be on the next time the game is re-started.
This freezing is making the game unplayable. Just played a match on Walls_Flying and froze three times. First time was in an arty on the ramp on the left side of our wall. Was retreating to heal and only drove a few feet and it froze. Counted to 20 and it unfroze and my arty blows up. Turned to run and my guy melts through the ground and the game starts spinning for a few seconds and it says I'm dead. Buy another arty, same spot, retreated to heal by the airstrip building and it froze again for roughly 20 seconds. Few minutes later I'm in a light tank firing at a mammy and others outside our entrance and it freezes again. 20 seconds later it's unfrozen, the mammy blows up, and I'm at half health by the airstrip building with orcas flying around. Three times in a few minutes is too much.
Mining 101: How not to screw your team over with prox mines
Chrifister replied to ABJECT_SELF's topic in Renegade X
Now now guys I don't usually make a distinction between Walls and Walls_Flying. I should have mentioned that those strategies are based on a number of assumptions: -It is a large, full server. I only play on these servers. Smaller servers or less people can considerably change the mining strategy. -On large, full servers, both teams should always have their vehicle limit used. A half decent team will be able to keep enemy aircraft and APCs from reaching your base with those vehicles and some ramjets. If your team are morons and the enemy vehicles can make it to your base, then again your mining strategy has to change. -The existence of those secondary guard towers can change your mining as well. I never played on maps without them in the original Renegade. Really, who would build a GDI base close to a NOD base without a building that can detect stealth units? -Your team's tactics can change your strategy. If they are rushers, then they will usually not have complete control of the field. This means enemy vehicles can make it to your base. -And probably the most important factor is whether or not you will be actively guarding your mines. If you are not, then definitely mine buildings instead of entrances. Entrance mining is about laying down an early warning system but that system doesn't work if you are not watching it. There is no one foolproof strategy for mining. Also remember that this game is a numbers game. Usually the more players on the offensive, the better your chances at winning. This is not always true but if you can limit your defenders to one or a small few and let the rest of the team go on the offensive, it boosts your chances. One defender holding off many SBH is good, many defenders holding off one or no SBH is bad, and equal numbers cancel each other out. -
I had completely forgotten that the original Renegade had EVA voices for both teams. I changed the NOD voice to CABAL with a bunch of clips of his voice I pulled from different C&C games. That and the boink sound. Had some interesting boink sounds here and there. Bender's "Up Yours Bimbo!!!" was probably the most humorous and memorable.
Mining 101: How not to screw your team over with prox mines
Chrifister replied to ABJECT_SELF's topic in Renegade X
Mining is a complicated subject depending on your goals. Many factors affect where you mine and how many to place. Mining should be shared by many people as long as they all know the current mining strategy and they keep in communication with each other. It also doesn't hurt to have your team keep an eye on the mines and report when some are missing. Also, never place mines out of your line of sight. For example, when mining the back tunnels on Field, place them on the outside of the tunnel and not actually in the tunnel. Otherwise, enemies can defuse them or blow them without anybody noticing. Each map has different mining strategies. Islands NOD - Keep most of the mines on the tunnels with some in the back of the refinery and HON. Your team should prevent people from coming in the front entrance. You just need to keep infantry from coming out of the tunnels. GDI - Keep most of the mines on the tunnels with a line across the main base entrance. Your goal is to prevent SBH from getting in and keeping pesky infantry from coming out of your tunnels. The mines on the entrance are not enough to kill a SBH but will damage him and make him visible. Always keep an eye on the entrance. If your defenses are never breached, you can be the lone defender and your base will be a safe zone for repairing vehicles. Immediately report any breach in your mines to your team. The safe zone is now compromised and there could be many SBH with beacons in your base. Good players will recognize the danger of this and should join you to help defend. Walls NOD - Since GDI has the better armor and will usually have the field, or most of it, APCs are a real danger. A proactive team can keep infantry from sneaking in the tunnels so you should mine the entrances of buildings. Most