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Everything posted by Unit
Yes I realise its a beta, dont get panties in a bunch. Anyway, So, a classic mode, where everything is as close to the original game as can possibly be. where all these fruity things dont exist. Falling from above 1m doesnt hurt. No Parachutes (Enjoy your fall ) Mcfarlan and his OPgun dont exist/werent born/ate by amoured bears and /or rabid chipmunks /died in fire (inside the red barn). Nukes/Ions can always be disarmed No free snipers No throwable grenades/buyable weapons/extras of any kind No Airstrikes of any description No Sprint No weapons ignore armour No capturable buildings No spotting Voice Command spam without Q Red Barn on field Spy crate is SBH No 99% chance of nuke/ion death crates Faster vehicles Slower tank projectiles Longer range weapons Longer view distance on SBH & Stanks Single tusk rocket per secondary shot for mammy Mammy cannons shoot like they do in stock ren. No arty lob shells No MLRS turret rotation. No easily driving tanks onto other tanks No burst fire for Laser rifle. Smaller LCG and Chaingun model No wind up for either chaingun or LCG No clip for PIC or Rail gun No secondary fire for Volt Rifle No Iron sights No Night vision Patch with classic gun. That would be pretty neat. especially if it was like a mutator, just a flick of a switch
(taken from dxdiag.exe) ------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 3/5/2014, 15:39:43 Machine name: DII-PC Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130828-1532) Language: English (Regional Setting: English) System Manufacturer: ASUS System Model: All Series BIOS: BIOS Date: 08/19/13 14:54:45 Ver: 08.04 Processor: Intel® Core i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz Memory: 16384MB RAM Available OS Memory: 16322MB RAM Page File: 3086MB used, 13233MB available Windows Dir: C:\Windows DirectX Version: DirectX 11 DX Setup Parameters: Not found User DPI Setting: Using System DPI System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent) DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode --------------- Display Devices --------------- Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce GTX 780 DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1004&SUBSYS_29801462&REV_A1 Display Memory: 4095 MB Dedicated Memory: 2994 MB Shared Memory: 1101 MB Current Mode: 1920 x 1200 (32 bit) (59Hz) Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor Monitor Model: W240D DVI Monitor Id: HIT7D03 Native Mode: 1920 x 1200(p) (59.950Hz) Output Type: HDMI Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um Driver File Version: 9.18.0013.3489 (English) Driver Version: DDI Version: 11 Driver Model: WDDM 1.1 Driver Attributes: Final Retail Driver Date/Size: 2/8/2014 18:34:51, 17715784 bytes WHQL Logo'd: Yes WHQL Date Stamp: Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-5344-11CF-737A-8D091CC2C435} Vendor ID: 0x10DE Device ID: 0x1004 SubSys ID: 0x29801462 Revision ID: 0x00A1 Driver Strong Name: oem54.inf:NVIDIA_SetA_Devices.NTamd64.6.1:Section093:\ven_10de&dev_1004 Rank Of Driver: 00E02001 Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_C ModeVC1_C ModeWMV9_C Deinterlace Caps: (removed this because it was huge and spammy) D3D9 Overlay: Supported DXVA-HD: Supported DDraw Status: Enabled D3D Status: Enabled AGP Status: Enabled It doesnt say that I have 2x 780 nvidia cards though, running SLI. dont know if thats important or not.
changed settings from maxed to all medium (with no tick boxes filled) still crashes after every game.
lmao shotgun is underpowered? No.
the current spy crates are totally worthless, i get attacked more often by my own team mates even without a spycrate, its so hard to tell who is an enemy or not some times that everyone lets off a few shots just to be sure. when your a spy those just a few shots quickly turn into an inescapable barrage. spys need to be SBH.
this is why the guard towers had instant hitting projectiles in the original, because anything less than an instant hit can be avoided with even a tiny bit of skill and some luck. not amount of skill or luck will save you from an AI controlled instant hitting projectile in a game like this.
