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Everything posted by Ninja955

  1. Ninja955

    Level Editor?

    Will we be seeing any support for level editing/making soon?
  2. @Truxa No it doesn't handle like a VTOL. It's like a jet; you get in and it flies automatically. You can slow it down and change directions and all. @Lomztein This only works on Skirmish. The two console commands you have to type are: "set RenX_Game.Rx_Vehicle_A10 MaxSpeed 500.0" - This decreases it's speed so you can fly it easier. (its original speed is somewhat uncontrollable) "summon RenX_Game.Rx_Vehicle_A10" - This will spawn the A10 above you. Have fun!
  3. The Nod Engineer has been working hard on stealing GDI blueprints. Today, he successfully stole the blueprint for the A-10 Warthog. Be aware of him! He has went renegade and will not be merciful to anyone and anything on his path! These are some of the pics that we have managed to steal from his private image gallery. Everyone needs to be on their highest alert!
  4. Here is my UDKInput file that I have modified to suit the Xbox 360 Controller. The controls are similar to the Call of Duty controls. Special keys: Left Button = Toggle from first-person to third-person Right Button = Spotting key (the Q key on the keyboard) DPAD Left and Right = Change Weapon Y = Next Weapon B = Use (E key) Notes: I haven't tried flying air vehicles but I assume it will be hard. Chatting, using the purchase terminal, Night Vision, Vehicle Locking, changing on-game gamestats view( the V key) = need to use the keyboard fore this. I'm not responsible for any damage done to your game or if you get in trouble for using this. This can be considered as an advantage that would lead to unfair game play so be careful. Since I wasn't allowed to upload a .ini file, here is how to get this working: Open your UDKInput.ini and in the [Engine.PlayerInput] section, remove all the bindings that start with "XboxTypeS". Then, somewhere in the middle of that same section, add the following lines: Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftThumbstick",Command="GBA_Sprint") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_Start",Command="GBA_ShowMenu") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftX",Command="GBA_StrafeLeft_Gamepad") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftY",Command="GBA_MoveForward_Gamepad") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightX",Command="GBA_TurnLeft_Gamepad") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightY",Command="GBA_Look_Gamepad") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightShoulder",Command="GBA_Spotting") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightTrigger",Command="GBA_Fire") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftShoulder",Command="ToggleCam | causeevent fpress") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftTrigger",Command="GBA_AltFire") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightThumbstick",Command="Duck | Axis aUp Speed=-1.0 AbsoluteAxis=100") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_Back",Command="GBA_ShowScores") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Up",Command="GBA_ToggleMinimap") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Down",Command="GBA_FeignDeath") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Left",Command="GBA_NextWeapon") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Right",Command="GBA_PrevWeapon") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_X",Command="GBA_Reload") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_A",Command="Jump") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_B",Command="Use") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftTriggerAxis",Command="Axis aLeftAnalogTrigger Speed=1.0 DeadZone=0.11") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightTriggerAxis",Command="Axis aRightAnalogTrigger Speed=1.0 DeadZone=0.11") Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_Y",Command="GBA_NextWeapon") Hope this works. If it doesn't then I might have to send you my own file though another file sharing service.
  5. This would be shameful to implement into the C&C Mode. However, it does sound a little bit decent for another game-mode, such as deathmatch or team-deathmatch. But then again, this would stray the game away from the original Renagade, and seeing that people aren't pleased with the changes Renagade-X has made to the original game it's highly unlikely that they will implement any of this. Maybe I'm wrong.
  6. I don't have that option when I go to my NVIDIA Control Panel. This gpu came with my pc when I bought it from best buy. I don't expect it to be great. I just want to upgrade it. I'm considering the options you guys gave me. Thanks for the help!
  7. First off all, this topic is not about me having any technical errors with Renagade-X. I, unfortunately, run Renegade-X with ultra low graphics and I get about 20-45 frames a second, which is OK. I'm planning on upgrading my PC because it's really falling behind these days and because I want to play Renagade-X with pleasure. My current specs are: Windows 7 64-bit Intel Core i7-2600 Quad Core running at 3.40 GHz 8.00 GB DDR3 rated at 1333 MHz GeForce GT 420 with 1GB Dedicated VMemory Any upgrade suggestions? What should I keep or upgrade, and upgrade to what? Help would be appreciated.
  8. I might be the millionth person asking this but I need some clarification. On the FAQ topic, it said: So there wont mapping/modding tools provided for the community? There wont be a chance for us to make our own add-ons for the game?
  9. I totally agree with you on this one. It seems very logical to have cool-down timer for the airstrikes since all of the RTS Command and Conquer games had cool-down timers on their special powers. I find the airstrike very useful but it seems that it's too easy to acquire it(since it costs only $700) and to initiate it. Something has to be done to make it hard to obtain and hard to use.
  10. UnrealScript is based on Java. You can find many similarities between the two languages. If any of your programmers use Java, then they might do fine with UnrealScript. You can read this wiki page for comparison of UnrealScript and other languages: http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/UnrealScri ... _languages Your mod/game is great. It looks pleasing and your team has done a pretty good job so far. But seeing that the Reborn team has worked hard on their mod/game and not get a lot of players was a bit of a shame... (Same for APB) And I'm worried, as any other Renegade community member is, that this can also happen to AR. Since Renegade-X saw a lot of players and downloads, it's bound to succeed. I believe that since Renegade-X has so much attention (hopefully it will get even more attention soon), the team members get more motivation to develop this game even further. You've seen what happened to TT right? The TT team did a great job, but the player count of Renegade went down in the years of development and after the release. Now there are people who are quitting the team because they believe it's useless, for lack of a better term, to keep developing. You guys don't wanna go there. It would be a wise decision to start developing with UDK. This is only my opinion. I'm sure that for you, as a leader of the mod/game, it will be a very difficult step to make. It is sad that nowadays people judge the game on its graphics first. I believe that gameplay is the most essential part of them game. Graphics come in second place. That might be the reason why standalone W3D games don't get as much attention as Renegade-X did and does. If you think about it, Reborn and Renagade-X are kinda the same. Same gameplay, same strategies, and familiar characters and vehicles but unique in their own way. The only difference is graphics. And that is what drives more people to Renagade-X rather than those great W3D mods/standalone games.
  11. Such a talented team! This release has passed the expectations that I had set for Renegade-X. Very well done guys. Hopefully Totem Arts and Renegade-X will get noticed to a lot more audiences. Keep 'em coming guys!
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