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  1. I actually agree with the chaingunner concerns. I watched an average player go like 50-4 with the chaingunner, so I started playing with it. 5 apache, 3 art, and 3 buggy kills later, I found that the chaingunner has two flaws. 1) Body damage needs to be reduced by 25-30% or so, while light armor damage needs to be reduced by 25% or so. The description says they're good against light armor, but it's almost more effective to get a chaingunner over a mobius. The chaingunner, it's not completely obvious where you're being shot from if there's a lot going on. EVERYONE targets the mobius. Inherent probs.
  2. Can I ask something off-topic? How much in the world did this cost to you? .___. Do you plan to hack the NASA servers? Did basic math based on current prices of LISTED parts. He didn't give us everything. 16400 based on those prices and NO tax. 2x cpu, 8x32gb ram, 4 gpu, 1 raid controller, 4 ssd. Of course you'd need to add in his other storage he referenced, the case, motherboard, etc.
  3. SLI support is hit or miss. I thought my 780 Ti SLI setup was overkill. WTF are you doing with that system? Heating a small 3rd world country?
  4. Same here. Launcher requires Net Framework 4.5, which is unavailable in WinXP. How can I patch to 4.01 manually? Upgrade from an unsupported, unpatched operating system.
  5. Prepppppping........ For those curious, the site has been in "prepping" status since last night. Didn't want anyone just noticing it to think it meant anything.
  6. You're going to want to check the firewall on the server. I'm guessing you are hosting it on a windows box? Try this with the server running Open the command prompt > netstat -a Do you see the specified port as listening?
  7. You could make any foundational gameplay changes as modes, but please don't change the defaults. Any classic Ren player worth anything knows that a game is rarely over with the loss of just one building. I've seen comebacks with the loss of 2+ buildings in 8 player clanwars and 40 player marathons and everything in between. Don't reward the teams that don't feel like playing their way out of poor play. Welfare ren FTL.
  8. This CAN apply to desktops. Ivybridge and Haswell sockets for both desktop AND laptop may include IGPs. Wish we had SLI support. My 2nd 780 ti feels unloved. :\
  9. I was a top-tier clanwar player and hated/hate Marathon games. When I log on to play, I don't like the idea of having to play in a single game for hours. This is in contrast to 30 minute games where I know I won't be required to sit extended amounts of time with a possibility of no outcome. In the original, against other top-tier opponents, you had to play differently. You'd do stuff like jump out of tanks right before they died to keep the other faction from getting the points from the vehicle kill. It didn't get much more chaotic than the last few seconds of a Clanwar where you and the opposing team were neck and neck, within points of victory. You'd have to find ANYTHING to get you those few points. There is a difference in ladder/clanwar games though. 40 player ladder games turned into a giant point whore fest, so I do understand the desire to play games to the death, rather than to time limit. However, you could still have some great, larger timed games. Some of the BEST Renegade games I played were 10v10-12v12 OPS vs -WL-. Those were bigger games that had time limits and were CRAZY competitive. Anyways. I don't think Marathon modes are awful, they just aren't for me.
  10. Nah, I'm good with TS3. I pay $30 a year for my VPS that hosts my 512 slot TS3 server. Hell, I could host as many servers as I wanted to. (The VPS is primarily used as a mirror, but threw the TS3 server on because I could.)
  11. Good decision. The 64 player games are not fun for me.
  12. Forgive me, but I don't remember you. :\ I was/am a cofounder of JTeK. I was most active between 2002-2005, mostly via clanwars.cc. Along with Stripey, I most remember guys in the higher-end of clanwars... CW, FooFoo, WL, DoA, FC, OPS, etc. I also remember some of you BIO guys. I still might have a few of you on as steam contacts. I'll be following this game pretty closely, as it would be amazing to re-live the epic Renegade days. "2v2cw??? y u dodge???" Oh man...
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