Suggestion: Choice to Donate Credits Evenly to Entire Team
Unit replied to Blastburn94's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
!time -
its only happened twice, but its twice too many. Renegade X has crashed my system completely (similar to a blue screen event) twice, once in mid game just a moment ago, and once just from trying to open the game using the actual UDK.exe file instead of the launcher. both times the computer could not restart by itself i had to hold the power button and make it turn off and back on, my pc was extremely expensive, it makes me very nervous when things like this happen. is there any way i can give you a log or something?
hopefully flaming vehicles and infantry will once again be against the rules across the board, if not at least on jelly.
Ability to reload on a full mag=unnecessary and cumbersome
Unit replied to hammer326's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Indeed it was, reload OCD. -
Yo. This is my absolute favourite character class from the old game, I used it all the time and as such have been continuing the trend to see what youve made of it in this installment. Ive been using it religiously despite its bugs to create the best feedback I can on it. <3 Currently the weapon is flawed in a few ways which make it needlessly hard to use and "weak" compared to other infantry weapons. Aiming and accuracy Firstly the most predominantly the weapons aim center is lower than the dot displayed by the aim reticle. the center for the weapon is in the middle between the lower curve and the dot of the reticle. The accuracy of the actual gun projectiles with that aside make it extremely difficult to kill opponents that aren't standing right next to you, the bullets spray everywhere and only one or two bullets will hit every half second you hold the trigger down. The Shotgun, Chemsprayer and Flamethrower are far better at point blank range than the chaingun, (and rightly so) and at medium ranges the other infantry rifles also are better due to the lack of wind up and their superior accuracy. The hip position the weapon is fired from make using the weapon on any surface that isnt a flat plane impossible or very ineffective, most of the bullets hit the ground further spurred on by the recoil of the weapon dragging the weapon towards the ground. shooting down hills without exposing your entire body isnt possible either. Damage and range. I havent been able to fully really asses the maximum range of the weapon due to the strange way renegade X highlights enemies, however i can say that again at most ranges the chaingun is outdone by all other weapons From what ive seen the damage to infantry is okay if the weapon actually hits the target, i understand that it trades damage for rate of fire, but trade doesn't work as well as it should (What is the rate of fire of the chaingun? It didnt seem any more than the autorifle) Against vehicles it does slight damage to light armour, more than the original gun so i can be thankful for that, however again the weapons accuracy make shooting even vehicles at long to medium ranges a waste of time. and with splash damage as immense as it is, all light armoured vehicles can kill you almost instantly at any other range so its pretty much useless. General use The weapons wind up makes it impossible to surprise an enemy or survive a surprise attack from an enemy. The need to keep firing or face the dreaded wind up makes the unit very short range, you cant go more than 2 feet from the base because of ammo needs. you find somebody in the base and begin shooting them, the first bullets alert them to your presence and they take cover, now they have taken cover you must stop shooting or you simply are not going to have the ammo to finish them. but if you stop shooting and they jump out and attack you, the time it takes to wind the gun back up makes you a sitting duck even though it should be you in control of the situation. the only thing you can do to maximise your chances of success (and survival) is hold down the trigger whilst moving around the obstacle the enemy is hiding behind hoping to catch them before the clip is empty. Suggested fixes *Center the aiming dot *Tighten the bullet spread a little (not too much) to make attacking beyond 10m viable *Remove the wind up completely *Reduce the clip capacity to 200 but increase overall ammo quantity to 600. *Slightly increase the damage done vs Aircraft due to the complications created by terrain and hip firing.
as sombody who has played Renegade for an almost depressing length of time, i haev to say this is the worst idea ive ever seen.