APCs will drive around the back of the HON and head to the power plant or refinery. Mine these places. Also place some mines on the ramps on the HON. GDI - Same goal as Islands. Keep a line of mines across the main entrance with a line of mines on each tunnel entrance. All mines should be visible at all times. DO NOT mine the actual tunnel itself as this is out of your line of sight. Mines should be at the entrance to the tunnels so you can see them go off and can quickly check the status of them with a glance. Also, if the mines are not in the tunnel, the enemy must show themselves to disarm them or run through them. GDI should be able to keep APCs away from the base so those main entrance mines are mostly a deterrent and early warning system for SBH. Field NOD - Only three places need to be mined: the front door of the HON, the obelisk, and the back tunnel by the airstrip. Put lots of mines on the HON as an APC will be destroyed by the obelisk but you can have four enemy infantry run in the door of the HON. Four or five in the obelisk is usually enough. The mines on the back tunnel is to prevent beacons and they need to be closely monitored. GDI - Keep a lot of mines in the AGT and the rest on the back tunnel by the barracks. The AGT is deadly at killing infantry so the enemy will usually rush it first. The rest of the mines should be on the back tunnels to prevent beacons. Mesa NOD - Keep mines in the airstrip and obelisk and maybe some in the power plant. GDI - Keep mines in the AGT, the back refinery door, the power plant, and the back war factory entrance. Most of the mines should be in the AGT. I haven't played the other maps enough to give recommendations on them. One thing that makes me laugh when I choose to defend sometimes is the ridiculous amount of infantry that will take over the tunnels on some maps. In Field for example, snipers will dominate the tunnels. Sometimes you can have a couple of good snipers from your team in there hassling the other team. This results in most of the other team trying to pointlessly gain control of the tunnels. With you mining and defending properly, this results in you and your two snipers keeping most of the other team occupied. This means your team takes the field and the advantage in the game. -
About once every 5 games or so, I'm getting these freezes that last between 5 to 20 seconds. The client just locks up, no sound or movement. Then it unfreezes and the game catches up with everyone else. The last time it froze I was in an arty and was retreating to heal when the game froze. 20 seconds later and I'm 150 feet or so from where I froze. Not sure if it was because I was holding the back button for a while or if my arty drove back because the back button was being pressed when the freeze happened. Is this happening to anyone else? Also, did have a weird model glitch on Islands. Had an extra set of gray arms and legs coming out of my back. Logs.zip
Built with UDK has stopped working
Chrifister replied to sgt.walton.001's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Two more with the same problem. My brother and I played for a few hours tonight and I would say there's a 60% chance of the game crashing with this error. I don't have enough examples to say if it happens when loading certain maps or just the act of loading a map. Also, after the crash, we tried joining the same server and I crashed out with the same error three times in a row while the game was trying to load the map. May have more info tomorrow. Logs.zip -
Coming from someone who probably spent too much time on Renegade. I imagine some of these issues have already been discussed: * The movement speed is somehow different. Feels quicker. Seems like when sniping enemies that they are moving faster. * Guns feel unbalanced. Haven't done any in depth testing. I suspect the laser rifle is over-powered, maybe it's only meant for close range now? Again, further testing is needed. * Vehicle weapons seem fine damage-wise. Tanks need a "finished reloading" sound like the original game. Kind of like the alternate fire view. * Occasionally the vehicle weapon will not reload automatically requiring you to press reload. Has happened in a mammoth and an apache. * Camera when in an aerial vehicle needs to be further out. It's too close right now. Makes it difficult to see and navigate. * Am definitely missing the free aim. * The 10 second beacon immune limit needs to be redone. The old way is better but if it has to be changed, make the timer end at zero when the beacon becomes immune. Perhaps lower it from 10 seconds of immunity to 5 seconds. * All maps should have some kind of base defenses. Nobody in their right mind would ever build a base without some sort of guard tower. The towers need to see sbh as Nod is too over-powered as it is. This also works for both sides and cuts down on the amount of infantry running around the base at the first. * The ADS view is buggy and almost unusable. Your aim bounces all over the place, while firing from third person seems to not be affected. * When respawning, you look like the character you were when you died for a second or two. Not game breaking but annoying. * Absence of vehicle locking/kicking. This has always been a necessity. * I like the ability to upgrade your sidearm. * Airstrikes need to be limited to once every while. 