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Everything posted by Mrcod

  1. Yeah, this is a big one I'd like to see something done about.
  2. Oh hell yeah! Canyon was one of my absolute favorites. Plz make Under soon too.
  3. After playing for a while longer I am very happy with this release. Haven't crashed once and that was the biggest issue for me in past betas. So good to have a stable release to play.
  4. Very positive initial impression, and Volcano is really well done. Will play more later tonight. Good stuff devs!
  5. Yep.. still watching and waiting.
  6. Same. I'll play again when the game is in a more polished state. But I don't want them to rush it either. Perfectly fine with waiting so long as the result is a much more complete release.
  7. I just had another crash on map switch. Here's what the game copied. We had about 20 players and were switching to Whiteout. Rendering thread exception: Fatal error! Address = 0x0 (filename not found)
  8. After playing a few hours, yeah, this is certainly a more polished experience than beta 1. I have experienced two crashes, but both of those times every player on the server also crashed out (even though the game kept on going) which leads me to believe it was probably a server issue. All the new little features like being able to see who's in your vehicle are great touches that add a lot to the experience. There's still more polishing to do like making sure reload sounds play even in third person view, but I am very happy with this release. Well done devs!
  9. Wooo! Just in time for the weekend. Downloading now.
  10. Hell yeah! All of these changes are excellent. I'll be getting right back into the game now that the major bugs look to be fixed.
  11. Personally I'm waiting on the patch before playing again. The consistent crashing made it not so fun.
  12. "We found some important issues that we had to address before releasing the next patch, therefore we postponed it until somewhere this week. Sit tight everyone!" https://www.facebook.com/CNCRenX/posts/ ... 4490032431
  13. Mrcod


    I'd prefer some nice smooth jazz
  14. Mrcod


    Good to hear. I don't mind waiting a bit longer if it means more fixes.
  15. Mrcod


    Wonder what happened. They said it should be out by now. Hopefully soon!
  16. If anything the game needs more boink.
  17. Guys I can't find the beacons we should put in quest arrows pointing to them like Skyrim
  18. You're doing god's work.
  19. Good to hear some measures are being taken with this first patch. I think an improved vote kick system will go a long way.
  20. If their intent is an eventual Steam release then I don't think this beta release will hurt the game in the long run, as long as they fix the bugs and add in some nice quality of life features before then. It will absolutely get attention again if it's released on Steam. I have an official thread on NeoGAF with thousands of views which I'll be updating with each patch and release. And if it's a polished game by then, more people will stay. Everyone I've talked to who quit spoke highly of the concept but that it was the bugs that turned them off.
  21. +1 for this thread. The exploit is becoming more and more well known and it's really throwing off the map balance.
  22. Give us an assist boink too. ;D
  23. Mrcod

    KDR Stuff

    Yeah, it did have the KDR stat. I'd also like to see stuff like damage done to vehicles and buildings, and maybe total repairing done too.
  24. Game is perfectly playable. This is the first open beta release for a mod project, and the first patch is nearly here. Have some patience.
  25. Islands, just like in the original game. Always seem to have fun games on Islands.
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