Blaming MRLS?! Witchery!
Short statement from the point of view of a MRLS recruit.
That the missiles can fly around curves as seen above is outrageous, no question.
But if you start to change the properties of the missiles, it might have a positive effect on the problem. BUT it also affects the "normal" situations where, in my opinion, I already have my concerns.
The artillery of Nod can put the tanks under pressure in areas where the terrain has a drop in altitude, e.g. Under GDI Base Entrance, where I can already put the tanks under pressure without seeing an enemy and cause very gloomy hours for the GDI due to the area damage.
Especially in the artillery the problem with the incorrectly displayed projectile is devastating for other clients.
MRLS is strong on long range, but Nod can counter with very agile and fast light tanks, as well as snipers, rocket soldiers and SBHs.
Depending on the situation or position, a MRLS does not have a Chance 1v1 against any enemy vehicle, as the missiles are not so maneuverable and can easily be blocked or dodged by obstacles.
The last match on the field you're talking about was probably me. I was even able to hit the refinery as well the Air Strip.
I think the feature is great, no question. But I wouldn't be sad if it disappeared again. Because to bend the already difficult balance further or to change maps is in the long run no solution and of the expenditure in my opinion much too large.