Another short list of things, though not worthy of adding to the REALLY annoying things list. The ingame text is visible for only about 2 seconds, not even nearly long enough to read all of what was said. When refreshing the ingame server list to see if the player count on a server has dropped, the sorting order is put back to stock values as well, should stay arranged how you wanted it regardless of refresh. Vehicle actions are performed half a second after my input, I hold right and the wheel waits half a second and then turns in the direction I asked, -very- irritating, pretty sure this one is known though. Servers need a customisable splash screen of some kind, or join text making it clear what server you have joined. "welcome to Blackcell / Jelly / St0rm Renegade X" or some kind of logo at join that fades away after a second. would be neat Map lighting should illuminate player models appropriately: pic here If I kill somebody with a proxy or timed C4 it counts as thier suicide not my kill. making it much harderd to know when mines need to be replaced. The falls you can take damage from are far too small at the moment, i cant jump into the tunnels without losing 20+ HP, I shouldnt be losing health doing things ive been doing for 10 years in the original. If you are low on HP and get repaired by a Hotwire you can actually surpass your base level of health, the bar will go past 100/100 to like 100/102. for free infantry. Officers chain gun wind up makes the weapon waste ammo. I cant surprise an enemy without wasting bullets. Nobody wants to jump around the corner without the full dps potential of their character going down range. meaning bullets are simply wasted against the wall until the full spin is up, if the gun has a wind up I dont think it should shoot at all until it is at full spin. Whiteout is a great map, but its near impossible to see text on GDI, nevermind reading it. global text is a complete loss also. Sound distortion is much too high, while the effect is cool, it makes things sound way further away than they actually are. renegade maps are small (for the most part), the distortion of sound from a gun firing in an open field 20 meters away sounds more like its 400-500m away, its extremely disorientating. There is no red barn on field anymore, this made me very sad indeed. please put the little red barn back.
its dumb, you died, you shouldnt be able to then see what is happening. including enemy movements.you should be forced to auto respawn after 3 seconds. Guy kills me "k" i look around, 'oh there he is, hes going that way, oh, its an enemy rush, np'
you know i thought about what people were saying about the chem sprayer and tib auto rifle, and thought, 'maybe it was more than one person hitting me' just played again and no, those weapons are absolutely insane. without even a shadow of a doubt. and grenades too. si.
I like the game so far, however all the things below are ruining it for me almost completely atm. Airstrikes are totally game breaking and need to be insta-removed. Beacons should always be disarmable right up to before the very instant the building dies. It doesnt matter if the missile is 2cm from the floor or not, this was one of the highest highlights of renegade desperation play, seeing that huge missile just about to land and thinking "nope its gone for sure" and then "nuclear strike beacon disarmed" at 0.05 seconds from impact. Players should automatically respawn after 3 seconds. its driving me batshit crazy Players should spawn with their secondary weapon in hand, not the c4.. I keep throwing one on the wall every time i respawn because the only way to respawn is to click or something. >.> The chem sprayer, tiberium auto rifle and flame thrower are insanely op, they could be nerfed by up to half and still be 3-5 times better than stock rene equivalents, the splash range on the auto rifle is infuriatingly/hilariously immense. The GDI eva sounds more like a Microsoft Samantha, than a C&C EVA unit. "gee dee eye this and gee dee eye that" All the Evas anouncements need at least 25 seconds before they are repeated, and at least 15 seconds between any eva anouncement (besides beacon alerts), with a 60 second cooldown for all "building repaired" strings of any description. The lighting on the maps is either so dark that its like all nod soldiers are now invisible. or so bright it looks like Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. needs tweaking. The ingame server list just puts you into a random server of its chosing if the one you tried to enter is full (and sometimes even if its not), infuriating. The game crashes to the desktop after every map end. though im aware this is a known issue putting it here anyway. The 2 videos at the start of the game can not be skipped, if you are fighting for a space on a specific server and you try to join theres no way you are going to get that space due to having to sit and watch those 2 anoying videos every time.
hearing "building repaired" 10 times in 15 seconds is mind numbingly annoying. especially when its too busy telling you that a building is repaired rather than one that just died.
Also getting this issue, pretty infuriating.