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H.D. Lovecraft

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Everything posted by H.D. Lovecraft

  1. I agree 100% with you Truxa. It gets ridiculous when you're playing a tight match in Marathon and you have to press F2 every 2 minutes just to keep playing that match.
  2. That doesn't sound fun at all though. I think gameplay outweighs realism on this one. Disabling vehicles and stealth adds an interesting gameplay option, whereas losing the HUD would just annoy people more than anything.
  3. Something I've noticed in beta 3 for the few hours I played last night is that whenever I would buy a new character after being a hotwire/tech, the new character wouldn't have timed c4 automatically. I would have to manually go in and switch to timed. It would show proximity in it's place in the PT but nothing would show up in inventory. This is probably from the hotwire/tech's c4 slot choice carrying over for some reason I would guess.
  4. Congrats on release.
  5. omg omg omg
  6. Besides the common scoreboard and map-change crashing, which for me did not improve at all from beta 1, I also get crashing when attempting to join a server for the first time after booting the game. It only crashes on highly populated servers, and only the first join. What I figured out to do to avoid it was to load an empty server first, exit it, then join the more populated one. Perhaps this is something to do with too many things to load at once and joining an empty server lessens some of the load, not sure just taking a guess at it.
  7. I think the whole point of stealing vehicles is for the surprise advantage it gives. Oh, that's our APC, no worries. Suddenly it runs you over and a bunch of engies take out your ref. That's one of those moments that makes this game awesome I think. Especially when you're the guy driving the stolen vehicle.
  8. Perhaps on Marathon servers the map change and restart should be disabled? I mean, changing the map kind of defeats the point of Marathon. If you don't want the tedium, you should just go play AOW. This could perhaps just be some sort of server-side decision probably.
  9. I do like the idea of a per-round upgrade system. There could be some cool ideas that come out of something like that. Perhaps adding to the depth of the game but also keeping it intuitive.
  10. Excellent work, I look forward to all the changes. Any word on if new maps will be added soon? I heard rumors of Complex being in this patch?
  11. Wheres your god now? lol, didnt thought of that one! Came up with this Photoshop is still rusty, been more then 2 years since i last used it Edit: The direct link to the catsig: http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h298/ ... /siggy.jpg YESSS! Thanks dude haha!
  12. I'll take a cat sig.
  13. I've noticed this a bit as well. I mean, if they want to waste their time farming points there's not much we can do to stop them. I think the leaderboard is just more of a fun little sideshow than a serious affair.
  14. There is a problem with banning certain names. Right now anyone can join with any name? What's stopping a hacker from joining with a legitimate player's name in an attempt to get them banned? I've seen this happen on three occasions already, and if bans were enforced by name, this would give hackers even more reason to muck around.
  15. I think this is a pretty slick idea. I hate getting out for a quick repair only to realize that I was dumped on the side with tanks shooting at me.
  16. I think this is a great idea actually, and probably not too difficult to implement. Could definitely be elaborated on and worked out more but I think it could be a lot of fun just to see these, they don't even have to be persistent. Just a scoreboard modification that would add to the depth.
  17. There is something about this topic that makes me cringe. Techs are not OP, they get wiped by most other classes. The sidearm thing is irrelevant. Other classes can have sidearms, and don't forget the fact that they persist is a bug. Not every engie is going to have tib auto rifle. Once it's back to pistols will see who the real men are. Honestly it just sounds like much ado about nothing.
  18. I feel like this discussion is missing the point of classes. You're arguing that engie/tech are the best classes based on their ability to do many things. Indeed, they have many capabilities, they are a jack-of-all trades. You are definitely making them better than they are though. If I'm going to take down a bunch of vehicles, I'm not going to pick a tech. If I'm going to (seriously) try to kill a lot of enemies, I'm not going to pick a tech. Taking away the ability for a tech to be able to do so many different things would be a blatant oversight. Most classes have their purpose. Good luck killing an Orca with your tech.
  19. Agreed. People just need to be more creative when infiltrating Nod!
  20. Nice find, that seems like a pretty substantial zone.
  21. Seems unnecessary. What sort of gameplay benefits would this give?
  22. Cool, thanks for setting this up. Should make organizing stuff a bit easier.
  23. How many players do you have for your RenX division so far? Are you signing up for clanwars.cc? I'm interested but would like some more info first! I'd definitely be down with helping start up the RenX team.
  24. Joined up on clanwars but right now I am a free agent. Looking for a clan, add me on steam: kamikazekombat.
  25. Add me on steam, kamikazekombat Looking for people to play with, tired of going solo with crappy teammates.
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