2 minutes or more maybe. * Planting beacons in places that are inaccessible by foot. * Sound issues everywhere. EVA should be the loudest thing in the game as it's the most important set of sounds. * Vehicles are sometimes sticky with other vehicles. * Game has frozen twice and crashed twice. Earlier tonight, my brother went to access a PT and both of our games crashed. I wonder if the server crashed at the same time? Probably not caused by him accessing the PT but still comical. * Am getting something like a 30% success rate in joining servers from the game itself. Most of the time it just ends up at the main menu. Using the launcher seems more reliable although the sort order for number of players is not working right. It sorts by first digit only and not the whole number. * Launcher starts a new game process every time you join a server instead of using an existing one. * I too am afflicted with somewhat low fps on an ATI gpu. Should be much higher than the 25-40 fps I currently get on low settings with anything to do with lighting disabled. Since Renegade was/is probably one of my favorite games, I'll definitely be doing some more testing. I say great job with the new look. The vehicle movement alone is excellent. I am definitely recommending this game to anyone that liked the original.
I'm pretty sure the server we were on tonight was a little laggy but we got dominated by sbh and nukes in one game. Ten minutes into the game and three sbh planted one nuke in the war factory. They literally dominated the inside of the building and the nuke finally went off. Not long after, one was planted on the refinery. We took him down pretty quick after we discovered him but four of us couldn't get the nuke defused before this stupid 10 second limit. I suspect the laser rifle may be over-powered but am not sure. They nuked the remaining two buildings and won. I purposely avoided certain servers in Renegade for this very reason. Sbh give Nod too much of an advantage on most maps with no guard towers. There were some exceptions like Islands and Walls where the two entrances to the GDI base were smaller. Even then I preferred to only play those maps on servers that had the secondary weaker defenses (gun towers) that could see black hands. Some servers you could rebuild those towers and some you couldn't but at least they were a line of defense for a while. The argument that GDI has better armor is not exactly true. Many times I was able to hold the field with a light tank and stealth tanks are deadly when used properly. Not to mention the arty can dominate a battlefield. Then there's the argument that a good squad can defend a base but that's assuming there are an equal number of sbh trying to nuke. There may or may not be but you always need that squad just in case. This puts GDI at even more of a disadvantage because there are now less attackers.
The problem is that it's not known that it CAN'T be disarmed 'till after you learn the hard way or through word of mouth (as is the case with me). As for your small explosion idea, that could be interesting. Could do part damage to a building (say 20-30%) as punishment for getting the beacon in place to begin with (But since black hand can set them easier, perhaps not). Same here. My brother and I came to the forums tonight to complain about the beacons being immune. When I commented in game about it, they said it was because of lag. So of course the five beacons I tried to defuse tonight caused nothing but frustration. I had to read about it here to know it's not a bug or lag. I'm all for realism but like the others have said, Renegade was never about realism. I prefer the old way of the missile disappearing because the bomb actually went off at zero whether or not you were trying to defuse it. So you would sometimes be cutting it really close and failure would mean instant, noisy death. It's not as exciting with the beacon being immune. Now it seems like there's no sense of urgency. You reach the ten second mark and walk away. No matter how realistic it is, it isn't as fun. Maybe have the timer hit zero when the beacon becomes immune but reduce the ten second mark to five seconds or less. Although I would much rather being able to disable it mere milliseconds from being vaporized. Maybe the missile self-destructing in mid-air?
All EVA warnings or updates are too quiet. We have the other sounds lowered to compensate but it doesn't seem to do much. If all of the sound sliders are on the same thing, it's almost impossible to make out what EVA is saying, whether it's your base under attack or a beacon being planted.